KOREAN / SEOLLAL: It is one of the most important traditional Korean holidays. The celebration usually lasts three days: the day before , Korean New Year itself, and the day after Korean New Year. During this time, many visit family, perform ancestral rites, wear , eat traditional food, and play folk games. Additionally, children often receive money from their elders after performing a formal bow HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021

Vietnamese or Tet Holiday, is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. Many Vietnamese Hoa prepare for Tết by cooking special holiday food and cleaning the house. Many customs are practiced during Tết, such as visiting a person's house on the first day of the new year, ancestor worship, wishing New Year's greetings, giving lucky money to children and elderly people, and opening a shop. THAI NEW YEAR

The Thai new year celebration is on the 13 every year, but the holiday period extends for three days and is rich with symbolic traditions. Mornings begin with -making. Visiting local temples and offering food to the Buddhist monks is commonly practiced. On this specific occasion, performing water pouring on Buddha statues and the young and elderly is a traditional ritual on this holiday. It represents purification and the washing away of one's sins and bad luck. As a festival of unity, people who have moved away usually return home to their loved ones and elders. Paying reverence to ancestors is an important part of Songkran tradition.