14 4· - ' . < ~ ! RESOLUTIO NS OF THE AL LI NDIA MUSL IM LEAGUE From December 1938 to March 1940. :·1 L 1. 1-Ill r• 1:1 : \'riii'OIJ ?wlo Liaquat Ali Kha n, 11. ~ • .• : Ux nn '·· \1, I. 1.. l '. !'.) 1·\ , l: l:i - 1! !. - 1. 1- L\ \1 , l l•'i \11 1: 11 :\' ::.;~ , · 1 :11 11 :\ : A/I India Muslim Lea gr.. e. 8 be · displaced now by the nom)nees of :Mr: .:· v; Patel. And it urges'upon the MuslirrisofRajkotand the Muslim Council to do all in their power to resist any change with regard to their representation already declared, as the Muslim League is of opinion that any such change would be. highly detrimental to the vital interests of the Muslims of Rajkot. Resolution No. 10. Resolved that this meeting of the Council of the, All India Muslim League is of opinion that . Mussal· 4 mans who have migrated from Jaipur should be persu· aded to return to their homes as it is in their own in· terests to do· so and they shoUld not be misled by any one who advises them to the contrary. Further resolv· ed that the· Council advises the Muslims of Jaipur to ·organise themselves and appoint a committee of chosen leaders and press for their demanfts in an orga, nised manner; The Council fully sympathises with their deeply wounded feelings with regard to the firing resulting in the loss of life of and injury to many inno· cent people and will do every thing to help them in pressing .their grievances and demands. Resolution No. 11. (1) In view of the revolutionary unrest that is stalk· iiig the land as a result of the intensive propaganda launched by the National Congress and its henchmen to establish Hindu hegemony all over India in utter disregard of the just and natural aspirations of Indian Mussalmans, this Council trusts, that, while giving the fullest protection to the Mussalmans of the Deccan who constit~te the main strength oflslam in His Exalt· ed Highnesse's Dominions, H.. E. Highness's Govern· ment will provide for adequate representation of mil· lions of depressed classes in the impending scheme of C~:mstitutional Reforms and take effective steps to em­ ari-cipat~ these voiceless millions from the bondage of high dtsbe Hindus, who have hitherto monopolised all administrative and Executive power in· ·the rural areas throughout the Dominions. : '~ ' 145 CONTENTS Page Working Committee Meeting Resolutions dated the 26th of March 1939. ., 1 Connell Meeting Resolutions dated the 8th of April 1939. 5 Working Committee Meeting Resolutions dated the 2nd and 3rd of July 1939. • 11 Council Meeting Resolutions dated the 27th and 2~th of August 1939. 17 Emergency Meeting of the \Vorking Committ~e: dated the 17th and 18th of September 1939. , • • 25 Emergency Meeting of the Working Committee dated the 22nd of October 1939. 29 \Vorking Committee :\feeting Resolutjons dated the 3rd and 4th of February 1940. 33 Council Meeting Resolutions dated the 25th o~ February 1940. 37 Council Meeting Resolutions dated the 21st of March 1940. 39 \Vorking Committee Meeting Resolutions dated the 22nd of .March 1940. 41 Lahore Annual Session Resolutions dated the 22nd1 23rd and 24th of March 1940. 47 146 Text of Resolutions of the meeting of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League held at Mustafa Castle, Meerut, on Sunday the 26th of March 1939 under the Presidentship of Mr. M.A. Jinnah. Resolution No 1 The Honorary Secretary made his report regarding his visit to Nagpur in connection with the Viddia :Mandir Scheme which was recorded. As a result of the settlement between the Government of C.P. and the Muslim League regarding the proposed Viddia Mandir Scheme the Working Committee note with satisfaction that C.P. Muslims are taking practical steps to advance Muslim education and lt appeals to every l\Iussalman to assist the association which is being formed for the purpose. · Resolution No 2. Resolved that the matter of Palestine should stand over till the British proposals are known. ·Resolution No. 3. In view of the set policy of the Congress and other Hindu organisations to achieve Hindu supremacy and their persistence in resorting to coarsive and subversive methods in the Indian States the Muslim League is gravely concerned with regard to the fate of the Mus­ salmans ·in various States and therefore earnestly ad vises them to effectively organise themselves forthwith in order to protect their liberties rights and interests and assures them of its fullest support and assistance in their struggle. · Resolution No. 4. Whereas the All India Muslim League is opposed to the Scheme of Federation embodied in the Govern­ ment of India Act 1935 and whereas the working of the provincial part of the Constitution has created grave apprehensions amongst Muslims and other mino­ rities regarding their future, because the Provincial 12 League urges upon the Government of India to take immediate action to secure justice and fair treatment to the Indian Nationals