STOGURSEY NEWS ! PW January 2021 Editorial Deadline for February contributions: 10.00 am Friday 15th January 2021 Welcome to the January issue of Stogursey News. In this issue we both look back and forward. Firstly, looking back, there are some happy accounts and How to contribute to Stogursey News: great photos of our school’s Christmas activities, a) by email: which the pupils all seemed to have thoroughly en- Prepare your contribution as a ‘word’ document. joyed - even making the best of this year’s restrictions Attach it to an email. Send it to
[email protected] by filming their Christmas Nativity. b) by hand: Looking ahead, you’ll see that the Film Club is keen Write or type your contribution. to get going again later in the year, for a summer sea- Put it into the ‘Stogursey News’ box in the Post son. What a great idea to have an Opening Night. Office. Also, the Community Bus Service is very much up and running again – the timetable is printed inside. A few points to remember: • Submit your contribution by the deadline date. • Keep within the 500-word limit. January is traditionally when we make New Year’s resolutions. Take time to read the pages explaining • Provide your contact details so that we can get in touch if we need to edit. how we, in this parish, can apply for £75,000 worth (Stogursey News Team reserves the right to edit of funding to help tackle the growing climate emer- contributions for length and layout.) gency. There are lots of ideas to think about.