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©Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Limited. The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Limited. Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement


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Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement


1.1 This Planning Statement accompanies and supports the application for full planning permission for the development of land at Butt Lane, Snaith for 92 dwellings, open space, drainage infrastructure, landscaping and associated works.

1.2 Having regard to achieving high standards of design, this Planning Statement should be read together with the Design and Access Statement, which also accompanies this application.

1.3 The application is also support by the following documents:

• Geo-environmental Ground Investigation Report – Haigh Huddleston & Associates

• Historic Environment Assessment - AOC Archaeological Group

• Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey – Wold Ecology Ltd

• Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Assessment - Haigh Huddleston & Associates

• Drainage Report – Haigh Huddleston & Associates

• Transport Assessment – Local Transport Projects

• Travel Plan – Local Transport Projects

• Tree Survey and Report – Richard Lancaster: Trees & Landscape Environmental Consultancy

1.4 The purpose of this Planning Statement and supporting documents is to demonstrate that the proposals are acceptable in planning terms.

1.5 Section 2 of the statement provides a description of the development site and the surrounding area and Section 3 goes on to give a detailed description of the development proposals. Section 4 continues with a review of relevant planning policy and guidance followed by Section 5 which provides a detailed assessment of the development and other material considerations. Finally Section 6 provides an overview of the application and concluding statements.

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1.6 Pre-application consultation has been undertaken with officers at the District Council. A public exhibition has also been held to give local residents the opportunity to comment on the proposals. More information is provided in the Consultation Statement which accompanies the application.

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2.1 The proposal site is located to the east of Butt Lane and south of the A1041 (Goole Road), to the south east of the village of Snaith. The site is currently in agricultural use, adjoining existing residential development to the north.

2.2 The gross site area to be developed is approximately 5ha, with access currently taken from Butt Lane to the west and Mill Lane to the east. The site is divided into two fields, the eastern section of the site is enclosed by mature hedgerows to north, east and west. The southern boundary is met by an arable field, which continues until its boundary with Top House Farm.

2.3 The western section of the site is bound by a hedgerow to the east, which forms the existing dividing field hedgerow. To the south the application boundary follows the existing field boundary where it meets the existing residential boundaries. The western field boundary is met by Butt Lane but does not have a field enclosure. The north the site is bound by the medical centre car park, which includes an element of landscaping and a wooden fence. The remainder of the northern boundary is formed by the residential boundaries of Brierley Close.

2.4 The highest point of the site is approximately 10.6m AOD with the lowest point being approximately 6.6m AOD at Butt Lane. The south western part of the site is located within an area of high flood risk, however the majority of the proposed site is located within Flood Zone 1. The proposed residential dwellings are all located in Flood Zone 1.

2.5 The village of Snaith is identified as a Rural Service Centre approximately 6 miles west of Goole and 8 miles south of . The town benefits from a train station which, along with bus connections, provides transport links to Leeds, Selby and Goole.

2.6 Snaith is located on the A1041 which joins the A645, providing excellent access to the M62 to the south via the A19. The M62 provides access to both Hull and Leeds, which are both located within easy commuting distance. The A19 also provides access to Doncaster, Selby and .

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Relevant Planning History

2.7 There is no planning history for the application site, however there has been recent development of note on neighbouring sites.

2.8 On the adjacent site, to the north of the proposal site, is a development of 45 houses permitted in October 2003 following an earlier outline planning consent issued in April 2001.

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3.1 This planning application seeks full planning permission for the erection of 92 residential dwellings, open space, landscaping drainage infrastructure and associated works.

3.2 The application site area is shown on the accompanying site location plan (Ref: 1532:02) and the proposed layout is provided, drawing ref: 1532:01B.

3.3 Vehicular access if taken from the A1041 leading to a looped internal road network. A second access from the A1041 serves some of the dwellings fronting the existing highway.

3.4 All the proposed dwellings are either 2 or 2.5 storey houses. The proposed mix is as follows:

• 9no. two bedroom houses;

• 14no. three bedroom houses; and

• 69no. four bedroom houses.

3.5 As part of the development proposals 20% affordable housing units are proposed (18 units) which are to be a mix of 2 and 3 bedroom dwellings.

3.6 Public open space has been directed to the south west corner of the site and includes an area for children’s play (LEAP) as well as informal sport and recreation. This provision, in addition to an area to the south of the site for drainage attenuation, will create a landscaped area between Snaith and , maintaining the green wedge between the two settlements.

3.7 The design approach to the site is set out within the Design and Access Statement which identifies key principles which have guided the development of the scheme.

Pre Application Advice

3.8 On 31st July 2015 a request for pre-application advice was submitted to the Council, with a formal written response received on the 5th October 2015 following a meeting between the applicant and officers of East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

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3.9 Further consideration of the issued advice is discussed in the submitted Consultation Report.

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Legislative Background

4.1 4.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

4.2 The NPPF was published on 27th March 2012 and sets out the Government’s planning policies for and how these are expected to be applied. The NPPF forms a key material consideration to all planning decisions.

The presumption in favour of sustainable development

4.3 The key principle of the NPPF, as set out at paragraphs 14 and 197, is the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Paragraph 14 notes that “ at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan making and decision taking ”.

