The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus .. "" Opinio11 On CIA- and .Dow . TuE recent rule-breaking CIA-DOW they are seeking they will be a ·part demonstration has been a source of of the community. They will be free discomfort to alumni, administrators, ·to go, if what they find is inconsistent faculty and students. This· irrespon- with. what they are· seeking. sible act of interference with . the For an institution to function it I Give IJs· justifiable rights of others is i~con- must havo order. Mimbers of any ' siste:rit with the definition of a uni- ._society 'must obser\re some primary You•• Vote versity, and particularly repulsive to rules which· are nothing more than the nature of .a great university. the practice of basic good man~e'rs. n·ECENT political events in ·Notre Dame does rightfully lay claim It is senseless for the Notre Dame hair-rais~ to the designation, "great uhiversity." community not to enforce the few ing down-to-the-wire fashion revived , It may be ironic that this act of simple rules of good manners which the old-fashioned specter of represen interference with :the rightful free- · exist.. Rtiles should be enforced or, if tation without consensus. Whether or doin of -others may ,in fact b~ the they are meaningless, repealed. not the mandate is .the catalyst to ef catalyst that polarizes the "Commu- . If we hold anything sacred at a fective political action has been de nity of Notre Dame." university it would seem to be truth.