The Schools' Greatest Challenge Importance of Helping Individuals Relate As Human Beings

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The Schools' Greatest Challenge Importance of Helping Individuals Relate As Human Beings "\ L.- ;"'('~""'l' 'i ~ '( '-.~:" (~~ ~ ~.~_y ~~i 'u .. ~ ~, ~ 'lv ,:,+ ~~ r. 3 ~ h~/I"""'. ,1 ~11.n .} -.;..,. I ?V......; <v><.<. L .:-y ,i2....L. RE:VIEWpoints 2 .).,,'U-....J·....u.~."L~,c~ bh-t.... c...t£.r' \.u,..J~ , ,<... ~ M..<. , ~ Wa shington. D.C. The Spring 1968 issue of Roch ester R eview came in thi s morning's po st and I have read it with great Anthony Hecht: UR's interest. I am send ing my copy to members of our family now living in Bri sbane, Australia, who plan to 3 Pulitzer Prize-winning Poet send all three of their children back to the States for I college. Would you be kind enough to send me another copy. I think thi s issu e contains the mo st per ceptive pres­ entation and approach to the current problems with college students that I have read or really expect to Student Unrest: find, judging from other writing I have read on the A Question of Values subject. 10 EDITH A . GAYLORD, ' 2 7 - STAN LE Y J. K AHRL A{exam/ria, Va. 1 would much like to have five extra copies of the Integration: The Schools' Spring 1968 Roch ester R eview, to be used for purposes of winning friends and influencing people; also , to give 14 Greatest Challenge wider coverage to our daughter's participation in thi s - DEAN c. CORRIGAN year's Jan Plan.... I will be happy to remit check. Thank you for this effort. The publication was re­ markable. ALICE L EO NARD (MRS. H. E. L EONARD) B&L Program Attracts Young Science Talent 20 Rochester, N . Y. - E L SA R. E F RAN I like the Roch ester R eview very much and wonder if I could have two copies to send to friends in France. If there is a charge, I shall be happy to remit it. GRACE I. DUFFY How to Succeed in 23 (Show) Business Editor's note: Additional copie s of each issue of the -ELIZAB ETH S. BROWN Revi ew may be obtained from the editor, at no cha rge, while the supply lasts. N ew York, N . Y. In sofar as I am capable of comprehending President T he University W. A. W alli s' distinctions between coherence and con­ 26 glomerateness, I am delighted to discover that he is contemplating Stokely Carmichael (rather than Rich­ ard Nixon) as a potential Commencement speaker. JOHN GALTON,' 6 7 G ROCHESTER REVIEW, VOLUME XXX, NUMBER 4, Summer, 1968. Editor: Judith E. Brown; Art Director: Robert S. Topor; Production Manager: Barbara B. Ames. Published by the University of Rochester four times a year in Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer and sent without charge to interested alumni and other friends of the University. Editorial office: 107 Administration Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 14627. Second class postage paid at Rochester, N. Y. ILLUSTRATION CREDITS: Pat Crowe, Linn Duncan, Elsa Efran, Peter Hickey, Suzanne Meyers, Rochester City School System , Glenn Schowalter, United Press International. 2 UNIVERSlTY OF ROCHESTER OR THE FIFTH TIM E, a Pulitzer Prize has gone F to a member of the University of Rochester family: Anthony Hecht, associate professor of English, won the 1968 Pulitzer Prize for poetry for his latest book, The Hard Hours, published last . year. * The announcement of the prestigious Pulitzer this spring was followed within a few days by the news that Hecht had also won the $2 ,500 Loines Award for Poetry, given jointly by the American *Earlier Roch ester recipients-all of wh om wo n th e Pulitzer Prize for music-s-w ere Ho ward Hanson, first dir ector of th e Eastman School of Music and now Distinguish ed Unive rsity Professor and dir ect or of UR 's l nstitute of A me rican All/ sic, and Eastman alumni Gail Kubik, John La M ontaine, and Robert Ward. ROCHESTER REVIEW 3 Aca demy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters. (A couple of weeks earlier he had received the 1968 Miles Memorial Award of Wayne State University.) For some literary observers, "Tony's Pulitzer" may have been foreshadowed by the bevy of laudatory reviews garnered by Th e Hard Hours in Th e New York Times Book Review, Th e Saturday Review, Th e Atlantic, The New Yorker, and other publications. (Some samples: "simple ... yet allusive and memorable" .. "s ome of the most powerful and unfor­ gettable poems at present being written in America" ... and "good