QF Cuban Exiles Report Invaders In
•«-’> . -f . * » S,- -iV '- \. \ TUESDAY, APRIL 18, l9«l Average Daily Ne^ Press Run The Weather p a g e tW E N T Y For the Week Ended Forecast ot V, 8. Weather BurMQ UlanrljfHtpr lEufttittg H^ralb March n , 1D61 ^ Partly cloudy, Uttlo ehaaga tai 13,317 temporature tonight. Low In Me. St. Mary's Episcopal Guild willi Deme Starts ■y;ij meet in the Guild Room at the| Member ot the Audit niiiraday generaUy fair and About Town rhurch Thursday at 11 a.m. Mem-j Borean ot drealation warmer. High 5S to 60. hers are to bring .sandwiches, and To Construct 4 Manchester— A City of Village Charm MaachMter Lodge of Masons dessert will be funiished by Mrs. [RTERinC wlU b* host to memt^ra of John ; Gertrude Cannon, Mrs. Edith Mather Chapter, Order of DeMo-1 W’ickham and Mrs. Allan Hotch-; FM Station VOL. LXXX, NO. 169 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1961 (ClaMltled Adrertletaf on Page 22) PRICE FIVE CENTS lay^ tonight. The DeMolay degree j kiss. Have You An Evehi Scheduled wt>rk m-lU start at 7:30. with Mas Construction on FM broadcast ter Councilor John Krause presid- i Three exchange students at the tag. There will be a social hour and ■Cniversity of Hartford and Dr. ing facllittes In Bolton by radio That Calls For Food? " Pascal Poe. dean of the graduate refreahments. station W'INF will proceed im It may be a weddingi, a banquet or just an informal school, will present a program.
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