R -Newhigh-speedtrain Report kV DC and 1.5 kV DC - and will be equipped with ERTMS kV DCand1.5-will beequippedwithERTMS a cafeteria car. They will betri-voltage AC, - 25 kV50Hz 3 of thembeingbusinessclass, eight tourist class carsand tion that willentail newdemandsfor operators from 2020. years andalsotheprocess ofPassenger liberaliza service that willexpand inthecoming construction thenetwork by 60%since 2013,aswell asthenewlinescurrently under ing demandfor whichhasincreased high-speedservices, shops. for being reserved nance Renfe activities Integria work and includesentire mainte lifecycle, withsecondary which represents onthetender a28%reduction price a maintenance travelled. cost of€2.49perkilometre at acost of€22.5millionfor eachcomposition and ply andmaintenance over 30years high-speed offifteen R Renfe’s Avril Data updated as of8December 2016 Vía Libre istheleadingmagazine for theSpanishrailway industry, issuedmonthly since 1964 and publishedby theSpanish Railways Foundation. isthetranslationThis into report Englishofanoffprint ofissue613 Vía Libre magazine (December 2016). enfe Viajeros hasawarded thetender for thesup  The trains The new Avril trains will be twelve car units, three The trains will make it possible to cope with grow This involves a total amount of €786.47 million,


new Talgo: high-speed, - - - - - cient thantheprevious high-speedseries. mass thanastandard -and25%more energy-effi weight units -thelightest with30%less onthemarket Class 106orRenfe Class122)willbeinteroperable, light be ableto runat amaximumspeedof330km/h. having theFrench signalling system. TVM The trains will and Asfa Digital signalling systems, with ten of them million. years,ing maintenance for of €786.5 thirty Patentes Talgo for anoverall price, includ newhigh-speedtrainssupply offifteen to nounced theaward ofatender for the lic Works, officiallyan delaSerna, Íñigo On 28November ofPub theMinister train The newAvril toRenfe (expected beclassifiedas

Vía Libre •December 2016 1 - - - - -

VariableVariable gaugegauge ●● 330330 kmkm /h/h ●● 521521 seatsseats ●● 25,25, 33 andand 1.51.5 kVkV ●● 200200 mm ●● 8,0008,000 kWkW ●● 320.3320.3 tt Variable Variable gauge gauge ● ● 330 330 km km /h /h ● ● 521 521 seats seats ● ● 25, 25, 3 3 and and 1.5 1.5 kV kV ● ● 200 200 m m ● ● 8,000 8,000 kW kW ● ● 320.3 320.3 t t Report -Newhigh-speedtrain Report 2 generation andthoseofthenewtrain Approximate comparison between theoperating costs related to HSrolling stock from theprevious Remarks: Remarks: The price ofthenewtrain withoutconsidering French signalling in10trains, andif30trains are bought S Difference (%) TOTAL Operating Pers. Financials Depreciation Energy Maintenance ource: Compiled by author. Approximate data

