hrvatski krk info english OMIŠALJ









PRVIĆ OMIŠALJ uvod / introduction 2


GLAVOTOK tradicija / traditions 34


KORNIĆ gastronomija / gastronomy 36

KOŠLJUN PINEZIĆI VALBISKA smještaj / accommodation 38 KRK PUNAT



PRVIĆ OTOK KRK – ZLATNI OTOK uvod / introduction Površine 405,78 km², Krk je jedan je od najvećih otoka u Jadranskom moru. Najsjeverniji je otok na Sredozemlju i najbliži europskom kontinentu. S kopnom je povezan Krčkim mostom ukupne dužine 1430 metara, izgrađenim 1980., koji se svojim impresivnim izgledom skladno uklopio u slikovit otočni pejzaž. Blizina i dostupnost te prelijepe povijesne priče i zanimljiva prošlost čine Krk čudesnim i tajno- vitim, jednim od najposjećenijih otoka u hrvat- skom dijelu Jadrana. Još je u antici nazvan zlatnim otokom – Insula Aurea, a zlatni su ovdje priroda, zalasci sunca, pješčane plaže, šume, kamenjar i krš, maslinovo ulje, vino i med. Otkrivati se ovaj prelijepi otok može u svim godišnjim dobima, mogu se upoznati njegova raznolika naselja koja skrivaju tisućljetne spo- menike kulture te muzeje i galerije, ili se njime može pješačiti romantičnim šetnicama uz more i divljim pastirskim stazama kamenjara s kojih se pruža veličanstven pogled na obližnje brežuljke i susjedne otoke Kvarnerskog zaljeva (Rab, Cres i Lošinj). Ljubitelji dobre hrane i vina uživat će u okusima poznate krčke kuhinje, u plemenitoj kapljici Vrb- ničke žlahtine i jedinstvenome morskom pjenuš- cu Valomet. Iskoristite prednosti koje vam pruža cijeli otok u punini svoje bogate i raznovrsne smještajne, turi- stičke te wellness, outdoor i ugostiteljske ponude. Zlatni otok Krk vas zove – neka to bude i vaš otok! DOBRO NAM DOŠLI!

Turistička zajednica otoka Trg sv. Kvirina 1, 51500 Krk, p.p. 46 tel.: 00385 51 221 359 fax: 00385 51 222 336 e-mail: [email protected]


With a surface area of 405.78 km, Krk is one of the largest islands in the . It is also the northernmost island in the Mediterranean Sea and the island closest to the European mainland. The 1430 meter long Krk Bridge, built in 1980 and boasting an impressive appearance harmoni- ously blended with the picturesque island land- scape, connects the island with the mainland. Its closeness and accessibility, along with the beautiful historical tales and its interesting past, make Krk both amazing and mysterious, one of the most visited islands in the Croatian part of the Adriatic. It was called the “insula aurea” or the Golden Island already in the ancient times due to its golden nature, sunsets, beaches, forests, rocky and karst landscape, olive oil, wine and honey. This beautiful island can be explored throughout the year. One can learn about the various island settlements hiding centuries-old monuments of culture, museums and galleries, or stroll along its romantic walkways by the sea, or have a hiking experience along the wild goat trails of its rocky surroundings offering a magnificent view of the nearby hills and the neighboring Kvarner Bay is- lands (Rab, Cres and Lošinj). Lovers of good food and wine will enjoy the tastes of the well-known Krk cuisine, the noble Vrbnička žlahtina and Valomet, a unique seaside sparkling wine. Take advantage of the benefits that the en- tire island offers you in its rich and diverse ac- commodation, tourism, wellness, outdoor and hotel&restaurant offer. The Golden Island of Krk invites you – may it be your island too! WELCOME!

Tourism office Island Krk Trg sv. Kvirina 1, 51500 Krk, p.p. 46 tel.: 00385 51 221 359 fax: 00385 51 222 336 e-mail: [email protected]

5 zemljopis / geography

6 Prirodno-geografska obilježja Natural & Geographic Features Otok Krk pripada kvarnerskoj skupini otoka Krk Island belongs to the Kvarner archipelago smještenih u sjevernom Jadranu. S istočne je situated in the Northern Adriatic. It is surrounded strane okružen Vinodolskim kanalom, a sa sje- by the Vinodol Channel to the east, the Rijeka Bay verozapadne i jugozapadne Riječkim zaljevom i to the northwest and Kvarnerić to the southwest. Kvarnerićem. Krk Island has a coastline in the length of 219.92 2 Obala je duga 219,92 km, a ukupne je površine km, and a total surface area of 405.78 km . This 405,78 km2 te je, uz otok Cres, najveći otok u Ja- makes Krk, along with Cres, the largest island in dranskom moru. the Adriatic Sea. Krčko otočje čini dvadesetak otočića, hridi i The Krk archipelago is composed of about twen- grebena – najveći je Prvić, slijede Plavnik, Mali ty small islands, cliffs and reefs, the largest be- Plavnik, Sveti Marko, Galun, Kirinčić, Kormati, Zec, ing the island of Prvić, followed by Plavnik, Mali goli otočići bez većeg raslinja te Košljun bogat Plavnik, Sveti Marko, Galun, Kirinčić, Kormati and vegetacijom zbog čega je i proglašen rezervatom Zec, small barren islands with hardly any vegeta- šumske vegetacije, a i jedini je nastanjen – na nje- tion, and the island of Košljun, the only inhabited mu se nalazi franjevački samostan. island in the archipelago boasting a Franciscan monastery and lush vegetation, which has U 68 naselja na otoku živi više od 19000 stanov- earned the island the status of a forest vegeta- nika. tion reserve. Reljef je krški sa zanimljivim krškim oblicima: spi- ljama i pećinama (Biserujka kod Čižića), dolcima More than 19000 people live in the 68 settle- i škrapama. ments found on the island. Središnji je dio otoka, ujedno i najveći, najnaselje- Relief – the island has a karst relief with interest- niji; to je kraj valovita reljefa s mnogo vrtača (po- ing karst formations: caves and caverns (Biserujka nikvi) i niskih brežuljaka s plodnim poljima – Omi- near Čižići), sinkholes and karrens. šaljsko, Dobrinjsko, Vrbničko i Bašćansko, dijelom The central and largest part of the island is also iskorištenih za poljoprivredu ili vinogradarstvo. the most inhabited. Its landscape is characterized Najveći je vrh Obzova (568 m), slijede Veli Vrh (541 by a wavy relief with numerous sinkholes and low

