O~ 0 .... '_ ... <'en.,,'" tn ,.-, t.J ::: <: PRAIRIE REG 0"''''." '-'trz-...... SCHEDULE 0'" ~l October 11 . 1 7, Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


This Week:

Symphonic Programs (Pages 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) * Children's Programs (Page 3) * Puccini's Turandot (Page 5) * Citizens' Forum (Page 6) * HE big news in broadcast entertainment con­ T tinues to be the launching of autumn programs series on CBC radio and television networks. The process started several weeks ago and will COJl­ tinue through October. Once again, main attention in this issue of the ene Times is directed to the new arrivals which will lry to amuse or enlighten us in the coming months. For music-lovers, in par­ ticular, this is an important week. The cover shows, at their posts, six of the conductors whose experi­ ence and skill will be demonstrated in forthcoming radio concerts. At the left (top to bottom) are PAUL SCIIER2'o'fAN, Sm ERi"'lEST MAcMILLAN and NICHOLAS GOLDSCHMlUT; at the right, OTTO K LF.MP£HJ:o.:H, AnTURO TOSCAKINJ and GEOFFHE¥ W ADDL~GTON.

*** ~estros CSC Symphony at the Microphone So we may expect to find included in the programs music by some of the urifamiliar composers of the HE CDC Symphony Orcheslra, which was of the CBC Symphony Orchestra some of the out- 17th and 18th centuries. T fomled a year ago in . returns ·to the standing works by classical and contemporary com- Among the conductors scheduled to appear with air on Monday, October 12 (CBW 10:15 p.m., posers which tend to be neglected. the orchestra during the 1953-54 season are Heinz CBK-CBX 9:'15 p.m.), to begin its second season Terence Gibbs. who produces the broadcast COll- Unger. Paul Scherman, Boyd Neel, Sir Ernest Mac­ of weekly programs. Geoffrey Waddington, the certs, reports that the programs this season will Milhm and Victor Feldbrill. of Toronto; Roland cac's director of music. will be the first conductor include a fair proportion of classical works. For Leduc, Alexander Brott and Jean Beaudet, of in the new series of broadcast concerts. example, all four Brahms symphonies will be Montreal; George Hurst of Baltimore; and John It is a matter of policy that the orcheslra should, presented. Gibbs says he olso intends to bring Avison and Jean de Rimanoczy of Vancouver. in some measure, fill the gaps which are sometimes more works of the 19th century to the public's at- As the program demands, guest artists will ap­ left by other orchestras in planning their programs. tention; and he will feature from time to time pear with the orchestra. (Please tum to page 6) Page Two CBC TIMES « « HOTES » » of secrets can be forgottcn and there­ DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS. Jeanne STAGE 54. The Blood Is Strong, fore should be properly recorded. Desjardins, soprano. From Montreal adapted by Lister Sinclair from his RECITAL. Nicholas Goldschmidt, Fiddle Joe knows this only too well Tbe Mermaid's Song- (Haydn); Fl'cud­ own, new three-act play. It is a story baritone, in a group of lieder by Hugo as evidenced by his carefully scripted voll and Ieldvoll (LlRzt); Verbol'Ken· of early IIighland Scottish settlers in heit. and £1' 1st's (WOIr) Schehera­ Nova Scotia and tells somethings of 'Wolf and Brahms. From Toronto. diary which not only helps his memory zade. La nute encll3ntee, 1.'lndllTer· W-IO:30 a.m. K·9:30 a.m. X-9:30 a.m. but also helps him pass a dull Sunday ent, Rnd Asie (!lavel); Fantoches their lives and their conflicting loyal. afternoon by reading it aloud e.s he (llebU!'-Ry). ties. Andrew Allan, producer. From HARMO Y HARBOUR. Songs and sits in the rocking chair of his front W-5:30 p.m. K·5:30 p.m. X·5:30 p.m. Toronto. stories of the sea with the Acadian room. That is exactly where we find W-8:00 p.m. K·7:00 p.m. X·7:00 p.m. him and what he is doing when we Male Quartet and organist Marjorie AMOS 'N ANDY. A year ago a story Payne. From Halifax. drop in again this afternoon. \Vc dis· cover that like all good diari.its, Fiddle went the rounds that Amos and Andy WEEKEND REVIE\V. Marcus Long Quartet: The Old Superb; Mobile were thinking of retiring. After the of the Philosophy Department, Uni­ Bay: As Slow Our Ship; '¥ho Glv~st Joe is a philosopher too and concludes All; I Must Down to the Seas Agatn: his tender but tumultous love story of newspaper stories, hundreds of tele­ vcrsity of Toronto, will be the speaker Pedro the flsberman; Sweet and Lisette with the remark, "doubt is phone edlls and thousands of letters tonight. From Toronto. Low. and telegrams poured in. Freeman W·9:10 p.m. K-8:IO p.m. X-8:10 p.m. X·IO:30 a.m. X-I0:30 a.Ill. like a choking hand." Charle.o; \Vasser­ mann who writes the series h:"s chosen Cosden and Charles Correll were overwhelmed. Bnt they aren't going to WAY OF THE SpmIT. This week's these wise words as the title of this OUR SPECIAL SPEAKER. Of spe­ episode. From Montreal. retire. Not while they can still talk religious play is about the Harvest. and people can listen, they say. TIlls dal interest this \veek will be a talk The story encompasses the years of W-4:00 p.m. K-3:00 p.m. X-3:oo p.m. season begins their se<.'Ond quarter­ by the world-renowned architect the earth and with the angel of the century in radio_ Frank Lloyd 'Vright, who will look Harvest, Avricl, as guide, we are OUR MISS BROOKS. Eve Ardcn as back over the years of his lifetime and GORden plays Amos, Ihe- roguish shown how the spirit of the Harvest Our Miss Brooks is b.'lck in the little George (Kingnsh) Stevens, and survey the changes in building de­ has been nurtured throughout the red school house known as r..ladison sleepy, slowpoke L1ghtnln'; Correll sign which have taken place, largely High for a new season of teaching 1s the nalvp, pternally romantic and ages right down to our time. Script g-ullible Andrpw H. (ror Hogg) through his influence. From Toronto. by Canon J. E. \Vard; Rupert Cap­ and madcap adventures. The program, Brown and thp would-bc-dignlfled W-9:20 p.m. K·8:20 p.m. X·8:20 p.m. lan, producer. From Montreal. now in its sixth year, has received Henry Von Portpr; EI'nestlnc 'Vade -the Kingflsh's henpecklllK Wire, W·12:30 p.m. K·II·30 a_m. X-II:30 a.m_ many awards from parcnt-teal:hcr Sapphire; Lou Lubin-the stuttel'lng groups and thousands of letters from barbe". Shorty; Johnny I.ee--the COIl­ LITTLE SYMl'HONillS. Orchcstrn nivilll(' lawyel', Calhoun. conducted by Roland Leduc; Ross RELIGIOUS PERIOD. Romao Cath­ individual teachers and parents, citing Miss Arden's honest trcatment of a Dom. 5: 30 p.m. MST Pratt, pianist. From Montreal. olic series, Rev. Pascal Drew, .Passion­ high sl:hool te8l:her's problems. Concerto III F Major, K.459 (Mo­ ist Fathers, Toronto. zart) . Apart from hcl' acadcmlc chores, W.I:30 p.m. K·12:30 p,m. X-12:30 p,m. Connie tl!'ooks I'lln:; lifwr handSome SUNDAY CHORALE. Choir con­ Ross Pratt, 'Vinnipeg~bom pianist who and shy llioloKY IH'ofessol' Philip duded by \V. H. Anderson; Filmer has been living in for the last Boynton (Boh HOckwell), and !'uns N.Y. PHILHARMONIC. New York away rt'om tyr:mnlcal O!;good Conk­ Hubble, organist. Tom Taylor, pro­ few years, is making his annual visit Philharmonic - Symphony Orchestra lIn (Gale GOI'(lon) Mactlson'!; prin­ ducer, From 'Vinnipeg. to and will appear as soloist conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos; cipal. Jane Morgon, Queen of Gon­ Come Ye Thankful People Come (G. tonight. Last year ?\!fr. Pratt left the fu!;ioll. plays Connie's landlady, I\Irs, Elvey); ThOll VlgUe-5t tbo Earth William Lincer, violinist. Davis: Dick CI'CIUHI plays 'ValleI' (Maurice Grpene); P!'alsc Ye the noyal Academy of Music in London, Sympholl}' No. 3 In E Flat MaJOI' Oenltln. teCIl-lI)fc(I Romeo; Gloria Lo!'d (A, NlkOI!'ky): SIUK to the Lord where he taught for some time, to McMillan Js his hcal't Jnterest, liar· (~Chlllnttnll); Symphony, Harold In of Hal'vest (Handel); Now Thank \Ve devote all his time to concert and Italy (llel·lIuz). riet Conklin, (lttu)flllcl' of the school's All OUI' God (GI'nger): 0 How Ami· pl·jnf"lpal. W·2:00 p,m. X-I:OO p.m. X-I:OO p.m. able Are Thy DwelJlnKs (Vaughan radio work. Dom, 4: 30 p.m. MST 'Villiams); The I.ord's Pl'aycr (Lang­ W.9:30 p.m. K-8:30 p.m. X-8:30 p.m. -- (Ion). CHURCH OF THE Am. Rev. A. E. w-6:oo p.m, K-6:00 p.m. X·6:00 p.m. ASK THE WEATHERMAN. Talks on Ongley, Can 0 n Davis Memorial Church, . the weather by n. A. Hornstein of the Dominion Public Weather Office in ~Iary Dom. 2:30 p.m. MST CHAMBER MUSIC. Syme, Halifax. 1t has frequently been sug­ pianist, and the Solway String Quar- In next week's Times gested that machines might be able to tet. From Tomnto. CRITICALLY SPEAKING. Clyde do a hetter job of wcather forecasting Quintet In E Flat (SrhuJllann). Gilmour on movi<..'S, Blair Fraser on t han does today's highly·trained W·6:30 p.m. K·6:30 p.m. X-6:30 p.m. News and Pictures of books and a radio reviewer. weathernlan. This afternoon Mr. I-Jam· W·3:30 p.m. K-2:30 p_m. X-2:30 p.m. stein will survey the problem of ap­ the Official Opening of plying electronic machines to weather NBC SYMPHO Ty. NBC Sununer Symphony Orchestra conduetcd by FIDDLE JOE'S YARNS. Fiddle Joe forecasting, bringing to au end his The CBC Building, may be a gossip expert but he also eight talks on the history and develop. Peter Nennan Adler; Ann Ayers, soprano. knows when to he discreet. Lcs Saint­ Ill('nl of present-day JI1cthods of prog­ Winnipeg Christophiens are nil quite aware of nosticating the weather. He begins a ~erenade :\"0. \1 III D )Iajor (~IOl.art); Inf"idental lIIu"lc r I' 0 m Egmont this fact and Fiddle Joe has been toid new series of talks next Sunday. (HeetbovclI). many a secret. But even some details w-s:os p.m. X-4:0S p.m_ X04:05 p.m. W-7:OO p.m. X·9:oo p.m. X·9:oo p.m.

