Annual Progress Report-ILSP 2018-2019 Integrated Livelihood Support Project (ILSP) IFAD Loan no.: #856-IN Annual Progress Report Financial Year 2018-19 (1stApril 2018 – 31st March 2019) Central Project Coordination Unit (CPCU) Uttarakhand Gramya Vikas Samiti (UGVS) Project Society Watershed Management Directorate (PSWMD) Uttarakhand Parvatiya Aajeevika Sanvardhan Company (UPASaC) 216, Panditwari, Phase 2, Dehradun Phone & Fax: 0135-2773800/2774800 Email:
[email protected] Page 1 of 183 Annual Progress Report-ILSP 2018-2019 Project At a Glance Background of the Project Government of Uttarakhand, with support from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), is implementing Integrated Livelihood Support Project (ILSP) since July 2013. ILSP was scheduled to be completed on 31st March 2019 with loan closing on 31st March 2021. The project is being implemented in 44 blocks of 11 hill districts of Uttarakhand i.e. Almora, Bageshwar, Nainital, Champawat, Pithoragarh, Chamoli, Tehri, Uttarkashi, Pauri, Dehradun, and Rudraprayag. Figure 1 Project Area Objectives The overall objective (goal) of ILSP is to reduce poverty in hill districts of Uttarakhand. This is being achieved via more immediate development objective to “enable rural households to take up sustainable livelihood opportunities integrated with the wider economy”. The strategy behind ILSP is to adopt a two-pronged approach to build livelihoods in hill districts. The first of these is to support and develop the Page 2 of 183 Annual Progress Report-ILSP 2018-2019 food production systems, which remain the main means of support for most households. The second main thrust of the project is to generate cash incomes by supporting non-farm livelihoods, especially community involvement in rural tourism, and vocational training.