Vía Libre •December 2016 them beingbusinessclass, eight tourist classandacafeteria car. They The new Talgo Avril trains for Renfe willbetwelve carunits, three of Business classseats are arranged inrows oftwo-plus- leather, includeindividualflat videoscreens onthe two, andtheseats, ergonomic andupholstered in backrests andretractable onesonthetables.backrests have unitat eachend. atraction Euros/train-km 102/112 and 103 series average102/112 and103series 8.11 0.65 0.98 1.44 1.73 3.31 Eurocent/seat-km 0.391 0.470 0.899 2.202 0.176 0.266 99.09 percent. demandedinthetender,kilometres andavailability at withoutincidents,kilometres well above the800,000 Talgo assessesitsreliability at around 1.25 million Euros/train-km -17.8 1.19 1.52 2.49 6.66 0.65 0.81 New 2016 Tender train Eurocent/seat-km 0.229 0.291 0.479 1.279 0.125 0.156 -41.9 1 tourist classendtrailer carwith58seats 3 tourist classtrailer carswith54seats each 4 tourist classtrailer carswith49seats each 1 cafeteria trailer car 1 Businessclasstrailer car, 25seats (including2PRM)(2+2) 1 Businessclasstrailer carwith36seats (2+2) 1 Businessclassendtrailer carwith44seats (2+2) units.2 traction Eachwithacaband2bogies axles with2driving The vehicles, oneby one seats throughout thetrain and intherunningdirection eo screens onthebackrests. and leather upholstered seats includeindividualflat vid for a composition with only tourist class cars. Ergonomic car composition canhave asmany as550seats ifyou opt plus-three, oneithersideoftheaisle, sothat thetwelve- class. Tourist classseats are arranged inrows oftwo- seats intourist classandtheremaining 20inbusiness es for composition with80%of wheelchairsinatypical car with58seats. each, three tourist carswith54 seats andanendtourist PRM seats), acafeteria car, four tourist carswith49seats with 36seats, anaccessible businesscarwith25seats (2 a businessendcarwith44seats, anotherbusinesscar The carswilloffer WiFi, newlighting, adjustable it can hold 521 passengers and two spac Inside The composition would have units, two traction Seats Communication systems control systems Working mass/Operating /exceptional mass/Normal load weightDead regenerativeMax. /rheostatic brake power Cont. power rim (at 25kV/31.5kV) Length speed Maximum voltage Electrification Composition Train type Doors perside Doors Toilets arrangementSeating Basic features ofthenewtrains - - are placed into service. added, bothonexisting linesandto meetnewonesthat particular, beingused to rearrange the fleetas theyare high-speed segment. in foreign markets, aswell asSpain’s leadershipinthe stock will strengthen Renfe’s possibilitiesofcompeting tool for Renfe’s cost control. addition,thisnewrolling In and mostefficient inthefleetandwill become auseful great versatility to theoperator. tion hall-,thanksto panelsandmobilescreens, offering to different -meeting room, nursery, functions exhibi also bedividedby areas, theirinteriors beingadaptable maximum accessibility from the platform. The carscan people withreduced andwhichwillalsohave mobility have aluggagevan for groups andcharters. seats, upto 206litres perseat. Tractions unitswillalso new spaces to place andkeepluggage, even underthe 10 (1perintermediate car) 1.3m2)and1PRM 11 (10measuring 2+2 inBusiness;3+2 Tourist. All adjustableinrunningdirection 521: 105Business(including2PRM)+416 Tourist + GSM-R Train-Ground communication ETCS N2;LZB(suchasSTM);Asfa D. (On 10trains: RPS) 430,KVB, TVM 323.4 t/357.5366.5387 320.3 t 8,000 kW+5,560 8,000 kW/6,5004,300 200 m 330 km/h AC 50Hz +3kV/1.5kVDC 25 kv Standard (1,435+1,668) (1,435)orDual Traction trailer cars+ unit+12articulated Traction unit train articulated electric Very high-speedandhigh-capacity  Price andefficiency These trains are notdesigned for specificlinesin The newAvril Renfe trains willbethecheapest The cafeteria car will have a new bar adapted to Vía Libre •December 2016 3 -

Variable gauge ● 330 km /h ● 521 seats ● 25, 3 and 1.5 kV ● 200 m ● 8,000 kW ● 320.3 t Financial value (Euros/seat inusefullife) Warranty Availability in% Number Declared Total train purchase andMaint. (MEUR) Maint. for eachtrain (Euros/train-km) Maint. (total 15trains, 30years) (MEUR) energy Price pertrain (MEUR) Price (total 15trains) (MEUR) consumption (kWh/km) Variable gauge ● 330 km /h ● 521 seats ● 25, 3 and 1.5 kV ● 200 m ● 8,000 kW ●Financial evaluation 320.3 t Report -Newhigh-speedtrain Report Total evaluation of in seats years 4 Siemens 70.7 Patentes Talgo CAF Siemens 21.840 Patentes Talgo CAF Alstom BidAlternative Technical evaluation

