of a Item is than 45 cent were Iden- the board has rechecking suspended per actually been devoting weeks chastened by popular indignatlor careful what he says and does for held strictly accountable for the have been incorporated into law designed to avoid such possibilities. tified. to the training of personnel to and has been known to be punlshec that record. proper execution of laws, in the be administered and McNutt Outlines Experience has proved that the sys- The extensive planning and prep- skillfully take care of the claims, and the at the When a falli Must Produce Results. making of which he may or in the tem now in operation provides ef- aration neoessary to execute a law polls. judge mayI wisely, spirit in which they fective safeguards for accurate wage which affects so many people is no- general counsel's office has for to protect the public Interest bj The administrator, on the other not have had any part. This is the were enacted, and, as far as legally to where better illustrated than in the several months been at work pre- Steps Accomplish accounting. misapplication of the law, he is helc hand, operates in a highly tech- only check practically applicable possible, in a way which will accom- Discrepancies Reduced. plans that have been made to han- paring procedures and methods for and, it is a one, responsible by a learned and critica nical field where the record of his although rigorous plish their purposes. This is the Records indicate that wage-item dle the benefit payments on the 1st the appeal and review of rejected it has the decided advantage of which examines care- work is usually buried in countless essence of discrepancies on the part of em- of January, 1940. It is expected that claims. Every precaution reason- profession being effective. good administration in Security Results files, theoretically open to, but not ployers are diminishing rapidly. In some 900,000 claims will be filed for ably possible is being taken to fully his every decision. The rec- The is entitled to Government. It is what we are practically available to, the public. public demand 1937, 10 cent of all items re- benefits during the' year and assure to every worker a fair and from per pay- ords of both judge and legislator arc One thing, however, he must do. any Government administra- striving for in the Federal Security Forum Cites failed to account ments totaling 114 million will be prompt disposition of his claim to tor that Speaker ported specify books and a man must be He must results. He is legislative policies which Agency. made. The work of benefits. On the first of open produce Pitfalls Inherent numbers for the wage earners. In taking applica- day Jan- 1938 this percentage was reduced to tions, checking proofs of eligibility, uary, the administrative machinery In Vast Task 3.5 per cent, and so far in 1939 the adjudicating claims and affording will be ready. It is to be con- Rich, Full Flavor- total of discrepancies noted amounts procedures for the appeal of persons fidently hoped that the payment of to 3.4 cent. whose claims have been rejected is claims will be made with the least Fruit In tho Bottle 2 (Continued From Page C-10.) per Floating The board now has on file a total a task which requires the most possible delay and error. —No Wonder of 8!i million wage items which painstaking preparation. Although not so glamorous as gram sensitive to the diverse needs have either an incorrect name or ac- Claim other aspects of Government, of our dispersed population. Machinery Perfected. CROONERS count number. It is estimated that administration is equally important. Must Guarantee Standard. Immediately on the enactment Don't let • due to a cold spoil your these items affect the wage accounts Moreover, there are not the safe- cough But joint action and operation re- of the to the Social WBBT/i song. Get Smith Bros. Cough Drops, for just of approximately 700,000 or 800,000 amendments guards of public scrutiny and quires division of costs, authority 5t. (Black or Menthol-both taste delicious!) of the 30 million wage earners ac- Security Act, these criticism that are to be found in Is the Favorite! and Tills allocation preparations responsibility. tually participating in the program! were begun. The Bureau of Old- connection with the legislative and are the must be made in such a way as to Ttiiuiii uii ri Smith Bros. Cough Drops Emphasis has been placed on the Age and Survivors Insurance has Judicial branches. The work of guarantee a national standard of M» Rut Fmlt Flat- reinstatement of identified wage spent months in lawmakers and is con- VITAMIN A and at the same time perfecting appli- judge* •rak Drink mr mad* I only drops containing performance items. The most recent returns from cation forms and developing stantly subjected to the search- allow for necessary variations to Vitamin A raises the resistance of the field indicate that of all for the of the review of the When a (Carotene) wage machinery handling ing public. of nose and throat to meet local conditions. Furthermore, items DISTRIRUTID SWEETIE BEVERAGES mucous membranes investigated within the pre- huge volume of business antic- legislator strays from the paths when lack of resist- in