INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE (ISCC) List of Participants 31 March - 3 April, 2003 Beijing, China List of ISCC Participants Bulgaria Christine ACHBERGER Phone: (+359-2) 975 3986 (ext.455) Ph D student Fax: (+359-2) 988 4494 Dept. of Earth Sciences mailto:
[email protected] Physical Geography Goteborg University Mr. Younis AL-FENADI Box 460, S-405 30 Goteborg, Sweden Student from Libyan Tel: ++46-31-7731962 Department of Meteorology, mailto:
[email protected] 17 Leighton Court, Earley, RG6 5SG, Reading The United Kingdom Prof. AN Zhisheng Tel: 0118 376 5816 Chinese Academy of Sciences Mobile:07919254545 Xi'an 710025, China mailto:
[email protected] Tel: 029-5524749(0); 029-5262121(h) WMO rote in controlling climate change Prof. Sharad P. ADHIKARY Bohloul ALIJANI Himalayan Climate Centre P. 0. Professor of Synoptic Climatology Box 10872 Kathmandu, Nepal Department of Geography Teacher Tel: + 977 1 434 741 Fax: 977 1 Training University Mofatteh 482 008 Avenue, Tehran IRAN mailto:
[email protected] Telefax: 0098261-45796002480 mailto:
[email protected]; mailto:
[email protected] Dr. Janvier AGBADJAGAN Service Meteorologigue du Benin Asecna- Dr. John David ALL meteo BP 96 cotonou Benin West Western Kentucky University Africa 1 Big Red Way, Western Kentucky University, Tel: (229) 300292/301413 Department of Geography and Geology, Bowling Fax: (229) 300839 Green, Kentucky, 42101, USA Tel: 270 745 5975 Fax: 270 745 6410 mailto:
[email protected] Sergey Mihailovich ALEKSEEV Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation 6 Ilyinka str. MOSCOW 103684, Russia Tel: 787-0459 Fax: 787-0459 mailto:
[email protected]; Dr.