Jan Oderfeld. Scientist and Jet Aircraft Engine Pioneer Jan Oderfeld. Scientist and Jet Aircraft Engine Pioneer Jan Oderfeld. Scientist and Jet Aircraft Engine Pioneer WARSZAWA 2019 OFICYNA WYDAWNICZA POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ The book was published in Polish by The Warsaw Senior Aviator Club [Warszawski Klub Seniorów Lotnictwa] in the series „Aviation People” [Ludzie lotnictwa]. Joint publication – Authors: Aleksander Cieślak, Andrzej Glass, Marta Hochstim–Łysak, Bohdan Jancelewicz, Krzysztof Kędzior, Marta Kozłowska and her sons Aleksander and Maciej, Jerzy Lewitowicz, Jerzy Madler, Andrzej Moldenhawer, Barbara Oderfeld–Nowak, Wojciech Radomski, Ewa Rembiałkowska and her son Krzysztof Leski, Ryszard Witkowski, and Jan Wyganowski. Edited by Bohdan Jancelewicz Copies of documents and photographs made available from the private collections of: Aleksander Cieślak, Andrzej Glass, Bohdan Jancelewicz, Marta Kozłowska, Jerzy Lewitowicz, Andrzej Moldenhawer, Barbara Oderfeld–Nowak, Ewa Rembiałkowska, Ryszard Witkowski, and Jan Wyganowski. Documents and photographs related to the awarding of the degree of Doctor honoris causa to Jan Oderfeld made available by the Office of the Rector with the consent of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology. Translated by Ryszard E.L. Nawrocki Computer set-up by Andrzej Kowalczyk Cover design by Danuta Czudek-Puchalska © Copyright by The Warsaw Senior Aviator Club and Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2019 Publisher: Politechnika Warszawska [Warsaw University of Technology] Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej [Warsaw University of Technology Publishing House] ul. Polna 50, 00-644 Warszawa, Poland, phone (48) 22 234-70-83 Warsaw University of Technology Publishing House Internet Bookstore www.wydawnictwopw.pl phone (48) 22 234-75-03; fax (48) 22 234-70-60; e-mail:
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