A type of literature that creates an emotional response. Poets select and arrange specific language for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

Verse: Another What is poetry? word for poetry! : A grouping of lines in a poem (like a paragraph). Often each stanza is the same length and follows the same pattern of meter or . Line Break: Where a line in the poem is broken and a new line begins. FRENCH go beyond

Enjambment Ending a line of poetry: without completing a statement.

End stopped line: Ending a line with a complete sentence. Refrain A repeated phrase, line,: or group of lines. Simile: When two things are compared using “like” or “as”

sun Write a simile on your notes using the sun. metaphor: A direct comparison of two things; stating that one

thing is the other.

Write a metaphor on your notes using Rock a rock. Smile Write a personification on your notes using “smile.”

: Personification Giving human characteristics to nonhuman objects. Hyperbole: An exaggeration this is used for emphasis.

Camera Write a hyperbole on your notes using either

Picture camera or picture. Idiom: An expression that cannot be interpreted literally.

Write an idiom Dog on your notes using “dog” or Barking “barking.”

Repetition Onomatopoeia

Rhythm The recurring The use of use of a words to A regular sound, word, pattern of phrase, or imitate the line to create stressed and sound mood or associated unstressed emphasize an with objects syllables. important idea. or actions. 1



4 When 2 or more words in a row or close together start with the same consonant sound.

Pick a letter to write a 6 word line containing alliteration. Assonance

Repetition of vowel sounds. Consonance Repetition of consonant sounds anywhere within words, not just the beginning. Rhyme The repetition of final A repeated pattern of sounds in two or end ; usually more words. marked with letters of the alphabet (ABAB).

End Rhyme

Rhyming words at the ends of two or more lines of poetry. Internal Rhyme

When rhyming words occur in the same line of poetry.

Two lines of verse the same length that usually rhyme.

Each line has 6 words, and the end words rhyme.