264 Tugboat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3 Typographers' Inn Peter Flynn

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264 Tugboat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3 Typographers' Inn Peter Flynn 264 TUGboat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3 A Typographers’ Inn X LE TEX Peter Flynn Back at the ranch, we have been experimenting with X LE ATEX in our workflow, spurred on by two recent Dashing it off requests to use a specific set of OpenType fonts for A I recently put up a new version of Formatting Infor- some GNU/Linux documentation. X LE TEX offers A mation (http://latex.silmaril.ie), and in the two major improvements on pdfLTEX: the use of section on punctuation I described the difference be- OpenType and TrueType fonts, and the handling of tween hyphens, en rules, em rules, and minus signs. UTF-8 multibyte characters. In particular I explained how to type a spaced Font packages. You can’t easily use the font pack- dash — like that, using ‘dash~---Ђlike’ to put a A ages you use with pdfLTEX because the default font tie before the dash and a normal space afterwards, encoding is EU1 in the fontspec package which is key so that if the dash occurred near a line-break, it to using OTF/TTF fonts, rather than the T1 or OT1 would never end up at the start of a line, only at A conventionally used in pdfLTEX. But late last year the end. I somehow managed to imply that a spaced Herbert Voß kindly posted a list of the OTF/TTF dash was preferable to an unspaced one (probably fonts distributed with TEX Live which have packages because it’s my personal preference, but certainly A of their own for use with X LE TEX [6]. not an absolute). comp.text.tex A The ensuing discussion on re- Table 1: List of font packages supporting X LE TEX vealed some curious inconsistencies. Petros Travioli (as of 25 Dec 2015) very kindly directed me at the Oxford Dictionaries some with CMR web site at http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/ accanthis Accanthis some with CMR words/punctuation#dash, which gives examples of Alegreya Alegreya an unspaced em-rule, but in the ‘Read more’ link AlegreyaSans some Alegreya Sans with CMSS on that page, we discovered that the examples are cabin some Cabin with CMSS actually spaced en-rules. This is the practise recom- caladea some Caladea with CMR mended by Wikipedia’s style guide, which says that carlito some Carlito with CMSS the em-rule is not spaced; and the APA style guide cinzel some Cinzel with CMR agrees with them [1, p 97]. Strunk & White use it ClearSans some Clear Sans with CMSS unspaced, but don’t actually mention it; but the As- ebgaramond some EB Garamond with CMR sociated Press style guide disagrees and says to use FiraMono some Fira Mono with CMTT spaces, which is what TUGboat does (\thinspace, FiraSans some Fira Sans with CMSS in fact). gillius some Gillius with CMSS So what authorities say they think is right, and gillius2 some Gillius2 with CMSS what publishers actually do, can be very different. I imfellEnglish some with CMR just picked up five books I read since the start of the IM FELL English libertine some with CMR year: Libertine librebaskerville some Libre Baskerville with CMR • Sansom, Ian (2012) Paper: An Elegy. Fourth librecaslon some Libre Caslon with CMR Estate (Harper Collins), London, 2012 (spaces LobsterTwo some Lobster Two with CMR around en rule). merriweather some with CMR • Wilson, Bee (2013) Consider The Fork. Penguin, Merriweather some with CMSS London (spaces around em rule). mintspirit Mint Spirit some with CMSS • Jones, Terry and Alan Ereira (2005) Mediaeval mintspirit2 Mint Spirit2 some with CMR Lives. BBC Books, London (spaces around PlayfairDisplay Playfair Display em rule). quattrocento some Quattrocento with CMR • Sayers, Dorothy (1942) The Nine Tailors. Victor raleway some Raleway with CMSS Gollancz, London (unspaced em rule). roboto some Roboto with CMSS • Banks, Iain M (2003) The Player of Games. sourcecodepro some Source Code Pro with CMTT Orbit (Macmillan), London (spaces around sourcesanspro some Source Sans Pro with CMSS en rule). sourceserifpro some Source Serif Pro with CMR I suspect that, as with many points of typographic universalis some Universalis with CMSS style, you should follow the conventions of your dis- cipline; but if you have free rein, choose whichever These packages, shown in Table 1, work with style you think best — but be consistent. the \usepackage command in the normal way. The Peter Flynn TUGboat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3 265 LATEX Font Catalogue has a separate page at http:// Table 3: Font names for using the Microsoft Windows A www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/opentypefonts.html Core Fonts in X LE TEX for fonts with OpenType support. Andale Mono Andale Mono So what do you do about all those