7 zemljopis / geography

m), Orljak (537 m), Veli Hlam (482 m) i Mali Hlam hills with fertile fields, namely Omišalj, Dobrinj, (446 m). Vrbnik and Baška fields, used either for agricul- Obala je dobro razvedena, s lijepim uvalama i tural or wine-growing purposes. zaljevima te prelijepim prirodnim šljunčanim pla- The highest top is Obzova (568 m), followed by žama. Najveći su zaljevi Soline s ljekovitim blatom Veli Vrh (541 m), Orljak (537 m), Veli Hlam (482 m) i Puntarska draga. and Mali Hlam (446 m). Klima je mediteranska, blaga i ugodna. Prosječna Coast – the island boasts a well-indented coast ljetna temperatura zraka iznosi 22,8° C, mora 23 – with beautiful coves and bays, and exquisite 25° C, a sezona kupanja traje od mjeseca travnja natural pebble beaches. The largest bays are So- do mjeseca listopada. line, with beneficial healing mud, and Puntarska draga. Glavni vjetrovi: bura, jugo i maestral. Prema broju sunčanih sati u godini (2500), otok Climate – the island has a Mediterranean, mild Krk ubraja se u najsunčanije dijelove Europe. and pleasant climate. The average summer air temperature is 22.8°C, while the sea temperature Vode – na otoku (sredina otoka) nalaze se dva during the summer ranges from 23 – 25° C. The jezera: Jezero kod Njivica i Ponikve između Ma- bathing season lasts from the month of April until linske i Krka, koja su zbog velike raznovrsnosti i the month of October. brojnosti ptica, pretežito selica koje se tu gnijez- de, zaštićena kao ornitološki rezervat. Main winds: bora, sirocco and mistral. Otokom teku i tri rijeke: Veli ili Dobrinjski potok, Since it enjoys plenty of sun during the year (2500 Vretenica i Vela Rika. sunny hours), Krk Island is considered one of the sunniest parts of Europe. Vegetacija – u središnjemu i zapadnom dijelu otoka prevladavaju šume te uzgojene kulture Waters – There are two lakes on the island (in its mediteranskog voća i povrća, vinograda i masli- central part), i.e. Jezero (The Lake) near Njivice nika. and Lake Ponikve between Malinska and Krk, Sjeverni i južni dio otoka zauzimaju kamenjari i both protected as ornithological reserves on ac- pašnjaci. count of various and numerous birds nesting in the area, mainly migrating birds.

8 Rezervate šumske vegetacije čine šume hrasta There are three rivers flowing across the island: crnike (Quercus ilex) na Glavotoku i otočiću Košlju- Veli or Dobrinjski potok, Vretenica and Vela Rika. nu. Vegetation – forests and planted cultures of Ornitološki rezervati su otok Prvić, na kojemu Mediterranean fruit and vegetables, vineyards obitavaju bjeloglavi supovi (Gyps fulvus), i Kun- and olive orchards predominate in the central trep. and western parts of the island. Posebnost su krčkoga krajolika suhozidi (gro- The northern and southern parts of the island are mače) i jedinstveni pastirski mrgari (suhozidne characterized by rocky terrain and pastures. ovčare s tlocrtom u obliku cvijeta), sačuvani na Forest vegetation reserves – the reserves are krševitim zaravnima iznad Bašćanske doline te na dominated by holm oak (Quercus ilex) and stretch otoku Prviću, zaštićenome kulturnom dobru. across the village of Glavotok and the island of Briga o očuvanju i zaštiti okoliša vodi se neprekid- Košljun. no i sustavno. Potvrda su i plave zastave u Marini Punat i na krčkim plažama (otok Krk ima 15 plavih Ornithological reserves – the island of Prvić, zastava). home to the griffon vulture Gyps( fulvus), and the Kuntrep Ornithological Reserve. The specific features of the Krk landscape include drywalls (gromače) and unique shepherds' sheep enclosures made from drywalls and character- ized by a flower-shaped layout (mrgari) preserved on karst plateaus above the Baška valley and on the island of Prvić, a protected cultural domain. Preservation and protection of environment on the Krk Island is an ongoing and systematic ef- fort, confirmed by the Blue Flags awarded to the Punat Marina and various Krk beaches (Krk Island boasts 15 Blue Flags).

9 mjesta / places

OMIŠALJ OMIŠALJ Stari grad Omišalj smješten je dva kilometra od Immediately after passing the Krk Bridge, at a dis- Krčkog mosta, na uzvisini od 85 metara nad mo- tance of 2 km, on an elevation of 85 meters above rem. U blizini se nalazi i Zračna luka Rijeka, što sea level, you will come across the old town of cijelom Krku, pa tako i Omišlju, pomaže u razvoju Omišalj. Rijeka Airport is situated in its immediate otočnog turizma jer je sve više dalekih europskih vicinity, which contributes to the development odredišta povezano s otokom. of the tourism of the entire Krk Island and thus Omišalj as well, as it provides connections with an Turistička zajednica Općine Omišalj increasing number of far European destinations. Prikešte 11, 51513 Omišalj tel./fax: 00385 51 84 10 42 Tourist Board of the Municipality of Omišalj e-mail: [email protected] Prikešte 11, 51513 Omišalj tel/fax: 00385 51 84 10 42 e-mail: [email protected]

10 NJIVICE NJIVICE Naselje u sjeverozapadnom dijelu otoka (10 km A village in the northwestern part of the island južno od Krčkog mosta), nekoć ribarsko selo, da- (10 km south of the Krk Bridge), formerly a fishing nas razvijeno turističko središte koje spada pod village and today a developed tourist center that Općinu Omišalj, smješteno je u uvali Beli Kamik. belongs to the Municipality of Omišalj and lies in the Beli Kamnik bay. Turistička zajednica Općine Omišalj Ribarska obala 10, 51512 Njivice Tourist Board of the Municipality of Omišalj tel.: 00385 51 84 62 43 Ribarska obala 10, 51512 Njivice fax: 00385 51 84 76 62 tel: 00385 51 84 62 43 e-mail: [email protected] fax: 00385 51 84 76 62 e-mail: [email protected]

11 mjesta / places

MALINSKA MALINSKA Nalazi se u prostranom zaljevu, na sjeverozapad- A village situated in a spacious bay on the north- noj obali otoka (15 km udaljena od Krčkog mosta). western coast of the island (15 km from the Krk Središte je područja Dubašnice koje je dobilo ime Bridge). It is the center of the Dubašnica district po bujnim šumama hrasta (staroslavenski dub = named after the lush oak forests, dub being the hrast). Old-Slavic word for oak. Malinska je poznata po izvorima vode – tu je u Malinska is known for its water springs. In the XV. stoljeću sagrađena vodenica – mlin (malin) pa 15th century, a watermill was built in this area, se razvilo naselje i luka po kojemu je Malinska i contributing to the development of the village dobila ime. and port of Malinska whose name derives from the word “malin”, the local word for watermill. Porat – Vantačići Tri kilometra udaljen od Malinske, poznat po sa- Porat – Vantačići mostanu franjevaca trećoredaca iz XV. stoljeća i A village three located three kilometers from crkvi sv. Marije Magdalene iz 1500. godine. Malinska, known for its Monastery of Franciscan Friars of the Third Order dating from the 15th Turistička zajednica century and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene Općine Malinska – Dubašnica from 1500. Obala 46, 51511 Malinska tel.: 00385 51 85 92 07 Tourist Board of the Municipality fax: 00385 51 85 82 54 of Malinska – Dubašnica e-mail: [email protected] Obala 46, 51511 Malinska tel: 00385 51 85 92 07 fax: 00385 51 85 82 54 e-mail: [email protected]

