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Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State

Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State


Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State

R. R. Caldwell, Rahul Dave, and Paul J. Steinhardt Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 (Received 28 July 1997) We examine the possibility that a significant component of the energy density of the has an equation of state different from that of matter, radiation, or (L). An example is a cosmic scalar field evolving in a potential, but our treatment is more general. Including this component alters cosmic evolution in a way that fits current observations well. Unlike L, it evolves dynamically and develops fluctuations, leaving a distinctive imprint on the microwave background anisotropy and mass power spectrum. [S0031-9007(98)05521-5]

PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq, 95.35.+d, 98.65.Dx, 98.70.Vc Inflationary predicts that the Universe is w , 0 in which a spatially uniform distribution has been spatially flat and that the total energy density of the assumed, e.g., a decaying L or smooth component. Universe is equal to the critical density. This prediction In this Letter, we begin by arguing that a smoothly is consistent with current measurements of the cosmic distributed, time-varying component is unphysical—it microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and may be violates the equivalence principle. Hence, predictions of verified with high precision in the next generation of CMB CMB and mass power spectra which have not included satellite experiments. At the same time, there is growing fluctuations in the new component are not valid. We out- observational evidence that the total matter density of line the general conditions needed to have w , 0 consis- the Universe is significantly less than the critical density tent with the equivalence principle and stable against [1]. If this latter result holds and the CMB anisotropy catastrophic gravitational collapse. We show that an establishes that the Universe is flat, then there must be evolving scalar field automatically satisfies these condi- another contribution to the energy density of the Universe. tions. We then compute the CMB and mass power spectra One candidate that is often considered is a cosmological for a wide, representative class of models [see Figs. 1 and constant L or vacuum energy density. The vacuum density 2(a)], taking careful note of the effects of the fluctuations is a spatially uniform, time-independent component. Cold in the Q component. We show that the fluctuations leave (CDM) models with a substantial cosmological a distinctive signature that enables a Q component to constant (LCDM) are among the models which best fit be distinguished from dark matter and a cosmological existing observational data [1]. However, it should be constant and makes it possible to resolve its equation emphasized that the fit depends primarily on the fact that of state. Comparing to observations of the CMB and the models have low matter density and are spatially flat; large-scale structure [Fig. 2(b)], we identify a new spec- the fit is not a sensitive test of whether the additional energy trum of plausible models that will be targets for future contribution is vacuum energy. experiments. In this paper, we consider replacing L with a dynami- Introducing a dynamical energy component is at least cal, time-dependent, and spatially inhomogeneous compo- as well motivated by fundamental physics as introducing nent whose equation of state is different from baryons, a cosmological constant. In fact, the theoretical preju- neutrinos, dark matter, or radiation. The equation of state dice based on fundamental physics is that L is precisely of the new component, denoted as w, is the ratio of its zero; if it is nonzero, there is no conceivable mechanism pressure to its energy density. This fifth contribution to to explain why the vacuum density should be comparable the cosmic energy density, referred to here as “quintes- to the present matter density, other than arguments based sence” or Q component, is broadly defined, allowing a on the anthropic principle. On the other hand, dynamical spectrum of possibilities including an equation of state fields abound in quantum gravity, , and super- which is constant, uniformly evolving or oscillatory. Ex- string models (e.g., hidden sector fields, moduli, pseudo– amples of a Q component are fundamental fields (scalar, Nambu-Goldstone bosons), and it may even be possible vector, or tensor) or macroscopic objects, such as a net- to utilize the interaction of these fields with matter to find work of light, tangled cosmic strings [2]. The analysis a natural explanation why the Q component