14 4·


' . < ~ !




From December 1938 to March 1940.

:·1 L 1. 1-Ill r• 1:1 :

\'riii'OIJ ?wlo Liaquat Ali Kha n, 11. ~ • .• : Ux nn '··

\1, I. 1.. l '. !'.) 1·\ , l: l:i - 1! !. - 1. 1- L\ \1 , l l•'i \11 1: 11 :\' ::.;~ , · 1 :11 11 :\ : A/I India Muslim Lea gr.. e. 8 be · displaced now by the nom)nees of :Mr: .:· v; Patel. And it urges'upon the MuslirrisofRajkotand the Muslim Council to do all in their power to resist any change with regard to their representation already declared, as the Muslim League is of opinion that any such change would be. highly detrimental to the vital interests of the Muslims of Rajkot. Resolution No. 10. Resolved that this meeting of the Council of the, All India Muslim League is of opinion that . Mussal· 4 mans who have migrated from Jaipur should be persu· aded to return to their homes as it is in their own in· terests to do· so and they shoUld not be misled by any one who advises them to the contrary. Further resolv· ed that the· Council advises the Muslims of Jaipur to ·organise themselves and appoint a committee of chosen leaders and press for their demanfts in an orga, nised manner; The Council fully sympathises with their deeply wounded feelings with regard to the firing resulting in the loss of life of and injury to many inno· cent people and will do every thing to help them in pressing .their grievances and demands. Resolution No. 11. (1) In view of the revolutionary unrest that is stalk· iiig the land as a result of the intensive propaganda launched by the National Congress and its henchmen to establish Hindu hegemony all over India in utter disregard of the just and natural aspirations of Indian Mussalmans, this Council trusts, that, while giving the fullest protection to the Mussalmans of the Deccan who constit~te the main strength oflslam in His Exalt· ed Highnesse's Dominions, H.. E. Highness's Govern· ment will provide for adequate representation of mil· lions of depressed classes in the impending scheme of C~:mstitutional Reforms and take effective steps to em­ ari-cipat~ these voiceless millions from the bondage of high dtsbe , who have hitherto monopolised all administrative and Executive power in· ·the rural areas throughout the Dominions. : '~ ' 145


Working Committee Meeting Resolutions dated the 26th of March 1939. . ., 1

Connell Meeting Resolutions dated the 8th of April 1939. 5

Working Committee Meeting Resolutions dated the 2nd and 3rd of July 1939. . . • 11

Council Meeting Resolutions dated the 27th and 2~th of August 1939. 17

Emergency Meeting of the \Vorking Committ~e: dated the 17th and 18th of September 1939. , • • 25

Emergency Meeting of the Working Committee dated the 22nd of October 1939. 29

\Vorking Committee :\feeting Resolutjons dated the 3rd and 4th of February 1940. 33

Council Meeting Resolutions dated the 25th o~ February 1940. 37

Council Meeting Resolutions dated the 21st of March 1940. 39

\Vorking Committee Meeting Resolutions dated the 22nd of .March 1940. 41

Lahore Annual Session Resolutions

dated the 22nd1 23rd and 24th of March 1940. 47


Text of Resolutions of the meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League held at Mustafa Castle, Meerut, on Sunday the 26th of March 1939 under the Presidentship of Mr. M.A. Jinnah. Resolution No 1 The Honorary Secretary made his report regarding his visit to Nagpur in connection with the Viddia :Mandir Scheme which was recorded. As a result of the settlement between the Government of C.P. and the Muslim League regarding the proposed Viddia Mandir Scheme the Working Committee note with satisfaction that C.P. Muslims are taking practical steps to advance Muslim education and lt appeals to every l\Iussalman to assist the association which is being formed for the purpose. · Resolution No 2. Resolved that the matter of Palestine should stand over till the British proposals are known. ·Resolution No. 3. In view of the set policy of the Congress and other Hindu organisations to achieve Hindu supremacy and their persistence in resorting to coarsive and subversive methods in the Indian States the Muslim League is gravely concerned with regard to the fate of the Mus­ salmans ·in various States and therefore earnestly ad vises them to effectively organise themselves forthwith in order to protect their liberties rights and interests and assures them of its fullest support and assistance in their struggle. · Resolution No. 4. Whereas the All India Muslim League is opposed to the Scheme of Federation embodied in the Govern­ ment of India Act 1935 and whereas the working of the provincial part of the Constitution has created grave apprehensions amongst Muslims and other mino­ rities regarding their future, because the Provincial 12

League urges upon the Government of India to take immediate action to secure justice and fair treatment to the Indian Nationals in Belgian Congo, Resolution No. 6. The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League, having examined the White 'Paper on Palestine: and having heard the Muslim League delegates, are of opinion that the proposals embodied in the "White Paper are most unsatisfactory and · disappointing and are totally unacceptable. · The Committee urges upon the British Government· to meet the Arab demands and redeem the solemn pledges made to the Arabs. and the Mussalmans of India who stood by them solidly in the Great War. Resolution No. 7. The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League hereby .resolves that a Palestine Fund be open­ ed forthwith for the relief of the dependents of those, who lost their lives o,.- suffered in the .struggle for in­ dependence, and for the protection of the l!'irst Qibla of Mussalmans. 'rhe following -Committee, with powers to coopt, is appointed to devise ways and means of col­ lecting money for the Palestine J1,und and remitting the same to Palestine through. the President of the All India Muslim League:- 1. Sir Abdoola Haroon. 2. Mr. Abdur Rahman Siddiqui. · 8. Haji Abdussatar Haji Esak Saith. 4. Sir Currimbhoy Ebrahim, , 5. Chowdhary Khaliquzzaman, (Convener). Resolution No 8 The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League appreciates the services rendered by Messrs Abdur Rahman Siddiqui and Chowdbo.ri Khaliq uzzaman who went to Caho, London and Near East in connection with the Palestine Question. Resolution No. 9. Resolved that the Madras Provincial Muslim League te affiliated to the All India Muslim League. 147


Resolution No. 6. (a) Resolved that the Imperial Bank of India, be and are hereby appointed Bankers to the All India Muslim League. (b) That all cheques on the Banking account be · signed and all bills, notes, and other negotiable .. instruments be drawn, accepted,andmadeonbe­ hal£ of the All India Muslim League by Raja Mohammad Amir Ahmad Saheb the Honorary Treasurer. (c) That cheques, bills, notes and other negotiable instruments payable to the All India Muslim League may be endorsed for the All India Mus­ lim League by the Secretary. . (d) 'rhat a copy of these resolutions, signed by the chairman, be handed to the Bank, together with specimens of the necessary signatures. Resolution No. 7. The Budget for the year 1939 was passed.

(Nawabzada) , M.L.A., (U.P.), Honorary Secretary, All India Muslim League. 14

Resolution No. 14

I The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League has every sympathy with the Muslim Muhajirin from Jaipur, who have been undergoing great hardship and suffering since they left their homes. 'The Com­ mittee urges upon the Jaipur Darbar to meet the just demands of the J aipur Muslims, without further delay, so that the situation that has been created may not worsen ; and at the same time advises the Muslims of Jaipur to suspend civil disobedience and organise themselves effectively as their salvation lies in their own inherent strength. Resolution No. 15 . The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League views with grave concern the situation that is being created by the mischievous activities and propa· ganda of the Arya Samajists and Hindu Mahasabhaists all over India in organising and despatching Jatbns . to Hyderabad, with the. ostensible object of vindicating their religious rights, in order to coerce the State Adm· inistrntion. The Working Committee warns the Arya Samaj and the Mahasabha organisations that the offensive. bearing of these j~thas and shouting of pro· vocative slogans has rreated intense bitterness among the Muslims and, unless these provocative jathas are stopped forthwith, there is a grave danger of sporadic clashes developing into wide-spread intercommunal . strife throughout the country. 'rhe Working Com­ mittee urges upon the provincial Governments and the Paramount Power to take immediate and adequate action in order to stop this mischief, which serjously threatens the peace and tranquillity of the country. Resolution No. 16 Apart from its origin, conception and communal aspect, there are fundamental objections to the Wardha Scheme of Basic Education, and the WorkinO' Commit. 0 tee. disapproves the Wardha ~chem~ and the text books whiCh have been prepared m this connection on the following grounds, among others:- , (1) The. Scheme is calcu]ated to destroy Muslim culture gradually but surely and to secure the domina- tion of Hindu culture. . 148