12 VRBNIK VRBNIK Smješten je u jugoistočnom dijelu otoka (27 km Situated in the southeastern part of the island (27 udaljen od Krčkog mosta), podignut na litici uz- km from the Krk Bridge), on a cliff at the height dignutoj 48 metara iznad mora. Slikovit gradić of 48 meters above sea level. A picturesque lit- isprepleten labirintom uskih uličica zbijenih oko tle town encircled by town walls, whose narrow zvonika i opasan gradskim zidinama. Stoljećima streets intertwine in a maze converging towards je davao velik broj duhovnih zvanja, s ponosom the bell-tower. For centuries, it produced a great pokazuje svoju bogatu sakralnu baštinu. Inspira- number of spiritual professions, proud to present cija je mnogobrojnim umjetnicima i mjesto uži- its sacral heritage. It serves as an inspiration to vanja turistima. numerous artists and represents an enjoyable U Vrbničkom polju uzgaja se plemenita loza – destination for tourists. žlahtina. The noble grape variety called žlahtina is grown in the field of Vrbnik. Risika Manje naselje smješteno 6 km sjeverozapadno Risika od Vrbnika, s lijepom pješčanom plažom u uvali A small village situated 6 km to the northwest of Sv. Marko. Vrbnik, boasting a beautiful sandy beach in St. Mark’s Bay. Turistička zajednica Općine Vrbnik Placa Vrbničkog statuta 4, 51516 Vrbnik Tourist Board of the Municipality of Vrbnik tel./fax: 00385 51 85 74 79 Placa Vrbničkog statuta 4, 51516 Vrbnik e-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: 00385 51 85 74 79 E-mail: [email protected]

13 mjesta / places

KRK KRK Grad i luka na zapadnoj obali otoka, 25 km uda- A city and port on the western coast of the island, ljen od Krčkog mosta. 25 km from the Krk Bridge. Rimljani su ga prozvali Presjajnim gradom Krčana The Romans called it “the most splendid city of – Splendidissima Civitas Curictarum, a Krčki knezo- the people of Krk” (Splendissima Civitas Curic- vi Frankopani svojim sjedištem. tarum), and the Krk princes of the Frankopan fam- Grad Krk je povijesno, upravno, političko, gospo- ily their residence. darsko i vjersko središte otoka. The city of Krk is the historical, administrative, political, economic and religious center of the Turistička zajednica Grada Krka island. Vela placa 1/1, 51500 Krk tel./fax: 00385 51 22 14 14 Tourist Board of the City of Krk e-mail: [email protected] Vela placa 1/1, 51500 Krk Tel/Fax: 00385 51 22 14 14 E-mail: [email protected] TIC – Turistički-informativni centar – otvoren od travnja do listopada J. J. Strossmayera 9, 51500 Krk TIC – Turist Information Center – open from April tel.: 00385 51 22 02 26 until October e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] J. J. Strossmayera 9, 51500 Krk Tel.: 00385 51 22 02 26 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

14 Glavotok Glavotok Rt nasuprot otoku Cresu, smješten 17 km A promontory overlooking the island of Cres sjeverozapadno od Krka. Šuma hrasta crnike (1 situated 17 km to the northwest of Krk. Its holm ha) zaštićen je rezervat šumske vegetacije. Uz oak forest (1 ha) is a protected forest vegetation crkvu Bezgrješnog začeća (1277.), u XV. je stoljeću reserve. Besides the Church of Immaculate Con- sagrađen samostan franjevaca trećoredaca. ception (1277), a Monastery of Franciscan Friars of the Third Order was built on this promontory in Info: the 15th century. Turistički ured Milohnić – otvoren od 15. lipnja do 15. rujna Info: Tourist Office of Milohnić – open from June tel.: 00385 51 22 02 26 15 until September 15 Pinezići Tel: 00385 51 22 02 26 Manje naselje smješteno 12 km sjeverozapadno Pinezići od Krka. Od nekadašnjega ribarskog mjesta razvi- A small village situated 12 km to the northwest of lo se u turističko središte. Krk. It used to be a fishing town and it developed Info: into a tourist center. Turistički ured – otvoren od 15. lipnja do 15. rujna tel.: 00385 51 86 31 33 Info: Tourist Office– open from June 15 until September 15 Kornić Tel: 00385 51 86 31 33 Manje naselje, 7 km udaljeno od Krka, zanimljive primorske, ruralne arhitekture, sa župnom cr- Kornić kvom sv. Jakova iz XIX. stoljeća. A small village situated 7 km from Krk boast- Info: ing interesting rural architecture and the Parish Turistički ured – otvoren od 15. lipnja do 15. rujna Church of St. Jacob dating from the 19th century. tel.: 00385 51 85 10 27 Info: Tourist Office– open from June 15 until September 15 Tel: 00385 51 85 10 27

15 mjesta / places

PUNAT PUNAT Nalazi se u jugozapadnom dijelu otoka (35 km A town situated in the southwester part of the udaljen od Krčkog mosta), smješten između pla- island (35 km from the Krk Bridge), between the voga mora i maslinika u jednoj od najzaštićenijih azure sea and olive orchards in one of the most uvala u Jadranskom moru, Puntarskoj dragi. Ide- protected bays in the Adriatic Sea, Puntarska alno mjesto za nautičare i surfere. Prvi pisani po- draga. An ideal place for sailors and surfers. The daci o mjestu datiraju iz 1377. pa spada u mlađa first written records about the town date from otočna naselja. 1377 and it thus belongs to younger island set- Sa svojom poznatom marinom najveće je središte tlements. nautičkog turizma na Jadranu. Punat, with its famous marina, is the center of nautical tourism in the Adriatic. Stara Baška Malo mjesto, 9 km udaljeno od Punta, s dugom Stara Baška ribarskom tradicijom, a danas s brojnim turisti- A small village situated at a distance of 9 km ma, pruža doživljaj boravka u netaknutoj prirodi. from Punat boasting a long fishing tradition and Prekrasne plaže oplakuje bistro modro more, a vi- attracting numerous tourists by offering the soke hridi pridonose nestvarnu ugođaju divljine. experience of staying in the pristine nature. The beautiful beaches are washed by a crystal clear, Turistička zajednica Općine Punat azure sea, while the high cliffs contribute to the Pod topol 2, 51 521 Punat unreal impression of wilderness. tel.: 00385 51 85 48 60 fax: 00385 51 85 49 70 Tourist Board of the Municipality of Punat e-mail: [email protected] Pod topol 2, 51 521 Punat tel: 00385 51 85 48 60 fax: 00385 51 85 49 70 e-mail: [email protected]