4.4 Paragraph 14 goes on to state that, for the purposes of decision-taking, the presumption in favour of sustainable development means:

• approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and

• where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out- of-date, granting permission unless:

o any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or

o specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted.

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The decision-taking process

4.5 The NPPF re-affirms the statutory role of the development plan and material considerations in decision-taking (paragraph 12). The Framework also clearly sets out that “ in assessing and determining development proposals, local planning authorities should apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development (paragraph 197).”

4.6 The NPPF states at paragraph 17 that planning should be a creative exercise rather than being focused on scrutiny, and at paragraph 187 that “ local planning authorities should look for solutions rather than problems, and decision-takers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development wherever possible. ” The NPPF requires local planning authorities to work proactively with applicants to secure beneficial developments (paragraph 187).

Core planning principles

4.7 The Framework sets out 12 core land-use planning principles which should underpin both plan-making and decision-taking (paragraph 17). These include a plan-led system; creativity and proactivity in meeting identified development needs; the conservation of heritage assets, in a manner appropriate to their significance; securing high quality design and a good standard of amenity, and contributing to conserving and enhancing the natural environment.

Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes

4.8 Paragraph 47 sets out how local planning authorities should significantly boost the supply of housing. They should identify and update annually a five year supply of specific, deliverable sites to meet their housing requirements, with an additional buffer of 5% to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. Where there has been a record of persistent under delivery of housing, local planning authorities should increase the buffer to 20% to provide a realistic prospect of achieving planned supply and to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.

4.9 Paragraph 49 states that “ housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date if the local

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planning authority cannot demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites”.

4.10 To deliver a wide choice of quality homes, widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable communities local planning authorities should plan for a mix of housing, including the needs of families with children, older people and people with disabilities.

4.11 Paragraph 50 states that where affordable housing need is identified, policies should be set for meeting this on site, unless off-site provision or a financial contribution of broadly equivalent value can be robustly justified.

Delivering sustainable development

4.12 Developments should be located where the need to travel will be minimised and uses of sustainable transport modes can be maximised, but taking into account other policies particularly in rural areas (paragraph 34). In setting local parking standards local planning authorities should have regard to the accessibility of the development, availability of public transport, local car ownership levels and the availability of public transport (paragraph 39).

4.13 Paragraph 56 states the government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development and is indivisible from good planning. Local plans should develop robust and comprehensive design policies based on stated objectives for the future of the area and an understanding and evaluation of its defining characteristics.

4.14 Planning decisions should ensure that all developments function well and add to the quality of the area, establishing a strong sense of place. They should respond to local character and history, reflect the identity of local surroundings and materials and be visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping (paragraph 58). Planning should not attempt to impose architectural styles or particular tastes, or stifle innovation through unsubstantiated requirements to conform to certain development forms or styles (paragraph 60). Planning decisions should address the connections between people and places and the integration of new development into the natural, built and historic environment (paragraph 61).

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4.15 Section 8 of the NPPF (paragraphs 69 – 78) sets out the role of the planning system in creating healthy, inclusive communities. Developments should be safe and accessible and contain clear and legible pedestrian routes.

4.16 Paragraph 96 states that in determining applications, new development should be expected to comply with adopted Local Plan policies on local requirements for decentralised energy supply unless it can be demonstrated that this is not feasible or viable.

4.17 New development should be planned to avoid areas at risk of flooding and take account of climate change (paragraphs 99 and 100).

4.18 The planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by protecting and enhancing valued landscape; minimising impacts on biodiversity and providing net gains where possible; preventing new development from contributing to or being put at risk from unacceptable levels of pollution or land instability; and remediating land where appropriate.

4.19 When determining applications, local planning authorities should aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity (paragraph 118). Planning permission should not permitted in circumstances where significant harm resulting from a development cannot be avoided, adequately mitigated, or, as a last resort, compensated for.

4.20 Paragraph 128 deals with the historic environment, and states that, “in determining applications, local planning authorities should require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting. The level of detail should be proportionate to the assets’ importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance.”

4.21 In determining planning applications, paragraph 131 states that local planning authorities should take account of:

• the desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets and putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation;

• the positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and

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• the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.

4.22 Paragraph 135 states that “ the effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications that affect directly or indirectly non- designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset .”

4.2 The Development Plan

4.23 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) does not change the statutory status of the development plan as a starting point for decision making, but states the importance of the existence of an up-to-date development plan.

4.24 The current development plan consists of the saved policies of the Joint Structure Plan for and East Riding of Yorkshire (2005) alongside saved policies of the Local Plan (1999).

4.25 Annex I of the NPPF states that following the 12 month transitional period which ended on 27th March 2013, “due weight should be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with this framework.” It adds that “the closer the policies in the plan to the policies in this Framework, the greater the weight that may be given.” It will therefore be necessary for the Local Planning Authority to assess the weight that may be applied to each relevant saved policy in the context of the NPPF before applying that policy in a planning decision.

4.3 Joint Structure Plan for Kingston Upon Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire (April 2005)

4.26 Policy SP1 states that “the character and distinctiveness of settlements and their settings will be protected and enhanced .”