Text of resolutions passed at the ·meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim League held on the 8th of April 1939 at Delhi under the Presidentship of Mr. M. A Jinnah. Resolution No. i. This meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim Leacrue places on record its deep sense of sorrow and grief at the sad and sudden demise of His Majesty Shah Ghazi of Iraq. The Council conveys its sincere sympa· thy and condolence to the members of the Royal family and the people of Iraq in their tragic loss. This meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim League places on record its abhorance at the outrage· ous murder of Alhaj 1\faulana Uazharuddin Saheb and expresses its deep sorrow at his sad and untimely death. The Council conveys its sincere condolence to the members of the bereaved family. Resolution No. 2. Resolved that the President and the Secretary of the All India :Muslim League be authorised to fill up vacan­ cies in the Council. Resolution No 3. Resolved that copies of the report of the Sub-Com­ mittee appointed to examine the W ardha Scheme of Basic Education be sent to all the memters of the Council forthwith with a request to send in their opi· nions on or before the 15th of May 1939. · ' . It was further resolved that the Working Commit­ tee be requested to examine the report in the Hght of the opinions received and formulate their definite pro- posals as early as possible. - Resolution No. 4. Regarding the report of the Economic Programme Committee it was resolved that the opinions of the mem· bers of the Council of the All India Muslim League '16

.undertake· a concerted· campaign against · propaganda of a .communal nature and· against' incitement· to violence .of any kind whatever;" as it.is likely that, in the absence of any authoritative explanation as to what is mea~t by the phrase "propaga~pa,of.a communal nature, p~~ .qongress. ¥Jnistries, w~ic}l ~:re opposed to the Mushm League movement, wlll ab'Qse th.e oppor­ tunity that is afforded to.~h~n{by vic~imising the Mus­ lim League Organisation, the .M11slim ·Pres~. and stifling the Muslim· f:lublic opinion'on· any and every·pi:etext. The. working Committee, while ·requesting the Home Department, Government of India,· to issue a public statement explaining. what the Home Ministers' con­ ference meant by the phrase," propaganda of' a· communal nature'', warns Congress Ministries .of ·grav~ consequen­ ces which will follow any move on thei:r ·part that· is likely to misuse .or .. abuse the .deCi'sions of the Home Ministers': conference· in order to Jjluzz1e the legitima:t'e public opinion i:rr theh·. provinces.· · · · · · ' • I ' ' • ~ R~solution No. 19· ' The Working. Committee of the A1l·India MusJim League considered the position of .Muslims 'in 'Congress governed ·Provinces·. and/as•;fu'll• represi:lntatibns have already been made to the 'Governor-General recently, the Committee· decided to postpone· this· mat~er · till next: October~ Before taking ·any aefinite step it was ' decided to await the· action of the·Governor-General. · T.he Committee hopes that the Governor"Gener,al 'would consider the represe~tations ·that· have been·'made' to him 'and will 'not fail·· ~6. 1 discharge his ob]igations, as required' by the Statute, jrr safeguarding the rights and interests of ¥us1ims. . . , . ' .

"I . •',

· (Nawabzada) LIAQUAT ALI KHAN; M:L.A::,·· (U.P.) Ho:nor.ary·~ecretary,..An :(ndia 11/usUm League. 149


·whereas a very large number of communal riots have occurred in recent months specially in the Pro­ vinces of United Provinces and Bihar, resulting in the loss of various Muslim lives; and whereas the Congress Governments of the provinces concerned are lacking in the adoption of any definite policy and programme in the matter of civil liberties; this Council of· the All India Muslim League resolves that a Sub­ Committee consisting of 1. The President. 2. Hon'ble Khawaja Sir Nazimuddin of Bngal. 3. The . Hon'ble Sir of the . 4. Maulana Qutubuddin Abdul Wali Saheb of . 5. Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz of Patna. and 6. The Honorary Secretary All India Muslim League be appointed to frame a scheme of civil liberties in India with special reference to the question of (1) Cow sacrifice by Muslim (2) playing of Music before mos­ ques by Hindu (3) Hoisting of flags on public buildings and (4) Singing of Bande Matram or other songs in educational and other institutions. The Sub-Committee is directed to submit its report before the next meeting of this Council: The Honorary Secretary of the All India Muslim League will be the convener of the Sub­ Committee. Resolution No. 9. This meeting o~ the Council of the All India Muslim League deplores the action of Mr. Gandhi in launching ·.·. upon his afast unto death" on a matter of political issue involving amongst others the inclusion of two Muslim representatives on the Rajkot Constitutional Reforms Committee already nominated by the Thakur Saheb. This meeting therefore most earnestly urges upon the rrhakur Saheb and H. E. the ViceroyJ who has thought fit to intervene as representing the paramount power thereby creating a dangerous precedent, that in no case these two Muslim members who are the truly chosen representatives of the Muslims of Rajkot should 18 to send its contribution, as laid down under Sec.37 of the Constitution and Rules of the All India Muslim League, by the 31st of Oetober 1939 it shall not be entitled to elect any representatives to the Council of the All India Muslim League for the next year.

Resolution No.6 . Mr. Ashiq Hosain withdrew the following resolu· tions on the assurance that the allegations contained in them will be placed before. the Working Committee by the Honorary Secretary for such action as it may deem proper:- Resolution :so. 1. WherGas the Ron, Nawabzada Khurshaid Ali Khan 1\I. C. S., Sir Sher Mohammad Khan M. L. A, and K. B, Muzaffar Khan M.L.A (Punjab) are members of the Council of the All India Muslim League as well as of the Organising Commiltee of the Punjab Provincial Muslim League and whereas Mr. M. A. Jinnah President of the All India Muslim League definitely declared that it was not in the interests of the country for any member of the Muslim League to serve on the Army Indianisation Com· . mittee, this Council strongly condemns the action of the aforesaid three members of the Council of the All India Muslim League in accepting the membership of the Army Indianisation Committee, which action is highly subver· sive of discivline in the League; and resolves that the

names of Nawabzada Khurshaid Ali Khatl 1 Sir Sber Mohammad Khan and K. B. Muzaffar Khan be removed from the list of the members of the All India 1\[uslim League Council, the organising Committee of the Punjab Provinciall\Iuslim League and of any Primary League of whioh they may be members in the Punjil.b. Resolution 'No. 2. , 'L'his Council notes wi~h deep concern that Sir Sikan· dar Hayat Khan, who is a member of t.be Working Com­ mittee of the All India. Muslim Le11gt1e, in his speech in t.he Punjab Legi11lat.ive Assembly on the 24th of A pt•il 1939 made a. statement in connection with the Indo· British Trane Agreement cont.rary to the declared policy of the All India Muslim LeA.gne on the subject (as repeatedly annunciated by Mr. M. A. Jinnah) and records that this act.ion of Sir Sikanner Htt.yat Khan is subversive o£ all dis· ci pline in the League and resolves that disciplinary action be taken against him. 150

\.~) Tlns Council views with grave alarin the united onslaught of the Arya Samajists the Hindu :Maha­ sabhaites and their Congress friends on His Exalted Highness's Don'iinion on the unreal pretext that Hindu religion and Hindu Civil liberty are in danger of extinc­ tion in those dominions and is firrnly of the opinion that the indefensible policy of the Paramount Power in refusing to stop this subversive movement in British India against His Exalted Highness the Nizam, who is their (Faithful Ally', has a1ready resultedand will go on resulting in inter communal clash for which the main responsiblity lies on their shoulders. In view of the fact that Gandhiji's direct interference in the affairs of the Indian States has for its main object the extinction of the sovereign prerogativesofthe Indian rulers and the overlordship of the Congress ridden m:=tjority popularfront which is overwhelmingly Hindus as evidenced by the Ra,jkot episode and other adi vi ties of the Congress in Indian States the Council urges upon H.E. Highness's Government not to recognise outside assencies and further emphatically calls upon the British Government to stop these mischievous and dangerous activities as they are a] ready creating communal tension and hatred and would lead to serious and dissasterous consequences.