Vía Libre •December 2016

capacity anduseoravailability.capacity the tender evaluated thecost ofthewholelife ofthetrains by cycle introducing suchasconsumption, factors of thistype, years energy consumption was assessed. over thirty number ofseats included, of0.7points for factor plusacorrection use. addition,for In thefirsttimeinatender Their maintenanceyears was alsoassessed, over withadiscount thirty rate of6%,repairs, cleaningandthe homologation inFrance. trainsfifteen was analysed, theinstallation ofFrench signalling equipment inten ofthem,andthecost ofTVM orderIn to assessthefinancialbids, withwhichtenderers could obtainamaximumof65points, theprice of Fifteen trains have been bought initiallyalongwiththeirmaintenance three during fulldecades, althoughRenfe of €1,401million,whilebothblocks(15+15trains) plus40-years ofmaintenance amounted to €2,642million. The initialbiddingprice setby Renfe for thefirstblockof15trains, includingtheirmaintenance for 40years was years withtheoptionto for beextended anotherten years.thirty trains andtheirmaintenance for newhigh-speed andhigh-capacity of aminimumperiod sition ofupto thirty On 10November 2015,theBoard ofDirectors ofRenfe Viajeros approved Talgo’s bidinthistender for theacqui

The tender: Talgo winstecnnical andfinancialevaluations

28.114 22.616 25.145 (technical andfinancial) 93.1 78.8 Bid 79 Alstom 1,095.85 166,821 602.35 493.50 13.40 3.346 32.9 608 98 5

Alternative Alternative Alstom 1,073.07 156,542 602.35 470.72 31.38 13.45 15.7713.8313.7512.85 3.346 650 487521516 98 5 3 Alternative 21.572 29.616 24.517 72.3 94.4 81.3 - - Siemens. 158,730 870.84 549.55 321.29 91.15 21.42 3.053 CAF from Alstom, theonefrom and, CAF finally, thetwo from ones that obtained the highest scores, followed by the two maximum of35points andthe Talgo proposals were the eachofthebidscould obtain a thetechnical section In and Talgo.Siemens mitted inthetender, onefrom andtwo from CAF Alstom, nancial evaluation of the seven bids that were finally sub apubliceventIn Renfe announced thetechnical andfi tranches inthefollowing 4years. could acquire 15additional units in three different 5-unit for thefirsttimeat Renfe. was alsoanewfeature It that ders, common inlarge tenders was used 65 that eachofthebidssubmitted would obtain. ros, whichisusedto calculate thenumberofpoints over life. That figure was thefinancialvalue expressed ineu ed to theprice perseat ofeachtrain initsentire useful formula that isadjust obtained, withapre-established 137,768 This award system, withpublic openingoften With alltheseparameters, afinancialvalue was Talgo 786.09 448.97 337.12 99.09 22.47 2.494 137,693 Talgo Siemens 786.50 448.97 337.50 99.09 2.494 22.5 1,071.03 183,350 601.08 469.95 3.339 31.33 94

3.339 Alternative Siemens 1,071.03 176,261 601.08 469.95 31.33 12.85 548 94 3 ------

than three decades. the lowest operating costs for Renfe noless during order to ensure that thewinningbidguarantees covers theentire lifecycle ofthe trains acquired, in throughout usefullife age, inmaintenance years. manufacture, and one hundred jobs, as an annual aver calculated atthefive athousandjobsduring years of andthecreation ofemployment,on economic activity itself.ed by theactivity to borrowing,out resorting andby revenues generat be financed withRenfe Viajeros’ own resources, with months. first ten unitsinthirty-eight The contract will  Maintenance For thefirsttimemaintenance contract The ofthetrains manufacture willhave aneffect The forecasts point to theincorporation ofthe The floorheight is760mmthroughout the train, whichallows allpassengersto enter at thesameheight astheplatform, thus reducing dwelling times. accessing thecarandonce In AvrilIn trains, accessibility with reduced is mobility guaranteed, bothwhen and comfort forand comfort people - - - inside. costs for Renfe Viajeros. in theRenfe Group, inadditionto controlling the and technology transfer oftherolling stock with and itwillmakepossibleto know-how preserve the total maintenance that thenewfleetwillneed total maintenance thenewfleetwillneed. subsidiary. Those amount to around a 30% of the and maincomponents for repair activities its own For Renfe thiswork represents about30%of maintenanceRenfe secondary hasreserved Vía Libre •December 2016 5 -

