O~ 0 .... '_ ... <'en.,,'" tn ,.-, t.J ::: <: PRAIRIE REG 0"''''." '-'trz-...... SCHEDULE 0'" ~l October 11 . 1 7, Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME VI-No. 42 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. OCTOBER 2 $1.00 P) This Week: Symphonic Programs (Pages 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) * Children's Programs (Page 3) * Puccini's Turandot (Page 5) * Citizens' Forum (Page 6) * HE big news in broadcast entertainment con­ T tinues to be the launching of autumn programs series on CBC radio and television networks. The process started several weeks ago and will COJl­ tinue through October. Once again, main attention in this issue of the ene Times is directed to the new arrivals which will lry to amuse or enlighten us in the coming months. For music-lovers, in par­ ticular, this is an important week. The cover shows, at their posts, six of the conductors whose experi­ ence and skill will be demonstrated in forthcoming radio concerts. At the left (top to bottom) are PAUL SCIIER2'o'fAN, Sm ERi"'lEST MAcMILLAN and NICHOLAS GOLDSCHMlUT; at the right, OTTO K LF.MP£HJ:o.:H, AnTURO TOSCAKINJ and GEOFFHE¥ W ADDL~GTON. *** ~estros CSC Symphony at the Microphone So we may expect to find included in the programs music by some of the urifamiliar composers of the HE CDC Symphony Orcheslra, which was of the CBC Symphony Orchestra some of the out- 17th and 18th centuries. T fomled a year ago in Toronto. returns ·to the standing works by classical and contemporary com- Among the conductors scheduled to appear with air on Monday, October 12 (CBW 10:15 p.m., posers which tend to be neglected. the orchestra during the 1953-54 season are Heinz CBK-CBX 9:'15 p.m.), to begin its second season Terence Gibbs. who produces the broadcast COll- Unger. Paul Scherman, Boyd Neel, Sir Ernest Mac­ of weekly programs. Geoffrey Waddington, the certs, reports that the programs this season will Milhm and Victor Feldbrill. of Toronto; Roland cac's director of music. will be the first conductor include a fair proportion of classical works. For Leduc, Alexander Brott and Jean Beaudet, of in the new series of broadcast concerts. example, all four Brahms symphonies will be Montreal; George Hurst of Baltimore; and John It is a matter of policy that the orcheslra should, presented. Gibbs says he olso intends to bring Avison and Jean de Rimanoczy of Vancouver. in some measure, fill the gaps which are sometimes more works of the 19th century to the public's at- As the program demands, guest artists will ap­ left by other orchestras in planning their programs. tention; and he will feature from time to time pear with the orchestra. (Please tum to page 6) Page Two CBC TIMES « « HOTES » » of secrets can be forgottcn and there­ DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS. Jeanne STAGE 54. The Blood Is Strong, fore should be properly recorded. Desjardins, soprano. From Montreal adapted by Lister Sinclair from his RECITAL. Nicholas Goldschmidt, Fiddle Joe knows this only too well Tbe Mermaid's Song- (Haydn); Fl'cud­ own, new three-act play. It is a story baritone, in a group of lieder by Hugo as evidenced by his carefully scripted voll and Ieldvoll (LlRzt); Verbol'Ken· of early IIighland Scottish settlers in heit. and £1' 1st's (WOIr) Schehera­ Nova Scotia and tells somethings of 'Wolf and Brahms. From Toronto. diary which not only helps his memory zade. La nute encll3ntee, 1.'lndllTer· W-IO:30 a.m. K·9:30 a.m. X-9:30 a.m. but also helps him pass a dull Sunday ent, Rnd Asie (!lavel); Fantoches their lives and their conflicting loyal. afternoon by reading it aloud e.s he (llebU!'-Ry). ties. Andrew Allan, producer. From HARMO Y HARBOUR. Songs and sits in the rocking chair of his front W-5:30 p.m. K·5:30 p.m. X·5:30 p.m. Toronto. stories of the sea with the Acadian room. That is exactly where we find W-8:00 p.m. K·7:00 p.m. X·7:00 p.m. him and what he is doing when we Male Quartet and organist Marjorie AMOS 'N ANDY. A year ago a story Payne. From Halifax. drop in again this afternoon. \Vc dis· cover that like all good diari.its, Fiddle went the rounds that Amos and Andy WEEKEND REVIE\V. Marcus Long Quartet: The Old Superb; Mobile were thinking of retiring. After the of the Philosophy Department, Uni­ Bay: As Slow Our Ship; '¥ho Glv~st Joe is a philosopher too and concludes All; I Must Down to the Seas Agatn: his tender but