SPECIAL ISSUE: INTERNATIONAL CURATION STANDARDS the archaeol ogica l reco rd SAA MARCH 2009 • V OLUME 9 • N UMBER 2 SOCIETY FOR AMERICAN ARCHAEOLO GY EXPERIENCE THE NEW SAAWEB WWW.SAA.ORG SAAWEB call for Member Photos The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) invites its members to submit their archaeological photos for the homepage of the new SAAweb. SAA hopes to receive a range of submissions reflecting the diversity of experiences worldwide throughout the membership. If you would like to submit an image for consideration on the SAAweb homepage, please contact Meghan Tyler, SAA's Coordinator, Membership and Marketing, at +1-202-789-8200 or
[email protected]. Please be sure your image meets the following specifica - tions: Format: JPEG Resolution: 300 dpi (minimum) Size: 487 pixels (width) x 290 pixels (height) Layout: Horizontal Photos should be submitted along with a caption of 20 words or less on the photo or 50 words or less accompanying the photo. The photographer’s name and written permission from the copyright holder must also be included to be eligible for consideration. Sub - mission of photo(s) does not guarantee placement. the SAAarchaeologicalrecord The Magazine of the Society for American Archaeology Volume 9, No. 2 March 2009 Editor’s Corner 2 Andrew Duff In Brief 3 Tobi Brimsek An Open Letter to the SAA Membership: Ethics 4 The Recent Past: Why I gave Away My American 6 Mark Warner Antiquity : Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between Historical Archaeologists and American Antiquity special issue: international curation standards Edited by Jessica S. Johnson Finds sorted and labeled, ready for International Curation Standards: Sharing Ideas for 8 Jessica S.