16 BAŠKA BAŠKA Nalazi se na krajnjem jugoistočnom dijelu otoka (43 Baška is situated on the south-easternmost part of km udaljena od Krčkog mosta). Naselje zanimljive the island (43 km from the Krk Bridge). The town primorske arhitekture i turističke tradicije proteže is characterized by interesting coastal architecture se duž gotovo dva kilometra duge šljunčane plaže, and tourism tradition, and stretches along almost a jedne od najljepših plaža na svijetu. two kilometer long pebble beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Draga Bašćanska Nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini Baške (udaljena 4 Draga Bašćanska km). Kroz naselje prolazi 45. paralela, što znači da Situated in the immediate vicinity of Baška (4 km leži točno na pola puta između ekvatora i sjevernog away). The 45th parallel goes through the village, pola which means that it lies exactly halfway between the Equator and the North Pole. Batomalj Naselje u Bašćanskoj udolini. Crkva na uzvisini po- Batomalj A village in the Baška valley. The church on a hill is znato je otočno marijansko svetište Majka Božja known as the Shrine of Our Lady of Gorica. Gorička. Jurandvor Jurandvor A village situated in the fertile Baška field (2 km to Naselje u plodnom Bašćanskom polju (smješteno 2 the north of Baška). Jurandvor is famous for the km sjeverno od Baške). Poznat po najznačajnijemu Baška Tablet (dating from approx. 1100), the most hrvatskom glagoljskom spomeniku Bašćanskoj plo- significant Croatian Glagolitic monument, which či (oko 1100.) koja se nalazi u ranoromaničkoj crkvi is displayed in the early Romanesque Church of St. sv. Lucije. Lucia. Spomenički kompleks vodi AZ – agencija za kulturu The monument complex is managed by AZ – i turizam. Agency for Culture and Tourism. tel.: 00385 51 86 01 84 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00385 51 86 01 84 e-mail: [email protected] Turistička zajednica općine Baška Tourist Board of the Municipality of Baška Kralja Zvonimira, 114, 51523 Baška Kralja Zvonimira, 114, 51523 Baška tel.: 00385 51 85 68 17; fax: 00385 51 85 65 44 tel.: 00385 51 85 68 17; fax: 00385 51 85 65 44 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

17 mjesta / places

DOBRINJ DOBRINJ Nalazi se u sjeveroistočnom dijelu otoka (21 km Dobrinj is situated in the northeastern part of udaljen od Krčkog mosta), na brijegu 200 m iznad the island (21 km from the Krk Bridge), on a hill at mora odakle se pruža lijep pogled na zaštićeni 200 meters above sea level, and offers a beautiful zaljev Soline (solana u rimsko doba) i Kvarnerski view of the protected Soline Bay (a saltpan during zaljev. the Roman times) and the Kvarner Bay. Prvi se put spominje u glagoljskoj Darovnici It was first mentioned in the deed of gift of the slavnoga Dragoslava, datiranoj 1. siječnja 1100. famous Dobroslav dated January 1, 1100. godine. Dobrinj is today a pleasant excursion spot Danas je Dobrinj ugodno izletište koje obiluje abounding in numerous cultural and historical brojnim kulturno-povijesnim znamenitostima, i sights, and is being increasingly recognized as a sve priznatije turističko odredište. tourist destination as well.

Šilo Šilo Smješteno je u sjeveroistočnom dijelu otoka, na- Situated in the northeastern part of the island suprot Crikveničkoj rivijeri, 6 km jugoistočno od overlooking the Crikvenica Riviera, 6 km to the Dobrinja (26 km udaljeno od Krčkog mosta). Uz southeast of Dobrinj (26 km from the Krk Bridge). ribarstvo i pomorstvo kao tradicionalne djelat- In addition to traditional activities, such as fish- nosti, razvija se i kao privlačno mjesto za odmor. ing and sailing, Šilo is developing as an attractive Soline, Klimno, Čižići tourist spot as well. Manja naselja u neposrednoj blizini Dobrinja, smještena duž prostranog zaljeva Soline pozna- Soline, Klimno, Čižići tog po predromanskim solanama i ljekovitom Small villages in the immediate vicinity of Do- blatu za liječenje kostobolje. brinj, situated along the spacious Soline Bay, U Klimnu se nalazi sidrište za brodice i brodogra- known for the pre-Roman saltpans and the heal- dilište. ing mud that helps fight bone pain. There is a mooring area and a shipyard in Klimno. Turistička zajednica općine Dobrinj Stara cesta bb, 51515 Šilo Tourist Board of the Municipality of Dobrinj tel./fax: 00385 51 85 21 07 Stara cesta bb, 51515 Šilo e-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: 00385 51 85 21 07 E-mail: [email protected]

18 Tijekom stoljeća otok Krk bio je pod utjecajem kultura / culture raznih naroda, a svako je razdoblje ostavilo du- boke tragove u životu, kulturi i jeziku njegovih stanovnika. Sva su otočna mjesta male oaze bogatih ostav- ština prirodnih, kulturno-povijesnih i duhovnih vrijednosti, čija zdanja danas posjećuje sve više turista.

Over the centuries, Krk Island has been influ- enced by various peoples, and each period has left significant traces in the lives, culture and language of its inhabitants. All the towns on the island are true little oases of the rich legacy of natural, cultural/historical and spiritual values, whose representative features and architecture are visited by an increasing number of tourists these days.

19 kultura / culture

OMIŠALJ Muzej školjaka nalazi se u novouređenom Župna crkva Uznesenja Marijina iz XII. stoljeća, prostoru Gradske lože na Placi. Zbirka sadrži građena kao trobrodna romanička bazilika. 675 puževa, školjkaša i glavonožaca te drugih Na pročelju crkve je prozorska rozeta s glagolj- morskih beskralježnjaka iz skupine spužvi, skim natpisom, djelo „meštra Sinoga“, ugrađena žarnjaka, riba i fosilnih mekušaca iz svjetskih 1405. godine. U crkvi se nalazi romanički i barokni mora i oceana. Pretpostavlja se da je i naziv namještaj, a na oltaru Srca Isusova drveni triptih Omišalj potekao od latinskog naziva Ad musculu Jacobella del Fiorea iz XV. stoljeća. – kod školjaka. Fulfinum – Mirine u uvali Sepen kraj Omišlja Galerija – Lapidarij, muzejsko-galerijski prostor ostaci su antičkoga rimskoga grada iz I. stoljeća, sa stalnim postavom: koji je nastao za potrebe veterana careva Flavi- Fulfinski natpis jevaca. Posjedovao je sve osnovne pretpostavke Starohrvatski – predromanički kapitel grada – forum s kapitolijem i gradskom bazili- Fragment grede oltarne pregrade s pleternim kom, lučke instalacije s trgovačkom četvrti uz ornamentom more, terme, prigradske komunikacije s groblji- Nadvratnik Domina Jelena ma te dvije faze vodovoda. Fragment trijumfalnog luka iz crkve sv. Jurja na Jezeru Mirine – ostaci ranokršćanske bazilike iz V. stolje- Natpis s lučnog nadvratnika stambene kuće iz ća, nastale na periferiji antičkoga grada Fulfinu- 1654. ma. Sačuvana je impresivna crkva križnog tlocrta Nadgrobna ploča opata Stjepana iz Zadra sa simboličnim intimnim klaustrom i ranokršćan- skim grobljem. Gradska loža sagrađena u XVI. stoljeću, u do- ba mletačke vladavine, u prošlosti je služila kao sudnica, tržnica, mjesto za okupljanje građana, za političke skupove i javne dražbe.