NPPF Note: Policy SP1 is a non-restrictive policy which is consistent with the general approach to the visual effects of proposed development in the

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NPPF, and can be attributed weight accordingly in the planning assessment.

4.27 Policy SP5 states that development proposals should achieve a high standard of design that:

i. respects local landscape and settlement character including building styles and materials;

ii. integrates visually and physically with its surroundings;

iii. harnesses local heritage and landscape distinctiveness;

iv. maximises the use of sustainable construction material and techniques;

v. makes it easy and safe for people to move around and through the development;

vi. encourages a vibrant mix of uses either on the site or across a wider area; and

vii. facilitates walking, cycling and the use of public transport.

NPPF Note: Policy SP5 accords generally with the approach in the NPPF to design standards for new development. Where it may be applied to restrict development which is not considered to meet one or several of its design criteria, it is considered sufficiently flexible for a consideration of the presumption in favour of sustainable development (and a balance of impacts against benefits) to be taken into account. It is considered that weight can be attributed to the policy in accordance with paragraph 215 of the NPPF on this basis.

4.28 Policy ENV3 states that development that is likely to have an adverse effect on species identified through UK Wildlife Acts, Regulations and Biodiversity Action Plans, will not be allowed unless it can be demonstrated that there is an overriding need for the development and/or appropriate mitigating compensation measures are provided. The level of protection afforded to species and any necessary mitigation/compensation measures should reflect their relative international, national or local importance.

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NPPF Note: Policy ENV3 is considered to be consistent with the approach to species protection and biodiversity in the NPPF (in particular paragraph 118) and it is therefore considered that weight can be given to the policy in accordance with paragraph 215 of the NPPF

4.29 Policy ENV6 relates to the setting, character or appearance of strategically important buildings, features and areas of historic or architectural interest. Such assets should be protected and where appropriate enhanced.

NPPF Note: Policy ENV6 is considered to be consistent with the approach to heritage assets in the NPPF and it is therefore considered that weight can be given to the policy in accordance with paragraph 215 of the NPPF.

Boothferry Borough Local Plan

4.30 The Boothferry Local Plan (adopted 1999) outlines the council’s intentions in relation to land use in the plan area up to 2006.

4.31 Under the Boothferry Local Plan the application site is identified as being outside the defined development limits of the settlement. Given the lack of weight to be attached to the adopted Local Plan and its housing policies (which are also reflected in the drawing of the defined development limits) in the context of the emerging Local Plan the location of the site within the open countryside is not considered to be material in this case.

4.32 Policy EN1 relates to sustainability noting that all development proposals should meet present need without significantly adversely affecting the environment of the plan area for future generations.

NPPF Note: Policy EN1 is a non-restrictive policy with the general approach in regards to sustainability to the effect of proposed development in the NPPF and can be attributed weight accordingly.

4.33 Policy EN2 relates to general protection stating in considering proposals the local planning authority will take into account the likely effect on the following:

• The character of the locality and amenity of local residents;

• Any nature conservations interests on site or in the immediate locality;

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• Ancient monuments, listed buildings and conservation areas;

• The character and landscape and particular built and natural features within it;

• The quality and versatility of agricultural land;

• The existence and provision of community and recreational facilities;

• The protection and quality of natural resources;

• The need to conserve natural resources and reduce the need to travel.

4.34 Where the above will be significantly adversely affected by development and cannot be dealt with satisfactorily development should not be permitted.

NPPF Note: Saved policy EN2 is restrictive in its approach to development, however it is consistent with the NPPF in seeking to protect heritage assets and their setting, designated sites and protect existing community facilities and can be attributed weight accordingly.

4.35 Policy EN25 notes that the authority will promote landscape improvements and planting of trees in the plan area through appropriate planning conditions, and tree preservation orders where appropriate.

NPPF Note: Policy EN25 is a non-restrictive policy, promoting landscape improvement, consistent with the intentions on the NPPF. As such due weight can be attributed accordingly.

4.36 Policy EN30 states when considering planning applications the LPA should seek to minimise the impact of development on valuable wildlife or physical features.

NPPF Note: Policy EN30 is a non-restrictive policy which is consistent with the general approach to the effects of proposed development in the NPPF, and can be attributed weight accordingly in the planning assessment.

4.37 Policy EN46A relates to the development within the locality of a conservation area and notes that planning authorities will take care to ensure that the setting of the conservation area will remain unspoilt. Policy EN51 also applies in consideration

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of development affecting the setting of a listed building, ensuring new development will not result in any adverse effects.

NPPF Note: Both policies EN46A and EN51 seeks to protect Conservation Areas , Listed Buildings and their setting in line with the approach of the NPPF, therefore due weight should be given to the policies accordingly.

4.38 Policy S33 notes that the land between Snaith and West Cowick will remain undeveloped to avoid the coalescing of the two settlements, maintaining their individual identities.

NPPF Note: Policy S33 is a restrictive policy preventing the development of the proposed development site. Given the council’s evidence base, its emerging Local Plan Documents and five year housing land supply position, this policy is considered out of date.

4.39 Policy T1 relates to transport and notes the proposed major development will be located where it will make the best use of the exiting transport network and will make provisions for public transport, cyclists and pedestrians.

