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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt January 20, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 1185 grandmother or his grandfather, but I PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS believe it was his grandmother. His fa- Mr. REED. Mr. President, tomorrow ERIC K. SHINSEKI, OF HAWAII, TO BE SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ther’s parent was in the gallery that the Senate will consider the nomina- day on the first trip, I believe, from Af- EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT tion of HILLARY CLINTON to be Sec- rica to this country to see the son of an PETER R. ORSZAG, OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO BE DIREC- retary of State, with up to 3 hours for TOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. immigrant sworn into the U.S. Senate. debate prior to a vote. Under a pre- So I thought 4 years ago, and I think DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY vious order, the Senate will recess for again today on this day on which we JANET ANN NAPOLITANO, OF ARIZONA, TO BE SEC- the weekly caucus luncheons from 12:45 swear in Barack Obama as President, RETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY. until 2:15 p.m. Senators should expect a what a remarkable country this is. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION rollcall vote on confirmation of the Here in this Senate 4 years ago, the ARNE DUNCAN, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE SECRETARY OF Clinton nomination around 4:30 p.m., if 14th-generation American KEN EDUCATION. all time is used. SALAZAR is now going into President DEPARTMENT OF STATE Following executive session, the Sen- Obama’s Cabinet as Secretary of the HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, OF NEW YORK, TO BE SEC- ate will resume consideration of S. 181, RETARY OF STATE. Interior. MEL MARTINEZ, having had a the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Addi- SUSAN E. RICE, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE long career in public life as mayor in REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Orlando, as Secretary of Housing and tional rollcall votes are possible TO THE SESSIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE throughout the afternoon in relation to UNITED NATIONS DURING HER TENURE OF SERVICE AS Urban Development, as U.S. Senator, is REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA going on to other things in his life. the Lilly Ledbetter bill. TO THE UNITED NATIONS. Former Senator Obama, of course, is f DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY now the President of the United States. STEVEN CHU, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE SECRETARY OF But what was remarkable to me was 4 ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TOMORROW ENERGY. years ago they came to this Senate, Mr. REED. If there is no further busi- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE and in that gallery were their par- ness to come before the Senate, I ask JANE LUBCHENCO, OF OREGON, TO BE UNDER SEC- RETARY OF COMMERCE FOR OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE, ents—and in one case a grandparent— unanimous consent it adjourn under VICE CONRAD LAUTENBACHER, JR., RESIGNED. reaffirming what I think Barack the previous order. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL Obama’s inauguration represents for us There being no objection, the Senate, INTELLIGENCE today. It was historic in the sense that at 3:58 p.m., adjourned until Wednes- DENNIS CUTLER BLAIR, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE DI- it helped us symbolize the overcoming day, January 21, 2009, at 12 noon. RECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, VICE J. MICHAEL MCCONNELL, RESIGNED. of one of our most intractable prob- f lems, the problem of race. But just as EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT important, it symbolized once again NOMINATIONS ROBERT L. NABORS II, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE DEPUTY the characteristic that makes this DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDG- Executive nominations received by ET, VICE STEPHEN S. MCMILLIN, RESIGNED. country more remarkable than any the Senate: CECILIA ELENA ROUSE, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE A MEM- other country, the idea that anything BER OF THE COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS, VICE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DONALD B. MARRON, RESIGNED. is possible. THOMAS ANDREW DASCHLE, OF SOUTH DAKOTA, TO BE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION People in other parts of the world SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. look at the United States, and they MARY L. SCHAPIRO, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TO BE A MEMBER OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE don’t always approve of us, but they COMMISSION FOR A TERM EXPIRING JUNE 5, 2014, VICE KENNETH LEE SALAZAR, OF COLORADO, TO BE SEC- CHRISTOPHER COX, RESIGNED. know one thing is different about us: RETARY OF THE INTERIOR. DEPARTMENT OF STATE that we are not a country based on DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY blood or race or the color of our skin or JAMES BRAIDY STEINBERG, OF TEXAS, TO BE DEPUTY TIMOTHY F. GEITHNER, OF NEW YORK, TO BE SEC- SECRETARY OF STATE, VICE JOHN D. NEGROPONTE. where our grandparents came from; RETARY OF THE TREASURY. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT that we are based upon our common be- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE lief in a few ideas, most of which are NANCY HELEN SUTLEY, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE A MEM- ERIC H. HOLDER, JR., OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, BER OF THE COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TO BE ATTORNEY GENERAL. incorporated in two founding docu- VICE JAMES LAURENCE CONNAUGHTON. ments, the Declaration of Independ- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ence and the Constitution. But one of LISA PEREZ JACKSON, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE ADMIN- DANIEL K. TARULLO, OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO BE A ISTRATOR OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGEN- those ideas is just in our character, and MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FED- CY. that is this irrational, fervent belief ERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FOR A TERM OF FOURTEEN EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT YEARS FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2008, VICE RANDALL S. that in this country, anything is pos- KROSZNER, TERM EXPIRED. sible. Senator MARTINEZ, Senator RONALD KIRK, OF TEXAS, TO BE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE, WITH THE RANK OF AMBAS- DEPARTMENT OF STATE SALAZAR, and former Senator Barack SADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY. JACOB J. LEW, OF NEW YORK, TO BE DEPUTY SEC- Obama all represent that beautifully, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RETARY OF STATE FOR MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCES. and that makes this a very special day. (NEW POSITION) RAY LAHOOD, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE SECRETARY OF I thank the President, I yield the TRANSPORTATION. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE floor. DEPARTMENT OF STATE JEH CHARLES JOHNSON, OF NEW YORK, TO BE GEN- f ERAL COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, VICE SUSAN E. RICE, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE WILLIAM J. HAYNES II, RESIGNED. THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, AMERICA TO THE UNITED NATIONS, WITH THE RANK AND EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT STATUS OF AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENI- JANUARY 21, 2009 JOHN P. HOLDREN, OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO BE DIREC- POTENTIARY, AND THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TOR OF THE OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POL- Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask unan- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL ICY, VICE JOHN H. MARBURGER, III. imous consent that when the Senate OF THE UNITED NATIONS. completes its business today, it stand EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE in adjournment until 12 noon tomor- CHRISTINA DUCKWORTH ROMER, OF CALIFORNIA, TO ROBERT F. HALE, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE UNDER SEC- BE A MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS, RETARY OF DEFENSE (COMPTROLLER), VICE TINA row, Wednesday, January 21; that fol- VICE EDWARD P. LAZEAR. WESTBY JONAS, RESIGNED. lowing the prayer and pledge, the Jour- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT nal of proceedings be approved to date, HILDA L. SOLIS, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE SECRETARY OF AUSTAN DEAN GOOLSBEE, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE A MEM- the morning hour be deemed expired, LABOR. BER OF THE COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS, VICE KATHERINE BAICKER, RESIGNED. the time for the two leaders be re- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION served for their use later in the day, DEVELOPMENT and the Senate proceed to executive GARY GENSLER, OF MARYLAND, TO BE CHAIRMAN OF SHAUN L. S. DONOVAN, OF NEW YORK, TO BE SEC- THE COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION, VICE session as under the previous order. RETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. REUBEN JEFFERY III, RESIGNED. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NEL- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GARY GENSLER, OF MARYLAND, TO BE A COMMIS- SON SIONER OF THE COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMIS- of Nebraska). Without objection, it THOMAS J. VILSACK, OF IOWA, TO BE SECRETARY OF SION FOR A TERM EXPIRING APRIL 13, 2012, VICE RUEBEN is so ordered. AGRICULTURE. JEFFERY III, RESIGNED. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:24 Apr 28, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 9801 E:\BR09\S20JA9.000 S20JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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