x31 FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT ISSUANCE DATE: APRIL 1,20442014 CINNABON, INC. A Washington corporation 200 Glenridge Point Parkway, Suite 200, Atlanta, Georgia 30342 (404) 255-3250
[email protected] www.cinnabon.com ©20432014 Cinnabon, Inc. All rights reserved. Cinnabon Franchise Disclosure Document o*i.Qi.aoi3v204.01.2014 CINNABON, INC. A Washington corporation 200 Glenridge Point Parkway, Suite 200 Atlanta, Georgia 30342 (404) 255-3250
[email protected] CINNABON www.cinnabon.com FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT You will operate a Cinnabon® retail bakery. Cinnabon® bakeries are retail stores that sell fresh baked cinnamon rolls and related products. The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Cinnabon® Full Bakery franchise ranges from $142,3331&&D50 to $365,7003&L5Qfl. This total investment estimate for a Full Bakery includes a $30,000 initial franchise fee that must be paid to us. The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Cinnabon® Full Bakory with a Carvel®-Express franohiso inside itBakeiy ranges from $210,000 to $427,500. This total investment estimate for a Full Bakory includes a $30,000 initial franohiso foo that must be paid to us and a $7,500 initial franohiso foo that must ho piid to r.nrva\ Corporation in nnnnftfition with the Cnrvftl® Express franchise34.700 to $92,050. The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Cinnabon® Express Bakery ranges from $36,126 to $94,170. The total invostmont necessary to begin operation of a Cinnabon® Exprocs Bakory located in a new Schlotzsky's® Restaurant ranges from $24,564 to $34^3434.984. These total investment estimates for Express Bakeries include a $7,500 initial franchise fee that must be paid to us.