January 20, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 1185 grandmother or his grandfather, but I PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS believe it was his grandmother. His fa- Mr. REED. Mr. President, tomorrow ERIC K. SHINSEKI, OF HAWAII, TO BE SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ther’s parent was in the gallery that the Senate will consider the nomina- day on the first trip, I believe, from Af- EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT tion of HILLARY CLINTON to be Sec- rica to this country to see the son of an PETER R. ORSZAG, OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO BE DIREC- retary of State, with up to 3 hours for TOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. immigrant sworn into the U.S. Senate. debate prior to a vote. Under a pre- So I thought 4 years ago, and I think DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY vious order, the Senate will recess for again today on this day on which we JANET ANN NAPOLITANO, OF ARIZONA, TO BE SEC- the weekly caucus luncheons from 12:45 swear in Barack Obama as President, RETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY. until 2:15 p.m. Senators should expect a what a remarkable country this is. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION rollcall vote on confirmation of the Here in this Senate 4 years ago, the ARNE DUNCAN, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE SECRETARY OF Clinton nomination around 4:30 p.m., if 14th-generation American KEN EDUCATION. all time is used. SALAZAR is now going into President DEPARTMENT OF STATE Following executive session, the Sen- Obama’s Cabinet as Secretary of the HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, OF NEW YORK, TO BE SEC- ate will resume consideration of S.
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