in Belgian Congo, Resolution No. 6. The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League, having examined the White 'Paper on Palestine: and having heard the Muslim League delegates, are of opinion that the proposals embodied in the "White Paper are most unsatisfactory and · disappointing and are totally unacceptable. · The Committee urges upon the British Government· to meet the Arab demands and redeem the solemn pledges made to the Arabs. and the Mussalmans of India who stood by them solidly in the Great War. Resolution No. 7. The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League hereby .resolves that a Palestine Fund be open­ ed forthwith for the relief of the dependents of those, who lost their lives o,.- suffered in the .struggle for in­ dependence, and for the protection of the l!'irst Qibla of Mussalmans. 'rhe following -Committee, with powers to coopt, is appointed to devise ways and means of col­ lecting money for the Palestine J1,und and remitting the same to Palestine through. the President of the All India Muslim League:- 1. Sir Abdoola Haroon. 2. Mr. Abdur Rahman Siddiqui. · 8. Haji Abdussatar Haji Esak Saith. 4. Sir Currimbhoy Ebrahim, , 5. Chowdhary Khaliquzzaman, (Convener). Resolution No 8 The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League appreciates the services rendered by Messrs Abdur Rahman Siddiqui and Chowdbo.ri Khaliq uzzaman who went to Caho, London and Near East in connection with the Palestine Question. Resolution No. 9. Resolved that the Madras Provincial Muslim League te affiliated to the All India Muslim League. 147 3 Resolution No. 6. (a) Resolved that the Imperial Bank of India, be and are hereby appointed Bankers to the All India Muslim League. (b) That all cheques on the Banking account be · signed and all bills, notes, and other negotiable .. instruments be drawn, accepted,andmadeonbe­ hal£ of the All India Muslim League by Raja Mohammad Amir Ahmad Khan Saheb the Honorary Treasurer. (c) That cheques, bills, notes and other negotiable instruments payable to the All India Muslim League may be endorsed for the All India Mus­ lim League by the Secretary. (d) 'rhat a copy of these resolutions, signed by the chairman, be handed to the Bank, together with specimens of the necessary signatures. Resolution No. 7. The Budget for the year 1939 was passed. (Nawabzada) LIAQUAT ALI KHAN, M.L.A., (U.P.), Honorary Secretary, All India Muslim League. 14 Resolution No. 14 I The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League has every sympathy with the Muslim Muhajirin from Jaipur, who have been undergoing great hardship and suffering since they left their homes. 'The Com­ mittee urges upon the Jaipur Darbar to meet the just demands of the J aipur Muslims, without further delay, so that the situation that has been created may not worsen ; and at the same time advises the Muslims of Jaipur to suspend civil disobedience and organise themselves effectively as their salvation lies in their own inherent strength. Resolution No. 15 . The Working Committee of the All India Muslim League views with grave concern the situation that is being created by the mischievous activities and propa· ganda of the Arya Samajists and Hindu Mahasabhaists all over India in organising and despatching Jatbns . to Hyderabad, with the. ostensible object of vindicating their religious rights, in order to coerce the State Adm· inistrntion. The Working Committee warns the Arya Samaj and the Mahasabha organisations that the offensive. bearing of these j~thas and shouting of pro· vocative slogans has rreated intense bitterness among the Muslims and, unless these provocative jathas are stopped forthwith, there is a grave danger of sporadic clashes developing into wide-spread intercommunal . strife throughout the country. 'rhe Working Com­ mittee urges upon the provincial Governments and the Paramount Power to take immediate and adequate action in order to stop this mischief, which serjously threatens the peace and tranquillity of the country. Resolution No. 16 Apart from its origin, conception and communal aspect, there are fundamental objections to the Wardha Scheme of Basic Education, and the WorkinO' Commit. 0 tee. disapproves the Wardha ~chem~ and the text books whiCh have been prepared m this connection on the following grounds, among others:- , (1) The. Scheme is calcu]ated to destroy Muslim culture gradually but surely and to secure the domina- tion of Hindu culture. 148 Text of resolutions passed at the ·meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim League held on the 8th of April 1939 at Delhi under the Presidentship of Mr. M. A Jinnah. Resolution No. i. This meeting of the Council of the All India Muslim Leacrue places on record its deep sense of sorrow and grief at the sad and sudden demise of His Majesty Shah Ghazi of Iraq.
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