Agricultural - Description of Courses

462. Agricultural and Rural 376. Food 493. Power and Control Hydraulics Development in Developing Spring. 3(2-2) A E 352, C E 321. Winter. 4(3-2) CPS 112, C E 321. Nations Analysis of unit processes involved in handling, Properties of hydraulic fluids; performance Fall. 3(3-0) PAM 201 or EC 201; PAM processing, and distribution of liquid and solid parameters of fixed and variable displacement 260 recommended. Interdepartmental with biological materials. Flow of liquids, heating pumps and motors; characteristics of control and Natural Remurces, and Food and cooling, freezing, concentration, dehydra­ valves and components; analysis and design of Systems Economics and Management. Adminis­ tion, and separation. hydraulic systems. tered by Food Systems Economics and Manage­ ment. 394. Systems of Agricultural Machines Traditional agricultural systems and the incen­ 494. Food Process Engineering Fall. 4(3-2) MMM 211. tive environment for economic growth in rural Fall. 3(3-0) C E 321, A E 376. areas. Adjustment to technological, institutional Functional requirement~ and operational char­ and human change. Strategies for rapid agricul­ acteristic!> of agricultural machines. ­ Design of fluid handling equipment, mixers, and tural transformation. ing principles of machines dealing with soil and freezing systems for food. plant materials. Aspect~ of agricultural machin­ 480. Independent and Superoised Study ery management and economics. 495. Fundamentals of Design Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 9 Fall. 3(3-0) Senior majors or approval credits. May reenroll for a maximum of 9credits. 410. Professional Ethic$ and of department. Responsibilities Approval of department. Problem identification, working media, models, Spring. 1(2-0) Senior majors. procedures, and developing specifications. 490. Supervised Field Experience Personal and professional ethics and social Selection of individual design problems for A E Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 3 to 9 responsibilities will be addressed as related to the 496. credits. May reenroll for a maximum of 9 credits. of engineering and engineering tech­ nology. PAM Juniors, approval of department. 496. Design Project Laboratory Supervised field work in federal, state, or local government or organizations dealing with gov­ 46 I. Design of Agricultural Structures Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 ernment. Fall. 4(4-0) MMM 211, MMM 215. credits. May reenroll fora maximum of4 credits. A E 495. The analysis of structural systems and the design of components and connections. Examples Individual or team pursuit of the design project selected from agricultural machinery and build­ selected in A E 495. Activities include informa­ ings. tion expansion, developing alternatives, evalua­ tion and selection, and concluding project. 474. Processing Biological Products Spring. 3(3-0) A E 352, M E 311 or 809. Finite Element AJethod GEM 361. Fall, Winter, Spring. 4(4-0/ Approval Engineering principles of unsteady-state heat of department. Interdepartmenta with the AGRICULTURAL transfer, heat exehangers, drying, storage and departments of , Mechanics, and refrigeration a~ applied to the processing of bio­ ; and . ENGINEERING AE logical products. Administered by the Department of Metallurgy, Mechanics, and Materials Science. 480. Special Problems Theory and application of the finite element College of Agriculture and Natural method to the solution of continuum type prob­ Resources Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 5 lems in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and stress credits. May reenroll fora maximum of 5 credits. College of Engineering Approval of department. analysis. Individual student and study in: agri­ 152. Introduction to Agricultural cultural machines and tractors, waste manage­ 812. Bio-Processing Engineering Engineering ment, food processing, structures and environment, materials processing and han­ Winter. 3(3-0) Approval of depart­ Winter. 1(1-0) Interdepartmental with ment. Agricultural Engineering Technology. dling, water management, meteorology and cli­ matology, agricultural systems analysis. Topics will be presented pertaining to thermo­ An introduction to the agricultural dynamics, heat and mass transfer, thermal proc­ engineering with an examination of essing, fluid flow, dehydration and freeze drying existing problems. 481. Soil and Water Conservation of biological products or biological processes. Engineering 352. Heat and Mass Transfer in Winter. 4(5-0) C E 321, A E 353. Biological Processing Engineering analysis, design and construction of 814. Physical Properties of Agricultural Winter.4(4-0)CEM361orM E311or , and erosion control systems. Products ClfE 311. Winter. 3(3-0) Approval of depart­ Basic scientific principles and engineering the­ 482. Irrigation De.