other font Arial Arial packages not yet adapted to detect that they are Arial Black Arial Black being used in X LE ATEX? Individual font specifi- Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS A cation in X LE TEX is slightly different to that in Courier New Courier New pdfLATEX: it requires the fontspec package. This pro- Georgia Georgia vides three commands which let you specify the three Impact Impact basic families expected by LATEX: \setmainfont, Times New Roman Times New Roman \setsansfont, and \setmonofont (there are also Trebuchet MS Trebuchet MS commands for loading individual fonts). The argu- Verdana Verdana ment is either a full fontname like Times New Roman Webdings or a font filename like Lato-Hairline.ttf, and this is where the fun starts, because both methods have For example, \setsansfont{Comic Sans MS}. advantages and disadvantages for ease of use and portability. use your system’s font cache to find a fontname. You Full fontnames. There are OTF/TTF replacements create the cache by running the command A for many of the pdfLTEX-oriented package fonts, sudo fc-cache -f -vv which can be loaded using the full font name, in- You can then use the fc-list command to list the cluding spaces. The TEX Gyre project has created a set of fonts which work with fontspec, equivalent to fonts it found (the second colon-separated field) and the old Adobe ‘35’ which have been a mainstay of use a filter like grep (1) to find the name you want. desktop publishing for many years (see Table 2). Font filenames. You can also load the font by file- name, providing the filetype (extension), location Table 2: Font names for equivalents of the Adobe PostScript ‘35’ fonts (path), and naming pattern for the font variants as options (see Figure 1). TeX Gyre Adventor Avant Garde TeX Gyre Bonum Bookman \setmainfont{Lato-Hairline}[Extension=.ttf, TeX Gyre Chorus Zapf Chancery Path=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/, TeX Gyre Cursor Courier UprightFont=*, BoldItalicFont=*BoldItalic, TeX Gyre Heros Helvetica ItalicFont=*Italic, BoldFont=*Bold] TeX Gyre Pagella Palatino TeX Gyre Schola Century Schoolbook Figure 1: Loading a font by filename TeX Gyre Termes Times For example, \setsansfont{TeX Gyre Adventor}. The naming pattern uses an asterisk to represent the filename you gave as the main argument to the If you need the Microsoft Windows Core Fonts command; so in the example, the italic variant would which come with most Windows and Mac systems be the file named Lato-HairlineItalic.ttf, but (available as RPM/DEB packages for GNU/Linux), you can add whatever punctuation (hyphens, spaces, the names are shown in Table 3. etc) your filenaming pattern requires. This method However, the downside with all the other OTF is probably better than the fontname if you know the or TTF fonts already installed on a computer is exact places and names of all your font files, because that the user may not know how to find out the you can tailor the command to suit your own setup. full fontname — it’s usually the one shown when you The disadvantage is that filenames can be differ- display the system font folder or pull down the font ent for the same font file across systems, so there is menu in a wordprocessor. The upside is that the less portability; but the advantage is that it’s usually full fontname is usually fairly clear and descriptive, easier to find filenames than to find full fontnames. and stays built into the font even if you change the However, you can also create a .fontspec file which filename. provides the mapping from filename to fontname, so On GNU/Linux systems, where there is no strict frequent users can make life much easier for them- rule about where such fonts get installed, you must selves. Typographers’ Inn 266 TUGboat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3 Logos But most likely, the designer wanted the lines to get Logotypes are typographic designs or glyph variants shorter so that they followed the curvature of the of more than one letter, but available as a single label. glyph (originally, cast as a single piece of metal type). SEMI-FIRM CHEESE in ATF Garamond is one example, and TEX is BEECH-SMOKED another. ON THE FARM The TEX and related logos work fine in Com- Three lines was probably too many, but I still think puter Modern, but in other faces the spacing needs they made a mistake putting vanity of the design adjustment, and this is tedious in the extreme when above the usability of the text. dealing with many fonts in several faces. There have been several articles on the problem of adjustments [4, 5], not least from Don Knuth [3]; but Karl Berry and Robin Fairbairns parameterised the macros for \TeX and other commands in the ltugboat document class, which were tuned for CM by Barbara Beeton, the redoubtable editor of TUGboat.
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