
Lab – Asana

YOGASANA Seated Poses FITNESS Getting Grounded Connecting to the Earth is a most essential part of a yoga practice.

Dandasana / Ugrasana / Parivrtta Paschimottanasana Staff Pose Brahmacharyasana Rotated Western Pose Align ears, shoulders, hips. Press palms flat Western / Powerful / Self-restraint Pose Bring belly to thighs before twisting. Cross into the ground next to the hips as if trying to Lift and lengthen the spine before folding the wrists and turn to look under the top arm. lift the hips and legs from the ground. forward. Take chin towards shins, rather Modifications: Sit on a folded blanket. Pull a Modifications: Sit up on a blanket. Sit than nose to . belt around the feet. Cross the wrists, not the up against a wall, optional vertical block Modifications: Sit on a folded blanket. Gently belt. between the shoulder blades against the wall. pull a belt around the soles of the feet. Keep Point the toes. Bend the knees. spine long with the chest lifted.

Marichyasana III (modified) Sage Marichi Pose Hero Pose Cow Face Pose Sit up tall with the support of your back arm. Hips are placed on the ground, between the Knees should be stacked. Traditionally the Keep the foot of the extended leg active by feet. Knees are touching. Pull the calves out bottom heel is placed under the perinium. spreading the toes and keeping the foot to the side. Elbow on the side of the top goes vertical. Modifications: Bring toes together and sit vertical. Externally rotate top arm, Internally Modifications: Hold the top knee with the on heels/arches or place a block(s), bolster or rotate the bottom arm. opposite arm, rather than take the elbow folded blanket between the feet to sit upon. Modifications: Sit on a block(s) or folded over the knee. blanket. Use a belt between the hands.

Marichyasana I Janu Sirsasana Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana Sage Marichi Pose Nose to Knee Pose Rotated Nose to Knee Pose Armpit wraps around the front of the shin. Belly button to thigh, breastbone to knee, Bottom hand holds inside of foot, shoulder in Other hand holds the front arm’s wrist. Keep chin towards the shin before bringing the front of the knee. Top hand holds outside of bottom leg active with foot vertical, kneecap forehead down. Outside hand holds inside the foot. raised, foot dorsiflexed. wrist. Modifications: Rest bottom arm on thigh, or Modifications: Same side hand holds inside Modifications: Sit on a folded blanket. Pull a block in front of the knee. Top arm does not of extended foot or a belt around the foot. a belt around the sole of the foot. Keep chest touch the foot, or holds onto a belt around the Use a belt between the hands behind the and chin lifted until you can rest the chest on foot. back. the leg. Place a rolled up blanket under knee. Yoga Lab – Asana

YOGASANA Seated Poses FITNESS Getting Grounded Connecting to the Earth is a most essential part of a yoga practice.

Bharadvajasana I II Urdhva Prasarita Padasana Bharadvaja I Pose Bharadvaja II Pose Upright Extended Foot Pose Keep the feet close to the hips. Place foot from the front leg on top of back Keep the belly button pulled in by pressing Modifications: Place a belt around the lower thigh. Wrap the same side arm behind the the lower back down into the floor. With the thigh. Hold the belt with same side hand from back to hold the foot. arms overhead, fingernails to the floor. around the back. Modifications: First variation with a belt. Modifications: Raise one leg at a time. Allow the knees to bend.

Ubhaya Padangusthasana Krounchasana Both Big Toes Pose Heron Pose Boat Pose Index and middle fingers should make a ring The foot of the bent leg is beside the hip. Hold Keep the chest lifted and the spine straight. around the big toes with the thumbs. the heel of the foot. Hips should be level with Toes should be eye level or higher. Modifications: Wrap a belt around the soles each other. Modifications: Keep the knees bent with the of the feet. Modifications: Sit on a block or folded toes at eye level either holding the back of blanket in order to level the hips. Wrap a belt the knees or not. Feet may stay on the ground around the foot. Bring the foot of bent knee with bent knees and you may raise one leg at to groin. a time.

Trianga Mukhaikapada Upavistha Konasana Adho Mukha Virasana Paschimottanasana Half Bound Foot Western Pose Nose to Knee Pose Three Point Face to Extended Leg Pose Roll the pelvis forward so that the knees and Toes together, knees apart. Reach the arms Reach the chin towards the shin before taking feet are pointing upwards. Flatten the back to forward with the wrists and elbows lifted. the head down. Take the belly button to the take the chest to the floor. Spread the fingers with the middle finger thigh and the sternum towards the knee. Easier variation: Sit on a folded blanket. pointing straight ahead. Easier variation: To level the hips, place a Keep the hands on the ground. Place a bolster Easier variation: Rest your head on a block. block or folded blanket under the hip of the at the belly to rest upon so that you may hold Bring the elbows and wrists down to the extended leg. Gently pull on a belt around the the pose for longer. floor. sole of the foot.