NPPF Note: Policy T1 is consistent with the general approach to the effects of proposed development on highways and transport networks in the NPPF and can be afforded due weight accordingly in the planning assessment.

4.40 Policy DS1 relates to the provision of off street parking, requiring new development to provide a ‘ reasonably adequate’ provision.

NPPF Note : Policy DS1 is consistent with the general approach to the effects of proposed development in the NPPF, however the NPPF is clear that parking provision will be specific to local site-specific conditions.

The Emerging Development Plan

4.41 Annex 1 of the NPPF identifies that decision takers may give weight to relevant policies in the emerging development plan. The weight attributable will depend on the stage of preparation of that emerging plan. The more advanced the preparation, the greater the weight that may be given.

4.42 The East Riding Strategy Document and Allocations Document Proposed Submissions were submitted to the Secretary of State on the 29th April 2014,

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with the Examination in Public having taken place. Providing the most recent indication of local planning policy for the district, representing an up to date assessment of local planning issues against the content of the NPPF.

4.43 The advanced position of these documents allows material weight to be attributed.

4.44 As shown on the submission policies map, as part of the emerging development plan, the settlement boundary of Snaith has been revised to include the application site.

Strategy Document

4.45 Policy S1 relates to the presumption in favour of sustainable development reflecting the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

4.46 Policy S3 relates to focusing new development, with development located within the defined settlement hierarchy to be supported. The policy sets out the settlement hierarchy, identifying Snaith as a Rural Service Centre. Rural Service Centres are identified as being a suitable location for residential development, new services and facilities and economic development at an appropriate scale. The Strategy Document (as modified and examined) distributes 245 dwellings to Snaith over the plan period (Policy S5).

4.47 Policy S5 continues that growth in Rural Service Centres will be supported through the allocation of sites for housing.

4.48 Policy S8 relates to connection people and places requiring that new developments ensure people and places are well connected

4.49 Policy H1 states that development should contribute to the overall mix of housing in the locality.

4.50 Policy H2 relates to the providing affordable housing and states:

“A. Affordable housing will be required as part of housing developments, including where it would form part of a wider site or allocation, where the proposal comprises:

1) 10 housing units or more, or 0.33 hectares or more, in the Major Haltemprice Settlements, Principle Towns and Towns; or

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2) 3 housing units or more elsewhere.

B. Development that meets the threshold of Part A should:

1. Achieve the level of affordable housing set out in Figure 8, unless it can be demonstrated that this would have an unacceptable impact on the economic viability of the proposed scheme; and

2. provide affordable housing on site unless it can be demonstrated that an offsite contribution would be more appropriate.”

4.51 Policy H4 relates to making the most efficient use of land requiring that proposals relating to allocated sites should meet the minimum density requirements unless otherwise justified.

4.52 Policy EC4 relates to the enhancement of sustainable transport, stating new development will be supported where will be and can be made accessible by sustainable modes of transport. As such the policy requires that proposals produce a travel plan and transport assessment in support of applications. In addition the policy sets standards in relation to parking spaces required by new development, stating this should reflect the level of access to public transport, the expected car usage and the promotion of good design.

4.53 Policy ENV1 relates to high quality design and sets 15 criteria which development should achieve to optimise the potential for the site and for contributions to be made to a sense of place. Furthermore the policy states, “all development proposals will:

1. Contribute to the safeguarding and respecting of the diverse character and appearance of the area through their design, layout, construction and use; and

2. seek to reduce carbon emissions and make prudent and efficient use of natural resources, particularly land, energy and water.”

4.54 Policy ENV2 promotes high quality landscape, requiring development proposals are sensitively integrated into the existing landscape and demonstrate an understanding of the landscape setting and where possible make the most of opportunities to protect or enhance landscape characteristics.

4.55 Policy ENV3 relates to valuing heritage and states:

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“A. Where possible heritage assets should be used to reinforce local distinctiveness, create a sense of place, and assist in the delivery of the economic well-being of the area. This can be achieved by putting assets, particularly those at risk, to an appropriate, viable and sustainable use.

B. The significance, views, setting, character, appearance and context of heritage assets, both designated and non-designated, should be conserved, especially the key features that contribute to the East Riding's distinctive historic character including:

1. Those elements that contribute to the special interest of Conservation Areas, including the landscape setting , open spaces, key views and vistas, and important unlisted buildings identified as contributing to the significance of each Conservation Area in its appraisal . . . “

4.56 Policy ENV4 relates to conserving and enhancing biodiversity, stating proposals should seek to preserve the natural environment, particularly site of national and local importance.

4.57 Policy ENV6 relates to managing environment hazards including flood risk, coastal change and ground water pollution. In relation to flood risk the policy indicates flood risk should be proactively managed, ensuring developments do not result in increased flood risk on site or elsewhere, incorporate SUDs and provide safe access and egress to and from flood zone 1.

4.58 Policy C1 relates to the provision of infrastructure and facilities stating proposals adequately serviced by existing facilities will be supported.

4.59 Policy C3 requires proposals to maintain or enhance the quality, quantity and accessibility of open space. Where development increases the demand for open space, it is a requirement to address this matter.

