Identification of Amazonian Palm Genera from Vegetative Characters
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@ 19901 KAHN: KEYS TO AMAZONIAN PALMS 199 Principes, 34(4), 1990. pp. 199-207 5. Identification of Amazonian Palm Genera from -k Vegetative Characters FRANCIS KAHN ORSlDM, Apartado postal 18-1209,Lima, Peru ABSTRACT and Jessenia, glaucous in Acrocomia and I Oenocarpus, green in most genera, or Two keys for identification of thirty-eight Ama- . zonian palm genera based on vegetative characters green with brownish longitudinal stripes in applied to seedling, juvenile, and adult plants are 1 Attalea, klaxiniliana, Orbignya, and provided They treat palms with accessible leaves (less Scheelea); 2) the form of the pinnae (lin- than 10 m in height), and those with inaccessible ear, lanceolate, or S-shaped); 3) the tip of leaves (over 10 m in height), respectively. the pinnae, either symmetric (acute or slightly bifid) or asymmetric (obliquely The first key which deals with all palms, notched); and 4) the ribs (main nerves) the leaves of which are accessible, i.e., prominent above and/or below, Other palms less than 10 m in height, cari be characters, such as tlrc slicah LuLular UI I- used successfully to identify seedlings, split, and the arrangement of the pinnae juveniles, and sterile palms at the genus either in one plane or oriented in several level. The key starts with the morphology directions, are then considered. In several of the blade (Fig. 1): 1) palmate or “fan- cases, complementary characters are given like” (Chelyocarpus, Copernicia, Itaya, to make the choice easier at the key dichot- Lepidocaryum, Mauritiella, Trithrinax),\ omy. or costapalmate, i.e., with a short, curved The second key deals with tall palms, rachis in the blade (Mauritia), 2) blade the leaves of which are inaccessible. Char- entire and bifid, or having only two seg- acters of the leaves, of the trunk, of the ments or pinnae (seedlings of many genera roots, and physiognomy of the crown are and some adults of Baclris, Chamaedo- used. rea, Geonoma, Wendlandiella), 3) blade i entire, not bifid (seedlings of several genera The Scope of the Keys a and adult form of Manicaria), and 4) lea! pinnate, or “featherlike” (seedlirìgs, juve- These keys are to be used in primary niles, and adults of most genera). and secondary forests in all ecosystems of .The fôrm of the entire or bifid blade thc Amazon valley. They were first devel- and of leaflets (Fig. 2) is treated next in oped from studies conducted in Brazil and the key. For instance, the presence of pin- Peru, They can be used, however, in the nae, which are pointed at the tip or truh- peripheral Andean region of Bolivia, cate and broad apically (wedge-shaped), Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and in the allows the separation of Aiphanes and the Guianas. Thirty-eight genera are treated. lriarteeae (Catoblaslus, lriarlea, lriar- Characters used to separate them refer to tella, Socratea, and Wettinia) from other .I Amazonian native species, except for Cqcbs genere. The presencc.or ubscnce of spiries (C. nuc$mi,) und LWO spccies of i:’Lneis (a is also used, together with four other char- native species, E. oleijbra, arid lhe intro- acters: 1) the color of the uiiderside (abas- duced African oil palm, E. guineensis). ia]) of the blade (white in Rslrocaryurn Most of the geriera included occur ORSTOM ~ondsDocumentaire 200 PRINCIPES . [VOL. 34 S-pi a b 1, a, pinnate kef; b, palmate leaf (the same terms are used for costapalmate leaf). Details: bl, blade; If, leaf Tip; p, petiole; r, rachis: sg, pinna (a) or segment (b); se, edge of pinna or segment; sa sheath.4 throughout the Amazon basin: Astrocar- fmd in the southern part of the Amazon yum, Attalea, Bactris, Desmoncus, basin. Elaeìs, Euterpe, Geonoma, Hyospath,e, It was impossible to separate the seed- Jessenia, Mauritia, Maurìtiella, Maxì- lings and juveniles of the Attalea-Maxì. miliana, Orbignya, ScheeZea, Socratea, miliana - Orbignya -ScheeZea complex. Syagrus, and Cocos. Many genera are also Furthermore, some adult genera such as located in western Amazonia: Aiphanes, the related Geonoma and Pholidostachys Catob¿astus, Chamaedorea, Chelyocar- cannot be clearly distinguished on vege- pus, Dictyocaryum, Iriartea, Itayo, tative characters. A slight confusion also Pholidostachys, Phytelephas, Prestoea, occurs between the seedlings of Chely. F'endlandiella, and Wettìnia. Some reach ocarpus and Itaya, but the value of the central Amazonia: Iriartella and Lepido- key is not much reduced because these caryum; a few display limited distributions two genera are infrequent and limited to in central Amazonia: Barcella and Leo- I western Amazonia, as is also Pholido- poldinia; and others occur in central and gtachys. The genus Asterogyne is od eastern Amazonia: Acrocomia and Man- known from a very pall area of Frenci icaria. Raphia is found only in the eastern kuyana and may bekonfused with Geon- part, while Copernicia and Trithrinax are Oma. 19901 KAHN: KEYS TO AMAZONIAN PALMS 20 1 above. ..................................................... ".