8:45 Interlude and Marlne 10:15 Prairie Gardener 5:05 Ask the Weatherman 9:00 CBC National News Forecast 10:30 Recital Slmday, Oct. 11, 1953 5: 12 Weather 9:10 Weekend Review 9:00 CDC News 11:00 St. Phillip's Anglican 5: 15 U.N. on the Record 9:20 Our Special Speaker 9:03 Weather, Interlude Church CBW,MA ITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:30 D~tinguished Artists 9:30 LitUe Symphonies 11 :S9 Dominion Time Signal 6: 00 Sunday Chorale 10:00 Winnipeg Concert 9: 15 World Church News 12:00 Alan Mlll.s 1:03 Capital Report 3:30 Critically Speaking 9:30 Sunday School 12:15 Just Mary I :30 ReligIous Period 4:00 Fiddle Joe's Yarns 6: 30 Chamber Music 11 :00 Ballad Time 10:00 CBC News 12:30 Way of the Spirit 2:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 4:30 Jake and The Kid 7: 00 NBC Symphony II :30 Vesper Hour 10:02 Neighbourly News 1:00 CBC News 3:00 Musical Proqram 1 5:00 CBC News 8: 00 Stage 54 12:00 CBC News, Weather CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Ke.) (MST) 8 45 Interlude. Weather 10:30 Harmony Harbour 12:30 Religious Period 4:00 CSC News 6:00 Sunday Chorale 9:00 NBC Symphony 9 00 CBC News 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 4:05 Ask the Weatherman 6 :30 Chamber Music 10:00 Ballad Time 9 02 Neighbourly News 11 :00 Alan Mills 2:00 Musical Proqram 4:12 Weather 7:00 Stage 54 10:30 Vesper Hour 9 15 Prairie Gardener 11:15 Just Mary 8:00 CSC National News 9 30 Recllal 11:30 Way of the Spirit 2:30 Critically Speaking 4:15 U.N. on the Record 8: 10 Weekend Review 11 :00 CSC News, Weather 10 00 BBC News 12:00 CBC News 3:00 Fiddle Joe's Yams 4:30 Winnipeg Concert 8: 20 Our Special Speaker II: 15 Canadian Short Stories 10 15 World Church News 12:03 Capital Report 3:30 Jake and The Kid 5:30 Distinguished Artists 8:30 Little Symphonies 11:30 Music by Melachrino CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) 8 45 Musical Pre>qram 10:30 Harmony Harbour 12:03 Capital Report 4:00 CBC News 6:00 Sunday Chorale 9:00 NBC Symphony 9 00 CBC News 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 12:30 Religious Period. 4:05 Ask the Weatherman 6:30 Chamber Music 10:00 Ballad Time 9 02 Neighbourly News 11:00 Alan Mills 1:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 4:12 Weather 7: 00 Stage 54 10:30 Vesper Hour 9 15 Prairie Gardener 2:00 MusIcal Program 4"5 UN Ih R d 8:00 CSC National News 9 30 Recilal 11: IS Just Mary 2:30 Critically Speaking .'.. ~n e ecor 8:10 Weekend Review 11:00 CBC News, Weather 10 00 BBC N'8ws 11 :30 Way of the Spirit 3:00 Fiddle Joe's Yarns 4:30 Wmmpeg Concert 8: 20 Our Special Speaker 11: 15 Canadian Short Stories 10 15 Music for Meditation 12:00 CDC News 3:30 Jake and The Kid 5:30 Distinguished Artists 8:30 LIllle Symphonies 11: 30 Music by Melachrino r------, CBC DOMINION (MST) Pro«ram time. are .I'OWtI at tile end of eaeh program tlote in these 2:00 Longines Symphonelte ~:oo The Tylers 6 00 Pat's Music Room pa«e•• In the time itldieationa, W mean. CBW; K, CBK; X, CBX; 2:30 Church 01 the Air (Sosk. and Alta.) 6 30 C.G.E. Show 3:00 Cuckoo Clock Houn 4 :30 Our Mias Broolc.a 7 00 American Music Hall and Dom., CIJC Dominion Network. Beeou.e ofloeol eommilment.! 7 30 Harmony House 3:30 Mart Kenney Show 5:00 The Tylers 8 00 Bod's Scrapbook alatio,.. mar not earrr all program. li.led under cae Dominion. 4:00 Operatic Highlights (6:00 p.m. CST Man.) 8 30 Hawaii Calla (5:00 p.m. CST Man.) 5:30 Amoa 'n Andy I 9 00 Dominion News October 11 - 17 Page Three «« NOTES »» ducer; music by \Vin Renworth. From Thunder in the Mountains-CBW 5:00 FRIDAYS Vancouver. p.m. (CBK-CBX 5,30 p.m. on Tues­ National School Broadacst-CBW 3;00 TRANS-CANADA MATlNEE. K·5:30 p.m. X·5:30 p.m. days). Reading from a collection of Tuesday, October 13, W-5:00 p.m. p.m.; CBK-CBX 2:00 p.m. Current Toclay: \Vllat'S New In D.C.; Cooking­ legends of the Canadian provinces, series, for grades 4-6: Voices of the School or the Alr~Cream Soups­ by Hilda Mary Hooke. Produced by Wild, in which listeners learn about Eustella Langdon; QUI' COUIILI'Y­ CBC SYMPHONY. CBC Symphony Alfred Parr, Canadian wild life through the ad­ women~l\Il's. Raymond Sa.\'I·c: News Orchestra conducted by Geoffrey Commentary-Anne FI'ancis. Ottllwa; Sleepytime Storyteller - caw 5:15 ventures of a boy and girl. Pro­ ·Waddington. From Toronto. songs by Alan :'<11115, Montreal. p.m. (CBK-CDX 5:45 p.m. on Tues­ duced by Lola Thompson. SymphOny No. t (BrahmS). Country women in different parts of days). Stan Chapman of Campbell­ Anne of Green Gables - CBW 5:00 the world will be the subject of a The CRe Symphony Orchestra re­ too, New Brunswick, retells the p.m.; CBK-CBX 5:30 p.m. Drama­ new series in which feminine speakers turns to the air tonight to begin its fairy-tale classics in his own words, serial version of L. M. Mont­ in various cO\.1ntries will talk about second season of weekly programs. assisted by an elf called Hoppi. gomery's famous story about a red­ their farm women. The speakers are W-IO:15 p.m. K·9:15 p.m. X·9:15 p.m. headed orphan in rural Prince Ed­ all members of the Associated Country TUESDAYS ward Island. Produced by Andrew 'Women of the World, the international Starbuck Valley \Vinter - CBW 5:00 Allan. organization of rural women. The p.m. (CBK-CBX 5,30 p.m. on Mon­ seventh triennial conference of the Children's Programs days). From the book by Roderick SATURDAYS ACW\V was held in Toronto last Aug­ Programs for children on the CBe Haig-BrowTI. CalHng All Children-CBW 10,00 ust, and these talks were recorded at Trans-Canada and Dominion networks Ruundabout-CBW 5,15 p.m. (CBK­ that time. Speakers will deal with a.m.; CBK-CDX 9;00 a.m. Recorded are as follows: cnx 5:45 p,m. on Mondays). From program from Ottawa. living conditions in areas as far apart the Vancouver studios. Produced by as Ceylon and Canada. Mrs. Raymond SUNDAYS Raymond '·Vhitehullse. S pee i a I Sounds Fun-CBW 10: 15 a.m., CBK­ Sayre of Iowa who, as president of Alan Milis-CBW 12,00 noon; CBK­ events broadcast for children. CBX 9,15 a.m. Arranged by the the AC'VW for the last six years, has CBX 11:00 a.m. Songs and stories Junior League of Toronto. visited the member organizations WEDNESDAYS by Alan Mills, Montreal troubadour. Good Deed Club-CBW 10,30 a.m. around the world, describes in the Produecd by C. Little. Jubilee Road-CBW 5,00 p.m., CBK­ first broadcast what she has seen and Youthful talent program arranged Just Mary - CJlW 12,15 p.m.; CBK­ CBX 5:30 p.m. Play series by Mary learned in her travels. She comments by Joan Sherman; A. E. Parr, pro­ CBX 11:15 a.m. Original fantasies Grannan abo u t the small-town on both the similarities and differences ducer. written and told hy Mary Grannan antics of some mischievous children, in the lives of countrywomen every­ Howdy-Doody-Dominion 9;30 a.m. of Toronto. Produced by Keith Mac­ played by Billie Richards, Maxine where. MST. Songs, whimsy and fUD dished Millan. Miller and Robert Jackson. Music W·3:30 p.m. K·2:30 p.m. X-2:30 p.m. by Lou Snider. Produced by Jim up by a cowboy puppet and his The Way of the Spirit - CBW 12:30 Kent. pals, with an all-clown orchestra. p.m.; CBK-CBX 11:30 a.m. Drama­ Emcee, Buffalo Bill (Bob Smith). SLEEPYTIME STORY TELLER. tized Bible s lor i e s in modem Mwie Picture Lady-CBW 5:15 p.m.; Stories for children told by Stan language, from Montreal. Scripts CBK-CBX 5045 p.m. Recorded CBC Stamp Club-CBW 11,30 a.m.; Chapman of Campbellton, N.B. To­ edited by Canon J. E. Ward. Pro­ m u sic a I pictures introduced by CBK-CBX 10,30 a.m. Stories of day: Puss-in-Boots. duced by Rupert Caplan. Elizabeth Merten of Toronto. Pro­ stamps and collectors' news, pre­ duced by Keith MacMillan. pared by Douglas Patrick. Produced W·5:15 p.m. Cuckoo Clock Honse-Dominion 3:00 Tuesday, Oct. 13, K-5;45 p.m.. X·5:45 p.m. by Dan McCarthy. p.m. MST. Music, games and stories THURSDAYS Uncle Bod - Dominion 12:00 noon prepared by Dabs Brown and pre­ Hudson Bay Express-CBW 5:00 p.m.; STARBUCK VALLEY WINTER. Two sent(,,'tl by Kenny Graham, Hazel­ MST. Stories and verses read by CBK-CBX 5:30 p.m. Dramati7..ation Maurice Bodington, wit h light young lads who encounter a host of dine Hall, Bill Needles, Lou Snider, of Robert Davis' book of the same wild-life, including wolves and music by Bernie Bray., Quentin Mac­ Bernie Johnson and Datil the Bull­ title, prepared by Stephen Ker cougars, during a winter's trapping in lean and Peggy Brooks. Produced frog. Produced by Norbert Bauman. Appleby. Produced by Rupert Cap­ the wilds of northern British Colum­ by Dan McCuthy. bia, are the principal characters in MONDAYS L'ln. Sports College-CBW 5,30 p.m., CBK­ this serial for children. Starring Cyril Kindergarten of the Air - CBW 9:15 Talking to Teens - CB\V 5:15 p.m.; CBX 4,30 p.m. Slater and Robert Taylor as the two a.m.; CBK-CBX 10,30 a.m. Monday CBK-CBX 5045 p.m. Cynthia Wil­ -- lads who trap in order to carn enough to Friday. Stories, exercises and liams of Toronto presents interviews CBC Piol/s.-Morc than 95 per cent money to buy a fishing boat, Roderick songs for pre-schoolers, with teach­ with interesting people, answers of the non-colllmercial plays pro­ Haig-Browo's story is adapted for ers Dorothy Jane Goulding and letters on a variety of topics and duced by the CDC on the networks radio by Beth Cillanclers, Vancouver Ruth Johnson alternating from week brings news about fashions, sports, during the 1952-53 were written or actress. Raymond \Vhitehousc, pro- La week. Produced by Jim Kent. music and books. adapted by .