A-13 Description- Agricultural Engineering of Courses

840. Advanced Power and Machinery 245. Agricultural and Automotive 4 26. Production and Storage Systems Winter of even-numbered years. 3(2-2) Engine.~ (AET 416.) Winter. 4(4-0) AET 311, A E394,A £492. (AET 243, AET 244.) Fall. 3(2-2) BCM312. Analysis of agricultural machine components Construction, maintenance and operating prin­ Layout of buildings and material handling sys­ and systems. Emphasis on hydraulic power ciples of gasoline and diesel engines used in agri­ tems; interior environment and its control; transmission, controls, and management of cultural and automotive applications. Ignitions, requirements for production and crop machinery systems. fuels, lubricants, emission controls, and per­ storage. formance. Laboratory experiences in engine maintenance procedures. · 431. Irrigation, Drainage and Erosion 850. Dimensional Analysis and Control Systems Similitude Modelling 258. Technical Skills Spring. 4(3-2) CSS 210 or approval of Spring of odd-numbered years. 3(2-2) Fall, Winter, Spring. 1 to 7 credits. department. Approval of department. May reenroll for a maximum of 10 credits. Usc of surveying, design, construction and cost Use of dimensional analysis to develop general Majors or approval of department. estimates of drainage irrigation and water con­ prediction equations of physical systems. Model Selection, operation, and maintenance of physi­ trol systems. theory, distorted models, and analogies. Appli­ cal components of electrical, mechanical, envi­ cation to the problems in agricultural engineer­ ronmental and water management systems in 436. Microclimatology ing. agriculture and natural resources industries, including system design and component installa­ Winterofecen-numbered years. 3(3-0) tion. MTH 109or MTH 111. Interdepartmental with 880. Special Problems the Department of Geography. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 Physical environment in the lower few hundred credits. May reenroll fora maximum of9credits. 265. Ilydraulic Power Systems meters of the atmosphere and within the bio­ Approval of department. Winter. 3(2-2) sphere. Individual student research and study in: agri­ Hydraulic power in mobile equipment. Opera­ cultural machines and tractors, waste manage­ tion and characteristics of system components 440. Agricultural Tractor and ment, food processing, structures and and circuits. Laboratory includes component Machinery Systems disassembly, system diagnosis and testing, and environment, materials processing and han­ (AET443.) Fall. 4(4-0)AET 340; AET dling, water management, meteorology and cli­ patch-board work. matology, agricultural systems analysis. 311 or approval of department. Management and analysis of agricultural tractor 311. Management Principle.~ for and machinery systems. Tractor - implement 890. Advanced Topics in Agricultural Physical Systems matching. Economics of operation and owner­ Engineering Fall. 3(3-0) CPS 115 or CPS 112; MTH ship. Interaction with weather conditions, ­ Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 111 or MTH 109. ing types and techniques, , labor credits. May reenroll for a maximum of 12 cred­ Quantitative methods a_pplicable to manage­ and energy. its if different topics are taken. Approval of ment of agricultural and constmction systems; department. linear programming, PERT, queueing, decision 480. Special Problems theory and simulation. New developments in agricultural engineering. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 5 Topics will be chosen from advanced finite ele­ credits. May reenroll fora maximum of 5 credits. ment methods, water management, post-har­ Approval of department. vest processing, animal housing, automation 312. Structural Design Individual student research and study in: agri­ and , scale-up method~ in food engineer­ Winter. 4(5-0) PHY 237, BCM 215 or ing machinery systems. approval of department. Interdepartmental cultural machines and tractors, waste manage­ with and admini~tered by Building Construction ment, food processing, structures and Management. environment, materials processing and han­ dling, water management, meteorology and cli­ 899. Master'.~ Thesis Research Concepts of structural mechanics, material matology, agricultural systems analysis. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. Varia­ strengths and section properties are developed ble credit. Approval of department. and applied to design using wood, steel and con- crete. · 490. Special Topics in Agricultural Engineering Technology 999. Doctoral Dissertation Research 329. Unit Operation and Food Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. Varia­ Processing I credits. May reenroll for a maximum of 8 credits ble credit. Approval of department. if different topics are taken. Approval of depart­ Fall. 4(3-2) PHY 237, MTH 109. Inter­ ment. departmental with Food Science. Topics such as computer access to technology; Agricultural Engineering Engineering concepts related to the unit opera­ technology in natural resource management; Technology AET tions found in the food industry. Fluid mechan­ entrepreneurship; technology in agricultural ics, heat transfer and rate processes including management. psychrometries and refrigeration. 