4.60 Policy A4 relates to the Goole and Humberhead Levels sub area. In relation to the settlement of Snaith the policy states that development should “Support the delivery of housing, at a level commensurate with the scale and function of the settlement, in Snaith and Eastrington through the allocation of sites within the settlements and a range of urban extensions, avoiding areas of highest flood risk as far as possible.” The policy continues to state coalescence should be prevented

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through the protection of special character and unction of key open areas between .

Site Allocations Document

4.61 Policy SNA-B within the Submitted Site Allocations Document allocates land at Butt Lane Snaith for housing requiring development to;

“a. Provide additional landscaping to the southern boundary: and

b. Avoid any build development on the area of the site within Flood Zone 3a.”

4.62 The supporting text to policy SNA-B notes that additional landscaping would be required along the southern boundary to soften the impact on the development. In addition the text notes that landscaping and the consistent boundary between allocations SNA-B and C will ensure that development will not lead to the coalescence of Snaith and West Cowick. Access should be taken from Butt Lane or the A1041. The policy’s supporting text is clear that built development should be avoided in the area of higher flood risk and accordingly water-compatible uses, such as open space provision associated with a development scheme, should be located in this southwestern area. This will also assist in maintaining a sense of openness on Butt Lane between Snaith and West Cowick.

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5.1 This section of the statement assesses the proposals in the context of the planning policies in the development plan identified above. It also takes into account the NPPF as a material consideration and any other relevant considerations.

Principle of Development

5.2 The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development (NPPF, paragraph 6).

5.3 At the heart of national planning policy is the presumption in favour of sustainable development. For decision-taking this means where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out of date, granting permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies of the NPPF unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

5.4 To significantly boost the supply of housing East Riding of Yorkshire Council must identify a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing (NPPF, paragraph 47). The 2014 SHLAA table 11 outlines the Council’s current position in relation to housing land supply noting they are able to demonstrate a 7.6 year supply, including the 20% buffer as required by the NPPF, when including sites from the emerging Local Plan. Without the inclusion of sites in the Submission Draft Site Allocations Document, such as SNA-B, the Council’s deliverable housing supply would only be 6,172 units (3.15 years).

5.5 It is therefore evident that the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites under the relevant policies for the supply of housing in the adopted development plan (Structure Plan and Boothferry Borough Local Plan). The adopted Structure Plan and Boothferry Borough Local Plan development plan policies relating to residential development in East Riding are not considered up-to-date and should not carry weight in decision making.

5.6 The application site is allocated in the emerging Local Plan as a specific deliverable site necessary to significantly boost the district’s supply of housing. Paragraph 216 of the NPPF is clear that decision takers can give weight, unless material considerations indicate otherwise, to the relevant policies of the

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emerging plan. Given the advanced state of the draft Local Plan, the Local Planning Authority is presently attributing weight to it in the determination of planning applications.

5.7 The emerging Local Plan establishes that through the allocation of sites and the determination of planning applications, the Council will support residential development in the rural service centre of Snaith. Consequently it is reasonable to conclude that Snaith is considered by the Local Planning Authority as a sustainable location to support growth in the District.

5.8 The emerging Local Plan identifies the site subject to this application as part of housing allocation SNA-B. Resultantly it is reasonable to conclude that the application site is a suitable site to support the growth required in Snaith. In accordance with the plan, the proposals have sited the water-compatible uses required as part of the development to the south west of the allocation which also protects the gap between Snaith and West Cowick as required by Policy A4.

5.9 The NPPF identifies that growth should be managed to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling and should be steered, as a priority, to more sustainable locations.

5.10 The application site is located immediately adjacent to the southern and eastern edge of the settlement. It is well related to the range of services and facilities, employment, health and leisure opportunities within Snaith and the surrounding area.

5.11 In summary, given that the site has been allocated for residential use in the emerging plan and forms part of the Council’s five year housing land supply, it must be considered that a presumption in favour of sustainable development exists. The Council have confirmed in their written pre-application advice that the principle of development would be supported.

5.12 It is important and relevant to attach significant weight to the contribution of the site to the supply of land needed in East Riding over the next five years. The site is available and achievable within that timeframe; as shall be demonstrated below it represents sustainable development, and is suitable for residential redevelopment. The NPPF sets out the importance of meeting the housing need of present and future generations and this application should be considered in that context.

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Creating Sustainable Communities

5.13 The provision of affordable housing to an appropriate quantity is central to the Government’s aspiration to widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities.

5.14 The NPPF seeks to deliver a wide choice of quality homes, widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable, inclusive communities.

5.15 East Riding of Yorkshire Council approved an interim approach to the provision of affordable housing in 2007. Since this time, the Authority has undertaken a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to objectively assess the need for affordable housing within the housing market area. This evidence base has informed the policies of the Strategy Document, specifically Policy H2, which can be attributed weight in the decision making process.

5.16 Within Snaith residential development of 10 units or more should provide 20% of the proposed dwellings for affordable housing unless it can be demonstrated that this would have an unacceptable impact on economic viability (Policy H2).

5.17 As part of the development 18 affordable dwellings are proposed, representing 20% of the total number of units to be provided, compliant with relevant policy in relation to the provision of affordable housing.