20 OMIŠALJ 16th century during the Venetian rule which used The Parish Church of Our Lady of the Assump- to serve as a courtroom, market space, general tion dating from the 12th century built as a three- gathering venue, as well as venue for political nave Romanic basilica. gatherings and public auctions. At the front of the church, there is a window Shell & Mussels Museum is situated in the new- rosette dating from 1405 with an inscription in ly-renovated space in the Municipal Loggia at the Glagolitic alphabet which reads „a work by Placa. The collection consists of 675 snails, shells Master Sinoga“. The church is furnished in the and cephalopods and other marine invertebrates Romanesque and Baroque style and the Heart from the family of sponges, cnidarians, fish and of Jesus altar is adorned with a wooden triptych fossil mollusks from different seas and oceans made by Jacobello del Fiore dating from the 15th of the world. It is assumed that the name of the century. town of Omišalj derives from the Latin phrase “ad The Fulfinum – Mirine town and complex situ- musculu” which means “by the shells”. ated in the Sepen Bay near Omišalj - remnants Gallery – Lapidarium, museum/gallery space of an ancient Roman town from the 1st century with permanent displays: built for purposes of the veterans of the Flavian Inscription from Fulfinum dinasty. It had all the basic elements of a town – a Old-Croatian – pre-Romanesque capital forum with a capitol and the town basilica, port Fragment of the altar partition beam with an infrastructure with a market district by the sea, interlace ornament thermal spa, access roads leading to cemeteries Transom of Domino Jelen and a two-phased water supply system. Fragment of the triumphal arch from the Church of Mirine – remnants of an early Christian basilica St. George on Jezero from the 5th century built on the outskirts of the Inscription on the port transom of a residential ancient city of Fulfinum. An impressive church home from 1654 with a cross-shaped layout, a symbolic intimate Tombstone of Stephen, the abbot from Zadar convent and early-Christian cemetery. The Municipal Loggia (Gradska loža) built in the

21 kultura / culture

22 MALINSKA MALINSKA Kapela sv. Nikole posvećena 2000., s galerijskim St. Nicholas' Chapel, consecrated in 2000, with prostorom. a gallery space. Župna crkva sv. Apolinara u Bogovićima iz 1857. The Parish Church of St. Apollinaire in Bogovići godine. dating from 1857. Samostan franjevaca trećoredaca s crkvom sv. Monastery of Franciscan Friars of the Third Marije Magdalene iz 1480. u Portu (3 km udaljen Order with the Church of St. Mary Magdalene od Malinske). U samostanu se može razgledati from 1480 in Porat (3 km from Malinska). The muzejska zbirka s knjižnicom, poliptih, rad Giro- monastery offers the pleasure of exploring its lama i Francesca Santacrocea, etnografska zbirka collection with a library, a polyptych by Girolamo s autentičnim tošem za prešanje maslina te gla- and Francesco da Santa Croce, an ethnographic goljski lapidarij. collection with an authentic olive press and a Arheološko nalazište Cickini na lokalitetu Glagolitic lapidarium. kod Sv. Vida – Miholjice gdje su vidljivi tragovi Cickini Archaeological Site located near Sv. Vid antičkog naselja iz I. stoljeća te ranokršćanska – Miholjice where one can see the traces of an crkva iz V. – VI. stoljeća. Arheološka zbirka može ancient settlement dating from the 1st century se razgledati u Sv. Vidu Miholjice uz predhodnu and an early Christian church from the 5th or 6th najavu. century. Archaeological collection can be seen in Sv. Vid Miholjice with a prior announcement.

23 kultura / culture

KRK Kanonička kuća (Ul. dr. Vitezića 11) – u njoj se Sakralni kompleks katedrale Uznesenja Ma- nalazi glagoljski Krčki natpis iz XI. stoljeća. rijina iz V. stoljeća, s crkvama sv. Margarete i sv. Crkvica sv. Krševana (V. ili VI. st.) u blizini naselja Kvirina, zaštitnika grada (XI. i XII. st.), u kojoj je Milohnić (12 km sjeverozapadno od Krka). izložena sakralna zbirka, te zvonikom iz XVIII. sto- Crkvica sv. Dunata (XII. st.) – prvorazredni spo- ljeća. Katedrala je podignuta na ostacima rimskih menik sakralne hrvatske arhitekture, nalazi se u termi. blizini naselja Kornić (5 km udaljeno od Krka). Očuvana urbana gradska cjelina iz rimskog Crkva sv. Kvirina – romanička crkva s vrijednom razdoblja unutar gradskih zidina koje su današnji sakralnom zbirkom (oltarna pala iz XV. st. s moti- izgled dobile u razdoblju od XII. do XV. stoljeća. vom Marijine krunidbe). Trg Kamplin (lat. Campus – u rimsko doba vjež- Galerije, muzeji i etnografske zbirke – Decu- balište u sklopu obližnjih termi) s Frankopan- manus, Fortis, Interpretacijski centar pomorske skim kaštelom, građenim od XII. do XIV. stoljeća. baštine, Zavičajna etnografska zbirka Kornić, Ve- Namjena mu je bila čuvanje grada od napada s nerin hram, Lapidarij Volsonis. morske strane, a četverokutna kula služila je kao sudnica. Vela placa – glavni gradski trg sa zgradom grad- ske vijećnice iz XV. stoljeća i renesansnim zden- cem iz XVI. stoljeća. Rimski mozaik s ostacima rimskih termi iz I. sto- ljeća, danas se nalazi u prizemlju kuće Vasilić u Ribarskoj ulici br. 7.

