Gruntman Pred,Cts • Lyou'h--'D Kw
,11 ...... ,: . • fl Legislative Library ~.i.": P~rllment Buildings '":"i., Victoria, B.C. :1 V8V-lZ4 IN [] • ,': - . , .... • Lyou'h--'d k.w b:Her baHle • Chumber ~ , • ~11I: ....... ,. :; I '. GruntmanNCOUVER (CP) --* Th e ' contractdispute pred,cts that after management locl(ed up some of the machinery. ' .. ." ,~ pmmp~d.British Columbia's pulp andpaper companies to Jack Mitchell, local union president, said MacMillan I • * presmenT ': ocx out their 12,500 unioniz~,d employees wilF be a tough, Bloedel management supervisors ~began shutting down " .~bitter ~ttle before it issettled, Krt Gruntman, western equlpment:late Wednesday night and in some Cases put : ~ "'~ byRALPH RESCHKE ; of the "Canadian Paperworkers' their own personal locks on equipment' -- a kiln and re. ! ..., HeraldS'tsfl~Writer ' " ~y. :.... : pulper to prevent them from startingup again.. " TERRACE--Judy JepSsen, mother, career remark as the province's 14 corn- - The w()rkers continued to process newsprint until they . woman, .and .:prel/Ident of the local Chamber of ~0 pulp and paper mills in.a bid to • ran out. of fibre Thursday night, " • .commerce is a busyperson, but she admits that'even 7,200-mem~'r Paper~orkers union "We want to work in this community," Mitchell said. He with her hectic schedule; she s/ill'finct~ time to do the tip, Papei':and W0odwer.kers Union estimated that the company's sawmills would shutdown in things,,. that. are. special,... toher.. -,~ the.bargaining table. There. have .three or four days because there would be no place to send- . I make time,f~" myself, to do the things lenjoy re~nber~ . the. wendchips, normally shipped to the pulp rid Its, i .
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