and matter in the present paper applies to any component whose have comparable energy densities today. hydrodynamic properties can be mimicked by a scalar As noted above, a number of studies [3,4,8] have as- field evolving in a potential which couples to matter only sumed a “smooth” (spatially uniform), time-dependent through gravitation. In particular, we focus on equations component with an arbitrary equation of state (sometimes of state with 21 , w , 0 because this range fits cur- called xCDM) which does not respond to the inhomo- rent cosmological observations best [3–7]. This has mo- geneities in the dark matter and baryon-photon-neutrino tivated several investigations [3,4,8,9] of components with fluid. In computing the CMB anisotropy, one finds a near

1582 0031-9007͞98͞80(8)͞1582(4)$15.00 © 1998 The American Physical Society VOLUME 80, NUMBER 8 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 23FEBRUARY 1998

FIG. 1. CMB power spectrum, ᐉ͑ᐉ 1 1͒Cᐉ͞2p vs ᐉ where Cᐉ is the multipole moment, illustrating that the spectrum changes significantly as a function of w and VQ . Thick lines represent SCDM; thick dashed lines correspond to LCDM. For thin solid lines, legends list the parameters in sequence according to the height of the curve beginning from the topmost. The variation with VQ is shown in (a) and (b); (c) compares the predictions for a Q component with fluctuations (dQ fi 0) to a smooth component (dQ ෇ 0). The differences due to dQ at large angular scales change COBE normalization which is responsible for the substantial variation of the acoustic FIG. 2. (a) Variation of mass power spectrum for some peaks with w, as shown in (d). Panel (e) shows the results representative QCDM examples. (b) The variation of s8 with for time-varying w͑h͒ as determined by specifying a potential VQ . For LCDM, VQ is VL. The suppression of s8 in V͑Q͒ and initial conditions, where V͑Q͒ is an exponential or QCDM compared to SCDM makes for a better fit with current cosine functional of Q in the examples shown. Included also is observations. The gray swath illustrates constraints from x-ray the prediction for a constant w ෇ 21͞6, which differs from the cluster abundance. results where w͑h͒ is time varying and w͑h0͒ ෇ 21͞6.In(f) is shown the polarization (amplified 100-fold) for w ෇ 21͞2 compared to SCDM and LCDM. possibilities and the range of imprints on the CMB and large-scale structure. degeneracy [3] with LCDM for a wide range of w. In this The class of cosmological models we consider in Letter, we show that the degeneracy is significantly bro- this work are spatially flat, Friedmann-Robertson-Walker ken when fluctuations in the Q component are included. (FRW) space-times which contain baryons, neutrinos, ra- However, it is important to realize that the smooth and diation, cold dark matter, and the Q component (QCDM Q scenarios are not competing models. A smooth, time- models). The space-time metric is given by ds2 ෇ evolving component is ill defined, since the smoothness a2͑h͒͑2dh2 1 dx៬ 2͒ where a is the expansion scale fac- is gauge dependent, and unphysical, because it violates tor and h is the conformal time. For the purposes of the equivalence principle to ignore the response of the CMB and mass power spectrum prediction, we model the new component to the inhomogeneities in the surrounding Q component of the fluid as a scalar field Q, with self- cosmological fluid. Hence, a fluctuating, inhomogeneous interactions determined by a potential V͑Q͒. In an ideal component is the only valid way of introducing an addi- adiabatic fluid with w , 0, a concern would be that the 2 tional energy component. sound speed is imaginary, cs ෇ w , 0, and small wave- There have been some discussions in the literature of an length perturbations are hydrodynamically unstable [13]. energy component consisting of a dynamical, fluctuating However, a scalar field is not an ideal fluid in this sense. cosmic scalar field evolving in a potential [5,10,11], or The sound speed is a function of wavelength, increasing an energy component evolving according to a specific from negative values for long wavelength perturbations 2 equation of state [4,8,12]. In the case of a scalar field, and approaching cs ෇ 1 at short wavelengths (shorter the CMB anisotropy and power spectrum were computed than the horizon size) [14]. Consequently, for the cases by Coble et al. for a cosine potential [5], and by Ferreira considered here, small wavelength modes remain stable. and Joyce for an exponential potential [11]. Here we go In general, our treatment relies only on properties of w 2 beyond these isolated examples to explore the range of and cs , and so it applies both to cosmic scalar fields and 1583 VOLUME 80, NUMBER 8 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 23FEBRUARY 1998 to any other forms of matter-energy (e.g., nonscalar fields Q0 ෇ 0, as occurs for LCDM, the scalar field remains 2 or topological defects) with w and cs which can also be unperturbed. In the implicit approach where V is given, obtained by a scalar field and some potential. Otherwise, the energy density, pressure, and momentum perturbations we make no special assumptions about the microscopic are composition of the Q component. 