BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 139/2015 Monday 28 September 2015

1 Contents

The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold

Section A: Today’s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister’s Questions - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members’ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation Section K: Corrections to the Official Report


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 23 September 2015 Tuesday 29 September 2015

2.00 pm Time for Reflection – Mr Tim Maguire, a celebrant of The Humanist Society of Scotland followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Stage 1 Debate: Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament (Amendment) Bill (for text of motion S4M-14375 see Section F) followed by Stage 1 Debate: Inquiries into Deaths (Scotland) Bill followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business – S4M-13677 Dennis Robertson: World Health Organization’s 25 by 2025 Framework (for text of motion see Section F)

Wednesday 30 September 2015

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Infrastructure, Investment and Cities; Culture, Europe and External Affairs (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 24 September 2015) followed by Scottish Labour Party Debate: Employment followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

3 5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business – S4M-13714 James Kelly: Which? Calling Time on Nuisance Calls and Texts (for text of motion see Section F)

Thursday 1 October 2015

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 24 September 2015)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business – S4M-14081 James Dornan: Taking Action to Protect Asylum Seekers and Refugees Across Europe (for text of motion see Section F)

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Stage 3 Proceedings: Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 6 October 2015

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

4 Wednesday 7 October 2015

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 8 October 2015

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section C – Future Committee Meetings

This section includes the agendas of the forthcoming committee meetings and outlines proposed future business, which may be subject to change. Committees have the right to take items in private and this will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Many committees include details of their future business on their webpages, which can be accessed at:

Health and Sport Committee 29 September 2015 26th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the James Clerk Maxwell Room (CR4) 1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Mental Health (Detention in Conditions of Excessive Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 [draft] from— Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, and Nicola Paterson, Unit Head, Protection of Rights Unit, Mental Health and Protection of Rights Division, Scottish Government. 2. Subordinate legislation: Jamie Hepburn (Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health) to move—S4M-14389—That the Health and Sport Committee recommends that the Mental Health (Detention in Conditions of Excessive Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 be approved. 3. Palliative care: The Committee will take evidence from— Mark Hazelwood, Chief Executive, Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care; Dr Carroll, Strategic Lead for Palliative and End of Life Care, NHS Grampian; Ranald Mair, Chief Executive, Scottish Care; Cook, Vice-President, and Beth Hall, Policy Manager, Health and Social Care Team, COSLA; and then from— Sandra Campbell, Macmillan Nurse Consultant for Cancer and Palliative Care, Royal College of Nursing; Dr Euan Paterson, Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland; Maggie Grundy, Associate Director, Nursing and Midwifery, NHS Education for Scotland; Professor Rob George, President of Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland. Medical Director St Christopher’s Hospice, Association of Palliative Medicine.


4. Palliative care (in private): The Committee will consider the main themes arising from the oral evidence heard earlier in the meeting. 5. NHS boards budget scrutiny (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 6 October, the Committee expects to consider oral evidence on the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care)(Scotland) Bill and the Alcohol (Licensing, Public Health and Criminal Justice) (Scotland) Bill. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee 29 September 2015 27th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the Smith Room (CR5) 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in private. 2. Succession (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Paul Wheelhouse, Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs; Jill Clark, Team Leader, Civil Law Reform Unit; Kathryn MacGregor, Solicitor, Constitutional and Civil Law, Scottish Government. 3. Instruments subject to affirmative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Environmental Regulation (Enforcement Measures) (Scotland) Order 2015 [draft]; Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Supplementary Provision) Order 2015 [draft]; Private Rented Housing Panel (Landlord Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 [draft]. 4. Instruments subject to negative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Tuberculosis in Specified Animals (Scotland) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/327); Legal Aid (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/337); National Health Service (Payments and Remission of Charges) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/333); Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (Practice and Procedure) (No. 2) Amendment Rules 2015 (SSI 2015/334). 5. Instruments not subject to any parliamentary procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Commencement No. 13) and the Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (Commencement No. 4) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/336 (C.41)).


6. Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the delegated powers provisions in this Bill after Stage 2. 7. Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider further the delegated powers provisions in this Bill at Stage 1. 8. Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider further the delegated powers provisions in this Bill at Stage 1. 9. Community Justice (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Justice Committee. 10. Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Health and Sport Committee. 11. Report on instruments considered by the Committee during 2014-15: The Committee will consider an executive summary of the work of the Committee during the parliamentary year 2014-15. 12. Succession (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier in the meeting.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 6 October, the Committee expects to consider subordinate legislation. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Education and Culture Committee 29 September 2015 22nd Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the Robert Burns Room (CR1) 1. T in the Park: The Committee will take evidence from-— Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs, Malcolm Pentland, Team Leader, Major Events and Themed Years, Kevin Hanlon, Team Leader, Events Policy, Strategy and Engagement, and Alan Coleman, Senior State Aid Analyst, Scottish Government. 2. Scottish Funding Council: The Committee will take evidence from— Laurence Howells, Chief Executive, Professor Alice Brown, Chair of the Board, Professor Paul Hagan, Director of Research, and Dr John Kemp, Director of Access, Skills and Outcome Agreements, Scottish Funding Council.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 6 October, the Committee will take evidence on the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Bill. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Justice Committee 29 September 2015 27th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the David Livingstone Room (CR6) 1. Decisions on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 6 in private. 2. Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 3). 3. Public petitions: The Committee will consider the following petitions— PE1501 by Stuart Graham on public inquiries into self-inflicted and accidental deaths following suspicious death investigations; PE1567 by Donna O’Halloran on investigating unascertained deaths, suicides and fatal accidents; PE1479 by Andrew Muir on complaints about solicitors; PE1510 by Jody Curtis on the closure of police, fire and non-emergency service centres north of Dundee; PE1511 by Laura Ross on the decision made by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to close Inverness control room. 4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following instruments which are not subject to any parliamentary procedure— Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session 1994 and Sheriff Court Rules Amendment) (No. 3) (Miscellaneous) 2015 (SSI 2015/283); Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session 1994 and Ordinary Cause Rules 1993 Amendment) (Child Welfare Reporters) (SSI 2015/312). 5. Draft Budget Scrutiny 2016-17: The Committee will consider its approach to the scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2016-17. 6. Work programme: The Committee will consider its work programme.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 6 October, the Committee expects to continue taking evidence at Stage 1 of the Community Justice (Scotland) Bill, and to conclude consideration of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee 30 September 2015 23rd Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the James Clerk Maxwell Room (CR4) 1. Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market: The Committee will take evidence from— Professor Chris Warhurst, University of Warwick; Dr John McGurk, Head of CIPD Scotland, CIPD; and then from— Dave Watson, Scottish Organiser, Unison; Rob Gowans, Policy Officer, Citizens Advice Scotland; Liz Cairns, Research Officer, Unite.


2. Review of evidence heard (in private): The Committee will review the evidence heard at today’s meeting. 3. Security of Supply (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 7 October, the Committee will continue to take evidence on its Work, Wages and Wellbeing inquiry. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee 30 September 2015 29th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the Robert Burns Room (CR1) 1. Land Reform (Scotland) Bill The Committee will take evidence on Part 8 (Deer Management) of the Bill at Stage 1 from— Alex Hogg, Chairman, Scottish Gamekeepers Association; Robbie Kernahan, Unit Manager of Wildlife Operations, Scottish Natural Heritage; Richard Cooke, Chair of the Association of Deer Management Groups and the Lowland Deer Network Scotland; Duncan Orr-Ewing, Convenor of the LINK Deer Task Force, Scottish Environment Link; Douglas McAdam, Chief Executive, Scottish Land and Estates; and then on Part 6 (Entry in Valuation Roll of Shootings and Deer Forrests) of the Bill at Stage 1 from— Douglas McAdam, Chief Executive, Scottish Land and Estates; Richard Cooke, Chair, Association of Deer Management Groups; Colin Shedden, Director, British Association for Shooting and Conservation; Rupert Shaw, Vice Chair of NFU Scotland’s Legal and Technical Committee, National Farmers Union Scotland; Alasdair MacTaggart, President, Scottish Assessors Association; Bruce Cooper, Angus Glen Moorland Group. 2. Land Reform (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 7 October, the Committee expects to consider 3 negative instruments and take evidence on human rights aspects of the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill. It will also consider PE01490 on Control of Wild Goose Numbers. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Finance Committee 30 September 2015 24th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the David Livingstone Room (CR6) 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private. 2. Draft Budget Scrutiny 2016-17: The Committee will take evidence on the Scottish Rate of Income Tax from— Dr. Gerry McCartney, Head of Public Health Observatory, NHS Health Scotland; Stephen Boyd, Assistant Secretary, Scottish Trades Union Congress; Ruchir Shah, Policy Manager, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. 3. Carers (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Financial Memorandum from— Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, Scottish Government. 4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— The Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Open-ended investment companies) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/322). 5. Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Financial Memorandum accompanying the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will further consider its approach. 6. Community Justice (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report on the Financial Memorandum to the Justice Committee. 7. Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report on the Financial Memorandum to the Health and Sport Committee.

Proposed future business For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee 30 September 2015 19th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the Adam Smith Room (CR5) 1. Digital Single Market: The Committee will take evidence from— Gail Kent, Director of Resources in DG Connect, European Commission.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 7 October, the Committee expects to receive a general transport update from the Minister for Transport and Islands and its approach to future work. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


European and External Relations Committee 1 October 2015 15th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 9.15 am in the Robert Burns Room (CR1) 1. Connecting Scotland (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report on strand 2 of the inquiry on how Scottish organisations engage internationally. 2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private. 3. Brussels Bulletin: The Committee will consider the latest issue of the Brussels Bulletin. 4. Refugee crisis in the EU: The Committee will take evidence, in a round-table discussion, from— Aspasia Papadopoulou, Senior Policy Officer, European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), (via video conference); Amal Azzudin, Glasgow Girls; Morag Brown, Business Improvement Manager, Argyll and Bute Council; Duncan Campsie, Asylum and Refugees Service, Glasgow City Council; Gonzalo Vargas Llosa, UK representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, (UNHCR); Derek Mitchell, Chief Officer, Migration, Population and Diversity Team, COSLA; Professor Alison Phipps, Co-Convener, Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMnet), University of Glasgow; John Wilkes, Chief Executive, Scottish Refugee Council; Margaret Woods, Trade Union Organiser, Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees; Joanna Zawadzka, Manager, Fife Migrants Forum. 5. EU reform and the EU referendum: The Committee will consider a list of candidates for the post of adviser in connection with its forthcoming inquiry.

Proposed future business For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 1 October 2015 15th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the James Clerk Maxwell Room (CR4) 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Cross-Party Group: The Committee will consider an application for recognition from the proposed Cross-Party Group on Religious Freedom, and take evidence from— Dave Thompson, Convener of the proposed Cross-Party Group on Religious Freedom. 3. Cross-Party Group - approval: The Committee will decide whether to accord recognition to the proposed Cross-Party Group on Religious Freedom.


4. Cross-Party Group - complaint: The Committee will consider a complaint against a Cross-Party Group. 5. Complaint (in private): The Committee will continue its consideration of a report from the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland. 6. Complaint: The Committee will announce its decision at Stage 3 on a report from the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland. 7. Complaint (in private): The Committee will consider its draft report. 8. Consolidation Bills (in private): The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk. 9. Scotland Act 2012 (in private): The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 8 October, the Committee expects to take oral evidence on its inquiry into committee reform. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Devolution (Further Powers) Committee 1 October 2015 24th Meeting, 2015

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the Mary Fairfax Somerville Room (CR2) 1. Report on parliamentary oversight of inter-governmental relations (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 8 October, the Committee expects to take evidence on the proposals for the devolution of welfare powers contained in the Scotland Bill. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section E – Written questions lodged on 25 September 2015

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R".

S4W-27686 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the impact on employment for Scottish seafarers in the oil and gas supply sector of wage rates for seafarers working in the North Sea on vessels registered with the Norwegian International Ship Register, and whether it has raised the matter with the UK Government.

