, Great Ribston with Walshford & Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday May 14th 2018 at 7.00pm in Hunsingore Village Hall.

Attendance Mr Lyndall (in the Chair), Mrs Dent, Mr Underwood, Mr Bramley, Mrs Margiotta, Mr Twaites Mr Margiotta, Mrs Dempsey, Mrs Bramley, Mrs Backhouse, Mr Waller, Mr Margiotta

Apologies Mr Powell

Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on May 13th 2017 had been circulated, placed on the noticeboards and the HBC website. There were no matters arising.

Approval and signing of the minutes It was proposed by Mr Underwood and seconded by Mrs Dent that they were a true record and all were in agreement. Mr Lyndall signed the minutes.

Parish Council report Mr Lyndall presented his report. He said it had a very demanding year for the PC with items which could have been concluded still ongoing. He felt that support from NYCC Highways over the change of road junction and speed limit in Hunsingore has been lacking. He thanked the Clerk for her work especially with the new regulations coming into force. He thanked the Councillors on behalf of the community for their valued work, help and support over the past year. Thanks were expressed to everyone who contributes in a variety of ways to the benefit of the community, from the village hall management and those who provide all the essential backing to those who support and make the village events possible and help everyone in an assortment of ways and tasks including delivering newspapers, grass cutting and littler picking. He concluded by hoping that all outstanding matters will be dealt with as well as anything else that is necessary.

Village hall report Mr Twaites presented the current statement of accounts for the village hall and went through the balance sheet. He said the Mr Wilkinson who had been mowing the grass had retired and he thanked him for his efforts over the past few years. Mr Twaites has taken over cutting the grass and is buying a battery powered mower. He thanked the ladies who had cooked for the functions in the village hall, Mr Powell for all that he has done, the PC for the precept which is much appreciated and provides a buffer in case of emergencies. He also thanked the residents and friends who had supported the functions. the next live entertainment is a play “Amy Johnson” on 25th May. There will be “Picnic in the pews” on 4th August. Bring your own food and drink. Mr Lyndall thanked Mr Twaites for all his work on behalf of the village hall.

Public question time Mrs Dempsey asked about the pavement outside The Corner House , Cattal which was damaged by a lorry earlier in the year. HBC/NYCC are aware of the problem. Mrs Bramley will chase it up.

She then asked if anything could be done about the state of the phone box in Cattal. Mr Bramley updated her with the situation regarding the box. Mr Waller gave information regarding the purchase of the box in Cowthorpe and the large costs which had been incurred. Mrs Bramley will contact BT.

Mrs Dempsey asked if the PC knew why Flaxby Park had not lodged an appeal - no. There then followed a discussion regarding the Maltkiln and Oakgate proposals. There is no date as yet for the date of the public enquiry. She asked how long the signs would stay up - nothing definite

Mrs Margiotta asked if anything more had been heard the A1 noise - no. Mrs Bramley will contact Highways and also ask if Cllr Paraskos has heard anything about it.

Mrs Dempsey said she had heard the the Air Ambulance may be stationed near the area - no they have gone to Thirsk.

Mr Twaites thanked those who had shown interest in the villages by picking litter, keeping areas tidy etc.

Mr Waller commended the parish on having an almost full PC.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 19.50pm.