1 0 0 We implicitly assume that any couplings to other fields drQ ෇ Q dQ 1 V,QdQ , are negligibly small, so that the scalar field interacts with a2 other matter only gravitationally. The average energy 1 0 0 1 02 dpQ ෇ 2 Q dQ 2 V,QdQ , density is rQ ෇ 2a2 Q 1 V and the average pressure a 1 02 is pQ ෇ 2 Q 2 V, where the prime represents ≠͞≠h. 2a 1 0 As Q evolves down its potential, the ratio of kinetic ͑rQ 1 pQ͒͑yQ͒i ෇ 2 2 Q͑dQ͒,i . (4) 1 02 a ( 2 Q ) to potential (V) energy can change; this would 2a These quantities must be included in the evolution of h, lead to a time-varying equation of state w ϵ pQ͞rQ. In this paper, we consider constant and time-varying the total fluctuation density contrast d, and the total ve- locity perturbation y. For cases where w͑h͒ is provided w models for which w ϵ pQ͞rQ [ ͓21, 0͔, since this range includes models which best fit current observations. explicitly, the same relations may be applied where an ef- We have modified numerical Boltzmann codes for com- fective V is computed by the code from w͑h͒ [18]. puting CMB anisotropy and the mass power spectrum. In Although we have examined many models [18], we re- one approach, we use an explicitly defined equation of strict ourselves here to a representative spectrum. Figure 1 illustrates CMB studies showing Cosmic Background Ex- state w͑h͒, which spans all models but requires that the equation of state as a function of time be known. All plorer (COBE)-normalized [19] CMB anisotropy spectra assuming adiabatic initial conditions in the matter with properties of the model are determined by the proscribed 21 21 tilt n ෇ 1, Hubble constant H0 ෇ 100h km s Mpc w͑h͒ϵw͓a͑h͔͒ and 2 with h ෇ 0.65, and Vbh ෇ 0.02, where Vb is the ratio ao ao da of the baryon density to the critical density. Because the rQ ෇ VQro exp 3 ln 1 3 w͑a͒ , (1) a a a models are spatially flat, the angular size of the sound ∑ Z ∏ where ro and ao are, respectively, the critical energy horizon at last scattering is nearly the same for all our density and scale factor today. An effective scalar models and, consequently, the acoustic oscillation peaks potential which produces this rQ is computed as a by- are at nearly the same ᐉ’s as in standard CDM (SCDM) product. A second approach uses an implicitly defined [20,21]. However, the shape of the plateau for low ᐉ and equation of state in which we specify the potential V͑Q͒ the shapes of the acoustic peaks at high ᐉ are distorted by directly, which is useful for exploring specific models three effects: a combination of early and late integrated motivated by particle physics. Sachs-Wolfe effects [21] due to having a fluid component A series of codes has been developed for synchronous with w fi 0 and the direct contribution of drQ on the and for conformal Newtonian gauge by modifying standard CMB. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show how the spectra vary algorithms [15–17]. In the synchronous gauge, the line with VQ, the ratio of the energy density in Q to the element is given by [18] critical density, for fixed w. The behavior is different 2 2 2 i j for different equations of state. For w ෇ 21͞6 the first ds ෇ a ͑h͓͒2dh 1 ͑gij 1 hij͒dx dx ͔ , (2) acoustic peak rises and then steadily decreases as VQ in- where gij is the unperturbed spatial metric, and hij is the creases; for w ෇ 22͞3, the acoustic peak rises uniformly metric perturbation. The scalar field fluctuation dQ obeys as VQ increases. Figure 1(c) compares predictions the equation assuming a smooth, nonfluctuating component (a case we a0 1 argued is unphysical) with the full spectrum including dQ00 1 2 dQ0 2=2dQ1a2V dQ ෇ 2 h0Q0 . a ,QQ 2 fluctuations in Q, illustrating the substantial difference at large angular scales. Figure 1(d) shows spectra for (3) fixed VQ ෇ 0.6 and varying w. When fluctuations in Here, h is the trace of the spatial metric perturbation, as Q are not included, the curves for 21 , w ,21͞2 described by Ma and Bertschinger [16]. are very nearly degenerate [3], but the degeneracy is We have found the observable fluctuation spectrum to be substantially broken in Fig. 1(d) by the contribution of insensitive to a broad range of initial conditions, including Q fluctuations at large angular scales at a level much the case in which the amplitudes of dQ, dQ0 were set greater than cosmic variance. Figure 1(e) illustrates re- by inflation. All of the examples shown in this paper sults for a time-varying w͑h͒ obtained using exponential have dQ ෇ dQ0 ෇ 0 initially as measured in synchronous [10] and cosine [5] scalar potentials. The exponen- gauge. With this choice of initial conditions, the imprint tial potentials are of the form V͑Q͒ ෇ m4 exp͓2bQ͔ of dQ on the CMB anisotropy would be negligible if we where Q ෇ Q0 ෇ 0 initially; for the examples shown, 21 did not include the response of Q to the matter density ͑m, b͒ ෇ ͑0.003 58 eV, 11.66mp ͒ for the case with 0 0 21 perturbations through the h Q source term in Eq. (3). If w͑h0͒ ෇ 21͞6 and ͑m, b͒ ෇ ͑0.00 243 eV, 8.0mp ͒ for 1584 VOLUME 80, NUMBER 8 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 23FEBRUARY 1998 w͑h0͒ ෇ 22͞3 as expressed in Planck mass (mp) units. how well future CMB experiments can resolve a Q com- For the cosine potential, V͑Q͒ ෇ m4͑1 1 cos͓Q͞f͔͒, ponent and how well one can simultaneously resolve other where ͑m, f͒ ෇ ͑0.004 65 eV, 0.1544mp͒ with Q ෇ 1.6f cosmic parameters; numerical simulations of galaxy for- and Q0 ෇ 0 initially [5]. Two of the curves are especially mation and evolution in the presence of a Q component; interesting because they compare the CMB anisotropy and search for quintessential candidates in models of fun- for two models with the same value of w today but damental physics. with different values of w in the past. One model has We thank P. J. E. Peebles, J. P. Ostriker, and M. White constant w ෇ 21͞6, whereas the other model, based on for useful comments. This research was supported by the a scalar field rolling down an exponential potential, has Department of Energy at the University of Pennsylvania, w evolving from –1 to –1͞6. The two models produce Report No. DE-FG02-95ER40893. easily distinguished CMB power spectra even though the equation of state is the same today due to the difference in past evolutionary history and the direct contributions of dQ. Hence, the evolution of w can also be determined [1] See, for example, J. P. Ostriker and P. J. Steinhardt, from CMB measurements. 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P. Ostriker, and P. J. Stein- initial conditions; and the value of VQ. Hence, combined hardt (to be published). with the CMB anisotropy, the power spectrum provides a [8] V. Silveira and I. Waga, Phys. Rev. D 56, 4625 (1997). powerful test of QCDM and its parameters. An important [9] C. Wetterich, Astron. Astrophys. 301, 321 (1995). effect is the suppression of the mass power spectrum and [10] B. Ratra and P. J. E. Peebles, Phys. Rev. D 37, 3406 s (the rms mass fluctuation at 8h21 Mpc) compared to (1988). 8 [11] P. G. Ferreira and M. Joyce, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4740 SCDM, which makes for a better fit to current observations (1997). [1]. The gray swath in Fig. 2(b) represents the constraint [12] T. Chiba, N. Sugiyama, and T. Nakamura, Mon. Not. R. from x-ray cluster abundance for LCDM [22]; in general, Astron. Soc. 289, 5 (1997). the constraint is weakly model dependent. [13] See, for example, J. C. Fabris and J. Martin, Phys. Rev. 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J. 480, 6 (1997). evolution ceases when the Q component (or L) begins [20] For reviews of CMB anisotropy power spectrum physics to dominate over the matter density. Comparing QCDM and properties, see P. J. Steinhardt, in Proceedings of and LCDM models with VQ ෇ VL, this cessation of the Snowmass Workshop on the Future of Particle growth occurs earlier in QCDM. For larger values of w, Astrophysics and Cosmology, edited by E. W. Kolb and the growth ceases earlier. Hence, more large-scale struc- R. Peccei (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995); Int. J. Mod. ture and quasar formation at large redshift is predicted, in Phys. A 10, 1091–1124 (1995). better accord with deep redshift images. [21] W. Hu, in Proceedings of an Advanced Summer School In conclusion, we find that the “” hypoth- on the Universe at High-z, Large Scale Structure and esis fits all current observations and results in an imprint the Cosmic Microwave Background, Laredo, Cantabria, Spain, 1995, edited by E. Martinez-Gonzalez and J. L on the CMB anisotropy and mass power spectrum that Sanz (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996); Wayne Hu, Naoshi should be detectable in near-future experiments. Its dis- Sugiyama, and Joseph Silk, Nature (London) 386,37 covery could indicate the existence of new, fundamental (1997). fields with profound implications for particle physics, as [22] P. T. P. Viana and A. R. Liddle, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. well as cosmology. A number of follow-up studies are 281, 323 (1996). underway including: a quantitative analysis to determine [23] P. J. Steinhardt, Nature (London) 382, 768 (1996). 1585