S4W-27688 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will ensure that the Energy Jobs Taskforce makes recommendations to the UK Government to ameliorate the effect on Scottish seafarers of the downturn in oil prices.

S4W-27692 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the UK Government regarding the causes of the decline in (a) wage rates and (b) employment for Scottish workers in the oil and gas supply sectors.

S4W-27694 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the effect on Scottish seafarers in the oil and gas supply sector of Gulfmark’s reported demand for a 15% pay reduction.

S4W-27695 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what representations it has made to the UK Government regarding the impact on employment in Scotland of the policies of oil and gas companies and contractors.

S4W-27697 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the UK Government regarding the impact on employment in Scotland of decommissioning offshore oil and gas assets.

S4W-27698 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the Energy Jobs Taskforce has had regarding jobs in Scotland in decommissioning offshore oil and gas assets.

S4W-27708 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take in light of the finding in the Mental Health Commission for Scotland report, Mental Health Act Monitoring 2014/15, that the number of new episodes of mental health compulsory treatment has increased to its highest-ever recorded level.


S4W-27709 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the finding in the Mental Health Commission for Scotland report, Mental Health Act Monitoring 2014/15, that, over the last three years, the use of emergency detention for mental health patients has increased by 12%.

S4W-27710 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government how many people subject to an emergency detention order in 2014-15 did not have the consent of a mental health officer.

S4W-27711 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the finding in the Mental Health Commission for Scotland report, Mental Health Act Monitoring 2014/15, that, over the last year, the overall number of new episodes of compulsory treatment orders increased by 7.1%.

S4W-27712 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the finding in the Mental Health Commission for Scotland report, Mental Health Act Monitoring 2014/15, that, over the last year, the number of new episodes of compulsory treatment orders for people aged 65 and over increased by 21%.

S4W-27713 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government whether people living in Scotland will be required to advise HMRC where they are resident for tax purposes.

S4W-27714 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government which body is responsible for financing communications and publicity associated with the introduction of the Scottish rate of income tax.

S4W-27715 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will reconsider the decision not to show the Scottish rate of income tax separately on P60s and payslips in light of evidence submitted to the Finance Committee.

S4W-27716 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government when it will set the Scottish rate of income tax.

S4W-27717 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the risk of being unable to identify all Scottish taxpayers by April 2016.

S4W-27718 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government (a) how and (b) when it will advertise the coming into force of the Scottish rate of income tax to (i) taxpayers and (ii) employers.

S4W-27719 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government (a) how and (b) when it will advertise the level that the Scottish rate of income tax has been set at to (i) taxpayers and (ii) employers.

S4W-27720 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government what budget is available to advertise the Scottish rate of income tax in light of the comment of Charlotte Barbour of the Institute of Chartered Accountants to the Finance Committee on 23 September 2015 that "there may be restrictions on the budget for advertising the change and questions around who is paying for all of that”.


S4W-27721 Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on tail docking for working dogs.

S4W-27722 Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Government what evidence it has taken in the last six months on tail docking.

S4W-27723 Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-26902 by Richard Lochhead on 28 August 2015, when it will inform the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee of the findings of its research on tail docking.

S4W-27724 Murdo Fraser: To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to introduce an exemption to tail docking for working dogs, following the research that it commissioned from the University of Glasgow that was published in Veterinary Record in April 2014.

S4W-27725 Cara Hilton: To ask the Scottish Government how many businesses in the constituency of Dunfermline are in receipt of the small business bonus scheme.

S4W-27726 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government what action it takes to analyse the number of deaths each year that are attributable to (a) nitrogen dioxide and (b) other sources of particulate matter; what the latest information is; how much funding it provides to tackle this, and, in light of evidence to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs that the number of annual deaths across the UK could be double previous estimates, whether it plans to increase this funding and, if so, by how much.

S4W-27727 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4O-04596 by Aileen McLeod on 16 September 2015, whether the final Low Emission Strategy will include (a) a timetable for key actions, (b) estimates of each planned improvement to air quality and (c) details of how much money will be needed to fund low-emission zones in each local authority area.

S4W-27730 Claudia Beamish: To ask the Scottish Government for what reason its recently-launched consultation on air quality plans to meet EU limit values for nitrogen dioxide does not include scrutiny of the Low Emission Strategy.

S4W-27732 Rhoda Grant: To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to complete major capacity and speed improvements to the Highland Main Line before 2025.

S4W-27733 Rhoda Grant: To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to complete major capacity and speed improvements to the Highland Main Line with electrification before 2030.

S4W-27734 Cara Hilton: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on how many 16 to 24-year-olds have (a) been employed on zero-hours contracts, (b) been registered as self-employed, (c) registered as sole traders and (d) registered a limited company in (i) Dunfermline and (ii) Fife, in each year since 2007.


S4W-27737 Cara Hilton: To ask the Scottish Government how much financial assistance it has provided to people aged 16 to 24 in (a) Dunfermline and (b) Fife who have started businesses and what average (i) grant or (ii) loan it awarded, in each year since 2007.


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are usually printed the day after lodging. When an amendment is lodged, then the original motion will be republished alongside it.

Each Monday, this section also contains motions and amendments that have been lodged the previous week and are still live and those that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted.

Support for motions or amendments that have already been published is shown at the end of this section.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

* before the number indicates publication for the first time *…* around a section of text indicate changes to previously published material # a motion lodged for members’ business that has received the required level of cross-party support ♦ a motion lodged for members’ business that has not yet received the required level of cross-party support R a member has declared a registered interest

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments that are over six weeks old and not scheduled for debate.

Questions regarding this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk.


New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-14398 Kevin Stewart: Go Purple for CLAN—That the Parliament commends the Bon Accord and St Nicholas Centre in Aberdeen for supporting Cancer Link Aberdeen and North (CLAN) with its Go Purple campaign throughout September 2015; understands that staff will wear the colour for seven days to raise awareness of CLAN and to highlight the work that it does across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Orkney and Shetland; believes that the Go Purple initiative first took place as part of CLAN’s 30th anniversary celebrations in 2013 and has gone from strength to strength; applauds everyone who is taking part in Go Purple this year, and wishes CLAN all the very best in all of its endeavours.

Supported by: Kenneth Gibson*

*S4M-14397 Liam McArthur: UNISON Scotland’s Report, Learning the Hard Way—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of UNISON Scotland’s report, Learning the Hard Way: Survey of Further Education Members; notes with concern the continuing problems highlighted in the report caused by funding cuts, the college mergers programme and unaccountable college senior managers; recognises the concern among college staff that education services for students are declining; understands that 77% of staff are doubtful or extremely doubtful that services will improve within one year, 64% of staff think services have declined over the last two years, 69% of staff blame the merger process for this, while staff morale is recorded at rock bottom, with 79% of respondents holding negative views about the future of services; believes that college sector staff play a key role in providing skills development, wider access to education and improved opportunities for students from lower income backgrounds, and urges the Scottish Government to restore college sector funding to ensure that institutions have the flexibility to deliver courses in a way that best meets the needs of their students.

*S4M-14396 Paul Wheelhouse: International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 [draft]—That the Justice Committee recommends that the International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Michael Matheson*

*S4M-14395 Paul Wheelhouse: Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Supplementary Provision) Order 2015 [draft]—That the Justice Committee recommends that the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Supplementary Provision) Order 2015 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Michael Matheson*

*S4M-14394 Graeme Dey: Carnoustie Citizen of the Year and Junior Citizen of the Year Awards—That the Parliament congratulates Wendy Murray on being named Carnoustie Citizen of the Year and Caitlin Philbin on being presented with the Carnoustie Junior Citizen of the Year prize by Carnoustie Community Council; understands that Ms Murray is seen as a leading light in the East Haven community, having been instrumental in the founding of the East Haven Heritage and Garden


Group, the East Haven 800 Celebrations and supporting the general enhancement and civic spirit of her community; further understands that she gives more than 40 hours a week of her own time to tasks such as founding a heritage group that later became a Scottish charitable incorporated organisation (SCIO), staging various events, gardening alongside the Beechgrove Garden team and forming a community partnership to save and manage the village’s public toilets; believes that Ms Philbin is a dedicated athlete and world class fencer who competes around the world for Scotland and recently became the U20 Scottish champion; further believes that the Carnoustie High School pupil is the school’s fencing team’s captain, the Scottish School’s Individual Champion, the Scottish Secondary School’s Champion and Scottish Youth Development Series Champion and that she has taken the ladies’ gold at the Dundee Dual and bronze at the U18 Open on the senior circuit; wishes Ms Philbin well for the Junior Commonwealth Fencing Championships, which will take place in South Africa, at which she will compete for Scotland in the U17 and U20 categories, and welcomes the dedication of both Ms Philbin and Ms Murray to be great ambassadors for the wider Carnoustie community.

Supported by: Kevin Stewart*, Anne McTaggart*, Stuart McMillan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Bill Kidd*, Joan McAlpine*, Kenneth Gibson*, Angus MacDonald*

*S4M-14393 Kevin Stewart: Congratulations to the Royal Athenaeum Suites— That the Parliament congratulates the Royal Athenaeum Suites by Aberdeen Douglas Hotel on being awarded four stars by VisitScotland; understands that VisitScotland’s four stars are only awarded to accommodation that achieves an excellent standard; believes that the complex, which opened just over a year ago after a £5 million refurbishment of one of Aberdeen’s iconic granite buildings, contains 46 fully-serviced apartments and is about to unveil four new bespoke duplex apartments, and wishes the Royal Athenaeum Suites all the best with its future endeavours.

Supported by: Mike MacKenzie*, Graeme Dey*, Joan McAlpine*

*S4M-14392 Alison Johnstone: Congratulations to the Kirknewton Community Development Trust—That the Parliament congratulates the Kirknewton Community Development Trust on being awarded £60,000 from the Scottish Land Fund to purchase 0.31 hectares of land, where it plans to build what is considered genuinely affordable and sustainable housing for older people; commends the trust’s ambition to respond to local need and tackle fuel poverty by building houses with energy costs below the value of the winter fuel allowance; understands that this is the first such award in West Lothian, and hopes to see more communities across Scotland supported to take control of their futures through the ownership and management of land and land assets.

S4M-14391 Jackie Baillie: Congratulations to K Walker Family Butchers—That the Parliament congratulates K Walker Family Butchers on being named the West of Scotland Champion in the Traditional Steak Pie Awards 2015; understands that its owners, Kevin Walker and Charlotte Laing, have been running the business since 2007 and have two shops in Kilcreggan and Dumbarton; believes that the steak pie recipe was handed down from Kevin’s mother and is a family secret, and wishes both Kevin and Charlotte every success for the future.


S4M-14390 David Torrance: Kirkcaldy High School Receives Award for its Dunnikier Park Project—That the Parliament congratulates Kirkcaldy High School on receiving an award from Scotland’s Environment in the S1-S3 category at the 2015 Our Environment Competition; understands that the school received the award for its Dunnikier Park Project, which aims to improve the park’s environmental sustainability and make it a more attractive and well appreciated place for residents; notes that, as part of the initiative, pupils planted fruit trees, built hibernation chambers, put up bird boxes and conducted pollution surveys; commends the school’s efforts in providing the framework for this project to flourish, which it believes also fostered positive involvement with members of the wider community, who were informed about the various activities by the pupils; recognises that, in order to do this, the young people were encouraged to take pictures throughout the different stages of the project; believes that the project allowed the pupils to gain a range of skills, such as gathering information from their local environment, communicating their progress through the use of social media and working independently on a project outside the classroom; considers that this not only reflects the Scottish Government’s education aims, as outlined in the curriculum for excellence, but is also a great inspiration to schools around Scotland, and wishes all pupils and staff members the best of luck in continuing with their work.