(~awabzada) LIAQUAT ALI KHAN, ~LL.A.J (U.P.) Honorary Secretary, All India Jluslim League. 20

(d) In case any sudden contingency arises the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League shall have the power to decide this issue.

Resolution No 9 Resolved that the opinions and sentiments express· ed by the Hon'ble Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan in his state­ ment to the press on the 25th of August 1939 in no way represent the views of the Mussalmans of India.

Resolution No. 10 The Council of the All India Muslim League views with alarm the unceasing recurrence of communal disturbances throughout India arising out of the ques­ tion of music before mosque, ending in many cases in disastrous consequences to the Muslim community, and urges upon the Government of India to take such steps as may be necessary to arrive at a decision on thi[\ques­ tion particularly because the communities concerned have been unable to come to a settlement among them· selves. The Council of the All India Muslim League records its deliberate opinion that in case a solution of this question is not arrived at, whiQ!l can be accepted by the communities as a satisfactory solution, there is a grave menance to public peace and tranquillity which ~ would render ordered Government impossible in India.

Resolution No 11 This meeting of the Council of the All India· Muslim League declares that unless separate electorates are intro· d uce.d in the election of members to the local bodies, dis· trict boards,etc. fair Muslim representation is not possible for the reasons already elaborately discussed and point­ ed out in the fundamental principles laid down by the All India Muslim League and it further resolves that in places where the separate electorate is not in force nnd is keenly demanded by Muslims, the local Muslim Leagues _be authorised to achieve this civic right. resolution No. i2 'l'he Council of the All India Muslim Leagu~ views with grave concern the persistent attempts made to overawe the Mus.Jirns of t'awnpore and trample upon their civil liberties and elementary rights of citizenship ' 151

Te~t of Resolutions of the meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League held on the 2nd and 3rd July 1939. at Mr. M. A. Jinnah's resi­ dence, Little Gibbs Road, Bombay un'der the President· ship of Mr. M. A. Jinnah.

Resolution No 1 rrhe \Vorking Committee of the All India Muslim League considered the correspondence that bas passed between Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Syed Abdur Rauf Shah Sabeb regardin~ the appointntent of a Mus· lim Minister in C.P. The Committee was of opinion that no individual Province should negotiate or come to any settlement with the Congress with regard to the Hindu :Muslim question in tbfl:ir provinces and,if any such proposals are Jeceived from the Congress, intimation should be sent to the effect that the matter should be referred by the Congress to the President or the \Vork­ ing Committee of the All India Muslim League.

Resolution No.2 Resolved that the next Annual Session of the All India Muslim League be held at Labore on the 28th, 29th and 80th December, 1939.

Resolution No. 3 The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League expresses its full sympathy with Indian Nation­ als in South Africa in their struggle against the obnoxi­ ous and unjust Segregation Measure and extends to them all possib~e help. Resolution No. 4 . rrhe Working Committee of the All India Muslim League strongly urges upon the Government of India to take prompt steps for the protection of the rights of Indians in Ceylon.

Resolution No. 5 The \Yorking Committee of the All India Muslim 22

2. The Ron. Husain Imam, M. C. S. 3, Haji Abdulsattar Haji Essak Seth Saheb, M.L.A. 4. Syed Ali Muhummed H. Rashidi Saheb. Resolution No. 14 Resolved that Muslim festivals such as Id, Bakrid, Barawafat etc. should be celebrated in such a manner as to promote political unity and social solidiarity · among the Muslims of India, ·.and that these occasionso should be utilized for some useful and practical work in support of the Muslim League. With this object in view, it is further resolved, that the 27th of Rajab next (the day of the Prophet's Miraj) should be observed as Palestine Day. Tl:.e programme to be observed on this day should include mass meetings and processions and a vigorous effort should be made to collect subscrip­ tions for the Palestine Arabs Relief fund, under the control of the Palestine Fund Committee appointed by the Working Committee in July last. Resolution No. 15 This Session of the All India Muslim League Council condemns the Government of India Act Amending Bill now before the House of Commons as being further destruction of pl'Ovincial autonomy and demands its withdraw]. Resolution No. 16 This Council places on record its deep appreciation of the courage and high sense of justice shown by Mr. Hofmeyr and Mr. Blackwell in refusing to acquiesce in the Union Government's anti-Indian policy by resign· ing from the United Party and hopes that. the Union Government will consider the question of holding a Conference between the Governments of India and South Africa with regard to the removal of disabilities to which Indian settlers are at present subject. Further this Council fully sympathises with the Indians in South Africa in thefr struggle against the imposi· tion of further disabilities and there is ample justifica­ tion in the Council's opinion for Indians joining 152


Resolution No. 10 The consideration of the report of the Economic Programme Committee was postponed. Resolution No. 11 r.rhe question of Muslim National Guard could not be considered as the report of the Committee appointed by the Council in -this connection was not received. It was decided that the Committee be requested. to sub· mit their report, the latest, by the end of September 1939. Resolution No. 12 The 'Vorking Committee of the All India Muslim League considered the explanation of Sir Abdul Ha1im Ghaznavi regarding his resignation from the Muslim League Party in the Central Assembly. The 'Vorking . Committee declined to consider the acceptance of his resignation from the Council of the All· India Muslim League as it was sent by Sir A.- H. Ghaznavi, after the receipt of the notice by the Honorary Secretary calling for an explanation as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against'him regarding his conduct in resigning from the Muslim ;League Party in the Central Assembly and defying the resolutions of the Council of the All India Muslim· League. The Com­ mittee resolved, after giving full consideration to all papers, documents, and evidence, that the mime of Sir A. H. Ghaznavi be removed from the Council of the All India Muslim League, and, further, that he should be disqualified for the membership of the League Organi­ sation for the next four years from 3rd July 1939. Resolution No. 13 The "\Vorking Committee of the All India Muslim League has received reports and representations of - maltreatment and injustice being done to the Mussa.l­ mans in the various Indian States namely Jaipur, Jodh­ pur, Bhavnagar, Cutch and Patiala: The Committee most earnestly urges upon the rulers of the States con­ cerned to redress the grievances and protect the lives, honour, properties and liberties of their Muslim sub­ jects, thereby creating a sense of security amongst them and preventing the situation from taking a serious turn.



(2) It imposes the Congress ideology and aims at inculcating, among others, the doctrine of ahimsa. \3 Its objective is to infuse the political creed, policy and programme of one party, namely the Cong· ress, into the minds of the children. (4) It has neglected the ·question of providing faci­ lities for religious instruction. ! 5) Under the guise of name Hindustani the scheme is meant to spread what is highly Sanskritised Hindi and to suppress Urdu which is really the lingua franca of India at present. (6) The text books ·prescribed, and provisionally sanctioned by some Provincid Governments, are highly objectionable from the Muslim point of view in that they are not only offensive to the feelings and senti­ ments of the Muslims, but. they are mainly devoted to · the praises of Hindu religion, philosophy and heroes, and minimise the Islamic contribution to .the world, and India in particular, ignore Muslim culture, history and heroes, and speak of them with scant courtesy. Resolution No. 17 The \Vorking Committee of the All India Muslim League considered the request of .the Bihar Provincial Muslim League to launch civil diso~ediencc against the \Vardha Scheme of Basic Education. The Committee dicided that, in the first instance, the Bihar Provincial Muslim League should send a memorial representing their complete case against the \Vardha Scheme to the G:overnor-General, the Governor and the Prime Minister of Bihar, and report to the \Vorking Committee the result of these representations. The \Vorking Committee in this connection advises all other Provincial Leagues also to do likewise, · · Resolution No. 18 The \Vorking Committee of the All India Muslim League views with gmve apprehension the resolutions, as reported in the Press, passed at the recent Home 1fjnisters' Conference held at Simla, particularlv the resolution number one, which runs as follows: uit is recom· mended to all Provincial Governments that they should 26 ~~. ments and opinions of the Mussalmans of India. · 3, The Working Committee appreciate the decla· ration of H. E. the Viceroy, which is in the interest of India and particularly the Mussalmans, that the Federal Scheme embodied in the Government of India Act 1935 has been suspended. 'rhey wish that instead of its being suspended it had been abandoned completely and desire to convey to His Majesty's Government that they should do so without further delay. The Committee desire to make it clear that they do not endorse the "Federal objective" of His Majesty's Government referred to by His Excellency in his address to the Members of the Central legislature and strongly urge upon the British Government to review and revise the entire problem of India's future constitution 'de novo' in the light of the experience gained by the working of the present provincial Constitution of India and developements that have taken place since 1935 or may take place hereafter. 4. '11le Committee in this connection wish to point out that Musfim India occupies .a special and pecular position in the polity of India and · for several decades it had hoped to occupy an honourable place in the national life, government and administration of the country and worked for free India with Free and Independent Islam in whkh they could play an equal part with the major community with complete sense of security for their religious, political, cultural, social, and economic rights and interests; but the develope­ menta that have taken place, and especially since the inauguration of the provincial Constitution based on the socalled democratic parliamentary s,rstem of govern­ ment, and the recent experiences of over two years have established beyond .doubt that it bas resulted wbolely in a permanent communal majority and the domina­ tion of the Hindus over the Muslim minorities whose life and liberty, property and honour, are in da11ger and even their religious rights and culture are being assai­ led and annihilated every day under the Congress Governments in various provinces. 154

