CURRICULUM VITAE Gregory Starrett Address: Department of Anthropology University of North Carolina at Charlotte 9201 University City Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 phone: (704) 687-5126 fax: (704) 687-1678 e-mail:
[email protected] website: Employment 2020- Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Acting Chair January-June 2018, 15 May-30 June 2019). 1992- Professor of Anthropology (2008-); Associate Professor of Anthropology (1998- 2008); Assistant Professor of Anthropology (1992-1998), University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 1984- Lecturer (1991), Acting Instructor (1991-92), Teaching Assistant (1984-89), 1991 Stanford University. Education 1991 Ph.D. in Anthropology, Stanford University. 1985 Master of Arts in Anthropology, Stanford University. 1983 Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Anthropology, Northwestern University (4-year B.A./M.A. Program). B.A. with Highest Distinction; Departmental Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Publications: Books n.d. The Jewish Question Again. Joyce Dalsheim and Gregory Starrett, eds. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press. Forthcoming November 2020. 2007 Teaching Islam: Textbooks and Religion in the Middle East, Eleanor Doumato and Gregory Starrett, eds. Boulder, CO, and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 1998 Putting Islam to Work: Education, Politics, and Religious Transformation in Egypt. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2 Publications: Journal Articles and Book Chapters n.d. “Introduction: The Jewish Question, Again,” Joyce Dalsheim and Gregory Starrett, in Dalsheim and Starrett, eds., n.d. n.d. “On Being Always Already Unprepared for the Present,” Gregory Starrett and Joyce Dalsheim, in Dalsheim and Starrett, eds., n.d. 2019 “Time and the Spectral Other: Demonstrating Against Unite the Right 2,” Gregory Starrett and Joyce Dalsheim.