Supported by: Roderick Campbell*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Joan McAlpine*, Bill Kidd*, Adam Ingram

S4M-14389 Jamie Hepburn: The Mental Health (Detention in Conditions of Excessive Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 [draft]—That the Health and Sport Committee recommends that the Mental Health (Detention in Conditions of Excessive Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Maureen Watt, Shona Robison

S4M-14388 Rob Gibson: World Accolade for the Sustainable Seafood at Scrabster’s Captain’s Galley—That the Parliament congratulates the owners, Jim and Mary Cowie, and everyone connected with the Captain’s Galley sea food restaurant in Scrabster on it being named as having the sixth most sustainable menu in the world by the website, TriplePundit; understands that it selects by hand a catch- of-the-day from non-pressure stock species, which is caught in the wild using sustainable methods, and sources all of its produce from within a 50-mile radius of the restaurant; congratulates it on achieving this high placing; notes that this is higher than restaurants in cities such as Tokyo, London and New York, and wishes everyone at the Captain’s Galley continued sustainable success.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Kevin Stewart*, Stuart McMillan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Graeme Dey*, Jamie McGrigor*, Jackie Baillie*, Adam Ingram, Hanzala Malik, Joan McAlpine, Kenneth Gibson, Chic Brodie, Mary Scanlon, Bill Kidd, Angus MacDonald, Dennis Robertson

S4M-14387 Stuart McMillan: Congratulations to the 73rd Greenock and District Scout Group—That the Parliament congratulates the 73rd Greenock and District Scout Group on taking second place in the Scout Association in Scotland’s National Camping Competition finals at the Meggernie Outdoor Centre in Aberfeldy on 6


September 2015; commends the six members of the group for what it considers their outstanding camping and scouting skills, which brought them victory at the Scottish Zonal Competition at Auchengillan in June and qualified them for the finals; understands that the group has grown into one of the largest scout groups in Inverclyde from its creation in 1945, and wishes the 73rd Greenock and District Scout Group every success in the future.

Supported by: Roderick Campbell*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Bill Kidd, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Joan McAlpine

S4M-14386 Colin Keir: Edinburgh Wolves Women’s American Football Team— That the Parliament congratulates the Edinburgh Wolves women’s American football team, which was founded in October 2014, on receiving a grant of £10,000 from the Awards for All fund; understands that this will be used to fund playing and training equipment; believes that the Wolves Women, who train at Queensferry Rugby Football Club, are the only full-contact women’s American football team in Scotland; commends the role that it understands the team is playing in promoting women’s access to this increasingly popular sport, believes that the players’ hard work and enthusiasm has already seen them achieve remarkable success, and wishes the team the best of luck in the coming season.

Supported by: Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Dennis Robertson*, Anne McTaggart, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Rob Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Adam Ingram

S4M-14385 Colin Keir: Recognising the Generosity of Muirhouse and the Wider Community in Collecting for Syrian Refugees—That the Parliament welcomes the actions of the group, Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse, in organising a collection of essential supplies, such as clothing, toiletries and school supplies, for Syrian refugees currently in Arsal in Lebanon; notes that refugees in this location currently number 80,000; understands that Muirhouse Community Shop was used as a collection point in conjunction with Spartans Football Club and the Pilton Youth and Children’s Project, representing what it considers an exemplary partnership between the local community, its community organisations and Edinburgh Direct Aid; understands that the amount collected far surpassed expectations and will make up the fourth shipping container of aid sent to refugees by Edinburgh Direct Aid, which will also include sewing machines and fabric for women’s vocational training schemes; believes that this outpouring of generosity by the wider community is indicative both of the genuine compassion felt for the plight of refugees and the strength of community spirit in the area; commends the actions of those who donated and those who gave up their time as volunteers to enable this, and believes that these donations will be sincerely appreciated by those in need.

S4M-14384 Bob Doris: Breast Health Awareness Roadshow—That the Parliament welcomes Breast Cancer Care Scotland’s mobile breast health awareness roadshow, which made its first stop at the Parliament on 21 September 2015; understands that the roadshow will provide vital breast health information and support services to communities with low levels of breast awareness, including black and minority ethnic groups, older women and socially disadvantaged groups; further


understands that the roadshow bus, named Betty’s Bus after the charity’s founder Betty Westgate, will take the breast health message to communities such as Possilpark in Glasgow and others in Dundee, Stirling, Aberdeen and Inverness over six weeks; understands that the roadshow is part of a three-year breast awareness programme and that Breast Cancer Care Scotland’s Breast Health Awareness Ambassador, Chris Weir, will create a team of trained volunteers called Team B- Aware, aimed at breaking down barriers and dispelling the myths associated with breast cancer, encouraging more people to come forward as soon as they have a symptom or suspect that something is wrong, thus improving survival rates; understands that, each year, around 4,500 people in Scotland are diagnosed with breast cancer; recognises that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which raises the profile of what it considers the brutal disease, and encourages people to be more breast aware and go for regular check-ups.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Jackie Baillie*, Claire Baker, Ken Macintosh, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Liam McArthur, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Dennis Robertson, Cara Hilton, Hugh Henry, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, Kenneth Gibson, Adam Ingram, James Dornan, Anne McTaggart, David Torrance

S4M-14383 Stuart McMillan: Radical War Memorial in Inverclyde—That the Parliament welcomes the official unveiling on 25 September 2015 of both a memorial and artwork in Cathcart Square in Greenock to commemorate the 1820 Radical War; recognises the significance of the war and surrounding events in Scotland’s history; understands that it was the culmination of years of social and political dislocation; notes that it resulted in an armed insurrection and workers’ strikes across the country and that several people were arrested and transported to Greenock; believes that residents in the town attempted to free the rebels from the authorities, which resulted in 18 people being shot, with eight fatalities; understands that the people later broke down the gates of the town’s jail and freed the political prisoners; acknowledges the decision by Inverclyde Council and Riverside Inverclyde to commemorate the event and the work of the local steering group co-ordinating it, and wishes everyone taking part a successful day.

Supported by: Angus MacDonald, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Jackie Baillie, Dennis Robertson, Bill Kidd, Kenny MacAskill, Joan McAlpine, Adam Ingram, Anne McTaggart, David Torrance

S4M-14382 Colin Beattie: Volkswagen’s Falsified Emissions Testing and its Effects on Scotland—That the Parliament expresses its concern at recent reports of fraudulent emissions testing of nearly 500,000 Volkswagen diesel vehicles, with a potential 10.5 million more vehicles implicated; calls on Volkswagen to clarify the status of its vehicles sold in the UK and specifically in Scotland, which, it understands, make up over 13% of the total cars driven in the UK, and understands that air pollution is thought to cause at least 30,000 deaths in Britain annually and that several European countries have already opened up investigations into Volkswagen vehicles and their compliance with recent Euro-6 regulations.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine, Chic Brodie, Bill Kidd, David Torrance


S4M-14381 Jackie Baillie: Bonhill Pupils Share Entrepreneurial Success—That the Parliament congratulates the pupils of Bonhill Primary School on being the only pupils in Scotland to be invited to the Youth Enterprise conference in Glasgow on 8 September 2015; notes that the school has been working with Scotland’s Enterprising Schools as part of a project to promote entrepreneurship in primary schools; understands that it is involved in a range of enterprising activities, including uniform recycling and water distribution as well as rearing its own chickens; further understands that it raises money for various causes in the community, including a parent café, hearing dog and the oncology unit at the Vale of Leven Hospital; thanks the school for setting what it considers such a great example, and wishes everyone involved every success in the future.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Margaret McCulloch, Richard Lyle, Patricia Ferguson, Bill Kidd, John Pentland, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14380 Rhoda Grant: Highland Youth Convener 2015-16, Kat Bateson—That the Parliament congratulates Kat Bateson from Inverness on being appointed to the role of Highland Youth Convener for 2015-16; understands that the full-time role, based in Inverness, will allow Kat to provide a consistent link for councillors and senior officials in Highland Council, representing young people’s views, and act as a sounding board for youth issues in the Highlands; understands that she will attend council and community planning partner meetings and has full voting rights on the education, children and adult services committee, with speaking rights at all other council committees; notes that Kat will be the ninth Highland Youth Convener, following Shaun Finlayson, and wishes her every success in her new role.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Richard Lyle, Jackie Baillie, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Cara Hilton, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Mary Scanlon, Jamie McGrigor

S4M-14379 David Stewart: Skye Woman Named Further Education Student of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates Cathryn Baillie on being named the joint winner of the Further Education Student of the Year title by West Highland College, UHI; notes that Cathryn, who is from Eyre in Skye, will be presented with the title at a graduation ceremony in Fort William, where she will receive the award jointly with Jayne Lear, who is an early education and childcare student from Lochaber; understands that, following a successful career as a chef and running her own deli, Cathryn changed career paths and enrolled on the crofting and countryside skills course at the Broadford-based college, and notes that she was nominated by her lecturer, Heather Neil.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Richard Lyle, Kenneth Gibson, Jackie Baillie, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Cara Hilton, Mary Scanlon, Jamie McGrigor

S4M-14378 Alison Johnstone: Brunstane Campaigners Identify Omissions from Local Development Plan—That the Parliament notes that the Second Edinburgh Local Development Plan was approved by the City of Edinburgh Council in May 2015 and is now being considered by the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals; understands that campaigners opposing housing


development at Brunstane Farmlands in Edinburgh have identified potentially serious omissions from the plan in relation to environmental and public health risks resulting from near-surface coal and associated historic mine works present on the site; notes that this additional information has been submitted to the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals, and calls on the Scottish Government to take full account of this information to ensure that the final form of the Second Edinburgh Local Development Plan fully complies with Scottish and European environmental regulations relating to strategic environmental assessment.

S4M-14377 Mark McDonald: Dyce Chipper Frying High—That the Parliament congratulates everyone at the Dyce-based chipper, Sea Salt and Sole, which is in the town’s Station Road, on it being nominated as a semi-finalist in the Best Newcomer category at the 2016 National Fish and Chip Awards; understands that the family-run chip shop, which has been open for less than a year, is the only nominee from Scotland among the 10 shortlisted in the category; believes that it has been judged highly in the areas of innovation, promotion and sustainability; considers responsibly- sourced ingredients and innovation to be a recipe for success, and hopes that the business enjoys success at the 2016 ceremony.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart, Richard Lyle, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, Adam Ingram, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Nanette Milne

S4M-14376 Christina McKelvie: Arguments against the Trade Union Bill—That the Parliament notes with concern the Trade Union Bill, which is being discussed at the UK Parliament; believes that this bill constitutes a threat to democracy and engenders an attempt to reduce workers’ rights, limiting their freedom of speech and freedom of association; considers that the regulation of picketing and the thresholds for ballots as set out in this bill reduce the option of legally striking; considers that these are vital elements that allow a fairer balance of powers in workplaces, ensuring the requirement of negotiations between employer and employees; considers that, under the provisions in this bill, ballots have less chance of success, and employers’ power over their staff is increased, including the ability to employ agency workers during a strike, which has been banned in the UK since 1973, and urges every MP involved in the debate on this bill to put pressure on the UK Government to ensure that it is withdrawn.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Dave Thompson*, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart, Claudia Beamish, Adam Ingram, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, James Dornan, Bill Kidd, Patricia Ferguson, Alex Rowley, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Patrick Harvie

S4M-14375 Stewart Stevenson on behalf of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee: Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament (Amendment) Bill—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament (Amendment) Bill.

Supported by: Mary Fee


S4M-14374 Neil Findlay: Congratulations to the Team Jak Foundation—That the Parliament congratulates the Team Jak Foundation, named after the 15-year-old West Lothian School pupil, Jak Trueman, who passed away on 2 February 2015 as a result of cancer; notes that the foundation has raised over £100,000, with many more fundraising ventures planned, and looks forward to the Team Jak Foundation continuing what it considers its excellent work in memory of an inspiring young man.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Cameron Buchanan, Kenneth Gibson, Jackie Baillie, Bill Kidd, Anne McTaggart, Kevin Stewart, Cara Hilton, Patricia Ferguson, Hugh Henry

S4M-14373 John Wilson: Welcoming the Extension of Freedom of Information Requests—That the Parliament welcomes the response by the Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Further Extension of Coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to More Organisations; thanks the campaign for what it views as its excellent work and important contribution to the discussion around FOI requests, including extending the range of FOIs to include contractors hired by the Scottish Government and other public bodies, and looks forward to an early introduction of the extensions suggested in the response.