evide nce that Anthony Hecht is one of the best poets now writing. In any language." ) At Rochester, Hecht has taught courses on the lyric and on modern poetry and has conducted a writing workshop. On campus for only a yea r, he has quickly become a favorite with River Campus stude nts-who bestowed on him one of their highest honors by selectin g him to give this year's Ivy Oration at the traditional Moving-Up Da y exercises. Before joinin g the UR faculty, Hecht taught at Kenyon College, the State University of Iowa, Smith College, New York Uni versity, and Bard Coll ege, where he received his bachelor 's degree. (He also hold s an M.A. from Columbia.) As of Sept emb er , he will be Rochester's Deane Professor of Rh etoric and Poetr y. EC HT'S LATEST LAUR EL S follow a long and luminous string H of national awards and prizes: a Prix de Rome, two Gu ggenh eim fellowships, Hudson Review and Ford Founda­ tion fellowship s, and a Brandeis University Creative Arts Awa rd. To support his work, the University of Rochester has received a $10,000 Rockefeller grant, which will be used next yea r when Hecht, on leave from UR, will work on a translation of Aesc hylus' Seven A gain st Th ebes, continue to write poetry, and serve as poet-in-residence at the American Academy in Rome. Interestingly, in view of the many honors accorded his poetr y, the body of his work is not larg e (The Hard Hour s, itself a fairly slim volume, includes a number of poems from his two ea rlier works A Summoning of Stones and Th e Seven Deadly Sins). And, ironically, his serious work for a time seemed to command less attention than his status as the creator (with poet John Holl ander) of a new form of light verse known as the doubl e dactyl. Today, however , Hecht's stature as a major voice in con­ temporary Am eric an letters seems assured. Allen Tate, the distinguished poet and critic, perhaps said it best when he wrote of Hecht and Th e Hard Hours: "We have gotten into the bad habit of ranking our poets . I refuse to do this. I can only say that whoever else may be at the top , Hecht is there too; for there is nobody better. " • The poems on Pages 6-8 are from Th e Hard Hours; "Historical Re­ flections," from Jiggery-Pok ery: A Compendium of D ouble Dactyls. Both book s are publi shed by Atheneum , which has gra nted permi ssion to reprint these exce rpts. ROCHESTER REVIEW 5 "IT OUT-HERODS HEROD. PRAY YO U, AVOID IT." onigh t my children hunch Toward their Western, and are glad As, with a Sunday punch, . The Good casts out the Bad. IfAnd in their fairy tales The warty giant and wi tch Get sealed in doorless jails And the match-girl strikes it rich. I've made myself a drink. The giant and witch are set To bust out of the clink When my children have gone to bed. All frequencies are loud With signals of despair; In flash and morse they crowd The rondure of the air. For the wicked have grown strong, Their numbers mock at death, Their cow brings forth its young, Their bull engendereth. Their very fund of strength. Satan, bestrides the globe; He stalks its breadth and length And finds out even Job. Yet by quite other laws My children make their case; Half God, half Santa Claus, But with my voice and face. A hero comes to save The poorman, beggarman, thief, And make the world behave And put an end to grief. And that their sleep be sound I say this childermas Who could not, at one time. Have saved them from the gas. 6 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ADAM Hath th e ra in a fa th er ? or who hath be gotten the drops of de w? d a m , my child, my son, Ada m, th er e w ill be Th ese ve ry words you hear Man y hard hours, Compose the fish and starlight As an old po em sa ys, ~Of your untroubled dr eam . Hours of loneliness. When you aw ake, my child, I cannot ease th em for you; It sha ll all come tru e. Th ey are our commo n lot. Kno w th at it wa s for you Du rin g th em, like as not, That all things wer e b egun. " You will dr eam of me. Ad am, my child, my son, When you are crouched away Thus spoke Our Father in hea ven In a s trange clothes clo set To his first , fabl ed child, Hiding from on e who's " It" Th e father of us all. And th e dark crowds in , And I, your fath er , tell Do not be afra id- Th e words ov er again 0 , if you can , beli eve As innumer abl e m en In a father 's love Fr om ancie nt tim es have done.
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