Variable gauge ● 330 km /h ● 521 seats ● 25, 3 and 1.5 kV ● 200 m ● 8,000 kW ● 320.3 t VariableVariable gaugegauge ●● 330330 kmkm /h/h ●● 521521 seatsseats ●● 25,25, 33 andand 1.51.5 kVkV ●● 200200 mm ●● 8,0008,000 kWkW ●● 320.3320.3 tt Report -Newhigh-speedtrain Report 6 ’s high-speedrail fleetin2016 106 ó122 105 121 120.05 120 730 130 114 104 103 112 102 100F 100R Series 106 ó122 105 121 120.05 120 730 130 114 104 103 112 102 100F 100R Series 106 ó122 105 121 120.05 120 730 130 114 104 103 112 102 100F 100R Series

Vía Libre •December 2016 Concentrated +diesel) (electric Year commissioned No. ofaxles 1992 (R2007) Concentrated Concentrated Concentrated Concentrated Concentrated Concentrated Traction type 26 21 16 16 16 16 22 20 16 16 32 21 21 26 Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed ¿2019? ¿2017? 2009 2009 2006 2012 2007 2009 2004 2007 2009 2004 2013 ASFA D. 200/ETCS 1/ETCS 2/ LZBINDEPENDENT 15+15 Units 170 (Tourist) /45(Business)1PRM 29 16 12 15 45 13 20 26 30 16 10 14 1 ASFA D. 200/LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA 200/LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/ETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/ETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA /LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA /LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA /LZBETCS 1/ETCS 2 ASFA D. 200/LZBETCS 2 P/T +PRMseats ASFA /ETCS 1y2 TVM 119/ 211+1 104/415 +2 108/212 +1 121/195 +2 141/164 /2 62 /263+2 Signalling systems 81/156 +1 81/156 +1 44/216 +2 31/205 +1 71/292 +2 Track gauge(mm) 0/281 +1 0/236+2 1,435 /1,668 1,435 /1,668 1,435 /1,668 1,435 /1,668 1,435 /1,668 1,435 /1,668 1,435 1,435 1,435 1,435 1,435 1,435 1,435 1,435 25 kV 50 Hz /3kV+diesel 25 kV50Hz 25 kV 50 Hz /3kV1.5 kV 25 kV50Hz Electrification voltage Electrification 15-25 kV50/1.5-3 25 kV 50 Hz /1.5kV 25 kV50Hz 25 kV 50 Hz /3kV 25 kV50Hz /3kV 25 kV50Hz /3kV 25 kV50Hz /3kV 25 kV50Hz /3kV 25 kV50Hz Length(m) 25 kV50Hz 25 kV50Hz 25 kV50Hz 25 kV50Hz 25 kV50Hz 103.36 107.36 107.36 107.36 184.15 200.15 200.15 107.9 107.9 200 186 200 200 200 Yes / Yes (onsometrains, rest plannedfor 2017) Empty weightEmpty (t) 320.3 251.4 228.8 221.5 329.2 392.6 392.6 233 233 354 312 425 329 Power points (Business/Tourist) ? SYes/ No(plannedfor 2017) No /(plannedfor 2017) Tourist / BusinessClub Tourist / BusinessClub Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Tourist / Business Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes Tourist Tourist No / Class 250-280 (1,435mm)220(1,668/180(diesel) Yes Yes Maximum speed(km/h) Maximum 330 320 250 250 250 250 250 250 350 330 330 220 300 Yes /(wheelsets) Yes /(wheelsets) Yes /(wheelsets) Yes /(wheelsets) Articulated Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No spaces provided for luggage, bothintheseating area and in compartments specificallycreatedarea andincompartments A feature oftheAvril trains isthenumerous capacity thanon conventionalcapacity trains. seat configurationness classthe two-plus-two alsooffers greater signed to ensure of maximumrecyclability Talgo trains. busi In with itsaerodynamic design to minimize fuelconsumption. De and theonewithleastaxles(for along itslength)onthemarket, • Designed to protect the standards to improveup-to-date fire resistance. luggage rack with retention systems. The train meets the most requirements for seats andtablessuchasrestraint systems), and a crash (designed to obtainreduced deceleration levels andwith event ofderailment train; intheevent since itisanarticulated of possible: inboarding inthe thetrain thanksto itsaccessibility; • ing tables. toilet, alongwithtwo otherin Tourist classwillhave baby chang current trains, andabiggersize accessible toilet. The accessible useful area of1.33 m2between walls, muchlarger thanthoseon • sets, bothready to beusedat acommercial speedof330km/h. offixedchangeability track-gauge / variable track-gauge wheel the maximumspeedrequired); andinwheelcomponents: inter andbrake systems image;inthetraction the exterior (to adaptto • Safety Toilets Platform concept  Ideas anddetails : . The safety ofthe passengershasbeenensured asfar The train has11toilets: 10standard oneswitha type for them. : versatility bothintheinterior layout and environment Vía Libre •December 2016 : itisthelightest train 7 - - - - -

Variable gauge ● 330 km /h ● 521 seats ● 25, 3 and 1.5 kV ● 200 m ● 8,000 kW ● 320.3 t VariableVariable gaugegauge ●● 330330 kmkm /h/h ●● 521521 seatsseats ●● 25,25, 33 andand 1.51.5 kVkV ●● 200200 mm ●● 8,0008,000 kWkW ●● 320.3320.3 tt Report -Newhigh-speedtrain Report O 8 according to the Technical Specification Interoperafor 2016, the In Talgo Avril completedtests itscertification sumption perpassengerandkilometre. operator reduced operating costs andlow energy con aerodynamics andlightweight materials, to offer the the Talgo concepts ofaccessibility, energy efficiency, presented InnotransOfficially 2012,itincorporates at Avril

Vía Libre •December 2016 , a one decade project - - maintaining theperformance. by modifyingthenumberofcarsand gauge andwithaflexible composition capabilities, traction variable track-brid supplyvoltages andhysible electric versions. variable-gauge With four pos (1,435, 1,520and1,668millimetres) and ible platform, adaptableto fixed-gauge train, conceivedhigh-capacity asaflex Avril high-speed, project,itsnewvery September2008 In Talgo unveiled its increase ofthehomologation speed. haviour hasbeensuccesfully a10% tested at 363km/h, km/h, and itsdynamicbe speedis 330 The certification fication body. edition andwithanapproved assessment by theCerti for standard or broad track-gauges in its 2008 (TSI) bility