Supported by: Drew Smith*, Jean Urquhart*, Jackie Baillie*, Hugh Henry, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14372 Chic Brodie: Social Enterprise in Scotland, Census 2015—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of Social Enterprise in Scotland: Census 2015; recognises what it considers the significant economic and social contribution that over 5,000 Scottish social enterprises are now making in every urban and rural community; welcomes the findings that 60% of social enterprises are led by women, 68% of social enterprises pay at least the recognised living wage, 97% have a pay ratio of 1:5 or less and over 200 new social enterprises are being formed each year; understands that social enterprises directly employ over 112,000 people, with £8.77 billion combined assets, a £3.86 billion combined net worth and a £1.68 billion GVA economic contribution, and supports a cross-party approach to continue investing in, developing and growing Scotland’s innovative social enterprise business community.

S4M-14371 David Torrance: St Marie’s Church in Kirkcaldy Celebrates its 150th Anniversary—That the Parliament congratulates St Marie’s Roman in Kirkcaldy on its 150th anniversary; notes that St Marie’s Church, which is the only Catholic church in Kirkcaldy, was established in 1865; understands that the church is administered by the Polish members of the Society of the Divine Saviour, also known as the Salvatorians; recognises that a celebratory mass will take place on 27 September 2015 with Archbishop Leo Cushley; welcomes the church’s services over the last century and a half, which it considers to be invaluable to the community, and wishes all members the best of luck for the future.

Supported by: Kevin Stewart*, Claire Baker*, Jackie Baillie*, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Anne McTaggart, Kenneth Gibson, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne


S4M-14370# David Stewart: Accessible Transport Strategy—That the Parliament acknowledges the Scottish Accessible Transport Alliance and its Accessible Transport Strategy and Action Plan for Scotland, which was published in 2015, and notes the timescale for implementation over the next five years; considers that there is a need for better transport access for disabled people in the Highlands and Islands and across Scotland, given that around 19% of working age people in Scotland are disabled and the number of older people is increasing, and recognises the need to involve disabled people and user-led organisations in the process of improving services.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie*, Cara Hilton, Liam McArthur, Mike MacKenzie, Jayne Baxter, Jean Urquhart, Hanzala Malik, John Pentland, Michael McMahon, Hugh Henry, Anne McTaggart, John Wilson

S4M-14369 Johann Lamont: Crookston Early Years Centre—That the Parliament congratulates the Crookston Early Years Centre, which is in the Glasgow Pollok constituency, on receiving a £9,637 Awards for All grant; understands that this will be used to develop the centre’s nursery grounds and purchase ICT equipment, and welcomes efforts to establish dynamic environments for children to play and learn.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Margaret McCulloch, Richard Lyle, Patricia Ferguson, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, John Pentland, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14368 Johann Lamont: Govan Schools Piping Association—That the Parliament congratulates the Govan Schools Piping Association, which is in the Glasgow Pollok constituency, on receiving a £10,000 Awards for All grant; understands that this will be used to run after-school bagpiping sessions for 60 learners from primary schools in the area, and welcomes efforts to teach children how to play a musical instrument and express themselves creatively.

Supported by: Drew Smith*, Dennis Robertson*, Margaret McCulloch, Richard Lyle, Patricia Ferguson, Adam Ingram, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, Stuart McMillan, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Cara Hilton, Rob Gibson

S4M-14367 Mike MacKenzie: Congratulating Kirkwall Grammar School—That the Parliament congratulates the young musicians and singers from Kirkwall Grammar School (KGS) who are due to perform in Monaco in December 2015 at the invitation of Prince Albert of Monaco; understands that this follows a visit to Orkney earlier this year by members of Monaco’s royal family when the traditional music group, Hadhirgaan, the KGS Swing Band and choir members performed for the royal party at Balfour Castle on Shapinsay, and wishes them well for their performance at the St Andrew’s Gala Dinner hosted by the Monte Carlo Whisky Society, a collaborative venture in the principality to promote Scottish heritage and culture through the appreciation of fine whisky, with the support of the Monégasque and Scottish governments.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Dennis Robertson*, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Jamie McGrigor, Jackie Baillie, Adam Ingram, David Torrance, Chic Brodie, Joan McAlpine, Liam McArthur, Mary Scanlon, Bill Kidd, Anne McTaggart, Roderick Campbell


S4M-14366 Cara Hilton: Hands off our Forth—That the Parliament is concerned at what it believes is the potentially devastating impact that fracking and underground coal gasification (UCG) could have on Scotland’s environment; is particularly concerned at the prospect of the exploitation of the Firth of Forth in the area bordering Kincardine; understands that there is a strong consensus among the community that fracking is not welcome in Fife; calls on the Scottish Government to extend its moratorium on fracking to include UCG, and hopes that the organisers of the Hands off our Forth demonstration on 11 October 2015 have every success.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Alison Johnstone, Neil Findlay, Margaret McCulloch, Patrick Harvie, John Pentland, Claire Baker, Patricia Ferguson, Hugh Henry, Elaine Smith, Anne McTaggart, Alex Rowley, Jayne Baxter

S4M-14365 Cara Hilton: Anti-cuts Consensus in Fife—That the Parliament looks forward to the Fife Anti-Cuts Gala, which is to be held on 3 October 2015 in Dunfermline; understands that the event is a non-politically aligned event, supported by the STUC and the People’s Assembly Against Austerity Scotland, aimed at everyone opposed to the ongoing cuts ideology and the poverty that it is creating; understands that the event is coordinated to tie in with the TUC and People’s Assembly Against Austerity mass march and rally at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester; condemns the UK Government’s austerity agenda, including cuts to tax credits, which it believes will leave millions of families on low pay even worse off over the next few years; condemns also what it sees as the UK Government’s draconian Trade Union Bill, which represents the biggest attack on worker’s rights across the UK for 30 years, undermining basic rights, including the right to strike and protest; welcomes what it considers the organisers’ positive and non-partisan approach; notes that, on the day, demonstrators from across Scotland are to march down Dunfermline High Street before assembling for a rally at the Glen Pavilion in Pittencrief Park; understands that there will also be a food donation point to help support local foodbanks and fun and games for children attending, and wishes all the organisers and marchers the best of luck.

Supported by: Claire Baker*, Neil Findlay, John Pentland, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle, Patricia Ferguson, Hugh Henry, Sarah Boyack, Jayne Baxter, Alex Rowley

S4M-14364 Gil Paterson: 60th Anniversary of St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society—That the Parliament congratulates St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society on reaching its 60th anniversary; notes that the society was set up as the St Margaret’s Adoption Society in 1955 at the behest of Archbishop Donald Campbell of Glasgow and early patrons included the bishops of Motherwell, Paisley and Galloway, with the dioceses also providing support; welcomes the society’s work, which includes supporting children and families who are affected by adoption and providing services for adopted adults, birth parents and potential adoptive parents, and wishes all the staff the very best for the next 60 years of providing what it considers such a valuable service to the children, parents and adults across their communities.


S4M-14363 Gil Paterson: Scouts’ 1st Kilpatrick School Group—That the Parliament welcomes the establishment of the 1st Kilpatrick school group in West Dunbartonshire by the Scouts; understands that Kilpatrick School is a specialist establishment providing education from birth to 18 for children and young people with additional support needs; considers that the Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential by developing skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment, conducting activities such as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography and climbing and learning survival skills such as first aid and computer programming, and wishes the new group all the very best for the future, both for the volunteers helping Kilpatrick School and the pupils who become involved to gain new skills and build positive friendships.

S4M-14362 Margaret McCulloch: Bi Visibility Day—That the Parliament recognises 23 September 2015 as Bi Visibility Day, also known as Celebrate Bisexuality Day and Bisexual Pride Day; understands that awareness and understanding of bisexuality is promoted on Bi Visibility Day; notes that the first UK- wide report focussing on the experiences of bisexual people, published in May 2015 by the Equality Network, found that 48% of respondents had received biphobic comments and 61% had experienced multiple discrimination; condemns discrimination against bisexual people, and hopes that Bi Visibility Day is a success in promoting awareness, understanding, equality and diversity.

Supported by: Cara Hilton, Jayne Baxter, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle, John Finnie, Kevin Stewart, Drew Smith, Patrick Harvie, Jean Urquhart, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14361 Jackie Baillie: St Ronan’s Primary School Celebrates Ruby Anniversary—That the Parliament congratulates St Ronan’s Primary School on celebrating 40 years of teaching pupils in Bonhill; understands that the school marked the celebration with a special mass attended by pupils, families and teachers past and present as well as local councillors; recognises that the school was opened in 1975 and was the first Catholic school in Bonhill; notes that the school recently moved to new, completely refurbished, premises; thanks the school for serving the people of Bonhill for many generations, and wishes it every success for the future.

Supported by: Stuart McMillan*, Clare Adamson, Richard Lyle, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Hanzala Malik

S4M-14360 Cara Hilton: Congratulations to Dunfermline in Bloom—That the Parliament congratulates Dunfermline in Bloom on its recent success at the Beautiful Scotland Awards; understands that the organisation came first in the Small City category; commends the steering group, which it considers has put so much time and effort into regenerating Dunfermline; celebrates in particular the establishment of a peacock sanctuary in Pittencrieff Park to provide a home for Dunfermline’s distinctive avian population, and wishes everyone involved all the best for the future.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, Richard Simpson, Richard Lyle, Neil Findlay, Alex Rowley, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, Murdo Fraser, Liz Smith, Jackie Baillie, Nanette Milne, Claire Baker


S4M-14359 Jayne Baxter: Traditional Building Skills and Materials Event in Callander—That the Parliament welcomes the Traditional Building Skills and Materials event that was held at Ancaster Square in Callander on 17 September 2015, which featured apprentices demonstrating traditional building skills, including masonry, slate roofing, joinery and painting and decorating; understands that the event was a collaboration between Stirling City Council, Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park, Historic Scotland, Forth Valley College, National Federation of Roofing Contractors and the Clanranald Trust for Scotland; notes that the event was open to members of the public with the aim of highlighting the importance of traditional building skills in the construction sector and brought together pupils from McLaren High School with local apprentices; believes that practical demonstrations of traditional building skills provide a platform to promote the construction industry and the many varied and desirable career paths that it can offer, and welcomes the ongoing work of all partner agencies to draw attention to the necessity of traditional building skills and, in turn, help to create a hi-tech, world-class industry with outstanding career prospects, helping companies to skill-proof their businesses, invest in skills and plan for the future.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, Bill Kidd, Neil Findlay, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle, Claire Baker, Cara Hilton, Angus MacDonald, Margaret McCulloch, Jean Urquhart, Anne McTaggart, Roderick Campbell, Hanzala Malik, Alex Rowley, John Wilson, Colin Beattie

S4M-14358 Bruce Crawford: Congratulations to Stirling Family Support Service—That the Parliament congratulates the Stirling Family Support Service on receiving £2,000 from Social Investment Scotland in partnership with the Asda Carrier Bag Fund, which it understands will be used to contribute to the cost of delivering a Positive Play Club programme, with a focus on developing self-esteem, coping strategies and anger management, for children aged between three and 12 years who are living in kinship care.