any joint enterprise, much de- §Y 931 "L" Street N.E. Georgia 1114 cold infections, ceding three months’ period, more ipated. The division of of democratic rectitude, he is TRAD ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency. the of training pends upon willingness sepa- ... -Ml. rate groups of officials to co-operate toward a common end, their respect for each other’s sphere of operation, their tact in dealing with one an- other and tlieir belief in the objec- tives of the program. In this great task of social security, the loyalty, competence and patience of thou- sands of public employes throughout the land are directly involved, and li is io mem mat mucn oi me creau is due for the success thus far at- tained. With the exception of old-age and survivors insurance, the responsi- bility for effective performance in ■» the field of social security adminis- tration is not single. It is partly Federal, partly State, partly local. To those who advocate a single Fed- eral program and administration, it must be said that time and experi- ence have not as yet demonstrated the wisdom of such a course. It must be remembered that there is nothing inherently good or bad in centralization as such. So long as a program can be administered effec- tively, by enlisting the sympathies and efforts of officials from the smallest hamlet, through the State capitals, to the central agencies in Washington, its advantages out- weigh the disadvantages that may loom so large in its initial stages. Integration can be achieved through the dominance of an idea as well as through the mechanism of legal control. In the attainment of the full benefits of the social security pro- gram, the chief problems of the future are to vitalize Federal leader- ship through proper co-ordination and planning of all related activi- ties and to simplify the innumer- able contacts with State and local agencies. These are essential re- quirements if the three levels of Government are to become parts of a single system designed to serve the Interests and needs of the people. Merit Standards Mapped. The Social Security Board is now engaged in putting into effect the recent amendments to the Social Security Act. One of these amend- ments requires co-operating State agencies, after January 1, 1940, to establish and maintain personnel Biaiiuarus on a mem Dasis ior tne selection of employes engaged in the work of. public assistance and employment security. In carrying out this responsibility, the board has formulated standards which cover the basic requirements of a merit system of personnel selection. These standards, it may be noted, were formulated only after full and free consultation with respresenta- °« tive groups of State officials con- ch0ice cerned with administration of these Christ®*5 functions and in the light of agreed principles of sound personnel prac- tices. » Small Pictures Each State agency formulates its The favorite of millions 1 * Camara—Big own for the A for the tmS plan selection of its beginner »*L£i »rr:.» One of the most convenient Six-24 Junior works by 1 personnel. To assist the States in New up-®-*6 ever Mora for your money Baby Brownie Special, with the of all picture-taking 1 designed. the development of which simplest ^ondetUdeB. plans It* and reliability, formulas—“load, aim, shoot." Bantam (//8) carries like a pack of With famous Kodak Anaartftmat meet the Federal the standards, makes clear, crisp snapshots eas- No cigarettes, yet through modern lens and 1/100-second shutter, board makes adjustments necessary—and actio® .hose available, upon re- ily. No needed. Meniscus methods it leads sets a new focusing no experience. Tested meniscus fo^and o{ photofinishing Kodak 35 (//5.6) value quest, suggested regulations and x 4 lens, smooth-working snapshot lens and rotary shutter. Two to pictures 24* inches. Koda- for inexpensive 35 mm. cameras. technical services. Insofar as mini- » shutter, push-button release that extra-large ground-glass view ne« linear fj8 lens, automatic film- Eastman precision construction. mum standards No -haye e .he are met, the States guards against camera move- finders. Levant-grain covering d0^ s. centering device, eye-level finder. For black-and-white and Koda- have freedom ment. complete in construct- Spyglass-type finder. and decorative metal front. Loads with low price 8- chrome (full-) photography. ing their own Makes 1& x 2!a-inch personnel systems. pictures. Makes 2'A x 3‘4-Inch pictures. Kodak Films. This procedure is one illus- teal- KODAK 35 (f/5.6) merely BABY BROWNIE less °- on tration of a SPECIAL BROWNIE hardly KODAK BANTAM (fJB) joint attack upon a SIX-20 JUNIOR Too* di5P1*^ common problem in accord with ®°deU’ the American tradition. It is a ^Tllte Cshaye^ at large task and a delicate one. Both these!