5.18 The provision of 18 affordable units in the settlement is a significant material consideration in the determination of this application. The affordable units will create an inclusive community where people have the opportunity of a decent home in a place where they want to live, at a price that they can afford.

5.19 The delivery of the affordable units will be secured through a Planning Obligation. Further detail is provided in the Draft Heads of Terms included in Appendix 1.

5.20 The site will deliver a range of house sizes and types suitable for a variety of different households from single person households to couples to families with children. On balance, with particular consideration to the overall design approach and context, this is considered appropriate to achieve the aim of creating a mixed, inclusive community.

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Scheme Design

5.21 The scheme architect has undertaken an analysis of the site and surrounding area in order to develop a design approach for the site. In accordance with JSP policies SP1 and SP5 and Local Plan policy D1, Strategy Policy ENV1 and advice in the NPPF, the scheme seeks to respond to local character, reflect the identity of local surroundings and materials and be visually attractive.

5.22 The design of the proposed dwellings will be sympathetic and complementary to the local vernacular and will include a variety of dwelling types, architectural detailing and finishes to create a diverse and aesthetically interesting development and a ‘gateway’ development upon entering the town. This will be complemented by the existing boundary landscaping along with new well- designed and sensitive landscaping. The specification of build materials can be secured through planning condition.

5.23 Further assessment of the scheme proposals is provided in the submitted Design and Access Statement.

5.24 The proposed development will provide a density of 28 dwellings per hectare, which is broadly the minimum density set out by policy H4 of the Emerging Strategy Documents. The amount of development (i.e. 92 units) is commensurate with the number dwellings required by Policy SNA-B. Furthermore, as recognised by policy H4, lower densities will be acceptable where they are in keeping with the character of the area, which is the case here, particularly the gateway frontage along Goole Road. The site is also subject to specific constraints such as easements, landscaping, residential amenity when aiming to achieve a safe permeable development and ensuring vehicle access through the remaining part of allocation SNA-B.


Sustainable Travel Choices

5.25 In compliance with the requirements of the Strategy Document Policy EC4, the submitted Transport Assessment (TA) provides a detailed appraisal of all transport aspects associated within the proposals.

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5.26 In compliance with the requirements of the Strategy Document Policy EC4 a Travel Plan (TP) to provide the applicant’s strategy for encouraging sustainable travel at the proposed development site has been produced in conjunction with the TA. The scope of the TA and the TP have been agreed with the relevant highway authorities.

5.27 The proposed development site is situated in a good location to make use of the existing pedestrian infrastructure in the surrounding area, with various local amenities within a manageable walking distance of the site. Pedestrian routes throughout the local area are provided by well-lit and surfaced footways, with a network of footways providing good pedestrian connectivity.

5.28 The site is located within a comfortable cycling distance of a range of services, facilities and employment opportunities within Snaith, West Cowick and further afield. Full details of the existing cycle network are provided in the submitted Transport Assessment.

5.29 Bus stops are located within close proximity to the site, on Butt Lane in Snaith, and the High Street in West Cowick, providing residents a good level of access to local bus services. Snaith train station is located 850m north west of the site.

5.30 It is considered that the site has good accessibility to local services and to sustainable modes of transport.

Site Access

5.31 The proposed development will be primarily served by a primary ‘T’ junction vehicular access point, connecting with the A1041 (Goole Road) along the northern boundary of the site. A separate access from the A1041 will serve some of the frontage properties.

5.32 A looped road arrangement will be provided internally which will serve the dwellings directly and link with connecting cul-de-sacs and driveways providing access to the remaining properties.

5.33 Pedestrian and cycle access is also provided from Butt Lane, through the proposed open space.

5.34 A personal injury collision appraisal has identified that there are no existing significant road safety issues within the vicinity of the application site.

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5.35 The proposed access junction and internal roads of the proposed development are designed with due consideration to road safety and in reference to Manual for Streets. Accordingly it is not considered that the proposals will have a detrimental road safety impact on the local transport network and its users.

Highway Capacity

5.36 The assessments of the TA demonstrate that the proposed development would not be expected to have a detrimental impact on the capacity or operation of the local highways network.


5.37 All the proposed dwellings will have off-street parking spaces (to be accommodated on-carriageway, on drives to the front and side of properties and in garages). In total 250 spaces are provided. In this respect the proposals are considered to be in accordance with Local Plan Policy DS1 and Policy EC4 of the Strategy Document.

Residential Amenity

5.38 A core principle of the NPPF at paragraph 17 is to provide a good standard of amenity for existing and future occupants.


5.39 The proposed layout ensures efficient use of the site in compliance with the NPPF and Strategy Document Policy H4, and promotes a safe and accessible environment, with functional open spaces and well defined routes. In accordance with part D of Policy H4 from the Strategy Document, the proposals show an access terminus up to the boundary of the remaining portion of allocation SNA-B thereby ensuring that the proposals do not prejudice the development of this parcel.

5.40 The proposed dwellings will have useable, private amenity areas which are proportionate to the size and type of accommodation proposed.