Supported by: Cara Hilton, Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald

S4M-14357 Alison Johnstone: Scottish Women’s Aid Project to Document 40 Years of Service to Society—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of an oral history project documenting 40 years of work by Scottish Women’s Aid to end domestic abuse; supports the creation of an archive, website, touring exhibition and local events to highlight the role played by Scottish Women’s Aid throughout its history; notes the award of a £300,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund for the initiative; recognises the contribution of Glasgow Women’s Library, the University of Glasgow Centre for Gender History and Women’s History Scotland to the project, and hopes that, with greater awareness of the work being done to tackle domestic violence, Scotland will soon see the elimination of such abuse.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Dave Thompson*, Dennis Robertson*, Bill Kidd, Cara Hilton, Jayne Baxter, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Jackie Baillie, Richard Simpson, Richard Lyle, Claire Baker, Angus MacDonald, Jean Urquhart, Neil Findlay, Graeme Dey, Malcolm Chisholm, Christine Grahame, Colin Beattie, Joan McAlpine, Anne McTaggart, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Fiona McLeod, Hanzala Malik, John Mason


S4M-14356 Bruce Crawford: Congratulations to Tir na nOg—That the Parliament congratulates Green Aspirations, which is based at Tir na nOg Balfunning, on receiving £28,000 from Social Investment Scotland in partnership with the Asda Carrier Bag Fund, which it understands will be used to purchase a new vehicle for transporting workshops to hard-to-reach communities around Scotland and taking clients out to woodlands for work experience.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald

S4M-14355 Rhoda Grant: Moray Businesswomen Recognised—That the Parliament congratulates three Moray businesswomen who won major prizes at the 2015 Association of Scottish Businesswomen’s event in Glasgow on 18 September 2015; notes that Faith Simpson’s chartered accountancy firm took the prize as the Association of Scottish Businesswomen Business of the Year, Carolle Small took the prize as Professional of the Year for her work at CAG Architects Ltd and Margaret Reynolds won the Most Enterprising Business Award for her Keith-based firm, Dogrobes; acknowledges the achievement of all three women; recognises the endeavours of them and their staff, and wishes them continued success in the future.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson*, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Graeme Dey, Colin Beattie, Hanzala Malik, Mary Scanlon, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Lewis Macdonald, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14354 Jackie Baillie: Barremman Bowling Club Celebrates 125 Years— That the Parliament congratulates Barremman Bowling Club on celebrating 125 years on the green; notes that the birthday was marked with a special competition and open day; understands that visitors turned out from across the peninsula; further understands that there will be an anniversary display in the clubhouse with pictures and information about the club, and wishes the club every success for the future.

Supported by: David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Colin Beattie, Kenneth Gibson, Dennis Robertson, Hanzala Malik, Patricia Ferguson

S4M-14353 Bill Kidd: The Drumchapel Foodbank—That the Parliament congratulates the Drumchapel Foodbank, which has recently received a £9,000 Awards for All grant from the Big Lottery; understands that the funding will be used to open a second foodbank location in Drumchapel; commends the work that the foodbank does in the community, and hopes that these additional funds will allow it to help many more people in need.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Dennis Robertson*, Colin Beattie, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Adam Ingram, Anne McTaggart, David Torrance, James Dornan, Stuart McMillan, Chic Brodie, Joan McAlpine, Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald

S4M-14352 Iain Gray: Congratulations to Blooming Haddington—That the Parliament congratulates Blooming Haddington on its success at the Beautiful Scotland awards, at which it won a gold medal in the best middle size town category; welcomes what it sees as the continued success of the town and the organisation; notes that this adds to its silver award and best newcomer wins in 2014; commends the volunteers on their efforts in looking after and promoting the town and East Lothian, and hopes that they enjoy continued success. 32

Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Nigel Don*, David Torrance, Claire Baker, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Kenneth Gibson, John Pentland, Jackie Baillie, Hanzala Malik, Cara Hilton, Graeme Pearson, Joan McAlpine, Anne McTaggart, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Jim Hume

S4M-14351 Elaine Murray: Dumfries and Galloway Business Week 2015—That the Parliament welcomes Dumfries and Galloway Business Week 2015, which runs from 5 to 10 October 2015; understands that it will focus on topics important to local businesses, including marketing, social media and networking; notes that free events, workshops and training have been organised across the region on such topics as growing and developing small businesses, becoming more competitive and learning from experts; welcomes the involvement of a wide range of partners including Dumfries and Galloway Council, Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of Commerce, Dumfries and Galloway College, VisitScotland, Scottish Enterprise, NFU Scotland, Business Gateway, Skills Development Scotland, Wigtonshire Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Small Businesses, Savills and the Peter Pan Moat Brae Trust, and considers that the 2015 event will build on the success of similar events in previous years.

Supported by: Alex Fergusson*, Jean Urquhart*, Jackie Baillie*, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart, Margaret McCulloch, Kenneth Gibson, Richard Lyle, Neil Findlay, Jim Hume, Joan McAlpine, David Torrance, Iain Gray, Graeme Pearson, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14350 Jamie McGrigor: The Gift of Grouse Initiative—That the Parliament notes a new report by Scotland’s Rural College and the University of the Highlands and Islands’ Centre for Mountain Studies at Perth College, which examines the importance of grouse shooting and moorland management in supporting fragile rural communities; believes that there is a substantial number of people, families and businesses in the Angus Glens and in the Monadhliaths who express support for the socio-economic benefits of grouse shooting and moorland management in their local area; congratulates the Angus Glens Moorland Group on its film, The Untold Story, which gives its perspective on what grouse management provides to its communities, and welcomes the Gift of Grouse initiative, which aims to demonstrate the positive tourism, employment, accessibility and conservation impacts that moorland management has across rural Scotland.

Supported by: Annabel Goldie, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Angus MacDonald, Colin Beattie, Murdo Fraser, Anne McTaggart, Graeme Dey, Jim Hume, John Lamont, Jackson Carlaw, Cameron Buchanan, Nanette Milne, Mary Scanlon

S4M-14349 Cameron Buchanan: Funding Success for the Children’s Parliament and Tribe Porty CIC—That the Parliament welcomes the award by the Big Lottery Fund’s Young Start programme of £99,930 to two organisations in the Lothian region; congratulates the Children’s Parliament in Edinburgh Northern and Leith, which received £50,000 to deliver an arts programme for children exploring bullying, and


Tribe Porty CIC in Edinburgh Eastern, which received £49,330 to extend the provision of the Tribe Porty Youth Theatre group so that it can run an intergenerational theatre workshop and performance project for P5-S6 young people; acknowledges what it sees as the valuable work that these groups do in their communities, and supports the efforts of all such good causes.

S4M-14348 Jackie Baillie: Agnes Smith Receives British Empire Medal—That the Parliament congratulates Agnes Smith from Dumbarton on receiving her British Empire Medal for services to armed forces personnel at a ceremony in Clydebank on 11 September 2015; notes that Agnes, known as Una, was a caseworker and fundraising coordinator for SSAFA for over a decade; believes that she helped around 80 families each year by providing advice on welfare issues and support to access health and social care services; understands that Agnes was presented with lifetime honorary membership of the SSAFA Glasgow branch in 2014 by Prince Michael of Kent, and wishes her all the best for the future.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Jayne Baxter, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Jamie McGrigor, Patricia Ferguson

S4M-14347 Jackie Baillie: Gordon Lawrie Receives British Empire Medal—That the Parliament congratulates Gordon Lawrie from Gartocharn on receiving his British Empire Medal for services to piping at a ceremony in Clydebank on 11 September 2015; notes that Gordon was the pipe major for the Dumbarton and District Pipe Band for more than three decades; further notes that he led all three sections of the band to win one of the most prestigious awards in the piping world, Champion of Championship prizes, in their respective grades; understands that Gordon has been in the band since it was set up in 1968, along with his grandfather and two brothers; notes that Gordon teaches young people from Dumbarton and the Vale how to play the pipes; understands that he is also a judge at the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, and wishes Gordon all the best for the future.

Supported by: Richard Lyle, Neil Findlay, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Jamie McGrigor, Jim Hume, Patricia Ferguson, Roderick Campbell

S4M-14346 Dennis Robertson: Fresh Opportunity and Growth for Scotland’s Food and Drink Sector—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Bank of Scotland’s fourth annual food and drink sector report, Fresh Opportunity and Growth; notes the report’s estimate that the industry will establish 14,000 new jobs by 2020 and that two-thirds of Scotland’s food and drink businesses are planning to develop new products, with a strong focus on developing international markets; understands that there are still pressures facing the industry, including labour costs and regulation; highlights what it considers the importance of provenance to the sector, with just under three-quarters of those who took part in the report saying that they are capitalising on the Scottish heritage of their products, and believes that the industry, in Aberdeenshire West and throughout Scotland, is well positioned to capitalise on further growth opportunities for 2016 and beyond.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Angus MacDonald, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, Mary Scanlon, Liam McArthur, Richard Lyle, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, John Mason, Nanette Milne, Chic Brodie, Jean Urquhart, Anne McTaggart, Rob Gibson 34

S4M-14345 Angus MacDonald: Forth Valley First Responders, Providing Vital Support to Emergency Services—That the Parliament congratulates Forth Valley First Responders on its 10th anniversary of active service in the community; considers it commendable that the unit is made up of everyday members of the general public trained to deal with a wide range of potentially life-threatening conditions until the arrival of an ambulance; recognises the vital assistance that these volunteers provide to the emergency services and members of the public, from reassuring and counselling individuals concerned about chest pains to performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using a defibrillator to restart a patient’s heart; understands that, in cases of cardiac arrest, the chance of a positive outcome reduces by approximately 10% for every minute that effective CPR and defibrillation are delayed, and therefore appreciates Forth Valley First Responders’ capacity and resolve to arrive swiftly on the scene, and wishes the volunteers well as they continue to provide invaluable life-saving and accident site-counselling support services to the people of Falkirk district and the wider Forth Valley area.

Supported by: David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Richard Lyle, Neil Findlay, Colin Beattie, Margaret Mitchell, Dennis Robertson, Jayne Baxter, Jackson Carlaw, Mark McDonald, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Graeme Dey, Richard Simpson, Colin Keir, Joan McAlpine, Jean Urquhart

S4M-14344 Mark McDonald: Welcoming Alzheimer Scotland’s Resource Centre in Aberdeen—That the Parliament welcomes the opening of what it believes is Aberdeen’s first dementia resource centre; understands that the £600,000 facility, which is run by Alzheimer Scotland and was opened by the Minister for Public Health on World Alzheimer’s Day, is based in King Street and that, in addition to providing a base for staff and volunteers for home support, support for carers and carer education, it will serve as a drop-in point for people seeking advice, and hopes that the centre will make a difference to the lives of people with dementia and their families.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Richard Lyle, Angus MacDonald, Colin Beattie, Jackson Carlaw, Adam Ingram, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, James Dornan, Fiona McLeod, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, Chic Brodie, Nanette Milne, John Pentland, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, Anne McTaggart, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Kevin Stewart

S4M-14343 Mark McDonald: Congratulating Northfield Congregational Church—That the Parliament congratulates Northfield Congregational Church on being awarded a £26,000 grant from the People’s Health Trust; understands that the funds are being used to improve the facilities to include a modernised café, indoor bowling and a hall suitable for dancing and exercise activities; further understands that the award has also enabled the church to establish the 65th Aberdeen Boys’ Brigade, which, despite the name, will also admit girls; notes that the church is now appealing to the community for volunteers to help run the facilities; hopes that the church will be successful in attracting volunteers, and believes that the church will continue to be an active and engaging part of the Northfield community.