- - - - - preparing a car like a laboratory topreparing process acarlikelaboratory signals com equipped with a and instrumented wheelsets, components onthefloor, tables, luggagerack, anchorages, interior have liningsorwiring madethispossible. with themaximumweight per axleintheUICregulations. restrictions The ofthebody, structure seats andlight addition,inAvrilIn carsthetare weight hasbeenreduced by 15%to thegreater harmonise passenger capacity six hundred passengersandreduces theoperating costs per passenger. hasastandard interoperableIt floorheight of760millimetres, whichincreases ofthetrain to thecapacity over consequent incosts reduction related to acquisition, energy consumption perseat and, lastly, operation. This means that Avril trains, two hundred metres long, have enoughroom for sixhundred nearly seats withthe than aconventional train. viosuly developed by Talgo. seat business class, configuration In thetwo-plus-two alsooffers greater capacity and therest parameters ofthecomfort donotdiffer from thosefeatutured high-speedtrains pre inothervery The distance between thearmrests, thespace available for theminimumaislewidthof450/550mm theknees, as inothertrains, thusincreasing thelevel withoutimpairing thetotal ofcomfort. capacity tourist classthere are five seats perrow, configuration, inatwo-plus-three withthesamespace perpassenger The Avril fit in the conventional cars, wideand short, gauges inspite of their greater width,meaningthat in body outwards oncurves. its dynamicloadinggauge, thetrain isequippedwithanautomatic anddueto thefact device that moves the than other trains. This width is possible thanks to the reduced length of the body, which reduces and improves The Avril alsooffers awidebodysheel, withaninnermeasurement of3,100millimetres, whichis250mmmore  Pre-series unit Pre-series

To checkthedynamic behaviour, the train was Wider body, greater capacity have maximumaccessibility from theplatform. to peoplewithreduced andwillalso mobility The cafeteria carwillhave anewbaradapted - April 2014,sinceApril when,until completing thetests on10 and builtby Talgo, beganitsmovements separately on3 ing from boththewheelsetsandbodies. The Avril train, developed platform pre-series Vía Libre •December 2016 - 9

Variable gauge ● 330 km /h ● 521 seats ● 25, 3 and 1.5 kV ● 200 m ● 8,000 kW ● 320.3 t VariableVariable gaugegauge ●● 330330 kmkm /h/h ●● 521521 seatsseats ●● 25,25, 33 andand 1.51.5 kVkV ●● 200200 mm ●● 8,0008,000 kWkW ●● 320.3320.3 tt Report -Newhigh-speedtrain Report 10 cia andAlbacete- high-speedlines. -,on theMadrid-, Madrid-Valen ing to the Technical Specification Interoperabilityfor justment andvalidation, accord aswell ascertification numerous track testsMay 2016,ithasperformed for ad

transmitted to thepassengerthat results ingreater inrunning. comfort tenance costs dueto thelower numberofaxlesinthecomposition. Andof the vibrations inaddition,areduction The guidedwheelprovides additionalweight andconsiderable reduction savings interms ofwheelwear main of theflangeandincreasing theirusefullife. wheel ontherail, to improve steering andreduce thelateral slipofthewheelsonrail, avoiding thefriction anddefine thepositionof intoAn independent active thecurve wheelguidance system theentry willdetect withthemaximumlevel ofcomfort. km/h elling that, inweight witha30%reduction andanimprovement inits dynamiccharacteristics, could reach 380 The Avril isequippedwithanewgeneration of , wheelsetsandsuspensionsystems lev withelectronic ing axlesare fitted units, ontwo car. bogies onthetraction andtheseunitsguidethenext The Avril train, with the independent guided wheel is technologya fully articulated of the Talgo trains. The driv Vía Libre •December •2016  During moreDuring thantwo years oftesting ithasrun Articulated and active steering andactive Articulated . - - - per row inthetourist class, whichsignificantly The Avril allow five cars, seats wideandshort, increases the capacity without impairing the increases withoutimpairing thecapacity level ofcomfort. - - - In 2016 Talgo Avril completed its certification tests according to the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI 2008).

In the first stage the train design was assessed, During this certification period 102 train features subsequently proceeding to static tests and checks be- required in the Technical Specification for Interoper- fore going out on the main line for dynamic tests. The ability relating to the rolling stock sub-system on the first main line test was on 15 August 2014 and the train trans-European high-speed rail system, of 21 February reached 140 km/h. 2008, were assessed.

