Marblirger~~~~ to Ji Inp
-Thue Dorm Cooking Reduction - - I , , , . - Marblirger~~~~to Ji inP bic on Polity Asks Marburger To sJustify Decision By Raymond Fazzi University President John Marburger has agreed to participate in a public forum tomorrow dealing with his plan to scale down the Dorm Cooking Program by designating some buildings cooking-free by next year. -Marburger is coming at the invitation of Polity, which decided at a Monday meeting with representa- tives from 18 campus dorms Monday that the Univer- sity Administration should 'justify' the proposed plan to the student body. The forum- which is being called a "teach-in"- is being organized by Polity and, according to Polity Secretary Belina Anderson, will also include Robert Francis, vice-president for Campus Operations and Fred Preston, vice president for Student Affairs and the one assigned to implement the plan. It will be held in H-Quad Cafeteria at 8:30 PM. At the Monday meeting, Polity warned that some k type of student demonstration would be organized if no justification for the plan in found. The representatives- many of whom were legisla- ture chairmen- met with members of the Polity Council and Senate for the sole purpose of dealing with the new policy, which they've coined "The Marburger Plan." Many stated that they felt student outrage at the plan is widespread and hasn't subsided since the plan was announced by Marburger last Monday. In a letter to Preston in January, Marburger said, Matt Cohen 'The general deterioration of dormitory space re- John Marburger addressing the Douglass College Legislature last night.
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