FY 2018 Proposed Budget - General Fund Expenditures
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Greg Emanuel, Director 2100 CLARENDON BLVD., SUITE 900, ARLINGTON, VA 22201 703-228-4488 des@arlingtonva.us Our Mission: DES strives for excellence as we plan, build, operate, and maintain Arlington’s utility, facility and transportation infrastructure, and protect and sustain our natural and built environment. FY 2018 Proposed Budget - General Fund Expenditures Management & Courts & Constitutionals Administration 6% 4% Public Safety 11% Schools Net Tax Support: 54% 39% Federal/State Support:12% Other: 34% Environmental Services 8% Human Services 11% Debt, Capital Co mmunity Services 6% Non-Departmental, 4% Regionals, Metro Planning & Development 9% 2% book 219 web 437 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUDGET SUMMARY LINES OF BUSINESS book 220 web 438 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUDGET SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES The FY 2018 proposed expenditure budget for the Department of Environmental Services (DES) is $96,906,253, a six percent increase over the FY 2017 adopted budget. The FY 2018 proposed budget reflects: Personnel increases primarily due to the addition of a position to manage the overall Streetlight Program, Design Engineer, Senior Trades Worker, and two Streetlight Technicians ($564,771, 5.0 FTEs), as well as employee salary increases, an increase in the County’s cost for employee health insurance, and adjustments to retirement contributions based on current actuarial projections. Non-personnel expense increases in a variety of areas throughout the department. o Transit Programs: Contractual expenses were added for the full-year funding to Arlington Transit (ART) routes 43 and 92 ($591,750), contractual increases for existing ART and STAR services ($534,514), ART light maintenance facility operating ($157,500) and maintenance ($106,558) costs, and increases in the Commuter Services Program ($579,063).
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