
formed in a collision between two asteroids in the early Solar System, Steinhardt says. Some of the lab-made were also pro- duced by smashing materials together at high speed, so Steinhardt and his team wondered whether the shockwaves from nuclear explo- sions might form quasicrystals, too.

‘Slicing and dicing’ In the aftermath of the test — the first detonation of a nuclear bomb, which took place on 16 July 1945 at New Mexico’s Alamo­ gordo Bombing Range — researchers found a vast field of greenish glassy material that had formed from the liquefaction of sand. They dubbed this . The bomb had been detonated on top of a 30-metre-high tower laden with sensors and their cables. As a result, some of the trinitite that formed had reddish inclusions, says Stein-

LUCA BINDI, PAUL J. STEINHARDT BINDI, PAUL LUCA hardt. “It was a fusion of natural material with This sample of red trinitite was found to contain a previously unknown type of . from the transmission lines.” Quasi­ often form from elements that would not normally combine, so Steinhardt and his colleagues thought samples of the red trinitite FIRST NUCLEAR TEST would be a good place to look. “Over the course of ten months, we were slic- CREATED ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ ing and dicing, looking at all sorts of ,” Steinhardt says. “Finally, we found a tiny grain.” QUASICRYSTALS The quasicrystal has the same kind of icosa- hedral symmetry as the one in Shechtman’s Researchers have discovered the once-controversial original discovery. “The dominance of in its structure is structures in the aftermath of a 1945 bomb test. quite distinct,” says Valeria Molinero, a theo- retical chemist at the University of Utah in Salt By Davide Castelvecchi researchers initially questioned Shechtman’s Lake City. “However, after many quasicrystals findings, because it is mathematically impos- have been synthesized in the lab,” she says, cientists searching for quasicrystals sible to fill space using only icosahedrons. “what I find truly intriguing is that they are so — so-called impossible materials with Shechtman ultimately won the 2011 Nobel scarce in .” Steinhardt says this might unusual, non-repeating structures — Prize in Chemistry for the discovery. be because the formation of quasicrystals have identified one in remnants of the involves “unusual combinations of elements world’s first nuclear bomb test. Missed by mathematics and unusual arrangements”. SThe previously unknown structure, made At around the same time, , a Like most known quasicrystals, the trinitite of , silicon, copper and , probably theoretical physicist now at Princeton Univer- structure seems to be an alloy — a metal-like formed from the fusion of vaporized desert sity in New Jersey, and his collaborators had material made up of positive ions in a sea of sand and copper cables. Described in Proceed- begun to theorize the possible existence of electrons. This is unusual for silicon, which ings of the National Academy of Sciences on non-repeating 3D structures. These had the typically occurs in rock in an oxidized form: 17 May, it is the first example of a quasicrystal same symmetry as an icosahedron, but were reversing the oxidation would require extreme with this combination of elements1. assembled from building blocks of several dif- conditions, such as the intense heat and pres- Quasicrystals contain building blocks made ferent types, which never repeated in the same sure of a shockwave, says Lincoln Hollister, a up of arrangements of that — unlike pattern3 — thus explaining why the mathemat- geoscientist at Princeton. those in ordinary crystals — do not repeat in ics of symmetrical crystals had missed them. Steinhardt suggests that quasicrystals could a regular, brickwork-like pattern. They have Steinhardt recalls the moment in 1982 when be used for a nuclear form of forensic science, symmetries that were once considered impos- he first saw the data from Shechtman’s dis- because they might reveal sites where a covert sible: for example, some have pentagonal covery and compared it with his theoretical nuclear test has occurred. Quasicrystals might symmetry, and so look the same if rotated by predictions. “I looked at our pattern, and you also form in materials such as , which one-fifth of a full twist. couldn’t tell the difference,” he says. “That was is made when strikes rock, sand or Materials scientist Daniel Shechtman, now kind of an amazing moment.” other sediments. “The quasicrystal saga will at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology In subsequent years, materials scientists continue,” says Hollister. in Haifa, first discovered such an impossible synthesized many types of quasicrystal,

symmetry in a synthetic alloy in 1982. It had expanding the range of possible symmetries. 1. Bindi, L. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2101350118 pentagonal symmetry when rotated in each And Steinhardt and his colleagues later found (2021). of various possible directions, something that the first naturally occurring ‘’ in 2. Shechtman, D., Blech, I., Gratias, D. & Cahn, J. W. Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1951–1953 (1984). would occur if its building blocks were icosa- fragments from a recovered in East- 3. Levine, D. & Steinhardt, P. J. Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 2477–2480 2 hedrons — regular shapes with 20 faces . Many ern Siberia, Russia. This quasicrystal probably (1984).

Nature | Vol 593 | 27 May 2021 | 487 ©2021 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved.