Questenberg, of Cologne
OF THE QVISENBERRY FAMILY IN GERMANY, ENGLAND AND AMERICA. COMPILED AND EDITED Bv ANDERSON C. Q!JISENBERRY. [FROM A DRAWING OF THE SEAL ON THE WILL (1645) OF HENRY QUESTENt<URY, Of MAll>STONE, IN COUNTY KENT, GENTLEMAN.] "And my God j,1't it i11lo ,ny keart to _1r,1tker togetller tke jJeojJle . .• that Ikey 1111"gkt he reckoned hy Ge11ealogy."-NEHEl\llAH. "MULLACH A-BU '" 1400. MEMORIALS OF THE QUISENBERRY FAMILY IN GERMANY, ENGLAND AND AMERICA. About 150 pages (including illustrations); bound in cloth. Published in September, 1900, by Gibson Brothers, Washing ton, D. C. Price $3 per copy, sent postpaid. For copies address the editor and compiler, A. C. Quisenberry, Inspector General's Office, '\Vashington, D. C. Only 150 copies printed. Up to the time the last form went to press the follo,ving was the authorized Distribution of the Work. 1. )lrs. Emma Alice llinkle, McKt-uzie, Tenn. 3G. A. C. Quisenberry, Washington, D. C. 2. Mrs. Emily C. Qni11t-nherry, Wincbest-,r, 37. :\Irs. CorinnaB. Quisenberry, Washington, Ky. D.C :l. Waller Quisenberry, \\"inchP.!lter. Ky. ~K. Adelaide C. Quisenberry. Washington. 4. :Mary Anderson Qni!lt-'nberry, \\1uchester, D. C. Ky. 3!l Jas. FranciR Quisenberry, Washington. 5. David Waller Qni!wnberry, Winchestf'r, D.C. Ky. 40. Colby B. Quisenberry, Washington, D. C. fl. Chas. C. Quisenberry, Wincht"!lter, Ky. 41. Florence E. Quisenberry, Washington, 7. E. Polk Johnson, Louis\-ille, Ky. D.C. 8. Mrs. Garrett 8. Zoni, Louis,·ille, Ky. 42. Mrs Emma :M ..y l\IcDonald, ::.\lcKenzie, 9. Colby B. Qnisenberry, Avon, Ky.
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