Swearing a Cross-Cultural Study in Asian and European Languages
Swearing A cross-cultural study in Asian and European Languages Thesis Submitted to Radboud University Nijmegen For the degree of Master of Arts (M.A) Name: Syahrul Rahman / s4703944 Email: syahrulrahman58@gmail.com Supervisor 1: Dr. Ad Foolen Supervisor 2: Professor Helen de Hoop Master Linguistics Radboud University Nijmegen 2016/2017 0 Acknowledgment In the name of Allah, the beneficent and merciful. All praises be to Allah for His mercy and blessing. He has given me health and strength to complete this master thesis as particular instance of this research. Then, may His peace and blessing be upon to His final prophet and messenger, Muhammad SAW, His family and His best friends. In writing and finishing this thesis, there are many people who have provided their suggestion, motivation, advice and remark that all have helped me to finish this paper. Therefore, I would like to express my big appreciation to all of them. For the first, the greatest thanks to my beloved parents Abd. Rahman and Nuriati and my family who have patiently given their love, moral values, motivation, and even pray for me, in every single prayer just to wish me to be happy, safe and successful, I cannot thank you enough for that. Secondly, I would like to dedicate my special gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Ad Foolen, thanking him for his guidance, assistance, support, friendly talks, and brilliant ideas that all aided in finishing my master thesis. I also wish to dedicate my big thanks to Helen de Hoop, for her kind willingness to be the second reviewer of my thesis.
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