Connection Machine CM-5, 1993
Thinking Machines Corporatiw : ........... Connection ............Machine I Thinking Machines Corporation CM-5 Scale 5 Offering high-performance computing beyond the Like all CM-5s, a Scale 5 system uses CMOST reach and below the price of traditional liquid-cooled (Connection Machine Operating System with Time- vector computers, the CM-5 Scale 5 supercomputer sharing), an enhanced version of UNIX, which is supports scientists pursuing Grand Challenge appli- optimized to support parallel computation, communi- cations and data centers needing to provide fast access cation, and 110. CMOSTprovides a complete range of to hundreds of gigabytes of on-line data. functionality, including timesharing, batch processing, Scale 5 systems support a variety of prbcessing-inten- NFS, NQS, and UNIX-style security. CMOSTalso includes sive, file-intensive, and general-purpose applications. the Scalable File System (SFS), which supports the A processing-intensive Scale 5, equipped with new Scalable Disk Array. SuperSPARC processing nodes, has a peak floating- Each Scale 5 supports up to 24 SPARCstation 10 point performance of more than 80 Gflops. A file- Control Processors. Control Processors let you intensive Scale 5, similarly equipped, offers 20,000 manage partitions, provide system administration Mips of processing power, 704 Gbytes of storage, services, control 110, and provide links to SDAs, and a sustained inputloutput transfer rate of 528 Integrated Tape Systems (ITS), and FDDI network Mbyteslsec. connections. A single CM-5 Scale 5 may be divided into distinct Whether you perform billions of calculations or 1 I partitions, each a complete computing environment rapidly sift through gigabytes of data, Thinking unto itself. And you can establish timesharing Machines can assemble a system to suit your 1 controls within each partition.
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