Supported by: Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Richard Lyle, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Gil Paterson, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Chic Brodie, Nanette Milne, David Torrance, Anne McTaggart, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart

S4M-14342 Michael Russell: I Heart Castle Toward Campaign—That the Parliament notes the launch of the campaign, I Heart Castle Toward; understands that this has brought together a range of talented and creative individuals, all of whom are aware of the profound and inspirational effect that the castle has had on the generations of young people who were given the opportunity to express themselves in that special place; believes that the campaign hopes to persuade Argyll and Bute Council to halt the sale process to an individual and to open negotiations regarding the purchase of the building with this wider grouping, which seeks to both re-establish it as a centre of excellence for creative education and to involve the community that has worked hard to purchase the property, and urges the leadership of the council to act accordingly and listen to what it believes is the vast majority in and outwith the area who want to see the castle put to these uses.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Jean Urquhart, Kenneth Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, John Mason, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Anne McTaggart, Joan McAlpine, Angus MacDonald, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Bill Kidd, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, John Finnie

S4M-14341 Liam McArthur: Orkney Women’s Hockey Success—That the Parliament notes the success of the Orkney Hockey women’s team at the Island Games, at which the side defeated Jersey in the final on penalty flicks; congratulates the team members on what it sees a well-deserved victory following their hard training; applauds in particular the contribution of Claire Irvine, who scored both of the goals in open play as well as the winning penalty flick; considers this a testament to the strength of a team that plays an important role in community sport and fosters enthusiasm for the sport and exercise among Orcadians young and old, and wishes Orkney Hockey further sporting success.

Supported by: David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Colin Beattie, Jamie McGrigor, Jim Hume, Tavish Scott, Patricia Ferguson, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Kenneth Gibson, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14340 Liam McArthur: Remains of Papay Viking Recovered—That the Parliament notes what it considers the important discovery of a Viking burial on the island of Papay; acknowledges that this recent find is the second of such discoveries, with what appears to be a Norse boat burial having been found in April 2015; recognises the significance of this find in that the grave goods have been unusually preserved for an interment into sand, enabling archaeologists to divine much about the buried man and the society in which he lived, and applauds all those involved in what it considers this exciting excavation, from the local archaeologist, Julie Gibson, who first alerted Historic Scotland and AOC Archaeology Group, to the residents of Papay, who did all that they could to accommodate and support the research efforts on their islands.


Supported by: David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Claire Baker, Angus MacDonald, Colin Beattie, Stewart Maxwell, Jayne Baxter, Jamie McGrigor, Jim Hume, Tavish Scott, Patricia Ferguson, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, Mary Scanlon, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Jackson Carlaw, Roderick Campbell, Margaret McDougall, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14339 Liam McArthur: Cathedral Vigil for Refugees—That the Parliament notes the actions of the community group, Orkney Supports Refugees, which held a silent vigil on 12 September 2015 in solidarity with the refugees currently seeking help from the UK and Europe; understands that between 150 and 200 Orkney residents participated to show their support for the people fleeing war and seeking to build a brighter future for themselves and their families; believes that nearly £700 was raised for the charities, CalAid and Migrant Offshore Aid Station, material support that adds to the two aid collections already donated by Orcadians and delivered to the CalAid headquarters in Edinburgh; applauds the work of Orkney Supports Refugees, which it considers has worked selflessly and tirelessly to help during this humanitarian crisis; in particular applauds Sarah Macgregor and Mathieson, the key organisers of the group, and recognises the actions of Orkney Supports Refugees and the many other community groups throughout Scotland that stand in solidarity with the refugees as a genuine expression of the generosity and welcoming nature of the Scottish people.

Supported by: David Torrance, Claire Baker, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, Jayne Baxter, Jim Hume, Tavish Scott, Patricia Ferguson, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Neil Findlay, Jean Urquhart, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart

S4M-14338 Bill Kidd: Remembering Dr Alan Mackinnon—That the Parliament expresses its sadness at the death of Dr Alan Mackinnon, who it considers for many years played a leading role in the peace movement in Scotland; sends its sincere condolences to Dr Mackinnon’s family, to Karin his wife, his two children, Maeve and Iain, and his friends, and considers that Dr Mackinnon brought together representatives of trade unions, peace groups, political parties and religious organisations to coordinate Scottish protests against the invasion of Iraq in 2003, that he made a huge contribution to the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and that he initiated and contributed to research exploring the economic implications of scrapping Trident and developing practical ways of redeploying the skills of those who work on nuclear weapons.

Supported by: Jean Urquhart*, Dave Thompson*, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, Rob Gibson, Neil Findlay, Elaine Smith, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Gordon MacDonald, Stewart Maxwell, Patrick Harvie, Patricia Ferguson, Drew Smith, Michael Russell, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Cara Hilton, Malcolm Chisholm, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine


S4M-14337 Anne McTaggart: Growth of the Hospitality Industry in Glasgow— That the Parliament congratulates the city of Glasgow on becoming what it understands is the fastest-growing city in Scotland for new bar and restaurant openings in the last 12 months, as well as the fifth quickest riser in the British hospitality industry; considers that the rise in the number of eating and drinking outlets in Glasgow comes as the city is increasingly been favoured by national operators owing to the vibrancy of the eating and drinking scene as well as its status as a destination for business conferences and tourists; believes that demand for restaurants and hotels has been boosted by the emergence of major music and events venues such as the SSE Hydro, which has given a massive fillip to the sector in the Finnieston area, and considers that this recognition will promote and enhance the hospitality industry in Glasgow, boost the local economy and do so for many years to come.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Jean Urquhart, Mike MacKenzie, Claire Baker, Richard Lyle, Bill Kidd, Richard Simpson, Hugh Henry, Roderick Campbell, Hanzala Malik, David Torrance, Colin Beattie

S4M-14336 Anne McTaggart: Action Earth Campaign—That the Parliament welcomes the Action Earth Campaign, which aims to support Glasgow’s Green Year 2015; understands that this is run by Volunteering Matters and provides easy to access grants of up to £500 to local volunteers and community groups to get them involved in improving their local area; believes that, this year, the Action Earth campaign has already involved hundreds of volunteers across Glasgow, including the Friends of Possilpark Greenspace, Urban Roots, Friends of Glasgow’s Local Nature Reserves and many others; understands that Glasgow’s Green Year 2015 has been the city’s first green-themed year, celebrating the aspiration to be one of the most sustainable cities around; believes that the 2015 programme has brought together education, innovation, communities and creativity to strengthen local and international partnerships, putting the city firmly on the map as a champion of green issues; encourages as many groups as possible to apply for Action Earth grants, and wishes the project continued success in the future.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Jackie Baillie, Mike MacKenzie, Cara Hilton, Neil Findlay, Claire Baker, Richard Lyle, Bill Kidd, Claudia Beamish, Roderick Campbell, Elaine Murray, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Patricia Ferguson

S4M-14331 Graeme Dey: Arbikie Highland Estate Recognised at the China Wine and Spirits Awards—That the Parliament congratulates the Inverkeilor-based firm, Arbikie Highland Estate, on its success at the China Wine and Spirits Awards at which its Arbikie Vodka was a double gold medallist and its Kirsty’s Gin also won gold; understands that the judges were selected from among China and Hong Kong’s top buyers of wines and spirits, including importers, distributors, retailers and sommeliers, and attended blind tastings of products from 35 countries; notes that this follows the success of Arbikie Vodka at the 2015 Cocktails Spirits show in Paris; further notes that the firm’s first casks of whisky have recently been filled, and wishes it continuing success.


Supported by: Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Dennis Robertson, Anne McTaggart, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine

S4M-14330 Christian Allard: Sue Ryder Big Lottery Funding—That the Parliament welcomes the award of £9,980 from Awards for All Scotland for Sue Ryder’s Dee View Court facility in Aberdeen; notes that the funds are to be used to install a new purpose-built rehabilitation kitchen at Dee View Court, which will enhance and improve the independence and quality of life for service users; considers that this award acknowledges the vital and life-changing impact of high- quality neurological rehabilitation and re-ablement treatments that Dee View Court provides for its 22 residents, and hopes that the cash will help Sue Ryder maintain a safe, secure environment for neurological rehabilitation at the purpose-built specialist centre.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, Chic Brodie, Roderick Campbell, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Dennis Robertson, Bill Kidd, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Mark McDonald, Joan McAlpine, Hanzala Malik, Adam Ingram, Alex Salmond

S4M-14329♦ John Mason: Toward a Peaceful Election in Turkey—That the Parliament notes the result of the general election in Turkey on 7 June 2015, in which no party gained an overall majority; understands that there is to be another general election on 1 November; was encouraged that, since the ceasefire between the PKK and the Turkish Government, there appeared to be a more peaceful situation, with less pressure on the Kurdish minority, who form about 20% of the country’s population; is concerned that the situation seems to have deteriorated again in recent months; is further concerned with the news of the troubles in the city of Cizre; notes the call by the Commissioner for Human Rights for the Council of Europe for immediate access of independent observers to the city; understands that many Turkish citizens, including Kurds in Glasgow Shettleston and throughout Scotland, will be able to vote in Edinburgh, and notes the hope expressed that the election scheduled for November will be conducted in a transparent and democratic way and in a much more peaceful and positive climate than the present climate.

S4M-14326 Kevin Stewart: Congratulations to Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust—That the Parliament congratulates Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust (AFCCT) on being named national winner in the 2015 Scottish FA Grassroots Awards in the Best Professional Club in the Community category; notes that, in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, AFCCT supports primary school football in Aberdeen, provides coaching sessions in areas such as Tillydrone and runs sessions and festivals for children with learning disabilities; commends the trust’s chief executive, Ally Prockter, and everyone involved in the trust for their efforts, and wishes them all the best in their future endeavours.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Mark McDonald, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine, Bill Kidd, Christian Allard, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Roderick Campbell, James Dornan


S4M-14325# Rhoda Grant: Skye-based Palliative Care Partnership—That the Parliament recognises the work of the palliative care partnership in Skye between Boots, Macmillan Palliative Care (MPC) and NHS Highland; understands that this is a unique rural-based service that enables people from Skye and Lochalsh to access the specialist services of MPC’s rural pharmacists through Boots’ store in Portree; believes that recent research by the University of Strathclyde highlights the progress that is being made by the partnership in providing tailored medical advice and support; welcomes what it sees as the collaborative work between Boots and Macmillan across Scotland through the use of cancer information pharmacists; understands that many consider that the Skye partnership can serve as a model of best practice for patient care throughout the country, particularly in other rural areas, and notes the hope that it will continue to be maintained in the future so that it can be of benefit to its service users.

Supported by: Fiona McLeod, Jackson Carlaw, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, John Pentland, Mary Scanlon, Hanzala Malik, Michael McMahon, Jim Hume, Patricia Ferguson, Jamie McGrigor, Nanette Milne, Margaret McDougall, Jackie Baillie

S4M-14324 Mary Fee: National Lottery Sports Award for Erskine—That the Parliament congratulates everyone at Erskine, the charity for ex-service men and women, on its project, Erskine Community Celebrates the Commonwealth Games, winning the sports category at the National Lottery Awards; understands that this initiative provided veterans with a sense of connection to the Commonwealth Games by allowing them to take part in many activities and sports, such as cycling, bowls and athletics, and congratulates all of the staff and carers on what it sees as their work in helping to make events such as this open and enjoyable to ex-service personnel.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Annabel Goldie, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Jackson Carlaw, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Mike MacKenzie, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Jackie Baillie, Margaret McDougall, Patricia Ferguson

S4M-14323 John Lamont: Good Luck to the Scotland Rugby World Cup Squad—That the Parliament congratulates all those selected to represent Scotland in the 2015 Rugby World Cup; considers that strong performances in recent matches, particularly the win over Italy, show Scotland to be a confident team heading into the World Cup; believes that the Scottish Borders is well represented in the opening line-up by the captain, Greig Laidlaw from Jedburgh, Hawick’s Stuart Hogg, who was born in Melrose and played in Hawick, and Ross Ford from Kelso; looks forward to a successful tournament, and wishes the whole team luck in its opening Rugby World Cup 2015 match against Japan on 23 September and in subsequent matches.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, John Finnie, Stewart Maxwell, Annabel Goldie, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Murdo Fraser, Colin Beattie, Margaret Mitchell, Adam Ingram, Elaine Murray, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Tavish Scott, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Jackie Baillie, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Jamie McGrigor, Cameron Buchanan, Jim Hume, Claire Baker, Christine Grahame, Mary Scanlon, Patricia Ferguson 40