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:10 Weather 4: 15 Concert Hour 7:00 FiQhting Words 7:00 CDC News, Weather 9:15 Kindergarten of tho Air 5:00 Thunder in the 7: 30 Harvest 01 Mu.lc and Marine Forecast 9:30 Juanita Chambers Monday, Oct. 12, 1953 Mountains 8:00 Lux Radio Theone 7:05 Manitoba on Parade 9:35 Morning Devotions CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:15 Sleepytime Story 9:00 CBC Notional News 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9:45 Kay O'Neill Teller 9: IS News Roundup 7:40 Family Worship 10:00 Road oj Life II:59 Dominion Time Signal I: 15 The Happy Ganq 5:30 International 9:30 Summerfallow 7:45 Morning Concert 10:15 Rosemary 12:00 Messaqes. Marine 1:45 Hoedown Haven Commentary 10:00 Report from the 8:00 CDC News 10:30 Your Good Neighbour Forecast and Road 2:00 Life Can De Beautiful 5:35 Among My Souvenirs Provinces 8 :05 Weather 10: 45 Laura Limited Roport 2:15 Ma Perkins 6:00 Musical Program 8:07 Sports Report 11:00 BBC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 2:30 Pepper Young 6:15 Maxine Ware Sings 10:15 CDC Symphony 8:15 Dreakfast Club 11:15 Aunt Lucy 12:45 Musical Kitchen 2 :45 Right to Happiness 6:30 CDC News, Weather 11:00 Dob McMullin Show 8:45 Melody HiQhllght 11:30 Brave Voyage 1:00 CBC News 3:00 Musical Pr09ram 6:45 Dob Moir's Sports 11 :30 Cafe Continental 8:50 Vets on Parade 11 :45 Here and There 1: 10 Weather 3:30 Trans·Canada Matinee Parade 12:00 CBC News, Weather 9:00 CBC News CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST) 6:45 Weather,Clockwatcher 9:00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 1:45 Right to Happineu 5:30 Starbuck Valley Winter 8:15 News Roundup 7:00 CBC News 9:15 Rosemary 11:15 The Happy Gong 2:00 Musical Program 5:45 Roundabout 8:30 Summerfallow 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9 :30 Your Good Neighbour 11:45 Musical Kitchen 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 6:00 CBC News, W~ther 9:00 Report from the 7:15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CDC News 3:15 Concert Hour 6:15 International Provinces 7:45 Clockwatcher 10:00 BBC News Commentary g~tg ~~hi~oadcast 4:00 Bra~e Voyage 9:15 CBC Symphony 7:55 Family Worship 10:15 Aunt Lucy Mus~cal 6:20 Interlude 10:00 Bob McMullin Show 8:00 CBC News 10:30 Kindergarten 01 the Air 12:45 Musical Proqram 4:15 Program 5:30 Among My Souvenirs 10:30 Cale Continental 8:10 Weather, Scoreboard 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be Beautilul 4:30 MUSical Program 6:55 Interlude 11:00 CBC News, Weather 8: 15 Hello Saskatchewan 10:55 Interlude 1:15 Ma Perkins 5:00 Musical Program 7:00 Lux Radio Theatre II: IS Chez Nous 8:45 Jean Hinds 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:30 Pepper Young 5:15 Maxine Waro Sings 8:00 CBC National News 11:30 Latitude Unknown ------CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) ------6:45 Musical Proqram 8:45 Belty Tomlinson 10:59 Dominion Time Siqnal 1 30 Pepper Younq I 5:30 Starbuck Valley Winter 8:J5 News Roundup 7:00 CBC News 9:00 Road of Life 11 :00 Timely Tunes I 45 Right to Happiness 5:45 Roundabout 8:30 Summerlallow 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9: IS Rosemary 11: 15 The Happy Gang 2 00 Musical Program I 6:00 CBC News. Weather 9: 00 Report from the 7:15 Breakltlst Club 9:30 Your Good Neighbour II :45 Musical Kitchen 2 30 Trans-Canada Matinee 6: 15 International Province$ 7:45 Glen Bjarnson, Sports 9:45 Laura Limited 12: 00 CBC Newe 3 15 Concert Hour Commentary 9: 15 CBC Symphony 7:55 Family Worship 10:00 BBC News 12: 10 Weather 4 00 Brave Voyage 6:20 Evening Spotts 10:00 Bob McMullin Show 10: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcast 4 15 Musical Program 6:30 Among My Souvenirs 10:30 Cafe Continental 8 :00 CBC News 10:30 Kindergarten 01 the Air 12 :45 Musical Proqram 4 30 Alberta Momos 6:55 On CBC Tonight 11 :00 CBC News, Weather 8:10 Weather 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be BeautUul 5 00 Musical Proqram 7:00 Lux Radio Theatre 11: 15 Chez: N'ous 8:15 Earlybird 10:55 Intorlude I: IS Ma Perkins 5 15 Maxine Ware Sings 8:00 CDC National News 11 :30 Latitude Unknown CBC DOMINION (MST) r------, 8: 15 Hope lor the Ladies 2 :55 Anne Marshall 8:30 Canadian Sports (9:15 a.m. CST Man.) 5:30 Tea and Coffee Time I Roundup For Corrections and Late Program Notes for 11: 00 Hope Jor the Ladies 9 00 Dominion News 6: 45 Provincial AHairs 9 15 U.N. Toda (Sask. and Alta.) (Alia. ) 9 30 Dominion ~agazin. Last Week-s Times-See Page 8. 2:30 Double or Nothing- 8:00 Opportunity Knocks 110 30 Showcase Page Four CDC TIMES « « NOTES » • story of two brothers and two sisters wild life," he says, "may be a bit painfully slow but the Couchiching who were tried for murder at the Old specialized, but I believe a chance conference is at least a Iubricant.­ TRANS-CANADA MATINEE. Today, Bailey in 1877; On the 27th, the story to see wild life under natural condi· D. R., Gibsons Landing, Britis11 What's New in Clothing-Harriet Hill, of a young naval cadet accused of tions is one of the important rights Columbia. Montreal; Matinee Quiz; News Com­ theft - the caltSe celebre on which of man. It is a real enrichment of I should like to commend you on mentary-Anne Francis, Ottawa; Songs Terence Rattigan based his play The living. Believing this, I often feel that this venture. The whole series was by Helene Baillargeon, Montreal. \.Vinslow Boy; und on November 3, tile right to hunt and kill is far more followed with the greatest of interest W-3:30 p.m. K·2:30 p.m. X·2:30 p.m. the murder trial of Herbert John Ben­ questionable than the right simply to by persons here, and constituted one nett at the Old Bailey in 1901. BBC see it and watch it for the pleasure of of the main topics of conversatiOn for MONTREAL SYMPHONY. MODtreal transcription. seeing and watching, and perhaps the whole week among Dominion Symphony Orchestra conducted by Oem. 8:00 p.m. MST learning a little." From Vancouver. Otto Klemperer. From Montreal. _=:=c Bureau of Statistics personnel.-T. D., Leonora Overture NO.3 (Beetboven): TWENTY QUESTIONS. Dick Har- W-I0:15 p.m_ K·9:15 p.m. X-9:15 p.m. Ottawa. Arlo and Gavotte Crom ~he Suite tn rison, the new junior member of the D Major (Bach); SymphOny In G Arthur Phelps' scholarly, moving lIthlOI' No. 40 (Mozart). panel speaks four languages. His and eloquent speech (at the close of Dom. 1:30 p.m. CST; 10:30 p.m. MST father is an American Army licutellant­ Gouchiching the conference) deserves the widest colonel, and Dick has followed him possible audience. We feel that it con­ ARTHUR GODFREY. Now that the around the world. Born in \Vashing­ Letters From Listeners! stitutes the finest and most clamorous irrepressible Arthur Godfrey has re­ ton, in 1939, he travelled extensively plea for World Peace that we have cuperated from his hip operation and during the Second Great War, and in rFrom August 15-21, the CBC Trans­ Canada network carried daily hoor­ met or listened to. May we have it on is back at the helm of his Arthur 1946 went to China with his father, the air again, please? ... We feel Godfrey's Talent Scouts show, he's who was assigned as assistant military long broadcasts of speeches and dis­ L'USrion from the conference at Geneva that the CBC is steadily improving its forecasting a banner season for the attache to the U.S. Ambassador. Dick high standard of service to the Cana­ aspiring young entertainers who will got part of his schooling in the Park, Lake CO!lchiching, . A ;oint project of the CBC and the Cana­ dian people. - D. M. 8., Cliffside, Gnd a showcase for their talent in his American School in lleking. He re­ British Columbia. series. He says that the performers turned to his mother's home in At­ dian Institute on Public Affairs, the on each show are screened from lanta, Georgia, in 1948 at the age of conference had as it theme the ques­ It would seem from the summing among thousands of applicants. They nine. Now he lives in Princeton. His tion, "Is world peace possible?" Here up speeches at the close of the confer­ represent the cream of the hopefuls, father listens to Twenty Questions at are extracts from some of the numer­ ence that many of the participants he says, and orchestra leader Archie his anny base in Korea. ous leNers which came from listeners were taking a morbid pride in their Bleyer sees to it that their special W·S:30 p.m. K·9:30 p.m. X-9:30 p.m. in response to these broadca.sts.] pessimism. Somebody even called his musical arrangements are given the H I have a fault to find it is that "realism," or retreat from optimism, rehearsal worthy of their profesSional CBC CONCERT HALL. Marshall one hour is too short a time to devote a more mature point of viewl After Sumner, pianist. From Montreal. to broadcasts of so much importance. all the dull, prosaic, orthodox econ­ backgrounds. In addition to receiving VarlaUolls on a Theme by Handel a cash prize, winners are presented on (BI'81Ilns). There must be many people both in omists and all the shockingly dispas­ Godfrey's morning show, and intro­ Dom. 8:30 p.m. CST; 8:30 p.m_ MST Canada and the who sionate speeches as to whether we duced to producers of stage, movies would be helped to clearer thinking could have a peaceful world or not, and TV. Some of the present "little MUSIC IN OUR TIME, A recorded on vital subjects if it were possible for with the emphasis on the "not," Godfreys" are songstress Lu Ann program prepared by John Beckwith. them to hear them discussed.