The Anglican Parish of Callide Valley P.O. Box 757, Biloela, Queensland. 4715. Telephone 07 4992 1545 E-Mail
[email protected] Anglican Diocese of Rockhampton P.O. Box 6158, Central Queensland Mail Centre, Queensland. 4702. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in me and I abide in you, you will bear much fruit. ” John 15: 5 Our mission is to know Christ and to make him known Our link with the Parish of Llantrisant, Wales began in 2003. I was on Parish Council and at a meeting a letter was read from the Diocese of Rockhampton asking if anyone from our Parish was interested in becoming the correspondent and forming a link with the Parish of Llantrisant. As we had been to Wales in our travels, I put up my hand and so began a wonderful email friendship with Aud Morris and the Parish of Llantrisant. In May 2004 my husband Trevor, daughter Susan and I visited and stayed with Aud and her husband Phil. We visited the church and met Reverend Viv and many parishioners. Several other families from the Callide Valley Parish have visited. We exchange church magazines and ask that prayers be said for people and events in our Parishes. Bev Power, Wales Link Correspondent Father Des Potter is our current priest. Originally from South Africa, he and his wife Joke came to the Callide Valley in May 2008. On February 25, 2009 they became naturalised Australians. Biloela with a population of 6000 has the main church and the small townships of Thangool, Goovigen and Jambin hold regular worship services in their churches.