October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB PLANNING APPLICATION FOR 92 DWELLINGS, OPEN SPACE, DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE, LANDSCAPING AND ASSOCIATED WORKS. LAND SOUTH OF GOOLE ROAD, SNAITH, EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE PLANNING STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF HARRON HOMES TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE ACT 2004 Pegasus Group Pavilion Court | Green Lane | Garforth | Leeds | LS25 2AF T 0113 287 8200 | F 0113 287 8229 | W www.pegasuspg.co.uk Birmingham | Bracknell | Bristol | Cambridge | Cirencester | East Midlands | Leeds | Manchester Planning | Environmental | Retail | Urban Design | Renewables | Landscape Design | Graphic Design | Consultation | Sustainability ©Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Limited. The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Limited. Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement CONTENTS: Page No: 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA 3 3. THE PROPOSAL 5 4. PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE 7 5. ASSESSMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 20 6. CONCLUSIONS 31 APPENDICES: APPENDIX 1: DRAFT HEADS OF TERMS October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Planning Statement accompanies and supports the application for full planning permission for the development of land at Butt Lane, Snaith for 92 dwellings, open space, drainage infrastructure, landscaping and associated works. 1.2 Having regard to achieving high standards of design, this Planning Statement should be read together with the Design and Access Statement, which also accompanies this application. 1.3 The application is also support by the following documents: • Geo-environmental Ground Investigation Report – Haigh Huddleston & Associates • Historic Environment Assessment - AOC Archaeological Group • Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey – Wold Ecology Ltd • Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Assessment - Haigh Huddleston & Associates • Drainage Report – Haigh Huddleston & Associates • Transport Assessment – Local Transport Projects • Travel Plan – Local Transport Projects • Tree Survey and Report – Richard Lancaster: Trees & Landscape Environmental Consultancy 1.4 The purpose of this Planning Statement and supporting documents is to demonstrate that the proposals are acceptable in planning terms. 1.5 Section 2 of the statement provides a description of the development site and the surrounding area and Section 3 goes on to give a detailed description of the development proposals. Section 4 continues with a review of relevant planning policy and guidance followed by Section 5 which provides a detailed assessment of the development and other material considerations. Finally Section 6 provides an overview of the application and concluding statements. October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Page | 1 Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement 1.6 Pre-application consultation has been undertaken with officers at the District Council. A public exhibition has also been held to give local residents the opportunity to comment on the proposals. More information is provided in the Consultation Statement which accompanies the application. October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Page | 2 Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement 2. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA 2.1 The proposal site is located to the east of Butt Lane and south of the A1041 (Goole Road), to the south east of the village of Snaith. The site is currently in agricultural use, adjoining existing residential development to the north. 2.2 The gross site area to be developed is approximately 5ha, with access currently taken from Butt Lane to the west and Mill Lane to the east. The site is divided into two fields, the eastern section of the site is enclosed by mature hedgerows to north, east and west. The southern boundary is met by an arable field, which continues until its boundary with Top House Farm. 2.3 The western section of the site is bound by a hedgerow to the east, which forms the existing dividing field hedgerow. To the south the application boundary follows the existing field boundary where it meets the existing residential boundaries. The western field boundary is met by Butt Lane but does not have a field enclosure. The north the site is bound by the medical centre car park, which includes an element of landscaping and a wooden fence. The remainder of the northern boundary is formed by the residential boundaries of Brierley Close. 2.4 The highest point of the site is approximately 10.6m AOD with the lowest point being approximately 6.6m AOD at Butt Lane. The south western part of the site is located within an area of high flood risk, however the majority of the proposed site is located within Flood Zone 1. The proposed residential dwellings are all located in Flood Zone 1. 2.5 The village of Snaith is identified as a Rural Service Centre approximately 6 miles west of Goole and 8 miles south of Selby. The town benefits from a train station which, along with bus connections, provides transport links to Leeds, Selby and Goole. 2.6 Snaith is located on the A1041 which joins the A645, providing excellent access to the M62 to the south via the A19. The M62 provides access to both Hull and Leeds, which are both located within easy commuting distance. The A19 also provides access to Doncaster, Selby and York. October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Page | 3 Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement Relevant Planning History 2.7 There is no planning history for the application site, however there has been recent development of note on neighbouring sites. 2.8 On the adjacent site, to the north of the proposal site, is a development of 45 houses permitted in October 2003 following an earlier outline planning consent issued in April 2001. October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Page | 4 Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement 3. THE PROPOSAL 3.1 This planning application seeks full planning permission for the erection of 92 residential dwellings, open space, landscaping drainage infrastructure and associated works. 3.2 The application site area is shown on the accompanying site location plan (Ref: 1532:02) and the proposed layout is provided, drawing ref: 1532:01B. 3.3 Vehicular access if taken from the A1041 leading to a looped internal road network. A second access from the A1041 serves some of the dwellings fronting the existing highway. 3.4 All the proposed dwellings are either 2 or 2.5 storey houses. The proposed mix is as follows: • 9no. two bedroom houses; • 14no. three bedroom houses; and • 69no. four bedroom houses. 3.5 As part of the development proposals 20% affordable housing units are proposed (18 units) which are to be a mix of 2 and 3 bedroom dwellings. 3.6 Public open space has been directed to the south west corner of the site and includes an area for children’s play (LEAP) as well as informal sport and recreation. This provision, in addition to an area to the south of the site for drainage attenuation, will create a landscaped area between Snaith and West Cowick, maintaining the green wedge between the two settlements. 3.7 The design approach to the site is set out within the Design and Access Statement which identifies key principles which have guided the development of the scheme. Pre Application Advice 3.8 On 31st July 2015 a request for pre-application advice was submitted to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, with a formal written response received on the 5th October 2015 following a meeting between the applicant and officers of East Riding of Yorkshire Council. October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Page | 5 Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement 3.9 Further consideration of the issued advice is discussed in the submitted Consultation Report. October 2015 | NB | YOR.2534.001.RevB Page | 6 Harron Homes Land South of Goole Road, Snaith Planning Statement 4. PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE Legislative Background 4.1 4.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 4.2 The NPPF was published on 27th March 2012 and sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The NPPF forms a key material consideration to all planning decisions. The presumption in favour of sustainable development 4.3 The key principle of the NPPF, as set out at paragraphs 14 and 197, is the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Paragraph 14 notes that “ at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan making and decision taking ”. 4.4 Paragraph 14 goes on to state that, for the purposes of decision-taking, the presumption in favour of sustainable development means: • approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and • where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out- of-date, granting permission unless: o any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or o specific policies in this Framework indicate development
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