24 KRK Roman mosaic with remnants of the Roman The sacral complex of the Cathedral of Our thermal spa from the 1st century, today housed Lady of the Assumption from the 5th century on the ground floor of the Vasilić house at Rib- with the Church of St. Mary and the Church of St. arska ulica 7. Quirinus, the patron saint of the town (11th and Canon’s house (Ul. dr. Vitezića 11) – with a Krk 12th c.) in which a sacral collection is displayed, Glagolitic inscription from the 11th century. and a bell-tower from the 18th century. The ca- St. Krševan's Chapel (5th or 6th c.) near the vil- thedral was built on the remnants of the Roman lage of Milohnić (12 km to the northwest from thermal spa. Krk). Preserved urban city area from the Roman pe- St. Donatus' Chapel (12th c.) – first-class monu- riod inside the town walls that gained its present ment of Croatian sacral architecture found in the look in the period from the 12th until the 15th vicinity of the village of Kornić (5 km from Krk). century. St. Quirinus' Chapel – a Romanesque church Kamplin Square (lat. campus – an exercise area with a valuable sacral collection (altarpiece from of the nearby thermal spa during the Roman pe- the 15th century with a motif of Mary's corona- riod) with a Frankopan Castle built in the period tion). from the 12th until the 14th century. Its purpose Galleries, museums and ethnographic collec- was to protect the town from attacks from the tions – Decumanus, Fortis, Krk island maritime side facing the sea, while the quadrangular tower heritage interpretation centre, Native Ethno- served as a courtroom. graphic Collection Kornić, Venus' Temple, Vol- Vela placa – the main town square with a City sonis Lapidarium. Hall building dating from the 15th century and a Renaissance well from the 16th century.

25 kultura / culture

PUNAT Crkva Navještenja Blažene Djevice Marije s Župna crkva sv. Trojice iz 1777. dominira prosto- poliptihom Girolama da Santacrocea (XVI. st.) i rom; u njoj se nalazi zanimljiv drveni poliptih iz slikom Raj, čistilište, pakao Francescha Ughetta 1749. godine. (XVII. st.). Osim središnjega, u crkvi je još šest olta- Nezaobilazna je postaja i Križni put iznad Punta ra te kip sv. Antona Padovanskog kojega franjevci na lokaciji Tri križi, s postajama na kojima su ukle- posebno štuju i slave na Antonju 13. lipnja. sana prezimena puntarskih obitelji. Kapela sv. Bernardina datira iz doba benedikti- Galerija Toš – sa starinskom prešom za preradu naca, a franjevci su je obnovili 1980. i preuredili u maslina. sakralni muzejski prostor. Iza hotela Kanajt nalaze se iskopine triju cr- Kapela sv. Franciska iz 1654., obnovljena je kvica sv. Petra (VI. st.), koje su građene jedna 1965. godine. u drugoj. Tako na cijelom području ima mnogo Kapela sv. Križa – sv. Jerusolima iz XVI. stoljeća – križeva i crkvica. okružuje ju Križni put izgrađen prije tri stoljeća, a U Staroj Baški nalaze se ostaci crkvice sv. Jeroni- graditelj je nepoznati fratar s Košljuna. ma, iskopine nekadašnje vojne utvrde na lokaciji Mir (VI. st.) te malo mlađa crkva Svih Svetih u sre- dištu mjesta. Otočić Košljun smješten u Puntarskoj dragi srce je otoka Krka, biser duhovnosti i prirode, s franje- vačkim samostanom (do XV. st. benediktinskim). Otočić je i park prirode s više od 400 vrsta biljaka i dragulj kulturne baštine s vrijednom etnograf- skom zbirkom te knjižnicom s više od 30.000 na- slova, od kojih su neki primjerci raritetni. Muzej na Košljunu sadrži arheološku, etnograf- sku, prirodoslovnu i numizmatičku te bogatu sa- kralnu zbirku, a u njemu se čuvaju i dva vrijedna atlasa – Ptolomejov (1511.) i Strabanov (1573.).

26 PUNAT The Museum on Košljun houses natural science, The Parish Church of the Holy Trinity from 1777 numismatic and rich sacral collections and stores dominates the area and houses an interesting two valuable atlases – Ptolomew's (1511) and wooden polyptych from 1749. Strabanov's (1573). Another must-see spot is also the Cavalry Path Church of the Annunciation to the Blessed Vir- above Punat on the location known as the Three gin Mary with a polyptych by Girolamo da Santa Crosses (Tri križi) with posts where the names of Croce (16th c.) and a painting by Francescho the Punta families are inscribed. Ughetto called Heaven, Purgatory, Hell (17th c.). Toš Gallery – with an ancient olive press. Besides the main altar, there are in the church six Behind the Kanajt Hotel there are excavations other altars and a statue of St. Anthony of Padua of three chapels of St. Peter (6th c.) built one especially worshipped by the Franciscan friars inside the other. Hence, numerous crosses and and celebrated on June 13 (Antonja). chapels are found across the area. Chapel of St. Bernardine from the Benedictine In Stara Baška there are remnants of the Chapel period, restored by the Franciscan friars in 1980 of St. Jerome, excavations of a former military fort and converted into a sacral museum space. at Mir (6th c.) and a somewhat younger Church of Chapel of St. Francis from 1654, restored in All Saints in the center of the village. 1965. The island of Košljun nested in Puntarska draga Chapel of the Holy Cross – St. Jerusalem from is the heart of the Krk Island, a gem of spirituality the 16th century surrounded by a cavalry path and nature, with a Franciscan monastery (Ben- built three centuries ago by an unknown friar edictine until the 15th c.). from Košljun. The island and nature park with more than 400 plant species and a gem of the cultural heritage with a valuable ethnographic collection and a li- brary with more than 30,000 titles, some of which are true rarities.

27 kultura / culture

VRBNIK Danas je na drugom katu smještena Knjižnica Crkva sv. Marije od Uznesenja – prvobitna žu- obitelji Vitezić u kojoj se čuvaju brojne vrijedne pna crkva, trobrodna građevina iz razdoblja pre- knjige, glagoljski misali i brevijari, a rijedak je i vri- dromanike, između IX. i XII. stoljeća. jedan izložak Kohlerov atlas iz 1718. godine. U zvoniku izgrađenom 1527. smješten je Muzej Na prvom katu nalazi se etnomuzej i glagoljska likovnog identiteta Vrbnika. U Desetincu se spomen-tiskara Blaža Baromića i Dragutina čuvaju predmeti stari više tisuća godina te skul- Parčića. pture Bogorodice iz XV. i XVI. stoljeća, a u neka- Ispred župne crkve nalazi se Vrbničko kolo. Krug dašnjoj loži stalni je postav vrbničkih kapara. je znak, tj. geometrijski model za najstariji tip Crkva sv. Ivana Krstitelja sagrađena je 1323. glagoljskog pisma iz kojega se mogu izvesti sva godine. Pripadala je Bratovštini sv. Ivana Krstitelja slova trokutaste glagoljice (IX. – X. st.). (kaparima), utemeljenoj iste godine. To je jedna Klančić – najuža ulica na svijetu, široka tek 43 od najstarijih bratovština na hrvatskoj obali, a centimetra, nalazi se unutar gradskih zidina. djeluje i danas. Knežev dvor bio je u funkciji do 1480.; jedna je od dviju palača koju su u samome gradu imali Krčki knezovi Frankopani.