152. Introduction to Agricultural 804, Agricultural Mechanization in Engineering 340. Principles of Agricultural Tractors Developing Countrie.<; Winter. 1(1-0) Interdepartmental with and Machinery Fall of odd-numbered years. 3(3-0) and administered by the Department of Agricul­ Approval of department. tural Engineering. (AET 323.) Spring. 4(3-2) MTH 109 or Appropriate agricultural mechanization with An introduction to the agricultural MT/1 Ill; CPS 115. Principles, analysis, performance, and operat­ emphasis on hand, animal, and profession with an examination of equipment for the smaller . Machine selec­ existing problems. ing characteristics of agricultural tractors and machinery for tillage, planting, cultivating, and tion, local manufacturing, public and private harvesting field crops. costs, ownership patterns; increasing production 201. TechnicalAgriculturalMechanics and decreasing post production losses. Skills (A E 402.) Fall. 3(2-3) Major or minor 4 I 5. Agricultural and l\latural 806. Analysis of Agricultural System.<; in vocational agriculture or major or minor in Resources Safety Winter. 3(3-0) AET 440. and Natural Resources Education Winter. 3(3-0) Juniors. Identification and definition of systems prob­ or approval of department. Principles of safety problem solving. Accident lems in agriculture. Model formulation and esti­ Ba~ic principles, applications, techniques, tools, causation and prevention; laws and regulations; mation. Several models of current interest are materials, and resources in agricultural mechan­ machinery, electrical, chemical, livestock, shop considered. ics skills. and fire safety; security; and safety program development. 807. Human Factors Engineering 202. Agricultural Metalworking Fall of even-numbered years. 3(3-0) Spring. 3(2-2) 4 21. Electrical Energy Utilization Approval of department. Principles, skills and safety for welding, solder­ Spring. 4(3-2) PHY 238 or approval of Analysis of machine design, operation and work­ ing, brazing, cutting, bench work, metallurgy, department. ing environment in relation to human limita­ fastening and shop tools. Maintenance Efficient utilization of electrical energy; selec­ tions and capabilities, analysis of procedures metalworking for farm and agribusiness shops tion, operation and control of electrical equip­ used to develop maximum compatibility will be emphasized. ment. Design of electrical system.~. between people and machine.

A-14 Agriculture and Natural Resources - Description of Courses

808. Environmental Measurements 301. Energy Conservation Systems for 820. Research Methods Spring of odd-numbered years. 4(3-3) Buildings (B C 820.) Fall. 1(1-0) Approval of MTH 109 or MTH 111, STT 422; or approval of (B C 301.) Winter. 3(3-0) BCM 215, department. Interdepartmental with and department. interdepartmental with the MTH 109 or MTH 111 or approval of depart­ administered by Agricultural Engineering Tech­ Department of Geography. ment. nology. Method~ and techniques for accurate measure­ Solar energy, earth sheltered and energy conser­ Procedures for initiating, developing, carrying ment and interpretation of environmental vation systems for buildings will be analyzed for out and completing research projects. parameters. Temperature, humidity, wind and operation, optimum size, construction, per­ air flow characteristics, radiation, light inten­ formance, climate, cost effectiveness and human 880. Special Problems sity, gaseous and particulate concentrations in comfort for northern climates. atmospheric microclimates will be discussed. (B C 880.) Fall, Winter, Spring, Sum­ mer. 1 to 4 credits. May reenroll for a maximum 312. Structural Design of 6 credits. Approval of department. 820. Research Methods (B C 312.) Winter. 4(5-0) PHY 237, Individual student research and study in land Fall. 1(1-0) Approval of department. BCM 215 or approval of department. Interde­ acquisition and development, design, construc­ Interdepartmental with Building Construction partmental with Agricultural Engineering tion, management, finance, marketing, and Management. Technology. structural analysis. Procedures for initiating, developing, carrying Concepts of structural mechanics, material out and completing research projects. strengths and section properties are developed 890. Advanced Topics and applied to design using wood, steel and con­ Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 822. Seminar crete. credits. May reenroll for a maximum of 12 cred­ Spring. 