-E. H. Arthur Phelps' speech came over the Simms, Eddie Fisher, Vic Damone, From Toronto. M., Brown's Flat, New Bmnswick. air waves with a thrilling challenge Rosemary Clooney, June Valli, Wally Trio tor Woodwind (Henri Barraud): -I deeply regret that you were not in it.-M. M., Nanaimo, British Col­ Chamber Concerto (Frank Martin). umbia. Cox and Denise Lor. Dom. 9:30 p.m. CST sufficiently courageous to venture W·8:oo p.m. K-1:00 p_m. X·7:00 p.m. -- broadcasting the whole of each session. The particular force of the whole CANADIANA. Crying in the Wilder­ The moral <..'Ourage displayed by the presentation sprang from the plain BBC PRESENTS. Series of programs ne.s.f, a series of speakers was the most refreshing thing fact that tllcse were all reasonable in which Edgar Lustgarten recon­ talks by Roderick rye listened to for many a day.-/. If. men, looking not for controversies but structs some of the most famous Haig-Brown deal­ \V. Gangea, British Columbia. for solutions.... The Canadians and criminal trials in British annals. To­ ing with the neces­ I was fortunate enough to hear the Americans present, or listening in, night's story concerns Sidney Harry sity for conserva­ every word of the Couchiching con­ must have begun to see more clearly Fox, who was brought to trial and tion of natural re4 ference hroadcasts. I wish to congratu­ the shape and meaning of their convicted in 1930 on a charge of mur­ sources. \Vild life late your organization most sincerely respective foreign policies. For us in dering his mother. On October 20 and game fish will be the subjects of for making such splendid programs this country, anyway, that achieve- Lustgarten win present the curious the ne.xl two talks. "My own view on available to the public. Progress is (Continued on page 5)

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:00 CDC News 3:00 School Broadcast 7: 00 Public Eye 7:00 CBC News, WHlther 9:10 Weather Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1953 3:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 7:30 Mr. Showbusineas and Marine Forecast 9:15 Kindergarten of the Air 4:15 Concort Hour 8:00 Arthur Godfrey 7:05 Manitoba on Pcuade 9:30 Juanita Chambers CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:00 Starbuck Valley Winter 8:30 Twenty Questions 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9:35 Morning DevotioM 5:15 Roundabout 9:00 CBC National News 7:40 Family Wonbip 9:45 Kay O'Hem 11 :45 Here and There 1: 10 WHlther 5:30 International 9: 15 News Roundup 1:45 Morning COncert 10:00 Road of Life 11:59 Dominion Time Siqnal 1:15 The Happy Ganq Commentary 9: 30 Leicester Square 8:00 CBC News 10:15 Ra.emary 12:00 ~o~:~~s~n~a~~d 1:45 ~oedown Haven . 5:35 The Lennicks 10:00 A Word in Your Ear 8:05 Weather 10:30 Your Good Neighbour Report 2:00 Life Can Be Beauhful 6:00 Musical Program 10:15 Canadlana 8:07 Sports Report 10:45 Laura Limited 6: 15 Barney Potts 10:30 Here Comes the Band 8:15 Breaktast Club 11:00 DDC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 2:15 Me Perkins 6:30 CBC News, Weather 11:00 Chico Valle 8:45 Melody Hiqhllqht 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:45 Jimmy Shields 2:30 Pepper Younq 6:45 Bob Moir's Sporl!; II :30 Vancouver Theatre 8:50 Vets on Parade II :30 Brave Voyaqe 1:00 CBC News 2:45 Rig-ht to Happines!l Parade 12:00 CBC News, Weather CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.l (MST) 6:45 Weather,Clockwatcher 9:00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 2:00 School Broadcast 5:45 SI_pytime Story 8:00 CBC National News 7:00 CDC News 9:15 Ra.emary 11:15 The Happy Ganq 2:30 Trana-Canada Matinee Teller 8:15 News Roundup 7:05 Weather. Interlude 9:30 Your Good Neiqhbour 11 :45 Jimmy Shields 3: IS COncert Hour 6:00 CBC News. Weather 8:30 Leicester Square 7:15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 4:00 Brave Voyaqe 6:)5 International 9:00 A Word in Your Ear 7:4.5 Clockwatcher 10:00 BBC News 12: 10 Weather 4: 15 Musical Program COmmentary 9: 15 Canadiana 7:55 Family Worship 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12: 15 Far~ Broadcast 4:30 Musical Program 6 :20 Interlude 9:30 Twenty Queslions 1~~~ ~;:I~/~o;;rg~uli1ul 5:00 Musical Program 6:30 The Lennlcks 10:00 Mr. Showbusines.s 8:00 CBC Hews 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 10:30 Vancouver ThHllre 8:)0 Weather. Scoreboard 10;4.5 Morninq Devotions 1:15 Ma Porkins 5:15 Barney Potts 6:55 Interlude 11:00 CDC News. Weatber 8:15 Hello Saskatchewan 10:55 Interlude 1:30 Pepper Younq 5:30 Thunder in the 7:00 Arthur Godfrey 11: 15 Four Gentlemen 8:45 JHl.D Hin~ 10:59 Dominion Time Siqnal 1:45 Righi to Happlaea Mountains 7:30 Public Eye II:30 Here COmes the Band CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) 6:45 Mu.lcal Program 9:00 Road of Life 11:15 The Happy Ganq 2:00 School Broadcast 5:45 Sleepytime Story 8:00 CDC National News 7:00 CBC News 9: 15 Rosemary 11 :45 Jimmy Shields 2:30 Trans·Canada Matinee Teller 8: 15 News Roundup 7:05 Weather. Interlude 9:30 Your Good. Neiqhbour 12:00 CBC News 3:15 Concert Hour 6:00 CBC News, Weather 8:30 Leicester Square 7:15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laura Limited 12:10 Weather 4:00 Brave Voyage 6:)5 International 9:00 A Word in Your Ear 7:45 Glen Bjarnson, Sports 10:00 BBC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 4:15 Musical Program Commentary 9:15 Canadiana 7:55 Family Worahlp 10:15 A~t Lucy _ 12:45 Musical Program 4:30 Alberta Mema. 6: 20 Evening Sporta 9:30 Twenty Questions 10:30 Kmd!rgarten 01. the Au 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 5:00 Musical Program 6:30 The Lennicks 10:00 Mr. Sbowbusiness 8:00 CDC News :g;;~ :~:rl~3e 10:30 Vancouver ThHltre 8:10 Weather Devotions II: IS Ma Perkins 5: 15 Barney Potts 6:55 On CBC To.n.iqht 11:00 CBC News. Weather 8:15 Earlybird 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1;30 P~pper Younq 5:30 Thunde~ in the 7:00 Arthur Godfrey 11:15 Four GenUemen 8:45 Betty Tomlinson / 11:00 Timely Tunct. 1.45 Rlqht to Happiness MountainS 7: 30 Public Eye 11 :30 Here Comes the Band CBC DOMINION (MST) For Correetions and Late Program 8:15 Hope for the Ladies 2:55 Anne Marshall 8:30 Music in Our Time 9:15 U.N. Today (9:15 a.m. CST Man.) 6:30 Montreal Symphony (9:30 p.m. CST Man.) 9: 15 Provincial Affairs Hotes for Last Week's Times ) 1:00 Hope for the Ladies (7:30 p.m. CST Man.) •.. 3. CBe Concert HnlI (Sask.) -See Page 8. (sask. and Alta.) 7:30 CDC COncert Hall 9:30 In Secuch of Ourselves (8:30 p.m. CST Man.) (Sallk. and Alta.) 10:30 Montreal Symphony 2:30 Double or Nothln9 8:00 BBC Presents 9:00 Dominion News (Sask. and Alta.) October 11 • 17 Page Five « « NOTES » » present Ciacomo Puccini's Turandot throughout. Other operas announced that broadcast time was over. The as the featllTe of CEC \Vednesday for performance by the CBe Opera coverage of the Couchiching confer­ TRANS-CANADA MATINEE. Today, Night. From Taranto. Company during the 1953·54 season ence is a case in point. Surely there What's New in Britain-Rose Mary are Mozart's Cosi fan tutle on Novem­ can be nothing more aggravating than Sands; The Metre Reader-Tommy ber 25, with Geoffrey Waddington gelting oneself wound up in an excit­ Tweed; Colour Pieces-Shiela Patter­ conducting; Verdi's La Traviata in ing discussion, completely oblivious son; ews Commentary-Anne Fran­ January, with Emesto Barbini and to Ule passing of time, and then, sud­ cis; Songs by Alan Mills. UlC Toronto Symphony Orchestra in denly, having the whole thing W·3:3O p.m. X-2:30 p.m. X-2:30 p.m. i\fassey Hall, Toronto; Ravel's L'heure snatched away. U we are going to be espagnol and Mozart's Impresario from allowed to hear only tidbits of pro­ PRAIRIE RAILROADS. Tbis week', Montreal in February, with Jean Deau­ vocative programs such as these. you talk on the development of prairie det conducting; and ArUlUr Benjamin's must he prepared to receive the rd.iJroad~ deals with competition for Tale of Two Cities in April, with strongest criticism from listeners.-N. the C.P.R., the Canadian orthem EUore M'azzoleni conducting. P. D.• Ottawa. and Grand Trunk railroads, the Hud· W-1:30 p.m. K·8:30 p.m. X-8:3O p.m. \Ve were proud of the Canadian son Bay railway And the consolidation speakers. their clear views, well ex­ of raaroads to modem times. The TALK ON SHAKESPEARE. Andrew pressed, facing facts as they are. We speaker will be J. \V, Chafe of Win­ Allan will talk about Shakespeare this felt there were too many Americans, nipeg who was the first speaker in 'Vednesday evening, prefacing his who are not for negotiation or trying the series. From Winnipeg. series of the Bard"s historical plays to clear the situation by talks among K·7:oo p.m. X-7:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. IS. W-7:15 p,m, (Richard II, Henry lV, Henry V. all parties concemcd.-G. M. R.. Vic­ Henry VI and Richarq III) which taria. starts next week and continues with International problems alC so com­ TIlE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE. The monthly presentations until April. .""'