Text of Resolutions passed at the meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim League held at Delhi on the 27th and 28th of August 1939 under the Presidentship of Mr. M. A, Jinnah. Resolution No. 1 Resolved that the resolutions of the "\Vorking Committee, passed at its meeting on the 2nd and 3rd of July 1939, be approved.

Resolution No. 2 (a) Resolved that persons who have ceased, under Section 12. of the Constitution, to be members of the Council, be elected to fill up vacancies in the Council from the various Provinces except Baluchistan. 'rhe Council recommends to the various Provincial Leagues not to elect any person to the Council of the All India Muslim League who fails to pay his subscription for the year 1938-39 before the next elections to the Council. (b) Further resolved that the following persons be elected as members of the Council from Baluchistan :-

(1) Nawab Mahrab Khan Bugati, Ainuddin Road, Quetta. (2) K. B. Arbab Karam Khan, Village Sheikhan, Quetta. (3) Sardar Ghulam Mohammad Khan Tarin, Pisbin ( 4) K. B. Abdullah Jan Panizai, Bostan. (5) K. S. Haji Abdul Ghaffar Khan Achakzai, Gulistan. Resolution No. 3 . Resolved that the Bengal Provincial Muslim League be affiliated.

Resolution No 4 Resolved that the Baluchistan Provincial Muslim League be affiliated.

Resolution No 5 Resolved that jf any Provincial .Muslim League fails 28

threat by the "High Command" of the Congress that exercise of these special powers on the part cf the Governors will lead to crises in all the Congress governed provinces, where t.bey are in a solid majority.

7. While the Muslim League stands for the freedom of India the Committee further Ul'ge upon His Majesty's Government and ask for an assurance that no declaration regarding the question of constitutional advance for India should be made without nhe consent and approval of the All India Muslim League nor any constitution be framed and finally adopted by His l\!ajesty's Government and the British Parliament with- out such consent and approval. '

8. The policy of the British Government towards the A1·abs in Palestine has wounded deeply Muslim feeling and sentiment and all representations in that behalf have had no real effect so far. The Committee once more urge upon His Majesty's Govern­ ment to satisfy the Arab Nat,ional demands.

9. If full, effective, and honourablec a-operation of the Mussalmans isdesired by the British Government in the grave crisis wr ich is facing the world today and if it is desired to bring it to a successful termination it must create a sense of security and satisfaction amongst the Mussalmans and take into its confidence the :Muslim League which is the only organisation that can e:peak on behalf of Muslim India.

10. At this critical and difficult juncture tl1e com­ mittee appeal to every 1\Iussalman to stand solidly under the Flag of the All India Muslim League with a solemn and sacred determination to make eve1·y sacrifice for on it depend the future destiny and the honour of the 90 millions of 1\Iussalmans in India.

(Nawabzada) LIAQUAT ALI KHAN, M.L.A., (U.P.) Honorary Secret.ary, Alllndia :Muslim League. 155 19

Resolution No. 7 \Vhereas the Organising Committee of the Punjab Provincial Muslim League, which was nominated by the President, Mr. 11. A. Jinnah, on the 17th of A'1ril 1938 in Calcutta to establish and organise Provincial, District and Primary Leagues in the Punjab, has (despite reminders from the All India UusHm League) so far failed in the discharge of its duties, and whereas it is most urgent that a Provincial Muslim L3ague be organised in the Punjab at the earliest possible moment; the Council resolves that, if the Organising Committee fails to establish a Provincial League by the 15th of NoYember 1939, it shall be deemed to have been dissolved, and that the President be authorised to take such action as he may consider necessary for the purpose of establishing a Provincial Muslim League in the Punjab. .. Reso!ution No 8 (a) Resolved that this Council, while deploriDg the policy of tho British Government towards the Muslims of India by attempting to force upon them against their will a constitution and in particular Federal Scheme as em bodied in the Government of India Act 1935 which allows a permanent hostile communal majority to trample upon their religious, political, social and economic rights and the utter neglect and indifference shown by the Viceroy and the Governors in the Congress governed provinces in exercising their special powers to protect and secure justice to the minorities and towards the Arabs in Palestine in refus­ ing to meet their demands, holds the -view that in t,hese circumstances if the British Government desires to enlist the support and the sympathy of the Muslims of the world and particularly of the Indian Mus1ims in fut·~re contingencies it must meet the demands of tlJe .Muslims of India without delay. (b) The Council considers it premature at present to determine the attitude of the l\Iuslims in the event of a \rorld \Yar breaking out. (c) The Council meamvhile directs the :Muslim League, if necessary, to get in touch with the Islamic countries and ascertain their views. so

emphatically that no future. plan of India's Constitu· tion will be acceptable to the Muslim League unless it meets with their full approval. The Committee also considered the proposal of His Excellency the Viceroy for the establishment of a "consultative group", but cannot at present express any opinion with regard to it until its status, constitu-­ tion, powers, scope and function are fully known but welcome further consultation regarding this matter as proposed by His Excellency in his statement. In view of the urgency of the mattar the Commit­ tee hereby authorise the President to take such steps as he may consider proper to have the doubts removed and secure complete clarification of His Excellency's statement and if the President is fully satisfied the Committee empower him to give assurance of coopera­ tion and support on behalf of the Mussalmans of India to the British Government for the purpose of prosecu­ tion of the war. · Resolution No. 2. The Working Committee hereby empower the President to advise guide and issue instructions to Muslim League Parties in the various provincial Legis­ latures in tho event of some sudden emergency arising. The Muslm League Parties shall give effect to. or carry out such instructions as may be given by the President. Resolution No. 3. The Working Committee regret that the Sind Gove- .. rnment bas failed so far to meet the reasonable demands of the Mussalmans to hand over possession of the Manzilgah Mosque to them notwithstanding their repeated representations now for a considerable time and have delayed the matter from time to time which bas ultimately forced the people to resort to direct action. rrhe Working Committee hope that the Government of Smd will without delay settle the matter to the satisfac­ tion of the Mussalmans of Sind. 156 21 as instanced by recent events culminating in the firing on .Muslims on June 19, 1939.

The Council condemns the absolutely unwa:rrant· ed and oneslded fjring resorted to by the Police on unarmed and unresisting .Muslims near the Moulganj mosque in Cawnpore; the Council further strongly protest against the desecration of ·the Moulganj Mosque and warns the Government against the disastrous con· sequences of such sacrilegious acts.

The Council deeply deplores the callous and pro· vocative tone of the U.P. Premier's speech made in reply to the adjournment motion on the firing in the D.P. Legislative Assembly and his refusal to concede the just demand of an impartial and independent inquiry into the firing.

