Al-Khair University, Bhimber Jinnah and Cabinet Mission Plan 1946 WALEED AKRAM
[email protected] The Cabinet Mission Plan Background As the provincial election campaigns heated up, reports of Hindu Muslim riots, and of “poisonous propaganda” especially in Punjab, increased. The failure of the Simla conference had created a dangerous stalemate in Indian politics. It might be said that the body politic in India almost died of a surfeit of conferences. Moreover, Pethick Lawrence had concluded by then that it would be useless to leave the another round of political negotiations to the viceroy alone, and 2 nothing less than a Cabinet Mission to India was required to break the Hindu Muslim “deadlock”.1 Mr. Attlee made it clear that the Cabinet Mission would not take any definite proposals with them as had sir Stafford Cripps in 1942 nor would have any share in the constitution making. ‘India herself must choose’. He made a remark which was most significant from the point of view of the Muslims. He observed, ‘we are very mindful of the rights of minorities and minorities should be able to live free from fear. This remark welcome to the Congress leader while Muhammad Ali Jinnah replied ‘Muslims are not a minority in India they are a nation and self determination is their birthright’. The British Ministers examined the Muslim demand for Pakistan and came to the conclusion that neither a larger nor a smaller sovereign state of Pakistan would provide an acceptable solution for the communal problem. They referred to what they termed as ‘weighty administrative, economic and military consideration’ against the idea of partitioning of India and the setting up of two sovereign states.