Astronomy 1 Cosmology Dr. I. Waddington University of Bristol 2002/2003 Copyright c 2003 University of Bristol. These lecture notes are for the exclusive use of members of the Astronomy 1 class and must not be distributed outside the University of Bristol. Figures from journals published by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) are reproduced for educational use with permission from the publishers. Astronomy 1: Cosmology 2002/2003 Astronomy 1: Cosmology Lecturer: Dr. I. Waddington, Room 4.21b,
[email protected] Dates: weeks 21–23 Lecture notes: and in the library Practical: week 23 (May 8) Problem sheet/tutorial: week 23 Additional reading: M. Zeilik & S. A. Gregory, Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics, ISBN: 0-03-006228-4, chapters 22, 25, 26 D. J. Raine & E. G. Thomas, An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology, ISBN: 0-7503- 0405-7 (excellent book, goes well-beyond this course but worth considering) Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, ISBN: 0-00-654024-4 (popular account, little maths) Page i Astronomy 1: Cosmology 2002/2003 Page ii Astronomy 1: Cosmology 2002/2003 Introduction The Goal of Cosmology • to explain the structure & history of the universe as a whole ⇒ the ‘Hot Big Bang’ theory The Key Observations & Physics • the universe is expanding ⇒ gravitational dynamics (General Relativity) ⇒ approximate model using Newtonian gravity • the universe is filled with thermal radiation ⇒ quantum physics, thermodynamics • galaxies & large-scale structures