The Council further condemns the action of the D.P. Government in instituting cases under Section 107 C.P.C. against the workers of the Muslim League of Badaun in connection with the happenings on the occasion of last Moharram and in proposing to impose a Punitive Tax of Rs. 25,000 on the Mussalman~ alone. The Council expresses its deep sympathy with the Mussalmans of Badaun in their sad plight. Resolution No 13 r:rhis meeting of the Council of the All India Mus­ lim League is of opinion that it is high time to make a general and allround surveyoftheprogressofworkdone by all the Provincial Muslim Leagues in their respective spheres and with this purpose in view, a committee of five members be appointed which will make necessary enquiry into activities of all the Provincial Muslim Leagues and submit its. report before the next Annual Session and the Committee is also empowered to make suggestions and recommendations for improvement if it thinks it necessary and expedient. The following be elected as members of the Committee with power to add one more to their number:- 1. .l\faulana Mohammad Akram Khan Saheb. Convener,

157 the common non-European front the object of which is to '"fight against racialism and colour bar which are the greatest handicap to advancement by non-Europeans in South Africa, who constitute an overwhelming majo· rity of the population of that country. Reso'ution No. 17 This meeting of the Council of the All India Mus­ lim League heartily congratulates the Indian Prince~ in general and His Exalted Highness the Nizam of Hyderabad in particular on the brave stand they have ta.ken against the introduction of the Federal Scheme in the interest of their Governments, the people of India, and the Mussalmans and earnestly appeals to the Indian States to continue to oppose the Federal Scheme and save India from a grave political crisis. This Council appeals to His Exalted Highness the Nizam, as Ruler of premier Muslim State, to help the .Mussalmans of India at this critical juncture.

Resolution No. 18 'rhis meeting of the Council of the All India Mus­ lim League strongly condemns the policy of the British Government that inspite of continuous and repeated demands of the Muslim League it has, in consideration of its Military requirements, so far deprived the people of Baluchistan of their political rights which have al· ready been granted to the rest of the provinces in British India.

The Council further deplores the fact that the people of Baluchistan are also being denied all those facilities for their educational advancement which are enjoyed by the rest of India.

'rhis meeting strongly demands that the frovince of Baluchistan should be granted Provincial Autonomy and also that a first rate college be established in the said Province for purposes of educational advancement. (Nawabzada) LIAQUAT ALI KHAN, Honora1'y Secretm·y, All India Muslim League. (34) views against a decision of the Committee or the President, while still remaining a member of the Com· mittee Resolution No. 4. The Working Committee accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz due to his appoin· tment as Law member of H. E. H. the Nizam's Govern· ment and place on record their appreciation of his great services rendered to the All India Muslim League and, iu particular, to the Province of Behar and the Working Committee, of which he was a member. The Committee are glad to note that Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz will continue to take abiding interest in the progress of the All India Muslim League and wish Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz every success in his great and responsible office in the Nizam 's Government. Resolution No, 5. Resolved that the accounts for the year 1939 be passed subject to their being audited by Sir Abdoola Haruon and Haji Abdul Sattar Haji Essak Sait. It is furtl1er resolved that the Budget presented, from the lst of January to the 30th of April1940 (Four months) be sanctioned. Resolution No. 6. Resolved that a delegation on behalf of the All India Muslim League consisting of the Hon. Mr. Fazlul Haque, the Hon. Sir , the Hon. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan and Choudhari Khaliquzza· man Saheb should visit Jilngland, as soon as possible in order to put the case of Muslim India before the British people, the Parliament and His Maiesty's Government, Resolution No, 7, 1'he Working Committee having carefully examin· ed the grounds of appeal against the decision of the U. P. Provincial Muslim League regarding the election to 158

An Emergency Meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League was held at Gul-i-Raana, Hardinge Avenue, New Delhi on the 17th and 18th of September 1939 under the President-ship of Mr. M.A. Jinnah and the following was passed:-

1. The \Vorking Committee of the All India Mus­ lim League appreciate the course adopted by H. E. the Viceroy in inviting Mr . .M. A. Jinnah, President of the All India ~fuslim League, and,.apprising him regarding the international situation resulting in war, and his own views, to be conveyed to the Muslim League. The \Vorking Committee have given their most earnest con­ sideration to H. E. the Viceroy's views conveyed to them by the President and also to the pronouncement made by the Vicero:y since the declaration of war by Great Brittlin as also His Excellencv's address to the :\[embers of the Central LegislatU're on the 11th of September 1939.

2. The Committee are of opinion that the vi·e\vs expressed by the Council of the All India l[uslim League by 1ts resolution No. 8. of the 27th of .August 1939 in the following words "while deploring the policy of the British Government towards the Muslims of India by attempting to force upon them against their will a constitution, and in particular the Federal Scheme as embodied in the Government of India Act 1935, which allows a permanent hostile communal majority to trample upon their religious, political, social and economic rights and the utter neglect and indifference shown by the Viceroy and the Governors in the Congress governed provinces in exercising their special powers to protect and secure justice to the minorities; and towards the Arabs in Palestine in refu­ sing to meet their demands, holds the view that in these circumstances if the British Government desires to enlist the support and the sympathy of the Muslims of the world, and particularly of the Indian Muslims in future contingencies it must meet the demands of the _\[uslims of India wit,hout delay", are the true senti-


.~ 5. That while :\1 uslim India stands against exploi· tation of the people of India and has repeatedly declared in favour of "Free India" it is equally opposed to the domination of Hindu majority over 11ussalmans and other minorities and vassalization of Muslim India and is irrevocably opposed to any "federal objective" ''"hich must necessarily result in a majority community rule under the guise of domocracy and parliamentary system of government. Such a constitution is totally unsuited to the genius of the peoples of the country ''hich is composed of various nationalities and does not constitute a national state.

6. The Muslim League condemns unprovoked aggr~ssion and the doctrine that umigbt is right" and upholds the principles of freedom of humanity and ''that the will of the strongest irrespective of right and justice cannot be allowed to prevail." 'rbe Com­ mittee express their deep sympathy for Poland, England and France. The Committee however feel that real and solid .Muslim cooperation and support to Great Britain in this hour of her trial cannot be secured successfully if His :Majesty's Government and the Viceroy are unable to secure to the Mussalmans justice and fairplay in the Co11gress govemed provinces wl)ere today their liberty, person, property and honou1· are in danger and even t.heir elementary rights are mo~;t callously trampled upon. The Cornmittee st.rongly urge upon His Majesty's Government and the Virero~· and Governor General to direct the Governors to exercise their special powers, where any Provincial ~Iinistry fails to secure justice and fairplay to the :Mussal· mans or where t.hey resort to oppression or interference with t.heir political, economic, social, and cultural rights, in accordance with the sacred promises, assu­ rances and declarations repeatedly made by Great Britain in consequence of which these special po,vers wen~ expressly ernbodied in t.he Statute. 'rhe Com· mittee regret to say that so far these special powers have remained dormant and obsolete and the Governors have failed to protect, the rights of the ~I ussalmans under the (BSJ

.), M11.nlvi Abul Hasuat AhemA.d 1 L.L. B M. L A. .T Ol'ha.t. o. Maulvi .Jaha.n Uddin Ahmed Dhubri P. 0. 7. •Ma.ulvi Amjad Ali, M. L.A. Goalpara. P. 0, 8. M. A. Razzaque 6, Rawdon Street. Calcutta. 9. Maulvi Badaruddin A.hmed, M. L. A.. Mongaldoi, P.O. Dt', Darrang. 10. Maulvi Badrulhuq Chowdry Karimganj. P.O. Dt. Sylhet. ll. Maulvi Abdul Hamid B.L Akhalia, Sylhet. P.O. 12. Maulvi Momtaz Ahmed, C/o Maulvi Nurul Hossain Khan Pleader. Habiganj, P. 0. Dt. Sylhet. 18. Maulvi Dewan Abdul Basit ·

Rajnagar1 P. 0. Dt. Sy!het. 14. Maulvi Abdur Rahman Singkapani Ma~lvibaz,tr, P. 0, Dt. Sylhet. 15. Maulvi .1\Iunawar Ali, M. L A. Shillong. 16. Maulvi !llakabbir Ali Mazumdar, B L. Silchar, Dt. Cachar. 17. Maulvi Ma.qbul Hossain Ohowdry ~1. L. A Binna.kali, Tahirpur, P. 0. Dt, Sylhet. 18. Maulvi Syed Badrnl Hasan .