1(1-0) Approval of depart- its if different topics are taken. Approval of ment. department. 313. Constroction Systems Topics will be selected from: computer methods 880. Special Problems (B C 413.) Spring. 4(3-2) BCM 200, in construction management, advanced con­ BCM 215, CPS 115. struction management, optimization tech­ Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 Primary construction systems employed in the niques, solar energy buildings, advanced credits. May reenroll for a maximum of 6 credit.~. Approval of department. residential and light commercial construction estimating, numerical structural analysis, new industry. Interrelationships between planning, construction techniques and materials. Individual study or research on selected topics. processes, costs and management. 899. Master's Thesis Research 890. Advanced Topics in Agricultural 412. Utilities Design (B C 899.} Fall, Winter, Spring, Sum­ Engineering Technology mer. Variable credit. Approval of department. Fall, Winter, Spring. 3(3-0) May (B C 412.) Fall. 4(4-0) PHY 238, BCM reenroll for a maximum of 12 credits if different 215 or approval of department. topics are taken. Approval of department. Design and planning for mechanical and electri­ New developments in agricultural engineering cal utilities in residential and light commercial technology. construction.

899. Master's Thesis Research 415. Building Materials Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. Varia­ (B C 415.) Spring. 4(4-0) BCM 312 or ble credit. Approval of department. approval of department. AGRJUL TURAL Properties of building materials pertinent to ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 999. Doctoral Dissertation Research their application and performance in service. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. Varia­ ble credit. Approval of department. See Agricultural Engineering. 416. Building Costs (B C 416.) Winter. 4(2-4) BCM 312 or concurrently. Building Construction Management BCM Methods of cost estimating. Effects of codes and production practices on cost~. 200. American Ilousing and Building Industry 417. Construction Management AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL (B C 200.) Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) Finance Residential and light commercial construction (B C 417.) W;ntcr. 4(4-0) RESOURCES ANR industry in America. Impacts of government, Financing methods for the construction, reha­ finance, zoning ordinances, codes, asthetics, bilitation, and purcha..e of real estate. construction technology, demographics, energy College of Agriculture and Natural and society. Resources 418. Special Problems 220. Plants and Their Environment 215. Architectural Drafting I (B C 418.) Fall, Winter, Spring, Sum­ mer. 1 to 4 credits. May reenroll for a maximum Winter. 3{3-0) Interdepartmental with (B C 215.) Fall, Summer. 4(2-4) of 11 credits. Written approval of department. and administered by the Department of For­ Residential design including site plans, floor Special problems in the areas of acquisition and estry. plans, foundation plans, elevations, sections and development of residential land, design, con­ Relationships between plants and fundamental details. struction technology, building materials, climatic, edaphic, and biotic factors; structure finance, marketing, construction management and function of different ecosystems in relation and land use codes and regulations. to environmental factors. 216. Architectural Drafting II (B C 216.) Wtntcr. 4(2-4) BCM 215. 419. Senior Seminar 2 75. Exploring International Light commercial design including site plans, (B C 419.) Fall. 1(1-0) Senior majors. Agriculture floor plans, foundation plans, elevations, sec­ Professional practices, business ethics, market Spring. 3(3-0) tions and details, barrier free accessibility. trends, and structure of the construction indus­ Exploration of overseas assignments with inter­ try. national agencies; potential world food actuali­ ties and potentialities; special problems of the 239. Housing Conservation tropics compared with those in temperate (B C 239.) Fall. 3(3-0) Interdepart­ 420. Construction Management regions. mental with the Department of Human Envi­ (B C 420.) Spring. 4(4-0) Senior ronment and Design. majors. 280. Selected Topics Skills and techniques in conserving, repairing Systems management techniques for building Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 and remodeling existing housing. Structural organizations; development, operations, plan­ credits. May reenroll for a maximum of6 credits components of housing and evaluation of hous­ ning, scheduling and control, and administra­ if different topics are taken. Approval of depart­ ing structure. tive procedures. ment.
