Annual Review Bridging the Tuition Gap
2019-2020 ANNUAL REVIEW BRIDGING THE TUITION GAP THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL | 1 CHAPMAN PARKWAY, STONY BROOK NY, 11790 THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Mission The Stony Brook School is an independent Christian roots, our students are free to main- college preparatory school (grades 7-12) that tain their own personal spiritual beliefs. exists to challenge young men and women to know Jesus Christ as Lord, to love others as While a Stony Brook education is about themselves, and to grow in knowledge and amassing knowledge and growing in skill, we skill, in order that they may serve the world believe that skill is never for oneself alone, and through their character and leadership. we teach our students to take what they learn and use it for the good of their fellow man. The Stony Brook School was founded in 1922 with the motto “Character Before Through mentoring, real-life experience, and Career.” Over the past 98 years we have meaningful leadership opportunities that sought to educate students in matters of the contribute to the wellbeing of the surround- mind, body, and heart. Those who attend ing community, Stony Brook students learn our School are not only challenged academ- the value and power of character. They learn ically, but challenged to become leaders of that it is more blessed to give than to receive, integrity and virtue, to develop their charac- that humility and service are the pathway to ter, and to know Jesus Christ as Lord. greatness, and that giving up one’s life is tru- ly the way to find it.
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