*® yemeotsn Federal and P State officials are lie «h*t at $1 thoroughly sensitive to its import- gteatest ance and it is being accomplished »“d without Bt°«°ie that go® friction or misunderstand- ^0“hoppiog ing. P°c deideI The **? old-age and survivors’ insur- $3‘95"nin years- £0daUN ance of the y. parts Social Security Act values see yoUt _n thls Pa&e directly affect the pocketbooks of more than 46 million people. Since thrifty £astman camerassho«n°°• this is an insurance scheme with the story y. benefits based on pay roll records, today- Tl!e t teu ^ Uncle Sam’s bookkeeping task is probably the largest of its kind in the world. Finest or me Brownies Ultra-reliable There is no system so infallible "miniatvre" Makes color pictures, too and no Six-20 Brownie with new experts so well trained as to Special, What a fine 35 mm. camera must Kodak Bantam (//4.5) la the world's gives speed eliminate errors from this work. The tapered design, you get in Kodak 35 (//3.5). and precision of fine lens and of the most famous mod- Job administration of the contra Kodak Anastigmat Special lens. afautter. Palm size, yet ernized. Brilliant Simplest folding through Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors’ optical eye-level Accurate shutter speeds to 1/200 modern methods finder of Jiffy Kodak Six-30, Series II, photofinishing Insurance is to keep these to the “spyglass” type. Plunger second. Double-exposure preven- this camera leads to black-and- shutter release minimizes cam- combines box-camera minimum. In this, they have been simplicity ihave,tion. Automatic shutter white x 4 setting, pictures JH Inches. era movement. Near-and-far with style and highly successful. The famous John folding-camera exposure centering and counting. Also loads with Film . shutter for convenience. Touch one button Doe accounts about which you have Rotary snaps Precise, long-lasting construc- for full-color transparencies. Has and time All-metal —“POP”—it opens. Touch an- heard so much are to only a exposures. tion. For black-and-white and Kodak negli- other—“CLICK”—it the Anastigmat Special //U gible degree the result of errors in construction, pin-grain cover- gets . lens, 1/300-second shutter. inches. picture—3M x 3'4 inches. keeping the wage records. Let me ing. Pictures, 214x314 KODAK 35 (f/3.5) KODAK BANTAM explain briefly about John Doe SIX-20 BROWNIE SPECIAL JIFFY KODAK SIX-20, (f/4.f) Items. Series II 188,000,004 Wage Items Recorded. Under the Social Security Act, em- « pioyers or one or more employes are required to report at the end of each calendar quarter the amount of wages they have paid to each of their employes. Since the start of the old-age Insurance system In 1937, the Social Security Board has recorded a total of 188 million wage items, covering wage payments of 53 billion to the accounts of ap- proximately 30 million commercial and industrial employes. When there is an omission or in- accuracy In recording a worker s social security account number on the report, the wage item for that quarter Is temporarily suspended. w Such a situation may arise because The movie mafcor I naw—an New Batmen matter mode/ economy load$ In 3 fcooch a worker fails to give his number Brand instant hit Bring* home movie* within the Favorif 16 mm. mo via Comoro to his employer, because of the il- of America’s favorites Kodak Vigilant Six-20 la One of the latest and greatest You don't touch the film—It One (f/6.$) reach of almost everyone. Gives legibility of the name reported, be- packed with new features. Single cameras for album-size (21413’4- With Cine-Kodak “K" you fat coma* la a magazine. You allp Kodak Junior Six-29, Series II, 20 to 3# black-and-white movie cause the employe without the push button controls opening inch) pictures. Kodak Monitor dear, brilliant movies at the black-aad-whlte or full-color at the toucli of a button, scenaa—each as long as the aver- knowledge of the board works under opens and closing. Positive shutter Six-20 (//4.5 Special) has the touch of a lever. It's simple, yet Kodachrome magaslaa lato closes at the touch of a one- age newsreel scene—on a roll of Loads with 100 feet doae camera a name different from that shown release on body to minimize world's finest shutter—the new so fine. full place, cover, aad release. No re- film costing $2, finished, ready to on his or be- finger focusing camera movement. Fast Kodak tic. Kodak Anas- of black-and-white or full-color •hoot. Effortless loading only one account-number card, 9-speed Superma show. Also makes movies in quired. Pictures, 2*4 x 314 inches. gor- 10 mm. film. Has of alz featuraa. With cause there has been a mistake in Anastigmat f/6.3 lens; two view tigmat Special//4.5 lens. Double- Kodachrome Kodak geous full color on Kodachrome the of or the finders. 214 x 314 Inches. Kodak Anastifcmat //1.9 lens. Anaatigmat S/1.9 Ions. reporting the number KODAK JUNIOR SIX-20/ Pictures, exposure prevention. Exposure Film. name. Several items can be sus- counter. Body shutter release. Series II (single lens) KODAK VIGILANT CINI-KODAK "K" MAGAZINE CINE-KODAK pended com- temporarily pending KODAK MONITOR CINI-KODAK KIGHT plete identification, without perma- SIX-20 (f/6.3) Model 20 nently the SIX-20 (f/4.5 Special) jeopardizing employe’s ———— t — chances of getting the full amount of his benefits. Moreover, many discrepancies are rectified at the accounting headquarters while oth- ers are sent to their points of origin for correction. It is thus evident that a wage item temporarily suspended does not mean that there will be a perma- nent discrepancy in the worker’s ac- 1 count. In fact, the board’s procedure