Contact Details: Equipment: Linkline Diary Service Mixers: Sound Devices 688 mixer/ recorder 020 8426 2200 (up to 12 channels) Sound Devices 633 mixer/ recorder Mobile: 07779 113251 Radio Mic Systems: Lectrosonics Landline: 020 3759 9953 Audio A10 Zaxcom stereo camera links Email:
[email protected] Sennheiser IEM / IFB receivers Address: Mics: London - 53, Goldsmith Lane, London, NW9 9AJ Sennheiser MKH 416 / 50 / 30 Schoeps Super CMIT / MK41 Lapels: DPA, Sanken, Tram & Countryman Timecode: Memberships & Licenses Timecode Systems Wave, Wifi masters, TRX minis and Ultra syncs Institute of Professional Sound BECTU - With public liability insurance JFMG Fully Licensed UK radio mics USA I Visa - Expires 2021 UK Driving License & Vehicle Examples of Work Documentary and Factual Programme Title Description Company / Broadcaster / Link Victorian Sensations Focussing on the 1890s, an incredible age Academy 7 for BBC4 of science and innovation Bruce Chatwin Looking back at the life of Bruce Chatwin. BBC Directed by Werner Herzog David Bowie- Finding Fame Music documentary chronicling the BBC difficult early years of Bowies career Elizabethans with Andrew Marr History of the modern age during the BBC reign of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd Fake or Fortune Investigating art pieces to discover if BBC they are genuine or fake. The Investigator: A British Reopening a 40 year old murder case Shiver for ITV & Netflix Crime Story with many questions still unanswered A Passage to Britain Uncovering the migrant journeys that BBC transformed the nation.