28 VRBNIK The first floor houses an ethno-museum and a Church of Our Lady of Assumption – the origi- memorial printing office of Blaž Baromić and nal parish church, a three-nave building from the Dragutin Parčić. pre-Romanesque period (9th - 12th c.). In front of the parish church, there is a Vrbnik The bell-tower built in 1527 houses the Museum wheel. The circle represents a character, i.e. of the Visual Identity of Vrbnik. Thousands of geometrical model for the oldest type of the years old items are kept in Desetinac, along with Glagolitic alphabeth that all letters of the trian- the statues of Mary, Mother of God, from the gular Glagolitic alphabet can be made from (9th 15th and 16th centuries, whereas an exhibition – 10th c.). of Vrbik Kapari friars is displayed in the former Klančić – the narrowest street in the world, only loggia. 43 cm wide, encircled by town walls. Church of St. John the Baptist built in 1323. It beonged to the Confraternity of St. John the Baptist (Kapari) established that same year. This is one of the oldest fraternities on the Croatian coast, and is still active today. The Prince’s Palace was in function until 1840. One of the two palaces built in the center of the town by the Krk Frankopan Princes. The second floor houses the Vitezić Family Library with numerous valuable books, Glagolitic misales and breviaries, and the rare and valuable example of the Kohler’s Atlas from 1718.

29 kultura / culture

BAŠKA Crkva Majke Božje Goričke sagrađena je počet- Crkva sv. Ivana Krstitelja, nekoć prva župna cr- kom XV. stoljeća na uzvisini Goričica, Batomalj. kva u bašćanskoj kotlini, datira iz XI. stoljeća. Zvono datira iz 1594. i tradicionalno zvoni prigo- U zvoniku se nalazi najstarije zvono iz 1431., zva- dom posjeta krčkog biskupa. no Starac. Unutrašnjost crkve krasi slika Celestina Medovića. Uz crkvu je i groblje. Crkva je najveće Marijino svetište u krčkoj bisku- Župna crkva sv. Trojice iz XVIII. stoljeća, s veli- piji. Do crkve se dolazi cestom ili stubama – ima ih kim oltarom – djelom pavlinske radionice iz Senja 237, a izgrađene su u XIX. stoljeću. na prijelazu iz XVII. u XVIII. stoljeće, vrijednim sli- Majka Božja Gorička kama poznatih majstora – Triptihom sv. Mihovila iz Batomalj 59, tel.: 00385 51 85 65 47 1514. Paola Campusa i Posljednjom večerom (XVI. e-mail: svetiš[email protected] st.) Palme Mlađeg, te palom Majke Božje od Ruža- rija iz 1883. godine. Kapela sv. Marka, izgrađena 1514., nalazi se na Crkva sv. Lucije u obližnjem Jurandvoru (2 km predjelu Pirnica uz poznatu Velu plažu i hotel Atri- udaljenom od Baške) – ranoromanička crkva um Residence Baška. sveto je mjesto hrvatske nacionalne povijesti i Ispred kapele ostaci su antičkog mozaika i bazili- kulture. U crkvi se čuva kopija Bašćanske ploče, ke iz V. stoljeća, a tu je pronađena i ranokršćanska najznačajniji spomenik hrvatskoga jezika i knji- krstionica. Kapela je u ljetnim mjesecima otvore- ževnosti, pisan hrvatskim pismom – glagoljicom na za razgled. (oko 1100.), najstarijim slavenskim pismom. Ba- Zavičajni muzej Baška sadrži etnografsku zbir- šćanska ploča predstavlja i likovnu vrijednost ku u kojoj je izložena bašćanska narodna nošnja, jer je ukrašena pleternom ornamentikom lišća starinsko posuđe i kuhinjski pribor. Na katu je vinove loze. Uz crkvu je uređen i izložbeni prostor spomen-soba glasovite češke liječnice dr. Zdenke i info-centar. Čermakove (1884. – 1968.) koja je cijeli svoj radni Info: i životni vijek provela u Baški kao kupališna i mje- tel. 00385 51 86 01 84 sna liječnica. e-mail [email protected]. Muzej je otvoren 1970. i u ljetnim se mjesecima može razgledati.

30 BAŠKA Church of Our Lady of Gorica built at the begin- Church of St. John the Baptist, formerly the ning of the 15th century on Goričica, Batomalj. main parish church in the Baška valley, dating The bell dates from 1594 and it traditionally tolls from the 9th c. on the occasion of a visit by the Krk Bishop. The The bell-tower houses the oldest bell dating from interior of the church boasts a painting by Cel- 1431 known as the Old Man (“Starac”). estin Medović. The church is the largest Marian There is a cemetery next to the church. shrine in the entire Krk diocese. The church can Parish Church of the Holy Trinity dating from be reached by road or steps, more precisely 237 the 18th century with a large altar, a work cre- steps built in the 19th century. ated by the Paulines at their Senj workshop at the turn from the 17th into the 18th century, valuable Our Lady of Gorica (Majka Božja Gorička) paintings by famous masters – St. Michael’s Trip- Batomalj 59, tel: 00385 51 85 65 47 tych from 1514 by Paolo Campus and Last Supper e-mail: svetiš[email protected] (16th c.) by Palma il Giovane, and the altarpiece called Our Lady of Rosary dating from 1883. St. Mark’s Chapel built in 1514 is situated at Pir- Church of St. Lucia in the nearby Jurandvor (2 nica near the famous beach called Vela plaža and km from Baška) – an early Romanesque church, the Atrium Residence Baška Hotel. the revered birthplace of the Croatian national In front of the chapel, there are remnants of an past and culture. The church stores a copy of the ancient mosaic and a basilica dating from the 5th Baška Tablet, the most significant monument of century. An early Christian baptistery has also the Croatian language and literature, written in been found here. the Croatian Glagolitic alphabet (around 1100), The Native Museum of Baška houses an ethno- the oldest Slavic alphabet. The Baška Tablet is graphic collection presenting the traditional folk also valued as a work of art because of its charac- costume from Baška, and old cooking and other teristic vine leaf interlace ornaments. Beside the kitchen utensils. The upper floor houses a memo- church, there is a maintained exhibition space rial room dedicated to the renowned Czech med- and an info center. ical doctor Dr. Zdenka Čermakova (1884-1968) who spent her entire private and working life in Info: Baška as a bathing area and municipal doctor. tel. 00385 51 86 01 84 The museum was opened in 1970 and is opened for visits during the summer. e-mail [email protected].

