hrvatski krk info english OMIŠALJ NJIVICE CRIKVENICA ČIŽIĆI KLIMNO SELCE SOLINE ŠILO MALINSKA NOVI VINODOLSKI PORAT DOBRINJ RISIKA VANTAČIĆI GLAVOTOK VRBNIK KORNIĆ KOŠLJUN PINEZIĆI VALBISKA KRK PUNAT DRAGA BAŠČANSKA RAB JURANDVOR MERAG PLAVNIK BATOMALJ BAŠKA STARA BAŠKA C R E S PRVIĆ OMIŠALJ uvod / introduction 2 zemljopis / geography 7 NJIVICE CRIKVENICA ČIŽIĆI KLIMNO SELCE SOLINE ŠILO mjesta / places 10 MALINSKA NOVI VINODOLSKI PORAT DOBRINJ RISIKA kultura / culture 19 VANTAČIĆI GLAVOTOK tradicija / traditions 34 VRBNIK KORNIĆ gastronomija / gastronomy 36 KOŠLJUN PINEZIĆI VALBISKA smještaj / accommodation 38 KRK PUNAT DRAGA BAŠČANSKA RAB servisne informacije / service info 42 JURANDVOR MERAG PLAVNIK BATOMALJ BAŠKA STARA BAŠKA C R E S PRVIĆ OTOK KRK – ZLATNI OTOK uvod / introduction Površine 405,78 km², Krk je jedan je od najvećih otoka u Jadranskom moru. Najsjeverniji je otok na Sredozemlju i najbliži europskom kontinentu. S kopnom je povezan Krčkim mostom ukupne dužine 1430 metara, izgrađenim 1980., koji se svojim impresivnim izgledom skladno uklopio u slikovit otočni pejzaž. Blizina i dostupnost te prelijepe povijesne priče i zanimljiva prošlost čine Krk čudesnim i tajno- vitim, jednim od najposjećenijih otoka u hrvat- skom dijelu Jadrana. Još je u antici nazvan zlatnim otokom – Insula Aurea, a zlatni su ovdje priroda, zalasci sunca, pješčane plaže, šume, kamenjar i krš, maslinovo ulje, vino i med. Otkrivati se ovaj prelijepi otok može u svim godišnjim dobima, mogu se upoznati njegova raznolika naselja koja skrivaju tisućljetne spo- menike kulture te muzeje i galerije, ili se njime može pješačiti romantičnim šetnicama uz more i divljim pastirskim stazama kamenjara s kojih se pruža veličanstven pogled na obližnje brežuljke i susjedne otoke Kvarnerskog zaljeva (Rab, Cres i Lošinj). Ljubitelji dobre hrane i vina uživat će u okusima poznate krčke kuhinje, u plemenitoj kapljici Vrb- ničke žlahtine i jedinstvenome morskom pjenuš- cu Valomet. Iskoristite prednosti koje vam pruža cijeli otok u punini svoje bogate i raznovrsne smještajne, turi- stičke te wellness, outdoor i ugostiteljske ponude. Zlatni otok Krk vas zove – neka to bude i vaš otok! DOBRO NAM DOŠLI! Turistička zajednica otoka Krka Trg sv. Kvirina 1, 51500 Krk, p.p. 46 tel.: 00385 51 221 359 fax: 00385 51 222 336 e-mail: [email protected] www.krk.hr www.holidays.krk.hr 4 KRK ISLAND – THE GOLDEN ISLAND With a surface area of 405.78 km, Krk is one of the largest islands in the Adriatic Sea. It is also the northernmost island in the Mediterranean Sea and the island closest to the European mainland. The 1430 meter long Krk Bridge, built in 1980 and boasting an impressive appearance harmoni- ously blended with the picturesque island land- scape, connects the island with the mainland. Its closeness and accessibility, along with the beautiful historical tales and its interesting past, make Krk both amazing and mysterious, one of the most visited islands in the Croatian part of the Adriatic. It was called the “insula aurea” or the Golden Island already in the ancient times due to its golden nature, sunsets, beaches, forests, rocky and karst landscape, olive oil, wine and honey. This beautiful island can be explored throughout the year. One can learn about the various island settlements hiding centuries-old monuments of culture, museums and galleries, or stroll along its romantic walkways by the sea, or have a hiking experience along the wild goat trails of its rocky surroundings offering a magnificent view of the nearby hills and the neighboring Kvarner Bay is- lands (Rab, Cres and Lošinj). Lovers of good food and wine will enjoy the tastes of the well-known Krk cuisine, the noble Vrbnička žlahtina and Valomet, a unique seaside sparkling wine. Take advantage of the benefits that the en- tire island offers you in its rich and diverse ac- commodation, tourism, wellness, outdoor and hotel&restaurant offer. The Golden Island of Krk invites you – may it be your island too! WELCOME! Tourism office Island Krk Trg sv. Kvirina 1, 51500 Krk, p.p. 46 tel.: 00385 51 221 359 fax: 00385 51 222 336 e-mail: [email protected] www.krk.hr www.holidays.krk.hr 5 zemljopis / geography 6 Prirodno-geografska obilježja Natural & Geographic Features Otok Krk pripada kvarnerskoj skupini otoka Krk Island belongs to the Kvarner archipelago smještenih u sjevernom Jadranu. S istočne je situated in the Northern Adriatic. It is surrounded strane okružen Vinodolskim kanalom, a sa sje- by the Vinodol Channel to the east, the Rijeka Bay verozapadne i jugozapadne Riječkim zaljevom i to the northwest and Kvarnerić to the southwest. Kvarnerićem. Krk Island has a coastline in the length of 219.92 2 Obala je duga 219,92 km, a ukupne je površine km, and a total surface area of 405.78 km . This 405,78 km2 te je, uz otok Cres, najveći otok u Ja- makes Krk, along with Cres, the largest island in dranskom moru. the Adriatic Sea. Krčko otočje čini dvadesetak otočića, hridi i The Krk archipelago is composed of