5.41 In compliance with the Strategy Policy ENV1 it is considered that the layout as proposed will ensure a good standard of residential amenity for future occupiers and given their location will not have a significantly detrimental impact on the

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amenity of existing occupiers adjacent to the site in regard to potential for overshadowing, loss of daylight and overlooking.


The proposed development has a relationship with the A1041 that is similar to the residential properties nearby, as such the impact of traffic noise shall not adversely affect the amenity of residents.


5.42 The Ecology Appraisal carried out on the site by Wold Ecology has found that the proposals present little risk of affecting notable or protected wildlife or sites subject to mitigation and enhancement. Recommendations are made in the ecology report to provide biodiversity enhancements. Such matters can be secured by condition as necessary.

5.43 The proposals are considered to be compliant with Policy ENV4 of the Strategy Document and in accordance with the content of the NPPF in regard to the natural environment.

Landscape and Visual Impact Considerations

5.44 The landscape proposals for the site have been informed by the Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey undertaken by Wold Ecology Ltd and the general guidelines/ strategy set out in the East Riding of Yorkshire Landscape Character Assessment for Landscape Character Type 8c (M62 Corridor Hook to Pollington), within which Snaith and the site is located.

5.45 The Character Assessment document encourages, as part of development proposals, the reinstatement of lost landscape features such as hedgerows and trees. The landscape proposals include a significant amount of native tree and hedgerow planting. The currently weak hedgerow structure along the Butt Lane boundary to the west is addressed with a new mixed native hedgerow helping to reinforce the local, partially lost field pattern. The southern edge of the development is defined and enhanced by a 5m wide native mixed scrub buffer. The majority of the proposed trees within the scheme, including those amongst the housing are of native species. This native structure planting will aid the integration of the scheme into the local landscape and break up and soften views

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of the development from existing properties to the south. The species mix employed for the hedgerow and scrub areas reflects the dominant local hedgerow species of hawthorn. Blackthorn and field maple are also identified as locally appropriate in the Character Assessment and have been included in the mixes. Planting of native beech hedges within the housing area provides a strong structure to the landscape proposals and is complimented with small beds of mixed shrubs and perennials throughout the plots to provide seasonal interest.

5.46 A substantial area of public open space is located to the western portion of the site adjacent to the proposed area of drainage attenuation. The landscape treatment of these public areas is generally simple, maintaining the current open character of the field for an area of free play with footballs etc., whilst improving biodiversity with a new hedgerow and scrub buffer to the periphery and small groups of individual tree planting.

5.47 Key views of the site are gained from adjacent properties to the immediate north and south, from Butt Lane to the west connecting Snaith and the adjacent settlement of West Cowick, and Cowick Road, a key gateway into Snaith from the east. Views of the development from residential properties to the south will be softened by the planted buffer to the south. The landscape structure along Butt Lane will be improved by the introduction of a new hedgerow, whilst maintaining and protecting the special character of the area of open green space between the settlements of Snaith and West Cowick and the function of this area as a green wedge. The consistent boundary along the southern edge of the proposal ensures that development will not lead to the coalescence of Snaith and West Cowick. The hedgerow lined leafy approach into Snaith from the west is protected and maintained with the retention of the existing hedgerow and enhanced further with additional tree planting along the north western boundary, maintaining the character and function of this green spine to the wider landscape.

5.48 New pedestrian links, forming additional parts to existing circular routes will be created between Butt Lane and Cowick Road, increasing connectivity. The new route will pass the new play area and provide improved links to the existing toddler play area at Brierley Close from the west.

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5.49 The accompanying Tree Report provides a schedule of existing trees, noting a number of trees impacts upon the development proposals are located off site requiring no further works, with a number of trees located within the site area recommended for retention and managed as part of the boundary. The report recommends the removal of three trees across the site (T3, T4 and H4). All three trees to be removed are grade C and in poor health with trees in decaying, with deadwood overhanging the highway.

5.50 The tree protection plan outlines during development the root protection areas of the trees to be retained should be protected during development and should be highlighted as Construction Exclusion Zones, with fencing to be erected prior to the commencement of development.

5.51 As such the proposed development in seeking to retain trees and hedgerows where practicable and will make significant enhancements to landscape features through new landscape planting. The development proposals meet the requirements of policy EN25 of the adopted Boothferry Local Plan and policy ENV2 of the emerging Local Plan Strategy Document.

Open Space

5.52 Within the site 0.57ha of Public Open Space is proposed to be located in the south west corner of the site for the benefit of new and existing members of the community.

5.53 The public open space includes for the provision of a Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP) aimed at children aged from 4 to 8 years of age with a range of play equipment designed to stimulate a range of activities. The remainder of the public open space is for informal recreation, play etc.

5.54 The size of the Public Open Space is commensurate with the requirements of Strategy Document Policy C3 and advice issued by the Council’s Open Space Group. The POS provided accounts for the entirety of the children’s plan and informal sport/recreation space on-site, accordingly no financial contribution to off-site POS is required.

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Flood Risk and Drainage

5.55 The application is accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment by Haigh Huddleston and Associates.

5.56 The Environment Agency (EA) flood risk maps demonstrate that the majority of the site falls within Flood Zone 1, with a small area in the south west of the site within Flood Zone 3. As outlined previously in this statement this area of the site is not be developed, but rather forms part of the public open space and drainage attenuation areas.