__~__.. Great Gildersleeve, plicated today that it is a very fine From Toronto. thing to be able to listen to such dis­ another old rad:o W·IO:30 p.m. K-II:15 p.m. X-ll:15 p.m, slandby, has be­ cussions between people who are thus gun its 13th season, able to share some of their insight RECITAL. Max Orobio de Castro, with us ordinary puzzled citizens.- with '"Villard louise Roy Waterman as the Dutch 'cellist. From Toronto. f. 5., Pefle1anguishene, Ontario. Tur-andot, Princess or China-Louise water commissioner Roy, SOfll'IlnOj Emperol' Altoum­ Sonata (G. Valentini); Capl'll:e 'Vhat I heard spoken by fellow Victol' WhIte, tenor; Tlmul', de­ (IIIndemith); Habanera (navel) j of the mythical Hungarian Rhapsody (D. Popper), Canadians was truly inspiring; I would town of Summer­ throner! Tatar klnr-Jan Rubes, be grateful if you could thank them basso; Calar, IllS son - Jimmie W-I0:45 p.m. K-I1:30 p,m. X-I1:30 p.m. field. Shlelrls, tenor; L1u, a young slavl>­ for me. I am no jingoist, but can't help Tlll'Ocklllol'ton 1'_ Hlirbal'a Franklin, SoprallO; Pin!!" expressing U1at 1 was disappointed in Gildersleeve (Water­ Jl'l'anrl chancellOI'-OleUIl Oal't!lner, man). his nephew baritone; Pang, general pUI'veyor­ COUCHICHING the AmeriC'an speakers I heard. They Gilder.leeve Lcroy ('Valter Tet- Earl DICk, tenor; Pong, chler eook­ (Continued from page 4) talk like small boys who have never Icy), hili niece MarJ­ Ernest Adams, tenor; a Mandarln­ orie (Mal'ylce Rollb) , and hIs hOllse­ Andrew MacMillan. baritone. cac been away from their street, yet pro­ keeper, BII'lIlC (Lillian Handolpb), Opera Chorus and orchestl'a con­ menl alone would warrant the broad­ fess omniscience, They believe in the make up the household or the Gilder­ ducted by Nicholas GOldscbmiClt; devil and their own sanctity, I hope sleeve ramlly-cuI'I'Clltl.Y operatinK bOl'S' choir f!'om Gl'llce Church on casts.-A. IT, A., Ottawa. In two branches. Marjorie. her hU!:i­ the lilli, Toronto, dlrcctC(i by John that there will be many more broad­ hand IIronco (Dick Crclilla) and Hodgins; assistant conductor and (An objection was voiced after­ casts of this nature, and that we can their twins live next dOor to Gildy. coaCh, George Brough; al'tistie ad­ wards) because the broadcasts were Aiding and abetting in GUdy's VIser, Herman Gelger.Torcl; com­ hear many non-North Americans as hilarious I'omanlic cUIIJplications are mentator, Lamont TIlden; technical not "entertaining." There must be well. Up the CBC every time.-E. A. his pals: Pea\'y, the drUKKist (Rich­ operator, Gordon Jackson; assistant many Canadians who do not make J.• Kinderslev, Saskatchewan. ard l.eGrande), Judge llooker (Earle producer, John Reeves; PI'oducer, nO~5), Floyd j'l:1 unsou, the barber Terence Gibbs, "entertaining" the sole criterion for (Arthur Q. DI'yan), and Pollee Chler acceptable radio programs, and your It is three years since the company Gates (Ken ChriSty). courage is doubtless adding to that CBC \Vednesday Night.-Between Dom. 00 p.m. first presented this work, and producer 8: MST number. More strength to you.- A. 1947 and 1952, CBC Wednesday Gibbs believes it is a happy choice K., Vancouver. for the launching of the new season. Night presented 900 hours of broad­ CBC Wednesday Night From the listeners' point of view, Why must the CEe be a slave to casting in which many original ideas Gibbs says, the opera has two sure­ the clock? I wish I could count the were developed and emphasis was laid TURANDOT. To open its sixth fire features. The story is an exciting number of times I have been annoyed on U1e work of Canadian composers, season, the CBC Opera Company will one, and the music enhances the action by the announcer's voice telling me authors and performers.

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:00 cac News 2:45 Right to Happiness 6: 45 Bob Moir's Sports 7:00 cac News, Weather 9:10 WeatheI 3:00 School Broadcast Parade 7:05 Manitoba on Parade 9: 15 KindeIgarten 01 the Air Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1953 3:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 7:00 Music at Seven and Maline Forecast 9: 30 Juanita Chambers 4:15 Concert Hour 7:15 Introduction to 7:30 cac News, Weather 9:35 Morning Devotions CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:00 Jubilee Road Wednesday Night 7:40 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Neill 5:15 Music Pictures Lady 7: 30 Turandot 7:45 Morning Concerl 10:00 Road of Life 11 :45 Here and Thele I 1:00 CBC News 5:30 International 10:00 CBC News 8:00 cac News 10:15 Rosemary II :59 Dominion Time Signal I: 10 WeatheI Commentary 10:15 News Roundup 10:30 Talk on Shakespeare 8:05 Weather 10:30 Your Good Neighbour 12:00 Me8.llages, Marine 1: 15 The Happy Gang 5:35 Music from Films 8:07 Sports Report 10:45 Laura Limited Forecast and Road 1: 45 Hoedown Haven 10:45 Recilal 6:00 Musical Program 8: 15 Breakfast Club 11 :00 BBC News Report 2 :00 Life Can Be Beautilul II: 15 Wednesday Concert 8:45 Melody Highlight 11:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcast I 2: 15 Ma Perkins 6:15 What's New II :45 Canadian Short Stories 8:50 Vets on Parade II:30 Brave Voyage 12:45 Musical Kitchen 2:30 Pepper Young 6:30 CBC News, Weather 12:00 CBC News, Weather CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST) 6: 45 Weather, Clockwatcher 9:00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 1:45 Right to Happiness 5:30 Jubilee Road 7:15 Fighting Words 7:00 cac News 9:15 Rosemary 11:15 The Happy Gang 2:00 School Broadcast 5 :45 Music Pictures Lady 7:45 Introduction to 7:05 Weather. Interlude 9:30 Your Good Neighbour 11:45 Musical Kitchen 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 6:00 CBC News, Weather Wednesday Niqht 7:15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 3:15 Concert Hour 6: 15 International 8 :00 CBC National News 7:45 Clockwatcher 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather 4:00 Brave Voyage Commentcuy 8:15 News Roundup 7:55 Family Worship 10: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcasl 4:15 Musical Program 6 :20 Interlude 8:30 Turandot 8:00 CDC News 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 12:45 Musical Program . 8:10 Weather, Scoreboard 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 4:30 MUSIcal Plogram 6 :30 Music from Films 11 :00 CBC News. Weather 8: 15 Hello Saskatchewan 10:55 Interlude 1: 15 Ma Perkins 5:00 Musical Program 6:55 Interlude 11:15 Talk on Shakespeare 8:45 Jean Hinds 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:30 Pepper Young 5:15 What's New? 7:00 Prairie Railroads 11 :30 Recital CBX, ALBERTA (IOIO Kc.) (MST) ------6: 45 Musical Program 9: 00 Road of Life 10:59 Dominion Time Signal I:30 Pepper Young 5:30 Jubilee Road 7:15 Fighting Words 7:00 CBC News 9: 15 Rosemary 1l:00 Timely Tunes 1:45 Right to Happiness 5:45 Music Pictures Lady 7:45 Introduction to 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9:30 YOUI Good Neighbour 11:15 The Happy Gang 2:00 School Broadcast 6:00 CBC News, Weather Wednesday Nioht 7: 15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laula Limited 11:45 Musical Kitchen 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 6:15 Inlernatlonal 8:00 CBC National Newl 7: 45 Glen Bjarnson, SPOIls 10:00 BBC News 12:00 CBC News 3: 15 Concert Hour Commentary 8:15 News Roundup 7:55 Family Worship 12: 10 Weather 4:00 Brave Voyage 6: 20 Evening Sports 8: 30 Turandot 8:00 cac News 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Bloadcast 4:15 Musical Program 8:10 Weather 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 12:45 Musical Program 4:30 Alberta Memos 6 30 Music from Films 11 :00 CBC New., Weather 8:15 Eadybird 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 5:00 Musical Program 6 55 On CBC Tonight 1l:15 Talk on Shakespeare 8: 45 Belty Tomlinson 10:55 Intedude I: 15 Ma Perkins 5: 15 What's New? 7 00 Prairie Railloads 11:30 Recital CBC DOMINION (MST) For Corrections and Late Program 8:15 Hope lOI the Ladies 2 30 Double or Nothing 7 15 Program Preview 9:00 Dominion News Notes lor Last Week's Times (9:15 a.m. CST Man.) I 2 55 Anne Marshall 7 30 Incidentally Yours 9:15 Eddie Flsher­ 11: 00 Hope for the Ladies 5 30 Tea and Coffee Time 8 00 Great Gildersleeve Don Ameche -See Page 8. (ScAk. and Alta.) 7 00 It Happened Here I 8 30 Variety Fanlare 9:30 Voice of the Army Page Six CBC TIMES « « NOTES »» mirably in his assignment. Emrys Jones, producer. From \Vinnipeg. Citizens' Forum New York Orchestras On Sunday Schedule TRA S-CANADA MATINEE. Today: W-IO:30 p.m. K-IO:30 p.m. X-IO:30 p.m. Citizens' Forum begins its 11th What's New at U.l .