about twen- grebena – najveći je Prvić, slijede Plavnik, Mali ty small islands, cliffs and reefs, the largest be- Plavnik, Sveti Marko, Galun, Kirinčić, Kormati, Zec, ing the island of Prvić, followed by Plavnik, Mali goli otočići bez većeg raslinja te Košljun bogat Plavnik, Sveti Marko, Galun, Kirinčić, Kormati and vegetacijom zbog čega je i proglašen rezervatom Zec, small barren islands with hardly any vegeta- šumske vegetacije, a i jedini je nastanjen – na nje- tion, and the island of Košljun, the only inhabited mu se nalazi franjevački samostan. island in the archipelago boasting a Franciscan monastery and lush vegetation, which has U 68 naselja na otoku živi više od 19000 stanov- earned the island the status of a forest vegeta- nika. tion reserve. Reljef je krški sa zanimljivim krškim oblicima: spi- ljama i pećinama (Biserujka kod Čižića), dolcima More than 19000 people live in the 68 settle- i škrapama. ments found on the island. Središnji je dio otoka, ujedno i najveći, najnaselje- Relief – the island has a karst relief with interest- niji; to je kraj valovita reljefa s mnogo vrtača (po- ing karst formations: caves and caverns (Biserujka nikvi) i niskih brežuljaka s plodnim poljima – Omi- near Čižići), sinkholes and karrens. šaljsko, Dobrinjsko, Vrbničko i Bašćansko, dijelom The central and largest part of the island is also iskorištenih za poljoprivredu ili vinogradarstvo. the most inhabited. Its landscape is characterized Najveći je vrh Obzova (568 m), slijede Veli Vrh (541 by a wavy relief with numerous sinkholes and low 7 zemljopis / geography m), Orljak (537 m), Veli Hlam (482 m) i Mali Hlam hills with fertile fields, namely Omišalj, Dobrinj, (446 m). Vrbnik and Baška fields, used either for agricul- Obala je dobro razvedena, s lijepim uvalama i tural or wine-growing purposes. zaljevima te prelijepim prirodnim šljunčanim pla- The highest top is Obzova (568 m), followed by žama. Najveći su zaljevi Soline s ljekovitim blatom Veli Vrh (541 m), Orljak (537 m), Veli Hlam (482 m) i Puntarska draga. and Mali Hlam (446 m). Klima je mediteranska, blaga i ugodna. Prosječna Coast – the island boasts a well-indented coast ljetna temperatura zraka iznosi 22,8° C, mora 23 – with beautiful coves and bays, and exquisite 25° C, a sezona kupanja traje od mjeseca travnja natural pebble beaches. The largest bays are So- do mjeseca listopada. line, with beneficial healing mud, and Puntarska draga. Glavni vjetrovi: bura, jugo i maestral. Prema broju sunčanih sati u godini (2500), otok Climate – the island has a Mediterranean, mild Krk ubraja se u najsunčanije dijelove Europe. and pleasant climate. The average summer air temperature is 22.8°C, while the sea temperature Vode – na otoku (sredina otoka) nalaze se dva during the summer ranges from 23 – 25° C. The jezera: Jezero kod Njivica i Ponikve između Ma- bathing season lasts from the month of April until linske i Krka, koja su zbog velike raznovrsnosti i the month of October. brojnosti ptica, pretežito selica koje se tu gnijez- de, zaštićena kao ornitološki rezervat. Main winds: bora, sirocco and mistral. Otokom teku i tri rijeke: Veli ili Dobrinjski potok, Since it enjoys plenty of sun during the year (2500 Vretenica i Vela Rika. sunny hours), Krk Island is considered one of the sunniest parts of Europe. Vegetacija – u središnjemu i zapadnom dijelu otoka prevladavaju šume te uzgojene kulture Waters – There are two lakes on the island (in its mediteranskog voća i povrća, vinograda i masli- central part), i.e. Jezero (The Lake) near Njivice nika. and Lake Ponikve between Malinska and Krk, Sjeverni i južni dio otoka zauzimaju kamenjari i both protected as ornithological reserves on ac- pašnjaci. count of various and numerous birds nesting in the area, mainly migrating birds. 8 Rezervate šumske vegetacije čine šume hrasta There are three rivers flowing across the island: crnike (Quercus ilex) na Glavotoku i otočiću Košlju- Veli or Dobrinjski potok, Vretenica and Vela Rika. nu. Vegetation – forests and planted cultures of Ornitološki rezervati su otok Prvić, na kojemu Mediterranean fruit and vegetables, vineyards obitavaju bjeloglavi supovi (Gyps fulvus), i Kun- and olive orchards predominate in the central trep. and western parts of the island. Posebnost su krčkoga krajolika suhozidi (gro- The northern and southern parts of the island are mače) i jedinstveni pastirski mrgari (suhozidne characterized by rocky terrain and pastures. ovčare s tlocrtom u obliku cvijeta), sačuvani na Forest vegetation reserves – the reserves are krševitim zaravnima iznad Bašćanske doline te na dominated by holm oak (Quercus ilex) and stretch otoku Prviću, zaštićenome kulturnom dobru. across the village of Glavotok and the island of Briga o očuvanju i zaštiti okoliša vodi se neprekid- Košljun. no i sustavno. Potvrda su i plave zastave u Marini Punat i na krčkim plažama (otok Krk ima 15 plavih Ornithological reserves – the island of Prvić, zastava).
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