Kaula1 Kulfmra, P.O. Dt. Sylhet. 19. Maul vi Mayeenllddin L L. B. Maulvibazar, Dt. 8ylhet. 20. Maulvi A.shrafuddin Ohowdry M. L. A. Sylhet, P. 0, 21. Maulvi Sa.khawa.tul Ambia Jngavel'i Office, Sylhet. 22, Maulvi Mohamed Abdulh\h B11.niaohing P. 0. Dt. Sylhet. 23. ·Maul vi A.bdul Hye, B. L. Ha biganj, Dt. Sy!het 160

Text of the Resolutions of the Emergency Meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League held at Gul-i- Raana, Hardinge Avenue, New Delhi on the 22nd of October 1939 under Presidant· ship of Mr. M. A. Jinnah. Resolution No 1 After careful examb1ation of the statement of His Excellency the Viceroy dated the 17th October, 1939, the \V or king Committee of the All India Muslim League appreciate that His Majesty's Government have empha· tically repudiated the unfom)ded claim of the Congress that they alone represent all India, and note with satisfaction that Bis Majesty's Government recognise the fact that the All India :Muslim League alone truly represents the Uussa1mans of India and can speak on their behalf; also, that the rights and interests of the minorities and other important interests concerned have been duly recognised. The Comrnittee, hmvever, feel comtrained to state that the points of vital importance raised by the .Mus­ lim League in their statement dated September 18, 1939, are not precisely and categorically met. The Committee, therefore, venture to suggest thnt in order to secure cooperatoin on equal footing~ as desired by His Excellency, further clarification and discussion of those matters that are left in doubt and have not been met satisfactorily are necessary, with a view to arrive at a complete understanding, which alone would enable the Muslim League to cooperate in the matter which concerns not Oilly the Mussalmans of India, but the country at large. ':fhe Committ,ee can not wholly accept the nara­ tion of facts culminati11g in the enactme11t of the Gov­ ernment of India Act, 1935, as given in tbe statement of His Excellency, but do not think it is necessary to enter into a controversy regarding those inaccuracies, ]Jistoric and otherwise. The opposition of the Musllm League is not merely to the Hdetails" of t,he plans embodied in the Act of 1935 and the reconsideration thereof, but their demand is that the entire problem of India's future constitution should be wholly examin­ ed and revised 'de novo'. The Committee reiterate (o:I:O)

from the Provinces of Ha.luchistai; and Behar b~ filled up by the following twrsorJs:- . Buluchistan.-1. K. S. Yu.r 1Iolmnwd T\hn11 Snheb. 2. Huji Jan ~[ohamed Khan Salwh. Beh:n.-1. S\'t>1l.Jnfn.r Imam Saheli, :\f. L.A. . ' .• Reso]ution No 8.

Resolved that the exi~ting nwmbers of t.he Council of the .All India :\Iuslim League from Ajmer and the Punja.b be re-elected ns Members of t,}l Couneil for t.1H' nex-t yen.r. Resolution No. 9.

Jn view of the fact that the Muslims of India l\S well as some other classes of people living in the coun­ try have clearly demonstrated by their observance of the Day of Deliverence on December 22, 1939 that. the scheme of Ptovincial autonomy as worked in the Con­ gress governed provinces was a complete failure and detrimental to the interests of the Muslims and the country as a whole, the Counci1 of the All India :\luslim League expresses its dissn.tisfaction wit.h' the !':pE>ech of II. E. Lord Linlithgow, the Viceroy of Indin. d€'1ivet·ed on January 10, 194:0, at the Orient Club, Bombay, wherein he speaks of the success of the scheme of pro­ vincial autonomy in the Bombay Presidency.

'l'his ~feeting of the Council of the League further places on record its sense of bitter resentment at t.he statement. of the Under Secretary of State for India, wherein he guve the reasons of His Majesty,s Gov­ ernment for not accepting the proposal for a Royal Com­ mission of Inquiry, put forward by the President of the League, to inquire into complaints of oppression in Congress governed provinces and deeply deplores t.he colossal ignorance of conditions prevailing in India on the part of the Under Seuetu.ry of State. 161


The \Yorking Committee further regret that the Sind Government should have thought fit to pass a special Ordinance and thereby resort to repressive executive methods for which there appears no justifica­ tion as there is uo evidence that the application of the normal machinary of the law had proved inadequate and trust that they will withdraw the Ordinance as soon as possiblle to restore public confidence. Resolution No. 4. Resolved that the Annual Session that was to be held on the 28th, 29th, 30th of December 1959 be postponed till the end of March 1940. The dates to be fixed later.

(Xawabzada) LIAQGAT ALI KHAN, ).J.L.A., (D.P.), Honorary Secretary, All India .Jfuslim League.


Text of Resolutions of the meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League held at Gul-i-Raana Hardinge Avenue, New Delhi on the 3rd and 4th of February 1940 under the President-ship of Mr. M. A, Jinnah:- Resolution No. 1. The 'Working Committee of the All l11dia Muslim League considered the correspondence that bas passed between Mr. M. A: Jinnab, the President, and His Excellency the Viceroy, ending with his final reply dated the 23rd of December, 1939. The Committee are of opinion tJ1at the reply of His Excellency is not satisfactory, ascertain important points still require further clarification and elucidation. The Committee, therefore, empower the President to place the views of the \Vorking Committee before His Excellency and reuqest him to reconsider the matter regarding the assurances asked for in the resolutions of the vVorking Committee dated the 18th of September and the 22nd of October 1939, and thereby remove aU doubts and apprehensions from the mi11d of Muslim l11dia. Resolution No. 2. A Comm1ttee consisting of the following members is hereby appointed to examine the applications for affiliation to the All India Muslim League from the Punjab. Assam and Orissa Provincial ~fuslim Leagues and report to the Committee 1. Nawab .Mohammad Ismail Khan Saheb 2. Choudhary Khaliq azzaman Saheb 3. Raja Saheb of Uahmudabad. Resolution No. 3. The Committee considered the statement of ~{r. Abdur Rahman Siddiqi regarding the Day of Deliver­ ence. Mr. Siddiqi expressed his deep regrets at the language of his statement and for any reflection on the personality of the President contained in it. The Committee are of opinion that no member of the \York· ing Committee should give public expression to his



the U. P. Legislat,ive Council from Bulandshaher filed by Kr. AbdtlS Salam Khan and having heard in person the Kunwar Saheb together with his legal adviser, are of opimon that the decision of the \Vorking Com­ mittee of the U. P. Provincial Muslim League should be confirmed and the parties concerned be informt'd to act· accordingly. Resolution No. 8. The Committee considered the resolution No. 6. of the Council passed on the 28th of August 1939 and resolved that according to the Constitution and Rules of the All India Muslim League no disciplinary action can be taken in the matter. · ' Resolution No. 9. The Working Committee deplore the firing b: Police on Mussalmans at Burhanpur C. P. on the 15th of January 1940. The Committee urge upon H. E. the Governor of C. P. to appoint an impartial tribunal to enquire into the incidents and take such steps as may be necessary for the conduct of an impartial and fair enquiry. Resolution No. 10. Resolved that the comideration of the Report of the National Guards Committee be postponed till tl1e next meeting of the Working Committee. Resolution . No. 11. Resolved that Choudhari Khaliquzzaman Saheb M. L.A. (U.P.) be appointed a member ofthe Constitu­ tion Sub Committee in place of Syed Abdul Aziz Saheb.

(Nawabzada) LIAQU AT ALL KHAN l\L L.A., (U.P.) Honorary Secretary, All India Muslim League.


Text of resolutions pl.ssd at the meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim League held on the 25th of February 1940 at the Central office of the All India Muslim League, Daryaganj, Delhi, under the Presidentship of Mr. M.A. Jinnah. Resolution No. 1. Resolved that the resolutiom of the Working Com­ mittee p::tssed on tile 18th of September, 22nd of Octo­ her 1939 and i3rd ancJ ~1th of F'ebruarv 1940 be confirmed. · Resolution No. 2 Resolved that the following resolution pa~~ed at ~n Emergency \Ieeting of the Council held on the 9th of January 1940 be confirmed:- aResolved that the dates for the 27th Annual Session of the All India Muslim League to be held at be fixPd a!'! the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of :.\farch l940." Resolution No. 3. Resolved tlmt Mr • .M. A. .Tinnah be elected Presi­ dPnt of the All India Muslim League for the next year. Resolution No. 4. Resolved that the Assam Provinciall\Iuslim League be affiliated and the following be elected as :MembeTs of the Council from Assam:-

1. Ma.ulana. Abeln! Hamid KhA.n l\{. L. A Ghagmari: Fakerganj. P.O. Dist. Goalpara. 2. Khan Bahadur l\[anlvi Nurud

3. ~hulvi Wajid Ali, 13. L. L3.ktakia; Ganhati P. 0, 4. Maulvi Syed Ahdul Rauf M. L A. Barpeta, P.O. Dt. Kamru p. 48

North-Western ond Eas~ern zones of India fhould be grouped to constitute "Independent States" in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sover· eign.

