Alexander Meets an Indian King
Alexander Meets an Indian King In his campaigns in India, Alexander fought a number Alexander, informed of his approach, rode out to of difficult battles. At the Battle of the Hydaspes River, meet him. ...When they met, he reined in his horse and he faced a strong opponent in the Indian king Porus. looked at his adversary with admiration: he was a mag- After defeating Porus, Alexander treated him with respect, nificent figure of a man, over seven feet high and of according to Arrian, Alexander’s ancient biographer. great personal beauty; his bearing had lost none of its pride; his air was of one brave man meeting another, of a king in the presence of a king, with whom he had Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander fought honorably for his kingdom. Throughout the action Porus had proved himself a man Alexander was the first to speak. ‘‘What,’’ he said, indeed, not only as a commander but as a soldier of the ‘‘do you wish that I should do with you?’’ ‘‘Treat me as truest courage. When he saw his cavalry cut to pieces, a king ought,’’ Porus is said to have replied. ‘‘For my most of his infantry dead, and his elephants killed or part,’’ said Alexander, pleased by his answer, ‘‘your re- roaming riderless and bewildered about the field, his be- quest shall be granted. But is there not something you havior was very different from that of the Persian King would wish for yourself? Ask it.’’ ‘‘Everything,’’ said Darius: unlike Darius, he did not lead the scramble to Porus, ‘‘is contained in this one request.’’ save his own skin, but so long as a single unit of his The dignity of these words gave Alexander even more men held together, he fought bravely on.
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