-Ada Siegel, ew season this Thursday. October 15, I~IlTRI MITROPOULOS will with a discussion on professionalism York; People of the Snow Huts-E. S. EVENTIDE. Choir conducted by D again be the chief conductor of Carpenter; Club Clinic-Clubs Can in sports, It will be heard on CBW at the New York Philharmonic Symphony Dalton Baker; rcadings by E, V. 9:30 p.m., CBK-CBX 9,00 p.m. \Vork Together-Jean Pratt; ews Young. From Vancouver. concerts, beginning this Sunday after­ Next week, Citizens' Forum will Commentary-Anne Francis; Songs by Theme: The Parable or the 'Vlckect noon October 11. Helene Baillargeon. Sel'Vant, and the lesson or rorglve­ move to Ottawa for consideration of Highlights of the orchestra's 1953­ ness which It taught. the question: Censorship: safegunrd W-3:30 p.m. K-2:30 p.m. X·2:30 p.m. 54 season will include Beethoven's W-11:30 p.m. K·8:30 p.m. X-8:30 p.m. or menace?; and then, on October 29, Missa Solemnis, and programs devoted to Vancouver for discussion of thc entirely to the music of Brahms, CITIZENS' FORUM. This program question: Do parents have enough say Mozart and Beethoven, The Spanish opens its lIth season tonight with Symphony Series Resumes in education? These and 14 other pianist Soriano, the Dutch pianist what promises to be a lively discussion topics have already been chosen for Daniel \Vayenberg and the Italian on professionalism in sport. The ques· On Tuesday Nights this season's broadcast from thc more violinist Alfredo Campoli are liched­ tion is: Is professionalism mining than a thousand suggested by listeners tiled to make thcir first broadcasts all Canadian sports? From Toronto. The Tuesday-evening symphony and Citizens' Forum groups in all parts this continent with the New York concerts on the CBC Dominion net­ of the country. Topics for four other Speakers: Clarence CamllbcIl. presi­ Philharmonic this season. dent or the National I!orkey League; work. featuring alternately the or­ discussions during the season will he Appearing with the orchestra as Jim Coleman, sports columnist; and cllestra of Les Concerts Symphoniques chosen from important items in the guest conductors will be Bruno \Valter, Bernie Hodgetts, director or athletics at Trinity College SChool, Port Hope. de Montreal a.nd the Toronto Sym­ news. Altogether. listeners \-vill hear George Szell and Guido Cantelli. On Ontario, and rormer coach or a Junior phony Orchestra, return on October some 75 invited speakers in 21 round­ hand each week will be the Phil­ O.H.A. team. 13 (7,30 p.m. CST, 10:30 p.m. table programs. Included in tllc panel­ harmonic's host, James Fassett. These three will cxamine one another's MST). ists will be professors, journalists, The NBC Symphony Orchestra will views on the impact of professionalism Les Concerts Symphoniques, which clergymen, business men, trade union­ l..'tmtinuc to be heard Sunday evening at the opening meeting of the Dan­ will give the first concert. celebrates ists, scientists, lawyers-men amI wom­ on Trans-Canada, "vith the orchestra'li forth-East York SO-ED Club in To­ this year its 20th anniversary and in en of many callings and many per­ major winter series scheduled to start ronto, where the broadcast will origi­ some respects it has planned a gala suasions. Novemher 8 under Arturo Toscanini's nate. Specially invited guests from season. Otto Klemperer will conduct Bernard Troller of the CBC, who dircction, A highlight of the NBC Toronto sports circles will join mem­ the first five broadcast concerts and has taken over the responsibility for Symphony season will be a two-part· bers of the club in asking questions his final one, on December Btll, will arranging Citizen's Forum programs, presentation of Verdi's Un Ballo in froUl the Hoor. present a performance of Beethoven's liays the main purpose of the series Maschera, W·9:30 p.m. K-9:00 p.m. X·9:00 p.m. massive Symphony No.9, the Choral remains to provide a "national plat­ Symphony inspired by Friedrich Schil­ fonn" where Canadians can swap CBC SYMPHONY ler's Ode to Joy. Conductors booked to opinions with their countrymen in (Continued from page 1) WINNIPEG DRAMA. Hard on the appear later with the Montreal or­ every part of the nation, The program hcels of the old season, which ended eheslra are Desire Defauw, Ceorge has never advocated any particular Those already booked include pianists only last week. \Vinnipeg Drama Salti, Pierre Monteux and Josef Krips. solutions for the problems Ulat are Clenn Gould, Rachel Cavalllo, Boris opens its season of 1953-54 with a The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, discussed; but it has sometimes been fiouhakine, Ross Pratt and Mario new play by John A. McNaughton of under Sir Ernest MacMillan, will make instrumental in developing local in­ Bernardi; violinists John Dembeck and Brandon, Manitoba, It is called For its first Tuesday-night broadc..1st on terest which has led to community Albert Pratz; harpsichordist Greta the Record, This is the amusing and Octoher 20. featuring the Beethoven action towards a specific goal. Kraus; sopnmo Elizabeth Benson Guy; tender story of a normal, lively, mis­ Piano Concert No.4, with Micczyslaw \Vhile many listeners join discussion bass-baritope James Milligan; and the chievous little boy and the question Horszowski. The orchestra will be groups under the guidance of Citizcns' Stratford Festival Trio, led by Pratz. uf his admissability to paradise. Many heard this Friday, October 16 (CnW Fomm secretaries in nine provinces, The plan for the concert on October famolls and fabulous spiril.. arc in­ 7:30 p.m., CBK-CBX 8,30 p.HI.), in the program is dl..'Signcd for e\'cryone 19 provides an example of off-the­ voh-ed in the problem-even such the season's first "Pop" Concert from who is interested in pubhc affairs, or beaten-track programming which, it is gho!>tly persons as Cleopatra, ~farit'­ ~Iassey Hall, launching ..1 new series of who simply enjoys a good argument. intpndcd, will characterize tIle work Antoinette, and Kern. Oddly enough, weekly concerts which will l.:()ntinuc Each broadcast pnds with a regional of the CBe Symphony Orchestra. On it is Casanova who is sent earthwards right through the winter, Paul Scher­ review of Citizens' FOrtlm news, sum­ that occasion, Hpin? Unger will dircct to investigate the little boy; and, in man will direct the opener nnd Sir marizing comments sent in by listeners a performance of thc Symphony No, spite of Af'shly tcmptations hy the Ernest will be on the podium ncxt who heard the previous \vel'k's broad· 4 by Carl Nielsen, the celebrated wuy, tllis famous lover succeeds ad- weck. cast. Danish composer who died in 1931.

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:00 CBC News 3:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 7: 15 Prairie Railroads 7:00 CBC News. Weather 9: 10 Weather Thursday, Oct. 15, 1953 4:15 Concert Hour 7: 30 Father Knows Best and Marine Forecast 9:15 Kindergarten of the Air 5:00 Hudson Bay Express 8:00 John and Judy 7 05 Manitoba on Parade 9;30 Juanita Chambers CBW. MA ITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:15 Talking to Teens 8:30 Wayne and Shuster 7 30 CDC News. Weather 9:35 Morning Devotions 5:30 International 9:00 CBC National News 7 40 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Neill II :45 Here aDd Thef. I: 10 Weather Commentary 9:15 News Roundup 7 45 Morning Concert 10:00 Road of Life 11:59 Dominion Tim. Siqnal 1:15 The Happy Gang' 5:35 The Lennicka 9:30 Citizens' Forum 8 00 CDC News 10:15 Rosemary 12:00 MessQqe5. Marine 1:45 Hoedown Haven 6:00 Musicol Program 10: IS Midweek Review 8 05 Weather 10:30 Your Good Neighbour Forecast and Road 2:00 Life Can B. BeauliJul 6: IS As Tunes Go By 8 07 Sports Report 10:45 Laura Limited Report 2:15 Me Perkins 6:30 CBC News. Weather 10:30 Winnipeq Drama 8 15 Breakfast Club 11:00 BBC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 2:30 Pepper YOUDq 6:45 Bob Moir's Sports 11:00 Vancouver Concert 8 45 Weather, Vets on 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:45 Ilmmy Shl.l~ 2:45 Riqht to Happlne.. Parade 11:30 Eventide Parade 11:30 Brave Voyage 1:00 CDC New. 3:00 School Broadcast 7:00 Musical Program 12:00 CBC News. Weather ------CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (~1ST) 6 45 Weather.Clockwatcher 9:00 Road of Life 11 :00 Timely Tunes 1:45 Right to Happine•• 5:30 Hudson Bay Express 8:15 News Roundup 700 CDC News 9:15 Rosemary 11:15 The Happy Ganq 2:00 School Broadcast 5:45 Talking to Teens 8:30 Eventide 7 05 Weather, Interlude 9:30 Your Good Neighbour 11:45 Jimmy Shield. 2:30 Trana-Canada Matinee 6:00 CBC News, Weather 9:00 Citizens' Forum 7 15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CDC News 3:15 Concert Hour 6:15 International 7 45 Clockwatcher 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather 4:00 Brave Voyage Commentary 9:45 Talk 7 55 Family Worship 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcast M . 1 P 6:20 Interlude 10:00 Vancouver Concert 8 00 CBC News 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 12:45 Musical Program 4:15 us~ca roqram 6:30 Father Knows Best 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 8 10 Weather, Scoreboard 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be Beoutilul .( :30 MUSIcal Program 7:00 John and Judy 11:00 CBC News, Weathe:r 8 15 Hello Saskatchewan 10:55 Interlude 1:15 Me Perkins 5:00 Musical Program 7:30 Wayne and Shuster 11:15 Midweek Review 8 45 Jean Hinds 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:30 Pepper Young 5:15 As Tunes Go By 8:00 CDC National New. II:30 Nocturne CBX,ALBERTA (IOro Kc.) (MST) ------6 45 Musical Program 8:45 Betty Tomlinson 10:59 Dominion Time Signal I :30 Pepper Young' 5:30 Hudson Bay Express 8:15 News Roundup 7 00 CBC News 9:00 Road of LUe 11 :00 TimeU'; Tune. I :45 Right to Happine•• 5:45 Talking to Teens 8:30 Eventide 7 05 Weather, Interlude 9:15 Rosemary II: IS The appy Gang 2:00 School Broadcast 6:00 CBC News, Weather 9:00 Citizens' Forum 7 15 Breakfast Club 9:30 Your Good. Neighbour 11 :45 Jimm~Shields 2:30 Trans-Canada MaUnee 6:15 International 9:45 Talk 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC ews 3: 15 Concert Hour Commentary 7 45 Glen Bjarnson, Sport. 