TEXAS DEt:·ARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLASSl~"iCATION AND RECORDS DIVISION DIHECTOR'S REVIEW COMMITtt:E ATTN: File Copy DATE: January 2, 2019- December 31, 2019 FROM: Director's Review Committee SUBJ: DRC Decisions For the months beginning January 2, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 matter denied in publications by the MSCP and/or matter denied in books by the Unit Mailrooms that was appealed to the DRC has been reviewed by the DRC with results as follows: --JANUARY 2, 2019- COMPLETE BOOK OF SHAOLIN by Wong Kit, Cosmos Books, 2002, ISBN 9789834087918, P, PAGES 89- 96 (OFF/DEF FIGHT TECH) GANTZ: G 2 by Hiroya Oku, Dark Horse Manga, 2015, ISBN 9781506707785, P, PAGE 192 (SEI) \:. HELL'S ANGELS -A STRANGE AND TERRIBLE SAGA by Hunter Thompson, Ballantine Books, 1965, ISBN 9780345410085, P, **APPROVED** KNOT KNOW-HOW by Steve Judkins, Fernhurst Books, 2013, ISBN 9781898660989, H, **APPROVED** MASTER OF THE GAME by Sidney Sheldon, William Morrow & Co, 1982, ISBN 978009262511, H, PAGE 330 (IND CHL); PAGE 336 (RAPE) NOMA GUIDE TO FERMENTATION, TH~ by Rene Redzepi, Artisan, 2018, ISBN 1579657184, H, PAGES 173- 184, 187-188, 191, 195-199 (MFG ALC). SERIAL KILLER FILES, THE by Harold Schechter, Ballantine Books, 2003, ISBN 9780345465665, P, PAGES 238, 239, 250, & 252 (IND CHL) SPECTRUM 25 by John Fleckes, Flesk Publications, 2018, ISBN 9781640410077, H, PAGES 80, 88, 148, & 256 (SEI) '•· U.S. ARMY HAND TO HAND COMBAT by Depart of the Army, Skyhorse, 2009, ISBN 9781602397828, P, PAGES 18-21 (OFF/DEF FIGHT TECH)' WAITING ON THE OUTSIDE by Shar:in
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