5.57 In relation to drainage, the proposed site is to be positively drained using an attenuation system to an on-site drainage pond feature. This will ensure no increase in flood risk to properties off-site or in the drainage networks downstream of the site.

5.58 Foul water will discharge to the Yorkshire Water sewer at Butt Lane subject to the appropriate agreements and consents.

5.59 On the basis that the proposals can demonstrate an acceptable solution to flood risk and drainage, Policy ENV6 is considered to be satisfied.

Land Contamination and Geotechnical Issues

5.60 In support of this planning application a Geo-environmental Ground Investigation Report has been prepared by Haigh Huddleston and Associates. The report makes a number of detailed recommendations but has not identified any significant constraints or unacceptable risks in respect of ground conditions which cannot be dealt with by condition that would prevent the site from being developed as proposed.

Heritage and Historic Environment

5.61 In support of this application a Historic Environment Assessment has been produced by AOC Archaeology Group. The assessment provides an overview of relevant legislation, policy and guidance, the archaeological background of the site and an impact assessment in relation to the proposed development.

5.62 The assessment notes that there is no evidence of prehistoric activity within the study area. There is some limited evidence of Roman occupation of the study

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area, in the north of Snaith and evidence of a concentration of late medieval and post-medieval pottery kilns to the south-east of Snaith and West Cowick, however the geophysical investigation work has identified few abnormalities during surveying.

5.63 There are no listed buildings within the site. Listed buildings are present on the opposite side of Goole Road (Fairholme, Eastfield House and the Goddards) and more numerously further afield in Snaith town centre. The development will not cause harm to the setting of any of the listed buildings or nationally designated heritage assets.

5.64 Snaith Conservation Area is located to the north west of the proposal site. The proposed development will not be visible from within the Conservation Area, and furthermore with more recent development forming an area of separation the proposed development will not alter the setting of the Conservation Area.

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6.1 This statement has demonstrated that the proposed development, in this particular instance is in accordance with the provisions of the local development plan and all relevant national planning policy and guidance.

6.2 The proposals for the development of 92 dwellings, open space, drainage infrastructure and associated works are acceptable for the following reasons:

• As part of the emerging Local Plan Site Allocations Document, the proposed site is allocated for housing allocation SNA-B;

• The proposed development forms part of the Council’s five year housing land supply;

• It has been demonstrated that the proposed development will not result in any significant harm to residential amenity of the local area and will maintain the open gap between Snaith and West Cowick;

• It has been demonstrated that the proposed development will not result in any significant harm in relation to access and highways safety;

• It has been demonstrated that the proposed development will not result in any unacceptable impacts in relation to the natural environment or result in any significant harm to any heritage assets; and

• The development is the subject of a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Assessment, and has been found to be acceptable in terms of flood risk and drainage.

6.3 It is therefore considered that the proposed development is acceptable and in accordance with all relevant development plan policies and national planning policy and guidance. As such planning permission should be granted without delay.

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Draft Heads of Terms

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A1 This document is prepared by Pegasus Group on behalf of Harron Homes Ltd (‘the Applicant’) in respect of a full planning application for the residential development on land South of Goole Road, Snaith, East Riding of Yorkshire (‘the Site’)

A2 The draft Heads of Terms has been informed by the pre-application advice issued by the Local Planning Authority.

A3 The application has identified requirements will be made in respect of the below and formalised through a S106 Agreement with East Riding of Yorkshire Council (‘the Council’) and other relevant stakeholders as necessary.

Affordable Housing

A4 As set out in Section 5 of the Planning Statement, the Applicant proposes to provide 18 affordable housing units (20% of total dwelling number) on the site in line with the advice of the National Planning Policy Framework and the Council’s emerging Local Plan Strategy Document.

A5 The affordable units are as follows:

• 9no. two bedroom (4 bedspace) houses (776sqft/72sqm)

• 9no. three bedroom (5 bedspace) houses (893sqft/83sqm)

A6 All units will be transferred to a registered provider to be let at either social or affordable rents. The transfer values for the affordable units will be agreed with the relevant parties 1.

A7 A framework will be developed in conjunction with the Council to agree and define a mechanism by which the amount and location of the Affordable Housing will be considered on a staged approach throughout the Site. The starting point for this framework will be that eight of the affordable units will be provided at 50% occupation, and all 18 of the affordable units will be provided at 90% occupation.

1 For the affordable housing transfer values we have assumed an aggregate value of £70 per square foot based on 9 x two bedroom Hadleigh housetype and 9 x three bedroom Bamburgh housetype

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A8 In the event that affordable housing is not provided on-site, the Applicant and the Council will agree a financial contribution towards off-site affordable housing.

Open Space

A9 The applicant confirms that the amount of public open space provision shown on the site layout plan (drawing ref: 1532.01B) is commensurate with the Council’s requirements for all open space provision (both equipped children’s play space and youth and adult sport and recreation space).

A10 No financial contribution towards off-site open space is provided.

A11 The open space provided on site will be maintained by a management company the formation and structure of which will be subject to agreement between the Applicant and the Council.

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