That adeqnnte, effective and mandatory safeguards should be specifically provided in the constitution for minorities in these units and in the regions for the pro· tection of their religious, cultural, economic, political, administrative and other rights and interests in con· saltation with them and in other parts of India wl1ere the Mussalmans are in a minority adequate, effective and mandatory safeguards shall be specifically provided in the constitution fot· them and other minorities for' the protection of their religious cultu~·al, economic, political administrative and other rights'" and intere~ts lU consultation with them.

This Session further authorises the Working Committee to frame a scheme of constitution in accor­ dance with these basic principles, providing for the ·assumption finally by the respective regions of all powers such as defence, external affairs, communica­ tions, customs and such other matters as may be necessary. ·

Proposed by-The Hon'ble .Moulvi A:K. Fazlul Haque Premier of Bengal. Seconded by-Chodhari Khaliquzza.man Saheb, M. L.A. (U.P.) Sllpported by-Mau1ana Saheb, M. L.A. (Central) Sardar Aura'ngzeb Khan Sabeb, M.L.A. (N. \V. F. Province) Haji Sir Abdoola Haroon '' l\LL.A (Central.) K. B. Nawab Ismail Khan Saheb, M.L.C. (Behar.) ,; Quzi Mohammad Isa Khnn Sobeb, Presi· dent of Baluchistan Pl'ovindal Muslim League. 165


2±. 7\fanlvi Ilaji AbJul Salam, ~ylhet.. P. 0. Resolution No. 5. Resolved th,lt the Orissa. Provincial .Muslim League be affiliated and the fvllowing be e1ected as Members of the Council from "Orissn;- 1. Khau B.-t.h:1.dnr A hm>td BttkhsunL L.A. N imnsahi Cutt~t~k. "!. :\[il.nhwit~ Abtlahwlrlin Saheb, 8flla,:~or!', ~ :\111.ula.vie Tofail-nn·N&bi, Bala~ore. 9. Mauhwie Syed Hilaluddin Saheb, Bbaclrak, Hah!'1ot·e. Resolution No. 6. Resoh·ed that the :-)ub-C'omrnitJ.pe consisting of Nawab \tohammad Ismail Khan Salwb, Rn.ja of \[ahmudaba,d and Choudllnri Khnliqnzznmn Sn.lwb, which was appointed by the Working ( 'ommittee, on the -Hh of February 19 ..1:0, he giw.n full powers to clecide the question of estnblishment :tnd nffilintion of rt Provinci:ll Muslim Le.ague in the Punjab nnd announce it.'\ dt•Cision on or uefore the li)t.h of March 19-10. Resolution No. 7. Hesolved that the cn.su:.tl vacancies in the Council 60 juries to many more, and sincerely sympathises with those who have suffered and with their families and dependents. This Session calls upon the Government to forth­ with appoint an independent and impartial committee of inquiry, the personnel of which would command per­ fecb confidence of the people wlth instructions to them to make full and complete investigation and inquiry in the whole affahs and make their report as soon as possible. This Session authorises the Working Committee to take such action in the matter as thev mav consider proper immediately after the publication of 'the repvrt of the Committ~e

This Session urges upon the various governments that the order declaring the Khaksar organisation un­ lawful should be removed as soon as possible. ·, . (Chair) Resolution No.4. ·

Add the following as 28A to the Constitution and Rules of the All India Muslim League:- (1) ·rhe Working Committee of the All India ~l:lslim League shall control, direct and regulate all tne activities, of the various Provincial Leagues strict­ ly in consonance with the aims, objects and rules of the All India Muslim League.

(2) 'rhe Working Committee of the All India Mus­ lim League shall be empowered :-

(a) 'l'o take disciplinary action against individual Members of the Council of the All India Muslim League, who violate the decisions of the LeaO'ue or act in con­ . travention .of its aims and objects; ~ubject to a right of appeal to the Council of the All India M uslitn League. . 166 ( 4 l)

Resolution No. 10.

Tl1e Council of tl1e All India Muslilll Le:q.!,uv view:;; with grave nlarlll the receut del'i!'ion of th<:· British Govemr11ent which creates the irllpressiuJJ that it is intended to annex Wnziristau, tl1e lwll.e]alJ(l of t.he inJepe11dent Patbau tribes, witl1 "holt! a \\'Ht v11 n ll!iniature scnle is being at present waged 011 wlwt is known as the Ahrnedzai salient across the Kolwt· Hnu1m line. While the Counctl' condemns the actiou of t.l1t:> Border tribes, in carrying raids into Rrit.ish n rt:•a it lws no hesitation in once more declariug tlmt these rnids are inspired b.r tlw fpnr thnt the Brihsh Oo\'E'I'IJIIJ<'Ilt. is bent upon depi1·in~ tilt> Ho;cler tnues ofti1Pir fre<'dom which they love ilJOrP thau their lives. In view of tiH· internationnl situation in ~Jnrope aucl the danger of 1rar spreading to Ne;lr and Middle Eru;;t the Colulcil call~ upon the BritiRh Government to reconsider its F'orwaru policy ancl take imrnedin:te step~ to pacify t.ht­ Border tribes ann H~SUl'P them that the British Oov­ ernment is not inin1ical to Isln,tn and is anxiom: to restore peace and onler on its borders b~, frieJJd ly co-operation with t.ht- Bowler trihes.

(Nawabzada) LIA1~U AT ALI KHAN M.L.A., (U.P.) Honomry Sec.retaryJ All India J.l!usl1'm League.


Text of Resolutions passed at the meeting of the Council of the AU India Muslim League held at Panda) of the All India Muslim League Lahore, on Thursday the 21st of March 1940 under the Presidentship of Mr. M. A. Jinnah.

Resolution No. 1.

Resolved that the following persons be elected to fill up vacancies in the Council from the various provinces:-

U. P.-Begum Sabeba Nawab .l\Iobnmmad Ismail Khan, Meerut.

Punjab-Dr. ~[oharnmad Alam, Mian Ferozuddin Sabeb.

N.W.F.P.-Mr. Sajjad Ahmad,

Behar.-Begum H. Khan.

Orissa.;-Syed Ghulam Rab Saheb, Mulla Mohammad AbrarulHaque Saheb, Sheikh Hafizullah Saheb.

Assam.-Mr. ~[ujiburrahman. ·

.\jmer,-Syed Israr Ahmad Saheb.

Resolution No. 2.

llesolve~l that the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League be authorised to appoint a Propaganda and Publicity Committee.

(~awabzada) LIAQU A~' ALl KHAN, M.L.A. (U. P.) Honorary Secretary, Au hnu ~Iuf:;T.DI LE.AGt'F. ' . 168

Text of resolution of the meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League held at Momdot Villa, Lahore on Friday the 22nd of March 1940 under the Presidentship of Mr. M. A. Jinnah.

The following members of the Committee were present.-

1. l\f. A Jmnah Esq., the President of the All India Muslim League. 2. Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan Saheb, Hono· rary Secretary All India Muslim League. 3. The Hon'ble Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan, Pre· mier of the Punjab. 4. The Hon'ble Sir K. Nazimuddin. Bengal. 5, Abdurrahman Saheb Siddiqi, 1\f.L.A, Bengal. 6. Mohammad Ashique \Varsi Saheb, Behar. 7. Nawab Mohammad Ismail Khan Saheb, U.P. 8. Begum Saheba Manlana Mohammad Ali. 9. Sabeb, Punjab. 10. Sardar Aurangzeb Khan Saheb, N.W.F.P. 11, Khan Sadullah Khan Saheb N.W.F.P. 12. Sir Abdoolla Haroon M.L.A. (Central) 13. 8yed Abdur Rauf Shah Saheb, C,P, 14. Haji Abdul Sather Haji Essak Sait, M.L.A. (Central).

Resolution No. 1.