tumultous love story of newspaper stories, hundreds of tele­ vcrsity of Toronto, will be the speaker Pedro the flsberman; Sweet and Lisette with the remark, "doubt is phone edlls and thousands of letters tonight. From Toronto. Low. and telegrams poured in. Freeman W·9:10 p.m. K-8:IO p.m. X-8:10 p.m. X·IO:30 a.m. X-I0:30 a.Ill. like a choking hand." Charle.o; \Vasser­ mann who writes the series h:"s chosen Cosden and Charles Correll were overwhelmed. Bnt they aren't going to WAY OF THE SpmIT. This week's these wise words as the title of this OUR SPECIAL SPEAKER. Of spe­ episode. From Montreal. retire. Not while they can still talk religious play is about the Harvest. and people can listen, they say. TIlls dal interest this \veek will be a talk The story encompasses the years of W-4:00 p.m. K-3:00 p.m. X-3:oo p.m. season begins their se<.'Ond quarter­ by the world-renowned architect the earth and with the angel of the century in radio_ Frank Lloyd 'Vright, who will look Harvest, Avricl, as guide, we are OUR MISS BROOKS. Eve Ardcn as back over the years of his lifetime and GORden plays Amos, Ihe- roguish shown how the spirit of the Harvest Our Miss Brooks is b.'lck in the little George (Kingnsh) Stevens, and survey the changes in building de­ has been nurtured throughout the red school house known as r..ladison sleepy, slowpoke L1ghtnln'; Correll sign which have taken place, largely High for a new season of teaching 1s the nalvp, pternally romantic and ages right down to our time. Script g-ullible Andrpw H. (ror Hogg) through his influence. From Toronto. by Canon J. E. \Vard; Rupert Cap­ and madcap adventures. The program, Brown and thp would-bc-dignlfled W-9:20 p.m. K·8:20 p.m. X·8:20 p.m. lan, producer. From Montreal. now in its sixth year, has received Henry Von Portpr; EI'nestlnc 'Vade -the Kingflsh's henpecklllK Wire, W·12:30 p.m. K·II·30 a_m. X-II:30 a.m_ many awards from parcnt-teal:hcr Sapphire; Lou Lubin-the stuttel'lng groups and thousands of letters from barbe". Shorty; Johnny I.ee--the COIl­ LITTLE SYMl'HONillS. Orchcstrn nivilll(' lawyel', Calhoun. conducted by Roland Leduc; Ross RELIGIOUS PERIOD. Romao Cath­ individual teachers and parents, citing Miss Arden's honest trcatment of a Dom. 5: 30 p.m. MST Pratt, pianist. From Montreal. olic series, Rev. Pascal Drew, .Passion­ high sl:hool te8l:her's problems. Concerto III F Major, K.459 (Mo­ ist Fathers, Toronto. zart) . Apart from hcl' acadcmlc chores, W.I:30 p.m. K·12:30 p,m. X-12:30 p,m. Connie tl!'ooks I'lln:; lifwr handSome SUNDAY CHORALE. Choir con­ Ross Pratt, 'Vinnipeg~bom pianist who and shy llioloKY IH'ofessol' Philip duded by \V. H. Anderson; Filmer has been living in England for the last Boynton (Boh HOckwell), and !'uns N.Y. PHILHARMONIC. New York away rt'om tyr:mnlcal O!;good Conk­ Hubble, organist. Tom Taylor, pro­ few years, is making his annual visit Philharmonic - Symphony Orchestra lIn (Gale GOI'(lon) Mactlson'!; prin­ ducer, From 'Vinnipeg. to Canada and will appear as soloist conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos; cipal. Jane Morgon, Queen of Gon­ Come Ye Thankful People Come (G. tonight. Last year ?\!fr. Pratt left the fu!;ioll. plays Connie's landlady, I\Irs, Elvey); ThOll VlgUe-5t tbo Earth William Lincer, violinist. Davis: Dick CI'CIUHI plays 'ValleI' (Maurice Grpene); P!'alsc Ye the noyal Academy of Music in London, Sympholl}' No. 3 In E Flat MaJOI' Oenltln. teCIl-lI)fc(I Romeo; Gloria Lo!'d (A, NlkOI!'ky): SIUK to the Lord where he taught for some time, to McMillan Js his hcal't Jnterest, liar· (~Chlllnttnll); Symphony, Harold In of Hal'vest (Handel); Now Thank \Ve devote all his time to concert and Italy (llel·lIuz). riet Conklin, (lttu)flllcl' of the school's All OUI' God (GI'nger): 0 How Ami· pl·jnf"lpal. W·2:00 p,m. X-I:OO p.m. X-I:OO p.m. able Are Thy DwelJlnKs (Vaughan radio work. Dom, 4: 30 p.m. MST 'Villiams); The I.ord's Pl'aycr (Lang­ W.9:30 p.m. K-8:30 p.m. X-8:30 p.m. -- (Ion). CHURCH OF THE Am. Rev. A. E. w-6:oo p.m, K-6:00 p.m. X·6:00 p.m. ASK THE WEATHERMAN. Talks on Ongley, Can 0 n Davis Memorial Church, Sarnia. the weather by n. A. Hornstein of the Dominion Public Weather Office in ~Iary Dom. 2:30 p.m. MST CHAMBER MUSIC. Syme, Halifax. 1t has frequently been sug­ pianist, and the Solway String Quar- In next week's Times gested that machines might be able to tet.
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