10:00 Vancouver Concert 7 55 Family Worship 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather 4:00 Brave Voyaqe 6: 20 Evening Sports 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcast 4:15 Musical ProqTom 6:30 Father Knows Best 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 8 00 CDC News 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 12:45 Musical Proqram 4:30 Alberta Momos 7:00 John and Judy 11:00 CBC News, WQather 8 10 Weather 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Lile Can Be Beautiful 5:00 Musical Proqram 7:30 Wayne and Shuster II:15 Midweek Review 8 15 Earlybird 10:55 Interlude I: 15 Ma Perkins 5:15 As Tunes Go By 8 :00 CBC National News 11:30 Nocturne CBC DmIL'lION (MST) 8:15 Hope for the Ladles 2:55 Anne Marshall 8:30 Musicol Program For Corrections and Late Program Notes for (9:15 a.m. CST Man.) 7: 00 Suspense (9:30 p.m. CST Man.) 11:00 Hope for the Ladiea (8:00 p.m. CST Man.) 8:30 Sldpftnae Last Week·s Times-See Page 8. (Sask. and AIta_) (Sask. and Alta.) 7:30 What's the Name of 9:00 Dominion News 2:30 Double o:r Nothlnq that Song 9: 15 U.N. Today 8:00 Court of Opinion 9:30 Mldic of the People October 11 ~ 17 Page Seven « « HOTES » » has made his home in the United Sack, soprano. Thursday-Baptiste et duties of program administrative of­ Stales since 1938. In addition to his Marianne. Friday-Ecole des Parents, ficer at Toronto. TRANS-CANADA MATINEE. To<)ay, academic work, he L~ the chief book family problems, Saturday-Concert \V. K. ~foyer, 34, of Toronto, has News from Our Village-Happy Bon· critic of Harper's Magazine, a vora­ Inlime; La Fin dll JOllr-The Prospect been named administrative assistant nell; Books I've Been' Reading Sally cious reader in many languages and BefoTe Us (Boyce·Lambert). to the Director for Ontario. A member Creighton, Vancouver; The School a gifted lecturer. Many of the talks of the CSC staff since 1938, he served "That Builds a House"-Elizaheth which - were heard last year on the five years with the Canadian anny Norcross; News Commentary-Anne CEC, :

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:10 Weather 3:00 School Broadc:ast 7:30 Toronto Pop Concert 7:00 CBC News, Weather 9: 15 Kindergarten of the All' 3:30 Trans·Canada Matinee 8: 30 Songs of My People and Marine Foreco.st 9:30 Juanita Chambers Friday, Oct. 16, 1953 4:15 Concert Hour 9:00 eBC National News 7:05 Manitoba on Parade 9: 35 Morning Devotions 5:00 Anne of Green Gables 9:15 News Roundup 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9:45 Kay O'Neill CBW, MANITOBA (990 Ke.) (CST) 5:30 International 9: 30 CBC Sporls Page 7:40 Family Worship 10:00 Road of Life Commentary 10:00 Prairie Showcase 7:45 Morning Concert 10:15 Rosemary II:59 Dominion Time Signal I:10 Weather 5:35 Tboughls in Music 10: 15 People, Places and 8:00 CBC News 10:30 Your Good Neighbour 12:00 Messages, Marine 1:15 The Happy Gang 6:00 Musical Program Books 8:05 Weather 10:45 Laura Limited Forecast and Road I :4.5 Hoedown Haven 6:15 Fred Hill 10:30 Here's Juliette 8:07 Sporls Report 11 :00 BBC News Report 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 6:30 CBe News. Weather 11:00 John Fisher 8:15 Breakfast Club 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadc:ast 2:15 Ma Perkins 6:45 Bob Moir's Sports 11:15 Speaker's Choice 8:45 Weather, Vets on 11:30 Brave Voyage 12:45 Musical Kitchen 2:30 Pepper Young Parade 11:30 Musical Program Parade 11 :45 Here and There 1:00 CBe News 2:45 Right to Happiness 7: 00 eurlain Melodies 12:00 esc News, Weather 9:00 CBC News CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Ke.) (MST) 6:45 Weather,Clockwatcher 9 :00 Road of Life 11 :00 Timely Tunes I :4.5 Right to Happiness 6:00 CBC News, Weather 8:00 CDC National News 7:00 CBC News 9: 15 Rosemary 11:15 The Happy Gang 2:00 School Broadcast 6: 15 International 8:15 News Roundup 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9:30 Your Good Neighbour 11:45 Musical Kitchen 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee Commentary 8:30 Toronto Pop Concert 7: 15 Breakfast Club 9: 45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 3:15 Concert Hour 6:20 Interlude 9:30 Here's Juliette 7: 45 Clockwatcher 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather 4:00 Brave Voyage 6:30 Thoughts in Music: 10:00 eBC Sports Page 12:15 Farm Broadcast 4:15 Musical Program 7:55 Family Worship 10:15 Aunt Lucy 6:55 Interlude 10:30 Jobn Fisher 8:00 CBC News 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 12:45 Musical Program 4:30 Musical Program 10:45 Speaker's Choice 8:10 Weather, Scoreboard 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 5:00 Musical Program 7:00 Bill Good 11:00 esc News, Weather 8:15 Hello Saskatchewan 10:55 Interlude 1:15 Ma Perkins 5:15 Fred Hill 7: 15 Prairie Showcase 11:15 Songs for Two 8:45 Jean Hinds 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:30 Pepper Young 5:30 Anne of Green Gables 7:30 Songs of My People 11:30 Musical Program CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Ke.) (MST) 6:45 Musical Program 9: 00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 1:45 Right to Happiness 5:30 Anne 01 Green Gables 8 :00 CBC National News 7:00 CBC News 9:15 Rosemary 11:15 The Happy Gang 2:00 School Broadcast 6:00 CBC News, Weather 8:15 News Roundup 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9:30 Your Good Neighbour 11:45 MusIcal Kitchen 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 6: 15 International 8:30 Toronto Pop Concert 7: 15 Breakfast Club 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 3 15 Concert Hour Commentary 9:30 Here's Juliette 7:45 Glen Bjarnson, Sports 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather 400 Brave Voyage 6: 20 Evening Sports 10 :00 CBC Sports Page 7:55 Family Worship 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcast . 6:30 Thoughts in Music 10:30 John Fisher 8:00 eBC News 10:30 Kindergarten of the Air 12:45 Musical Program 4 15 MUSIcal Program 6:55 On CBe Tonight 10:45 Speaker's Choice 8: 10 Weather 10:45 Morning Devotions 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 4. 30 Alberta Memos 7:00 Bill Good 11 :00 CBC News, Weather 8:15 Earlybird 10:55 Interlude 1: 15 Me Perkins 5 00 Musical Program 7:15 Prairie Showcase 11:15 Songs for Two B: 45 Betty Tomlinson 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:30 Pepper Young 5 15 Fred Hill 7: 30 Songs of My People II: 30 Musical Program CBC DOMINION (MST) 8:15 Hope for the Ladies 12:55 Anne Marshall 8:00 Cavalcade of Sports For Corrections and Late Program Hotes for (9:15 a.m. CST Man.) 5'30 Tea and Coffee 9:00 Dominion News II: 00 Hope for the Ladies' . Time I 9: 15 Eddie Fisher· Last Week's Tlm.es--See Page 8. (Sask. and Alta.) 6:30 Treasure Trail Don Ameche 2:30 Double or Nothinq 7:00 Ford Theatre 9:30 Voice of the Army Page Eight CBC TIMES RANCH GANG. Orchestra conducted CBK·CBX 11:00·11:30 a.m. « « IIO'l'ES » ,. CORRECTIONS Cancel: Musical Program. by Edwin Nylvek; Audrey Coulter, Schedule: Who's Herb Got? STU DAVIS. Stu Davis, cowboy vocalist. From Saskatoon. FOR CBC TIMES DATED OCTOBER 4. - 10. Weekly. 1953 CBX 8:30-9:00 a,m. troubadour. From Calgary. Orchestra: Arkansas T r a velIe r; Cancel: Children's Programs. My Home in the Dust or the Road (F. Gypsy Polka; Blue Skirt Waltz; Buf­ Schedule: Earlybird. Rose); The Legend or the Jceble falo Gals. Audrey Coulter: nain; It's Pencil these Corrections Weekly. (Stu Davis); Parking Meter Blues a Lovely Day Today. (Davls-Hodway); Castle In the Sky W-7:00 p.m. K-6:00 p.m. X-6:00 p.m. into Program Lists. Last (Robbins); ltold on Little Dogie Week's Times. (Autry). W-ll :4.5 a.m. K-IO:45 a.m. X-IO:45 a.m. THE HOMESTEADERS. Orchestra Mail Bag conducted by Richard Seaborn; James SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4. Duncan, baritone. Tom Taylor, pro~ COMMONWEALTH Am FORCES Dom. 2:00-2:30 p.m. ducer. From \Vinnipeg. Schedule: Longines Symphonelle, Canadian Music. MEMORIAL. Twenty thousand air­ Weekly. Orchestra: Cocktail Polka (Polish); On September 7 I settled in my men of the Commonwealth who lost Halen I Karlstad (Swedish); Chew­ Dem. 3:00-3:30 p.m. Cancel: Cuckoo Clock House. easy chair to listen to the CRe broad­ their lives in the United Kingdom and lng the Rag; Toska; La Ciociara (Italtan); A Yuhr Erst Noch Mcln Schedule: Musical Program. cast of Canadian music. After about northwest Europe during the Second This occasion only. Chasenne (Jewish); And the Grecn ten minutes I caught myself mentally Great War and have no graves will be Grass Grew All Round. James Dun­ Dom. 6:00·6:30 p.m. can: On Top of Old Smoky; Rock· Schedule: Pat's Music :Room. saying: "Heaven help Canada." In honoured today, when Her Majesty Weekly. A My Soul; Rlse and Follow Love. about ten minutes marc I was rcaching the Queen unveils the new Common­ W-IO:30 p.m, K-9:30 p.m. X-9:30 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 for the radio knob, However, 1 re~ wealth Air Forces Memorial at Rlluny· CBW 12:45 p.m., CBK-CBX 11:45 a.m. frained, a.