31 kultura / culture

32 DOBRINJ DOBRINJ Župna crkva sv. Stjepana spominje se kao glav- The Parish Church of St. Stephen was men- na crkva Dobrinjskog kaptola 1100. godine. Krasi tioned in 1100 as the main church of the Dobrinj je vrijedna pala sv. Stjepana te zlatnom niti izve- archdiocese. It is adorned with a beautiful altar- zen antependij Paula Veneziana iz XIV. stoljeća. piece of St. Stephen and a gold-embroidered an- Crkva – galerija sv. Antona (XIV. st.) i zvonik tependium designed by Paulo Veneziano dating (XVIII. st.). U neposrednoj blizini nalazi se Zbirka from the 16th century. sakralne umjetnosti i Galerija Infeld. St. Anthony’s Church/Gallery (14th c.) and bell- Etnografska zbirka Dobrinjštine i otoka Krka i tower (18th c.). The Collection of Sacral Art and zbirka okamina otoka Krka. the Infeld Gallery are in the immediate vicinity. The Ethnographic Collection of the Dobrinj Ranoromanička crkvica, zadužbina slavnoga area and the island of Krk, and the Krk Island Fos- Dragoslava iz 1100., nalazi se u naselju Sveti Vid sil Collection. (kilometar istočno od Dobrinja). An early Romanesque chapel, a legacy of the famous Dragoslav dating from 1100, situated in the village of Sv. Vid (a kilometer to the east of Dobrinj).

33 Život otoka Krka tijekom povijesti i danas može se pratiti kroz simboliku broja sedam. Ilirskim plemenima Japoda i Liburna te romanskom sta- tradicija / tradition novništvu u sedmom se stoljeću pridružuju Hr- vati koji postupno postaju većinsko stanovništvo na otoku. Sedam povijesnih otočnih kaštela danas je se- dam upravnih jedinica: grad Krk i općine Omišalj, Malinska – Dubašnica, Punat, Baška, Vrbnik i Do- brinj. Sedam je varijacija čakavskog narječja hrvatskog jezika. Sedam je običaja, plesova i narodnih noš- nji.

Pučko glazbalo sopile prastari je puhački instru- ment, a dvoglasno pjevanje uz ovaj instrument u Istri i Hrvatskom primorju upisano je u UNESCO-v popis nematerijalne svjetske baštine u Europi. Sopile su i danas sastavni dio svih otočnih sveča- nosti, često vezanih uz crkvene blagdane i svece zaštitnike pojedinih mjesta. Bogatstvo otočnog folklora svake se godine predstavlja na ljetnom Festivalu krčkog folklora i Smotri sopaca otoka Krka. Poznati su koledarski običaji u karnevalskom raz- doblju – Kolejani u Malinskoj (prosinac – siječanj) kada se priređuje veliki pir i izbor kralja i kraljice, Stomorina (uz blagdan Vele Gospe) u Omišlju, pastirski običaj Razgon (prve nedjelje u srpnju) u Vrbniku i dr.

Tradicijski način života otočana vezan je uz more (ribarstvo, pomorstvo, brodogradnja), poljopri- vredu i stočarstvo, napose ovčarstvo, koji su se, uz ostale djelatnosti novijeg datuma, zadržali na otoku do danas.

34 We can follow the characteristic life of the Krk Island throughout history by analyzing the sym- bolism of number seven. In the 7th century, Croats joined the Illyrian tribes of Yapods and Liburnians and the Romans inhabiting the island, soon accounting for the majority of the island’s population. The seven historical island castles today serve as seven administrative units: the City of Krk and the Municipalities of Omišalj, Malinska – Dubašnica, Punat, Baška, Vrbnik and Dobrinj. There are seven variations of the Chakavian dialect of the Croatian language. There are seven customs, dances and folk costumes.

A musical instrument, and the two-voice singing style accompanied by “sopile”, which is charac- teristic of Istria and coastal , has been en- tered on the UNESCO’s list of non-material world heritage in Europe. “Sopile” remains today a feature of all island fes- tivities, often associated with religious holidays and patron saints of particular towns/villages. The richness of the island folklore is presented each year at the Krk Folklore Festival and the Gathering of the Sopile Players of the Island of Krk. The koledari singing festivals are organized during carnival festivities - Kolejani in Malinska (December – January) featuring a large-scale cel- ebration and a selection of the King and Queen, Stomorina (on the Assumption Day) in Omišalj, a shepherds’ festivity called Razgon (the first Sun- day in July) in Vrbnik, etc.

The traditional island lifestyle is closely associ- ated with the sea (fishing, sailing, shipbuilding), agriculture and stock-breeding, particularly sheep-breeding. These activities, along with oth- er more recently introduced ones, have survived to this day.

35 Zlatnim otokom – Insula Aurea – Krk je nazivan još u antičko doba zbog obilja različitih plodova mora i zemlje. gastronomija / gastronomy Svježa riba, škampi i drugi rakovi i školjke i danas su nezamjenjivi u domaćoj kuhinji otočana, kao i mnoge vrste priloga od povrća. Sve je pripremljeno i začinjeno krčkim maslino- vim uljem izvrsne kakvoće.

Blagdanski objed gotovo uvijek će uključiti i jela od domaćega tijesta (šurlice – valcići, makaruni, njoki) s različitim umacima (žvacetom), a poseb- no je cijenjena krčka janjetina, domaći ovčji sir i krčki pršut koji nosi oznaku izvrsnosti.

Sva se ta izvorna krčka jela nude i na jelovnicima otočnih restorana, konoba i drugih ugostiteljskih objekata, koji pripremaju i jela internacionalne kuhinje. Gastro-ponuda jedan je od najjačih adu- ta krčkoga gostoprimstva i turizma.

Otočani će uz to popiti i čašu dobrog vina. Pre- poručujemo izvorno suho bijelo vino s kontro- liranim geografskim podrijetlom – Vrbničku žlahtinu. Od grožđa se pripremaju i različite vrste domaće rakije s aromatičnim biljem ili bez njega, koju, prema običaju, otočani uz suhe smokve nude kao znak dobrodošlice.

Dobar vam tek!

36 Thanks to an abundance of the fruits of the sea and soil that it offers, Krk was dubbed insula“ au- rea” or the Golden Island already in the ancient times. Local cuisine is still unimaginable without fresh fish, scampi and other crabs and shells, or various types of vegetable side dishes. All dishes are prepared and seasoned with pre- mium quality olive oil made on Krk!

A holiday meal will almost always include dishes prepared from homemade pasta (šurlice-valcići, macaroni, gnocchi) in various sauces (žvacet). Krk lamb, homemade sheep cheese and Krk prosciut- to, holder of a label of excellence, are particularly valued.

All these authentic Krk dishes are also prepared by the local restaurants, taverns and other food- service facilities that offer international dishes as well. The culinary offer is one of the strongest at- tributes of the hospitality and tourism of Krk.

The locals will complement their meal with a glass of good wine. We recommend Vrbnička žlahtina, an authentic dry wine with a controlled designation of origin. Grapes are also used to prepare various types of homemade brandy with or without aromatic herbs, which the locals offer, together with dried figs, as a sign of hospitality and tradition.

Bon appétit!