---.-4.-. ._..._...-_...._.._:.._" .. ............................. Mauritia b. Segments many-ribbed. not oriented in a marked horizontal plane; spines present on the upper surface of the ribs and on blade edges (select the youngest leaves). ._...-.._.I.___..__."...__..._...._..._-..-""_.. Lepidocuryum 8a. Blade white beneath. e ~ .-............................... "--..---- ...._..._. ._.._ ... ............................. 9 b. Blade green beneath. .._I..__..._._.._._.. c. Blade hazy glaucous beneath, with 3-4 leaflets, each usually I .....-........... ........................................................... ...................... I-.-.-" ..-I.---..".-.-" _.-_Oenocarpus I 9a. Rib(s) prominent beneath; lower surface of the blade usually covered with a continuous layer of thin, white, membranous scales which rub off on contact; 3-4 segments, not I-_.. "_" --.. ""_-.---I-_--.-- -..-- -_.-I-..-. b. Rib(s) not prominent beneath; blade dusty white beneath, petiole of the y segments of the youngest leaf markedly erect. _.._._.._.._...._.-_..-..... __ Mautiliella loa. With triangular, laterally flattened spines, curved toward the apex as leaf. ...-l-....,._--p-I,._I_._I.__._-._. ~ __.__I__--._....-.._.I_. ___ Copernicia b. Without spines on the edge of the petiole. ............................................................................... 11 1la. Fibers of the sheath joined in a spiny expansion. ............. __._.._l___.l._l__._-_-.._____.___.^_~-.- Trithrinax b. Fibers of the sheath not joined in a spiny expansion, or sheath not fibrous. _.._.t_...__.__.._.."---...--. 12 12a. Midrib prominent above. .__.._.._.__._... .......................................................................................... Mauritia .7 .- I 2. a, segment multi-pointed, several folded: b, segment 7' pinna onespointed; c, 2 pinnae in a closed-V shape; d, 2 pinnae in on 0pen.V slia )e, each twisted outwards; e, blade entire and bifid, each half with straight margins; 4 bludo UWJ~iid bIM, wi& hdt" Sdiapadi LI,plnnti ar hall of blRd blade rsgulady muldplntgd toward tho \ tip; h, hlade bifid and divided for less than half its length, each half truncate or irregularly toothed; i, blade bifid and divided for more than half ita length, each half truncate or irregularly toothed; j, blade entire, not bifid, far longer than wide, with tip pointed; k, blade entire not bifid, far longer than wide, with tip truncate or denticulate, not sharply pointed; I, blade entire, not bifid, margins-rm.mded, with tip pointed; m, blade entire, not bifid, margins rounded, with tip not pointed; n, pinna straight, 1inear.lanceolate; o, p, pinna Sehaped; q, r, tip of pinna asymmetric, obliquely notched; s, pinna truncate, with broad tip, usually with spines; t, u, pinna wedge-shaped or like a fish fin, without spines: v, upper parts of longitudinally divided pinnae slightly erect, tip drooping: w, upper parts of longitudinally divided pinnae shorter than the lower parts, tip not drooping: x, upper parts of longitudinally divided pinnae not shorter than the lower parts, tip not drooping (v, w, x, leaf viewed in cross section}. 19901 KAHN: KEYS TO AMAZONIAN PALMS 203 tip of each half of bifid blade, occasionally on blade above; usually longer spines on sheath, petiole and I- rachis below, these brown or black, rarely whitish then flattened. "_______- 19a. Leaflets white beneath. _.-. "_"...__ -"..-."."._.ll-.l.-.---...l_.l.ll^ b. Leaflets or half of bifid blade green beneath. ......._...- ~ _ ........................................................................... ............_^...... *.._ ........ 22 *\ c. Leaflets hazy glaucous with 1-2 bright green margins beneath. ............................... ".. Oenocarpus d. Halves of bifid blade green beneath with greyish or brownish stripes along the ribs and the margins; outer margins denticulate toward the tip. _ .......................... "".-_.Attaka, Maximiliana, Orbignya, $clteelea 20a. Two leaflets in closed-V shape, connate at base for 3 cm or more, rachis short but welLmarked (Fig. 2c). "".--- ".._.._......_..__...... _....... ...".__._.- "......". Jesseniu b. Two segments in open-V shape, connate at base for less than 3 cm long, without rLachis; each leaflet slightly twisted outwards (Fig. 2d). _....."..-..... ..................................................................................... 21a. Ribs prominent beneath; segments with layer of white membranous scales beneath contact. .,._..-..~....__. ............................................... ._.--._.~ .......................................... Chelyocarpus,