Vía Libre • December 2016 11 Variable gauge ● 330 km /h 521 seats 25, 3 and 1.5 kV 200 m 8,000 kW 320.3 t Variable

VariableVariable gaugegauge ●● 330330 kmkm /h/h ●● 521521 seatsseats ●● 25,25, 33 andand 1.51.5 kVkV ●● 200200 mm ●● 8,0008,000 kWkW ●● 320.3320.3 tt Report -Newhigh-speedtrain Report 12 sure variation intunnels, andthedynamicbehaviour aerodynamic conditions ofthetrain outsideandpres and thepower were factor alsotested, aswell asthe ti-slip system). conditions, withlow aswell adhesion (an asbraking tare weight, loaded and in degraded tests:teraction catenary, with braking toprior thedynamicpantograph in andlighting,mum radius curves tests formed ondrag andtowing, onmini and fire and detection resistance. and airconditioning inthedriver’s cab noise, heating andstart-up stationary brake onmaximumuphillsections, per axle, static brake protocol, parking outto checkgauge,carried static load body. the NOBOCertification the train, andlater inthepresence of validate thedifferent subsystems of outwerecarried internal to adjustand Tests 

only connected toonly connected theexisting conventional network. them to standard track-gauge inorder high-speedtrains reaching to gettruevery destinations whichare still Avril would therefore to installathirdorto track-gauge sections, render convert rail unnecessary onIberian until thedestination station. ward ofhigh-speed, theeffectsof thearrival since theydonotrequire thestandard gaugelineto befinished addition,theexistenceIn ofvariablegaugetrains runningat overwillmakeitpossibleto for bring 300km/h beforehigh-speed network, completing ontheconventional thetrip network. lines (1,435 mm) are spreading and this will allow travel time to be reduced on increasingly long journeys on the Avril trains equippedwithvariable gaugewheelsetswillbewell-suited for anscenario inwhichstandard gauge to different butlimited by designed trac-gauges to amaximum speedof250km/h. 730, 120and121,mostofthemmarketed underthecommercial brand andcapableto adapttheirwheels generationThe in2003andincludedRenfe ofvariabletrack-gauge next trains Class130, was purchased starting andwhichtook minutes aboutfifteen to changegauge.km/h, Until 2000, Renfe variable track-gauge fleetwas trains composed capable of running at only bu loco-hauled 200 trains capablealsoto runonconventional lines. were successfully tested at aspeedof350km/h. This feature to isexpected give high-speed Renfe afleetofvery train on the AvrilThe pre-series platform was fitted with variable gauge wheelsets with variable track-gauge benefits ofanAVE. were successfully whichwould tested meanhaving at 350km/h, variablegaugetrains withallthefeatures and itshomologation testsDuring that were completed thisyear, theAvril’s wheelsetswith variablegaugesystem Vía Libre •December •2016

At low speed, tests were per this way,In static tests were The firstofthenumerous tests Traction features, electromagnetic interference Variable gaugeat 330km/h - - - - - celona line. ontheMadrid-Bar imum sustainedspeedof363 km/h track and37ontest track at LaSagra, reaching amax degraded conditions at 330km/h. with bothtare weight andin andloadedat 363km/h In total,In 181runswere outonmainline carried - - - The distance between the armrests, the space available for the knees, the width of the aisle and the rest of the dimensions which affect passenger comfort in Avril do not differ from those featured on other very high-speed trains manufactured by Talgo.

The Avril has covered more than 76,000 kilo- metres, most of them at speeds equal to or greater than 300 km/h, it has performed 890 measurement test runs and more than 320 brake applications, using the differ- ent types of brake it is equipped with - service, auxiliary, urgency, emergency, and in degraded conditions. The train has travelled in both normal condi- tions and forced degraded conditions, including air suspension failure, damper failure, partial failure of brake system, etc.

Information prepared by Ángel Rodríguez

Vía Libre • December 2016 13 Variable gauge ● 330 km /h 521 seats 25, 3 and 1.5 kV 200 m 8,000 kW 320.3 t Variable

Report - New high-speed train

14 Vía Libre • December 2016 Variable gauge ● 330 km /h 521 seats 25, 3 and 1.5 kV 200 m 8,000 kW 320.3 t Variable