INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD ISSN: 2455-0620 Volume - 5, Issue - 11, Nov– 2019 Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.497 Received Date: 13/11/2019 Acceptance Date: 23/11/2019 Publication Date: 30/11/2019 Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy: A Saga of Women’s Bravery, Courage and Mettle through the lenses of Traditional Ethics Sujata Sonthalia Assistant Professor, Department of English DVR & Dr HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, AP Email -
[email protected] Abstract: Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy has given a new dimension to the Indian mythological fiction. He is one of the most popular young voices of Modern Bharat. The fragrance of Indian culture and tradition is preserved in his work. His fiction detains the past, holds the present and prepares the readers to promote the standards of women. He enables the readers to reassess, rethink, reinterpret and revalue the incredible Indian cultural roots. Shiva Trilogy is a celebration of an epic hero ‘Shiva’, the prime deity in Hindu Religion, and his successful journey. Shiva and Sati have been depicted as human beings of flesh and blood who raise themselves up to the level of a god by his deeds. Amish’s artistic mind designs a utopian society called Meluha, established by Hindu God, Lord Ram. Amish assigns an extraordinary status to women in his visualized Ram Rajya. This article appreciates the colourful rainbow shades of feminist approach highlighted by Amish in his mythic fiction Shiva Trilogy; The Immortal of Meluha (2010), The Secret of Nagas (2011) and The Oath of Vayuputras (2013) and in detail it focuses on female traits attributed to the characters as opposed to the Traditional Ethics stated by Alison Jaggar.