~ hy an exercise of will­ mede, near Wind<;or on the outskirts Cancel: Invitation to the Waltz. power 1 had decided to listen to the of London. Richard Dimbleby's de­ Schedule: Jimmy Shields. Late Program Notes Tuesdays and Thursdays. bitter end to hear what is going on in scription of the scene will be relayed Dom. 8:30-9:00 p.m. Canadian composing circles, Now, I by the BBC shortwave direct to the WEEK OF OCTOBER 4. - 10, 1953 Cancel: Musical Program. admit that the program revealed a CBe. Consisting mainly of cloisters FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Schedule: Music in Our Time. Curtain Melodies. Orchestra conducted Weekly. certain clever and artful manipulation and a shrine, the memorial stands on by Eric Wild; Mary Gynn, soprano: Kerr of notes, but in the full 45 minutes 1 the brow of a hill overlooking: mag~ Wilson, baritone; and vocal ensemble. THURSDAY, OCTOBER S Norman Lucas, producer. From Winnipeg. failed to deteet anything that could nificent views of the HiveI' Thames Dom. 7: 30·8: 00 p.m. Ensemble: selections from Chu Chin Chow, Cancel: What's the Name of That Song. be properly described as melody. I with Windsor Castle and RunnY1lle(le My Maryland and Oklahoma. Kerr Wil· Schedule: Musical Program. son: Heather on the Hill from Brigadoon. got the same kind of shock some time (where Magna Carta was signed ir. Weekly. Mary Gynn: Someday I'll Find You from Dom. 8:30·9:00 p.m. ago on the occasion of a visH of the 1215) as nearby historic symbols. Private Lives. Orchestra: selections from Cancel: Music in Our Time. The Cat and the Fiddle. French composer~condlletor Milhaud W.1:30 p.m. K-12:30 p.m. X-12:30 p.m. Schedule: Musical Program. W-7:00 p.m. Weekly. to this continent. Having heard a radio Saturday, Oct. 10, K·5:30 p.m., X-5:30 p.m. tribute to his work, I looked fOlward FOLK SONG TIME. Recorded pro­ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 gram. From Toronto, Josh White, con­ Stu Davis. Stu Davis. cowboy singer. CBW 9:30-10:00 a.m. to a broadcast of some of his com· From Calgary. Pepper Pickin'; I Looked Cancel: Children's Programs. positions. When it eame, I was bit~ sidered North America's greatest for Love; Asleepin' at the Foot of the Bed: Schedule: Who's Herb Got? Negro folk singer, will be featured on From the Manger to the Cross; Trail Weekly. terly disappointed. What has hap­ today's program. It will include in­ Herdin' Cowboy. CBW 10:15 a.m., CBK·CBX 9:15 a.m. pened? Do most modern composers W·ll :4.5 a.m. K-I0:45 a.m. X-IO:45 a.m. out-of~date? formation about his career and ex­ Cancel: Present listings. think that melody is If Ranch Ganq. Orchestra conducted by Schedule: Sounds Fun. they do, I think that they are sadly amples of the different types of songs Edwin Nylvek; Audrey Coulter, vocalist. Weekly. he has made famous. From Saskatoon. Orchestra: Texas Quick· CBW II :45-11 :59 a.m. mistakf'n. Could CBC not get the idea step; Mil ita r y Schottische; Evergreen Cancel: Present listings. across that "if it hasn't a goodly Joshua Fit the Battle of JCl'lcho; Polka; The Old Man and the Old Woman, Schedule: Stu Davis. Strange Frutt, the song that Kave Its Audrey Coulter: I Dream of Jeannie; You Weekly. proporlion of melody it isn't music?" tHle to a famous novel; the popular Oughta Be in Pictures. American b a II a d, Frankie and ~W 3:00 p,m.. CBK-CBX 2:00 p.m. -w. G., Toronto. Johnnie; and examples or bInes, W-7:00 p.m. K-G:OO p.m. X-6:00 p.m. Cancel: Musical Program. the Schedule: International Plowing Match. -- sncb as 'Vanderlng and EVil-hearted The Homesteaders. Orchestra conducted This occasion only. French Network Drama. - During Man. by Richard Seaborn; James Duncan, bari· W.2:00 p.m. K-l:OO p.m. X·I:OO p.m. tone. Tom Taylor. producer. From Winni· CBW 6:00 p.m.. CBK-CBX 5:00 p.m. the year 1952-53 the CBC French peq. Orchestra: Smiejaca Pani (Polish); Cancel: To Be Announced. network presented a series of twenty Rosina Mazurka (ltalian); Bulgar: Tural­ Schedule: Organ Music. TffiS WEEK. American-Canadian leri Vals (Swedish); Kolomeyka (Ukrain. This occasion only. original one-hour plays by Canadians. Prison Association, a report by Sidney ian); Caledonian Hunt (Scottish); :Red CBK 8:30·9:00 a.m. It also carried twenty~two adaptations Wing; Soldier's Joy. James Duncan: The Cancel: Children's Programs. Katz. From Toronto. Turtle Dove; The Big Corral; Vive L·amour. Schedule: HC!llo Saskatchewan. of plays by Moliere, Bcaumarchais, W·5:15 p.m. K-4:15 p.m. X·4:15 p.m. W-IO:30 p.m. K·9:30 p.m. X·9:30 p.m. Weekly. Shakespeare, Pirandello and others.

6: 45 Manitoba on Parade 8:45 Weather, Vets on 2:30 Music Profiles 7: 00 The Ranch Gang 7:00 CBC News, Weather Parade Saturday, Oct. 17, 1953 3:00 Musical Program 7: 15 :Rhythm Pals and Marine Forecast 9:00 cnc News 3:30 Turntable Tempos 7: 30 Share the Wealth 1:05 Manitoba on Parade 9:10 Weather CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 4: 00 Trans·Canada 8:00 CBC National News 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9:15 Interlude Bandstand 8:05 N.H.L. Hockey 7:40 Family Worship 9: 20 Morning Devotions 1l:IS Divertimento 12:15 CBC Farm Club 5:00 CBC News. Weather 9 :30 Organ Music 7:45 Morning Concert 9:30 Whot's HC!rb Got? 11:30 esc Stamp Club 12:30 Martial Malinee 5:15 This Week 10:00 The Western Five 8:00 CBC News 10:00 Colling All Children 11:45 Stu Davis 12:45 esc News. Weather 5: 30 Sports College 10:30 The Homesteaders 8:05 Weather 10:15 Sounds Fun II: 59 Dominion Time Signal { ; ~g ~~~~~~~i~h 5:45 Armdale Chorus II :00 Hit Parade 8 :07 Sports Report 10: 30 Good Deed Club 12:00 Messages. Marine Air Forces Memorial 6:00 Now 1 Ask You 11 :30 Dixieland Concert 8:15 Saturday Song Shop 11 :00 BBC News Forecast, :Road :Report 2:00 Folk Song Time 6:30 Music Box 12:00 CBC News. Weather CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST) 6:45 Weather,Clockwatcher 9: 00 Calling All Children 10:59 Dominion Time Signal I :30 Music Profiles 4: 45 Armdale Chorus 8:30 Organ Music 7:00 CBC News 9:15 Sounds Fun II:00 Who's Herb Got? 2:00 Musical Program 5:00 Now I Ask You 9:00 The Western Five 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9: 30 Show Tunes 11:30 Melody Roundup 2:30 Turntable Tempos 5:30 Curtain Melodies 9: 30 The Homesteaders 7:15 Saturday Song Shop 10:00 BBC News 11:45 CBC News, Weather 3:00 Trans·Canada 6: 00 The Ranch Gang 10:00 Hit Parade 7:4.5 Clockwatcher 10: IS Morning Devotions 10:30 Music Box 7:55 Family Worship 12:00 Story of Music Bandstand 6:15 Rhythm Pals 11:00 CSC News. Weather 8:00 CBC News 10:25 Interlude 12:30 Commonwealth 4:00 cac News, Weather 6: 30 Share the Wealth 11:15 Macdonald Hotel 8:05 Weather. Scoreboard 10:30 CBC Stamp Club Air Forces Memorial 4: 15 This Week 7:00 CBC National News Orchestra 8: IS Hello Saskatchewan 10:4.5 Stu Davis I :00 Folk Song Time 4:30 Sporls College 7 :05 N.H.L. Hockey II : 30 Dixieland Concert CBX, ALBERTA (l010 Kc.) (MST) 6:45 Musical Program 9:00 Calling All Children 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:30 Music Profiles 4: 45 Armdale Chorus 8:30 Organ Music 7 :00 cac News 9:15 Sounds Fun 11:00 Who's HC!rb Got? 2: 00 Musical Program 5:00 Now I Ask You 9:00 The Western Five 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9: 30 Alberta Memos 11 :30 World Church News 2:30 Turntable Tempos 5:30 Curtain Melodies 9:30 The Homesteaders 7:15 Eadybird 10:00 BBC News 11:45 CBC News. Weather 3:00 Trans-Canada 6:00 The Ranch Gang 10:00 Hit Parade 7 :45 Glen Bjarnson, Sports 10:15 Morning Devotions 10:30 Music Box 7:55 Family Worship 12:00 Story of Music Bandstand 6: 15 Rhythm Pals 11 :00 CBC News. Weather 8:00 CBC News 10:25 Interlude 12:30 Commonwealth 4:00 CBC News, Weather 6:30 Share the Wealth 11: 15 Macdonald Hotel 8:05 Weather 10:30 CBC Stamp Club Air Forces Memorial 4.: 15 This Week 7:00 CBC National News Orchestra 8:15 Earlybird 10:4.5 Stu Davis I:00 Folk Song TIme 4:30 Sports College 7:05 N.H.L. Hockey 11:30 Dixieland Concert CBC DOMINION (MST) 8:30 Roy Rogers 12:00 Uncle Bod 7: 00 Ranch Boy. (9:30 a.m. CST Man.) 5 :00 Top Bands 7:30 Musical Program CBC TI ME S 9 30 Howdy Doody 8: 00 Mart Kenney 10 30 Stars Over Hollywood 5:30 Lend an Ear 8: 30 Danca Orchestra (PRAIRIE EDITION) 11 00 Fun for All 6 :00 Musical Program 9:00 Dominion News 11 30 :Roy :Rogers 6:30 National Grain 9 15 Provincial Affairs Publhhed .uklr by the Canadien Broadceulnl COfporuton at H. Pnlrle RI.lon Hnd'lu.r1I,.. (Sask. and Alta.) Bam Dance (Man.) CBC Bulldln•. 541 Porta.e Ave.• Wlnnlpe•.

Editor: C. E. L·AMI. For Corrections and Late Program Notes for 8ublerlptlon Rate. $1.00 per rur. Ar.uthorlzed .. Seeond Cia.. Mall. Poet ottlce Oep.rtment. On•••. Last Week·s Times-See This Page. POllmUlU: Plnn return It not delivered .lthln tlve daYI. Unle.. other.he lUted. lulorm.tlon .nd ertlel" IIlpeerlnc In tbe TlmM m..,. be reprodllced treelr. This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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