·rhe Committee prepared the draft of a resolution regarding the future Constitution of India for submit­ tion to the Subjects Committee,

(Nawabzada) LIAQUA11 ALI KHAN, M.L.A. (U.P.) Honorary Secretary, ALL lNDI.A Mustnr LEAGUE,


Text of Resolutions passed at the 27th Annual Session of the All India Muslim League held at Lahore on the 22nd. 23rd and 24th of March 1940. Resolution No. 1.

'While approving and endorsing the action taken by the Council and the Working Committee of the All India l\fuslim League, as indicated in their resolutions dated the ~7th of August, 17th and 18th of September and 22nd of October 1959, aud 3rd of February 194() on the constitutional i.:~sue, this Session of the All lndiu Muslim League emphatically reiterates that the schern~ of federatiou embodied in the Government of India Act, 1935, is tota11y unsuited toJ and unworkable in the peculiar conditions of this country and is altogether unacceptable to Muslim India.

. It further records its emphatic view that while the declaration dated the 18th of October 1939 made by the Viceroy on behalf of His Majesty's Government is reassuring in so far as it declares that the policy and plan on which the Government of India Act, 1~35, is based 'will be reconsidered in consultation with the various parties, interests and communities in India, \fuslim India will not be satisfied unless the whole constitutional plan is reconsidered de novo and that no revised plan would be acceptable to the Muslims un­ less it is framed with their approval and consent.

Resolved that ·it is the considered view of this Session of the All India hfuslim League that no cons· titlltiona1 plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unle~s it is designed on the following basic principles, viz., that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted, with such territorial readjust.. ments as may be necessary. that the areas in which the ~fuslims aTe numerically in a majority as in the 2 work of the present constitution and existing law. I But this proposal was summarily rejected by Mr. Gandhi and the Congress. ·

A similar. attempt was ugaill made by His Excellency early in February, which meUhe same fate. Since then it seems that the Viceroy has been waiting for the Congress to pass its word.

With regard to Mr. Amery's -statement .and the broadcast appeal of His Excellmcy the ViceroyJ may I say that it is up to the British Government to show truet in Muslim Leadership- there are many wa) s of do­ ing so- and, as confidenUriends seek our whole-hearted cooperation. And we shall not fail."_

The Working Committee looks with alarm the growing menace of Nazi agression which has been mo!'lt. ruthlessly depriving one nation after another of it~ liberty and freedon1 and regards-the unprovoked at­ tack by the Italian Government against the AU1esJ as most unwarranted and immoral at a time when France was engaged in a brave struggle .against very heavy odds.

rrhe grave world situation demands serious efforts on the part of everv Indian for the defence of his coun­ try and the Working Committee calls upon the Govern­ ment of India to prepare the country in an organised manner to meet every eventuality, The Committee is constrained to state that the proposals for the defence of India indicated in the statements of Their Excellen­ cies the Viceroy A,nd the Commander-in-Chief as well as the statements of some· provincial Governors are wholly inadeqnate to meet the urgent requirements of the situation. The Committee therefore authorises its President to enter into communication with His Exce­ llency the Viceroy with a view to explore the possibility of devising prompt and effective measures to mobilize the country's resources for _the purpose of intensifying . 170


Supported by-Abdd Hameed Khan Saheb, M.L,A. (~fudras.) J.l. ChundrigQrSaheb, 'M.L.A,(Bombay) Ssed ALdur Hauf Shah Saheb, l\l.L.A. (C.P.) , Dr. Mohammad Alum, U.L.A. (Pu11jab) Syeu Zakit Ali Sahf:'b, (U. P.) Begum Sahibn ~{auluua l\Iohammad Ali . .Harllana Abdul Hu1md Saheb Qadri, (U.P.) (cmTied unanimously). Resolution No. 2.

The All India Huslim League views with grave concern the inordinate delay on the part of the Bri­ tish Government in coming to a settlement with the Arabs in Palestine and places on record its considered opinion in clear and unequivocal language that no arrangments of a piecemeal character will be made in Palestine which are contrary in spirit and opposed to the pledges given to the Muslim world, and particular­ ly to the :Muslims in India to secure their active assisb:mce in the War of 191-1-1918. Further, the League warns the British Government against the danger of taking ad vantage of the presence of large British forces in the Holy land to overawe the Arabs and force them into submission.

Proposed by-Abdur Rahman Sabeb Siddiqi, M.L.A. (Bengal). Seconded by-Sir Syed Riza Ali, U.L.A. (Central). Supported by -~[aulana Abdul Hamid Sabeb, Qadri, Badaun. Resolution No. 3.

Thi3 Session of the All India Muslim League places on record its deep sense of sorrow at the unfor· tun3te and tragic occurence on the 19th ~larch, 1940, owing to a clash betw·een the Khakso.rs and the Police resulting in the loss of a large number of lives and in· • 4 future no member of the Working Committee should enter into any negotiations or discussions with ,the, Con­ gress leaders regarding the question of Hindu- Muslim settlement or any other matter whkh requires adjust­ ment between the Muslim League and the Congress without the permission of the President. :

Resolution No.4.

In view of the grave world situation,and its possible repercussions on India when. everv community is organising its Volunteer organistions for the protec­ tion of its life and property the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League is of the opinion that time has come when the Provincial Muslim Leagues sl10uld exert every nerve to start, organise and strengthen the Muslim National Guard Corps and give them such training as will enable them to discharge their duty of maintaining peace tranquility and ot der in the country worthy of the bMt traditions of Islam. The Committee earnestly appeals to the Muslims to join the National Guards in large numbers under the banner of the Mus­ lim League and directs the Provincial Muslim Leagues to submit monthly reports to the Honorary Secretary of the All India Muslim League regarding the progress made and the steps adopted for the training of the Muslim National Guards. It is also the considered opinion of the Committee that the members of tl1e Provincial Muslim League Working Committees and the District Committees should offer themselves for train· ing at least once a week, with a vi~w to give impetus to enlistment.

It is proposed to consider further the details of the scheme, but in the meantime the Provincial Muslim Leagues shall act in accordance with the following main principles:- ,

A~ Aims and objects of the orgat;isation:- 1. To train and discipline Muslims in roordinate 171

51 (b) To suspend, dissolve or disaffiliate any Provin· cbl Le.:t~ue which fail:; in its duties, infringes or ig· nores the decisions ot·directions of the All India Mutlim League or hinJ.ers the pl'Ogress of the League in any manner whatsoever1 subject to a right of appeal to the Council of the All India Muslim League. Proposed by-Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan Saheb, (Pas~ed unanimously) Resolution No. 5.

Resolved that Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan Saheb and Raja Amir Ahmad Khan Saheb be reelected Hono­ rary Secretary and Honorary 'l,reasurer of the All India Muslim League respectively. . Proposed by-Sir Syed Riza Ali, M.L.A. (Central) Spuported by-Sardar Aurungzeb Khan Saheb. (Passed unanimously)

," : ~. Resolution No. 6.

Resolved that the election of the two joint Secre· taries be entrusted to the Council of the All India Mus· lim League. Proposed by-Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan Sabeb. (Passed unanimously)

(Nawabzadu) LIAQUAT ALI Khan M.t.A. (U.P.) Honorary Secretary, An INDIA Musr.nr LEAGUE. 6

unflinchingly obey my officers and shall remain faithful to the organiRntion and its aims and objects. So help me Allah Amill!

Signature ...... 9. 11he Head Quarters of every Provincial org:.:m· isations shall maintain a classified list of the vocation and profession of every guardsman under its command. 10. A guardsman shall not be a member of any other Political organisation except the Muslim League, or of any Volunteer Corps. 11. It shall be impressed on all guardsmen that courtesy to all ranks and classes of society shall be observed, 12. Uniform:-1. Khaki Coat or shirt, Khaki trousers and Khaki cap or turban. · Or 2, 'Grey Coat or shirt, Grey trousers · and Grey cap or turban. Provided however that every province. will have the option to select either of the two colours but shall keep and maintain the same colour and uniform throughout that province.

Resolution No. 5.

The Members of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League from the various provinces be requested to take such steps as may be necessary to , further the work of promoting and strengthening the Provincial, District and Primary Leagues in their respe?tive provinces and report the progress at the next meetmg of the Committee.

Resolution No. 6.

Resolved that the Accounts for the four months