S4M-14321 Alison McInnes: Social Bite in Aberdeen—That the Parliament congratulates the chain of sandwich shops, Social Bite, and its founder, Josh Littlejohn, on its opening a branch in Aberdeen; understands that, as a social business, it donates all of its profit to good causes, employs formerly homeless people and runs an initiative that allows customers to pre-pay for food and drink that homeless people can then claim in store; believes that profits are donated to Shelter Scotland, the Vision Eye Care Hospital in Bangladesh, the MicroLoan Foundation, which supports women in Malawi and Zambia, and the STV Appeal; understands that it already has successful branches in Edinburgh and Glasgow, and wishes the team at Social Bite success for the future.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Liam McArthur, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Jayne Baxter, Elaine Murray, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Jackie Baillie, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Jim Hume, Jean Urquhart, Tavish Scott

S4M-14320 Stuart McMillan: Congratulations to the 32nd Greenock & District Scout Group—That the Parliament congratulates the 32nd Greenock & District scout group on reaching 100 years of unbroken service through two world wars; commends the group of over 200 for assisting with the Inverclyde branch of Alzheimer’s Scotland’s annual Inverclyde Memory Walk on 19 September 2015; recognises the group’s new partnership with the national organisation as a means of taking action in the Million Hands Initiative, which mobilises half a million Scouts UK- wide to support four big social issues chosen by young people and build long-term relationships in communities; understands that many of the local scouts have family members affected by dementia and seek to rally their peers into improving the lives of all who are affected, and supports the 32nd Greenock & District scout group’s empowering endeavours to bring the community together.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, Stewart Maxwell, Annabel Goldie, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Jackson Carlaw, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Elaine Murray, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Nanette Milne, Jackie Baillie, Jean Urquhart, Joan McAlpine

S4M-14319 Roderick Campbell: Marking World Alzheimer’s Day 2015—That the Parliament marks World Alzheimer’s Day 2015 on 21 September; notes that this is an annual event that brings together organisations across the world to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and dementia; praises organisations, including Alzheimer Scotland, Marie Curie Scotland and NHS Scotland, for the work that they are doing to support those with dementia and their carers as well as raise awareness of Alzheimer’s and dementia in Scotland; supports further work to tackle the stigma that can be associated with dementia, and highlights the importance of recognising the early signs of dementia.


Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Dave Thompson*, Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, John Finnie, John Mason, Gil Paterson, Fiona McLeod, Dennis Robertson, Jackson Carlaw, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, Elaine Murray, Mary Fee, Bill Kidd, Neil Findlay, Jean Urquhart, Kevin Stewart, Margaret McDougall, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Margaret Mitchell, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Graeme Dey, Liam McArthur, Mark McDonald, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Jackie Baillie, John Pentland, Joan McAlpine, Christine Grahame, Kenneth Gibson, Jim Hume, Patricia Ferguson, Adam Ingram

S4M-14318 Elaine Smith: Papal Visit to Cuba—That the Parliament welcomes the papal visit to Cuba on 19 to 22 September 2015; understands that Francis met Cuba’s former President, Fidel Castro, after celebrating Mass in Havana; understands that tens of thousands of people met in Revolution Square in the capital to hear the Mass, including Cuba’s current President, Raul Castro, and the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner; acknowledges that this is Pope Francis’ first visit to Cuba and that his Mass included a homily based around brotherhood and serving people in unity; further understands that the papal visit will continue to the USA, where Pope Francis will provide a service in Washington DC; considers that the Pope has been distinguished by his hard work in cementing relations between Cuba and the USA, and congratulates both the Catholic Church and the Cuban government on what it considers a hugely successful visit to the island.

Supported by: Dave Thompson*, Clare Adamson, Gil Paterson, John Mason, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, John Pentland, Elaine Murray, Neil Findlay, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Cara Hilton, Patricia Ferguson, Jackie Baillie

S4M-14317 Stewart Maxwell: Pension Credit for Members of Enclosed Religious Orders—That the Parliament understands that only two groups of pensioners, prisoners and members of fully-enclosed religious orders, are denied pension credit; believes that it is unacceptable to classify people in religious orders in the same way as prisoners; recognises that the number of people in such orders, and therefore the cost to the Treasury of extending pension credit to them, is small; understands that not having access to pension credit causes real hardship to groups of pensioners, and calls on the UK Government to extend it to people in these types of religious orders.

Supported by: Dave Thompson*, Christina McKelvie, Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson, Roderick Campbell, James Dornan, Dennis Robertson, Gil Paterson, John Mason, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Rob Gibson, Patricia Ferguson, Mike MacKenzie, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, Jean Urquhart, Stuart McMillan, Kenneth Gibson, Adam Ingram, Joan McAlpine

S4M-14316 John Mason: Importance of Social Enterprise in Scotland—That the Parliament notes the report Social Enterprise in Scotland: Census 2015, which finds Scotland to be a world-leading nation with regard to social enterprises; understands that Scotland already has over 5,000 social enterprises, with over 200 being formed each year; agrees with Jonathan Coburn, the Director of Social Value Lab, which carried out the study, that "The research shows that it is possible to operate in a way


that is both good for business and good for Scottish society"; recognises what it considers the significant estimated £1.6 billion gross value added contribution of social enterprises to the Scottish economy; considers that social enterprises serve an important role in deprived communities across Scotland, whether operating in rural or urban areas; appreciates what it considers the large role that housing associations and housing cooperatives play in society, with both accounting for 40% of all social enterprise income; congratulates the Scottish Government on what it sees as its outstanding work in supporting new and existing social enterprises across Scotland, and is sure that this work will be continued into the future.

Supported by: Dave Thompson*, Clare Adamson, Angus MacDonald, Gil Paterson, David Torrance, Michael Russell, Dennis Robertson, Rob Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Jean Urquhart, Stuart McMillan, Kenneth Gibson, James Dornan, Adam Ingram, Bill Kidd, Mark McDonald, Joan McAlpine

S4M-14315 Kevin Stewart: Transition Extreme at 10—That the Parliament congratulates Transition Extreme in Aberdeen on what it considers a very successful 10th anniversary event, the Adrenaline Dinner and Dance; recognises the charity’s efforts in attracting young people to participate in extreme sports in a safe environment, such as skateboarding, BMX-ing and climbing; commends its 10 years of effort in aiming to assist its service users with making positive life transitions, and wishes it all the very best for the next 10 years and beyond.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Clare Adamson, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Nanette Milne, Anne McTaggart, Bill Kidd, Mark McDonald, Adam Ingram, Kenneth Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Stuart McMillan, Jackie Baillie

S4M-14314 Fiona McLeod: Celebrating the Voluntary Work of Frances Jones— That the Parliament celebrates the voluntary work of Frances Jones; notes that, for over 45 years, Frances has been a volunteer and organiser with the Glasgow Coeliac Group; believes that she has helped organise many events, including the annual Christmas party, gluten-free Italian meal nights, coeliac awareness meetings and various trips for people of all ages, and understands that, in 2014, Frances was given the honour of being a Commonwealth Games baton bearer in recognition of her dedication to voluntary activities.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, Elaine Murray, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Mark McDonald, James Dornan, Kevin Stewart, Bill Kidd, Graeme Dey, Joan McAlpine, Adam Ingram, Jean Urquhart, Jackie Baillie

S4M-14312 John Finnie: Lovat Shinty Club, 2015 Camanachd Cup Victors—That the Parliament congratulates Lovat Shinty Club on its success in the 2015 Camanachd Cup with a 2-1 win over Kyles Athletic; notes that this is Lovat’s first Camanachd Cup triumph since 1953, when Lovat won the same fixture 4-1 after a 2- 2 draw; hopes that the success of the 2015 Camanachd Cup will encourage more people to take up shinty, and wishes both Lovat and Kyles Athletic every success in the future.


Supported by: Dave Thompson*, Stewart Maxwell, Gil Paterson, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, Jamie McGrigor, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Angus MacDonald, Kenneth Gibson, Mary Scanlon, Bill Kidd, Tavish Scott, Adam Ingram, Patricia Ferguson

S4M-14310 Graeme Dey: Ollie Holt Wins a WellChild Award—That the Parliament congratulates five-year-old Ollie Holt, who is from Carnoustie, on being named a winner in the annual WellChild Awards; notes that the awards will be presented at a ceremony in London on 5 October 2015 and that Ollie was nominated by his mother, Emma; understands that the awards celebrate the courage of children with serious illnesses or complex conditions and honour the dedication of the professionals who go the extra mile to help them and their families; notes that Ollie was selected from hundreds of nominations to win the Inspirational Child award; understands that he has a constant smile, despite having a rare condition that causes cavernomas; notes that these irregular blood vessels have meant that he has experienced seizures since the age of two and has undergone brain surgery; understands that, despite extreme fatigue and pain, Ollie has amazed family, friends and medical professionals with his cheerfulness and has taken part in a fundraising and awareness-raising walk across the Tay Bridge for the Cavernoma Alliance UK; congratulates all of the award winners, and welcomes what it sees as this recognition of the courage of children such as Ollie and the medical professionals who look after them.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Dennis Robertson, Gil Paterson, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, Elaine Murray, Mike MacKenzie, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Jean Urquhart, Bill Kidd, Mark McDonald, Adam Ingram, Jackie Baillie, Joan McAlpine, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne

S4M-13677# Dennis Robertson: World Health Organization’s 25 by 2025 Framework—That the Parliament welcomes the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 25 by 2025 framework for preventing global non-communicable diseases (NCDs); believes that NCDs account for nearly 75% of all premature deaths in Scotland, including in Aberdeenshire West; understands that NCDs share common risk factors as detailed by WHO in its framework; notes the view that Scotland should adopt the 25 by 2025 recommendations, and believes that 3,805 lives could be saved per year if Scotland achieves the target reductions recommended by WHO.

S4M-13714# James Kelly: Which? Calling Time on Nuisance Calls and Texts— That the Parliament notes the aims of Consumer Association’s campaign, Calling Time on Nuisance Calls and Texts; understands that a report published in Which? suggested that eight in 10 people find such calls and texts a disturbance to their daily lives; believes that they can be particularly distressing for older people, including those in Rutherglen, Cambuslang and Blantyre, and notes the campaign’s aims, which include making senior executives more responsible for the actions of their companies, the introduction of mandatory caller identification to make it easier for consumers to report companies and the assessment of how data is collected, used and traded.

S4M-14081# James Dornan: Taking Action to Protect Asylum Seekers and Refugees Across Europe—That the Parliament recognises the work of charities and organisations across Scotland, including the Greater Pollok Integration Network


and Glasgow the Caring City based in the Glasgow Cathcart constituency that have supported asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow for many years; notes the continuing forced displacement and refugee crisis with people seeking asylum or refuge from places including Syria, Libya and Eritrea arriving daily in Europe; appreciates that the numbers of people reaching Europe is dwarfed by people seeking refuge in neighbouring countries including Jordan; notes the deaths of at least 70 asylum seekers in the back of a truck close to the Austrian border; notes the comments of the Austrian interior minister, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, who said that "the tragedy again underlined the urgent need for common EU policies to protect migrants and to combat people traffickers"; considers the European response to date to have been lacklustre and the position of the UK Government to continue to stand on the sidelines to be senseless and untenable; believes it imperative that countries across Europe come together and put in place a European strategy to deal with the crisis both with people coming via the Mediterranean and those waiting in Calais; notes recent comments by Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande looking to discuss such a strategy at the next meeting of the European Commission in October 2015, and further notes calls on the UK Government to join them in opting-in to the EU resettlement programme and taking other positive steps to assist across the continent and to stop playing politics with the lives of so many people seeking refuge from unimaginable hardship in their home countries.

Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-14309 Congratulations to Fife Arabic Society (lodged on 18 September 2015) Bill Kidd, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Mark McDonald, Kevin Stewart, Claire Baker, Colin Beattie, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Clare Adamson

S4M-14308 Congratulating Lidl on its Living Wage Policy (lodged on 18 September 2015) Bill Kidd, John Mason, Dave Thompson, Kevin Stewart, Christine Grahame, Margaret McDougall, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, Siobhan McMahon, David Torrance, Drew Smith, Gil Paterson, John Finnie, Angus MacDonald, Nigel Don, Clare Adamson

S4M-14307 M3, A Vital Local Service (lodged on 17 September 2015) Elaine Murray

S4M-14306 The UK Trade Union Bill, an Attack on Workers’ Rights (lodged on 17 September 2015) Elaine Smith, Jenny Marra, Elaine Murray, Siobhan McMahon, Mary Fee

S4M-14305 Congratulations to the 2015 Beautiful Fife Award Winners (lodged on 17 September 2015) Kevin Stewart, Claire Baker, Colin Beattie, Gil Paterson, Clare Adamson

S4M-14304 Congratulations to Sheenah Nelson on Receiving Health Volunteer of the Year Award (lodged on 17 September 2015) Margaret McDougall, Kevin Stewart, Elaine Murray, David Torrance, Gil Paterson


S4M-14303 Quarriers and the William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre (lodged on 17 September 2015) Kevin Stewart, Christine Grahame, Siobhan McMahon, David Torrance, Mary Fee, Dennis Robertson, Nigel Don

S4M-14302 Captain Iain Dunderdale, Outstanding Achievement Award (lodged on 17 September 2015) Bill Kidd, Dave Thompson, Elaine Murray, John Finnie, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson

S4M-14301 Monklands Hospital Raises Sepsis Awareness (lodged on 17 September 2015) Siobhan McMahon, John Finnie, Clare Adamson

S4M-14300 Congratulating David Scott-Park and Portnellan Farm in Dunbartonshire (lodged on 17 September 2015) Elaine Murray

S4M-14299 Congratulations to Helen Gibson and Margaret Dick of Luss WRI (lodged on 17 September 2015) Elaine Murray

S4M-14296 Help Stop Women Dying from Breast Cancer Now (lodged on 17 September 2015) Siobhan McMahon, Drew Smith, Malcolm Chisholm, Cara Hilton, Anne McTaggart, Jackson Carlaw, Jamie McGrigor, Jim Hume, Margaret McDougall, Nanette Milne, Patricia Ferguson, Liam McArthur, Ken Macintosh, Hanzala Malik, Mary Fee, Claudia Beamish, John Pentland, Michael McMahon, Jackie Baillie, Mary Scanlon, Colin Beattie, Neil Findlay, Mike MacKenzie, Claire Baker, Richard Simpson, David Torrance, Jayne Baxter, Jean Urquhart*

S4M-14295 £28 Million City Deal Project for West Dunbartonshire (lodged on 17 September 2015) Margaret McDougall, Annabel Goldie

S4M-14294 The Friends of the Charlotte Dundas Canal Heritage Trail Plan (lodged on 17 September 2015) Dennis Robertson, Clare Adamson

S4M-14293 Times Educational Supplement Scotland 50th Anniversary (lodged on 17 September 2015) Elaine Murray, Mary Scanlon, Dennis Robertson

S4M-14292 Camphill Foundation’s 75th Anniversary (lodged on 17 September 2015) Bill Kidd

S4M-14290 UK Government Should Pay Heed to Jake Molloy (lodged on 16 September 2015) John Mason, Bill Kidd

S4M-14289 The Inaugural Deeside Local Food Festival (lodged on 16 September 2015) Jean Urquhart, Dennis Robertson

S4M-14287 Comparing Apples with Pears, and even Plums (lodged on 16 September 2015) Dennis Robertson

S4M-14286 The Press and Journal’s Apprentice 100 Campaign (lodged on 16 September 2015) Dave Thompson


S4M-14285 Congratulations to Loch Ness Brewery (lodged on 16 September 2015) Christine Grahame

S4M-14284 Congratulations to Bloody Scotland Writing Festival (lodged on 16 September 2015) Christine Grahame

S4M-14283 Congratulations to Scottish Borders Council’s Floral Gateway Award Winners and Runners-up (lodged on 16 September 2015) Christine Grahame, Annabel Goldie

S4M-14282 Recognising the Work of the Corstorphine Dementia Project (lodged on 16 September 2015) Christine Grahame

S4M-14281 Scotland Named the Best Cruising Ground of the Year (lodged on 16 September 2015) Christine Grahame, Elaine Murray, Annabel Goldie, Stewart Maxwell

S4M-14280 Going Higher for Student Carers in Scotland (lodged on 16 September 2015) Richard Simpson, Elaine Murray, Siobhan McMahon, Jim Hume, Iain Gray, Malcolm Chisholm, John Pentland, Graeme Pearson

S4M-14278 Tennis on the Road Programme with Judy Murray (lodged on 16 September 2015) Adam Ingram, Anne McTaggart, Margaret Mitchell, Joan McAlpine, Kenneth Gibson, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, Jackie Baillie, Mike MacKenzie, Stuart McMillan, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Dennis Robertson*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-14277 Retirement of Father Peter Lennon (lodged on 16 September 2015) Elaine Murray

S4M-14275 EU Funds Aquamarine Wave Oyster (lodged on 16 September 2015) Christine Grahame

S4M-14273 Protect the Blood Pressure Clinic at the Vale of Leven Hospital (lodged on 16 September 2015) Elaine Smith, Lewis Macdonald, Siobhan McMahon, Jackson Carlaw, Cara Hilton

S4M-14269 University of Stirling Jumps 117 Places in QS World University Rankings (lodged on 15 September 2015) Claire Baker, Elaine Murray

S4M-14268 Congratulations to the Royal British Legion Scotland Methilhill Women’s Section (lodged on 15 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14264 Well Done, Scott (lodged on 15 September 2015) Elaine Murray

S4M-14262 Scotland’s Colleges Help Drive the National Economy (lodged on 15 September 2015) Dennis Robertson

S4M-14260 UK Government Admits Submarine Caused Collision (lodged on 15 September 2015) Dave Thompson, Dennis Robertson


S4M-14259 University of St Andrews Rises up the Rankings (lodged on 15 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14258 Congratulations to Kinghorn in Bloom (lodged on 15 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14256 Gas Safety Week 2015 (lodged on 15 September 2015) Dennis Robertson, Elaine Murray

S4M-14253 Make It Happen Forum in Falkirk (lodged on 14 September 2015) Siobhan McMahon, Annabel Goldie

S4M-14251 Deaths at the Grand Mosque in Mecca (lodged on 14 September 2015) Dave Thompson, Elaine Murray

S4M-14249 The Passing of Charles Macleod (lodged on 14 September 2015) Dave Thompson, Elaine Murray

S4M-14244 Solidarity with the Prospect and PCS Workers at NERC Sites in Scotland (lodged on 14 September 2015) Margaret McDougall, Elaine Murray

S4M-14243 Beautiful Aberdeen (lodged on 14 September 2015) Alex Salmond

S4M-14242 Welcoming the Response in North East Fife to the Refugee Crisis (lodged on 14 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14236 WSREC Receives £10,000 Grant from Skills Development Scotland (lodged on 11 September 2015) Margaret McDougall

S4M-14233 Macrobert Arts Centre Launches Annual Christmas Pantomime Appeal (lodged on 11 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14232 Improvements to Calais Muir Woodland (lodged on 11 September 2015) Claire Baker, Colin Beattie

S4M-14229 Congratulations to Carers Link East Dunbartonshire (lodged on 11 September 2015) Annabel Goldie

S4M-14228 Aberdeen Winners in the Keep Scotland Beautiful Awards (lodged on 11 September 2015) Margaret McDougall, Elaine Murray

S4M-14226 Aberdeen Solidarity with Refugees (lodged on 11 September 2015) Claire Baker, Margaret McDougall

S4M-14224 Joe Lafferty from Kirkcaldy Wins Child of Achievement Award (lodged on 10 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14223 Congratulations to the Happy Sunshine Club in Kirkcaldy (lodged on 10 September 2015) Claire Baker


S4M-14221 Congratulations to the Men and Boys Eating and Exercise Disorders Service (lodged on 10 September 2015) Dave Thompson

S4M-14217 ChooseLife Ninth Annual Suicide Prevention Five-a-side Tournament (lodged on 10 September 2015) Dave Thompson

S4M-14216 Rabbit Braes Named Best Community Initiative at Kingdom FM Local Hero Awards (lodged on 10 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14212 Mike Keane from Kirkcaldy Named National Coach and Performance Director of Boxing Scotland (lodged on 10 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14206 Dalzell Flying Club Motherwell (lodged on 10 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14205 Motherwell FC’s 1886 MFC Project (lodged on 10 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14204 Police Scotland Open Day (lodged on 10 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14203 Ardenglen Housing Association Celebrates with ASDA Foundation’s 50th Birthday Community Grants (lodged on 10 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14202 Community Path Volunteer of the Year 2015 (lodged on 10 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14201 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Muir (lodged on 10 September 2015) Dave Thompson, Stewart Maxwell

S4M-14197 Success for the Fair Tips Campaign (lodged on 09 September 2015) Margaret McDougall

S4M-14196 £7 Million Milestone for New Arts Sponsorship (lodged on 09 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14195 Wishaw to Calais (lodged on 09 September 2015) Margaret McDougall, Colin Beattie, Ken Macintosh

S4M-14188 Maitland Mackie Scholarship (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14187 Suicide Awareness Week (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14186 City of Glasgow College goes Global (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie


S4M-14185 World Osteoporosis Day (lodged on 08 September 2015) Stewart Maxwell, Colin Beattie, John Scott

S4M-14184 Tackling Fuel Poverty (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14182 Welcoming Lloyd’s Register to Aberdeen (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14181 Offshore Europe 2015 (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14179 Orkney International Science Festival 2015 (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14174 Congratulations to Beith Community Trust (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14170 Congratulations to Hanover Scotland’s Morris Court in Dalry (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14168 New Clyde-built Ferry for Ardrossan to Arran Crossing (lodged on 08 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14166 Get on Board for Hawick and Carlisle (lodged on 07 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14165 Rental Exchange Project in Renfrewshire (lodged on 07 September 2015) Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie

S4M-14164 GP Practices at the Deep End, Healthy Life Expectancy (lodged on 07 September 2015) Margaret McDougall

S4M-14162 Jane Spall, School Librarian of the Year Award (lodged on 07 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14160 Congratulating Bridgend Bulletin Group and its Shale History Project (lodged on 07 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14158 Yorkhill Children’s Charity First Footing Success (lodged on 07 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14157 Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service to Open at Helensburgh Library (lodged on 07 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14154 Leadership Needed to Tackle Refugee Crisis (lodged on 07 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14149 Young People Encouraged to Register to Vote (lodged on 04 September 2015) Stewart Maxwell, Colin Beattie


S4M-14148 ScotRail’s Modernisation of Trains (lodged on 04 September 2015) Dave Thompson

S4M-14143 Greenock Morton FC in the Same League as Manchester United (lodged on 04 September 2015) Colin Beattie

S4M-14140 International Literacy Day (lodged on 03 September 2015) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-14135 Scotland Supporting Refugees (lodged on 03 September 2015) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-14131 Raising Awareness of Childhood Cancer (lodged on 03 September 2015) Claire Baker, Ken Macintosh

S4M-14129 Work Begins on the Cupar Community Sports Hub (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14127 Glasgow Hosts the World Hepatitis Summit 2015 (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14126 Edinburgh Traditional Building Festival 2015 (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14125 Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2016 (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14124 Family Engagement in Children’s Learning (lodged on 02 September 2015) Roderick Campbell, Elaine Murray, Dennis Robertson

S4M-14123 East Renfrewshire Diversity Day 2015 (lodged on 02 September 2015) Stewart Maxwell

S4M-14122 St Andrew’s Hospice Takes the Lead (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14121 Congratulations to Louise Martin CBE, CGF’S First Female President (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14119 Fife Sports Festival Provides Activities for All (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14116 Helmsdale Volunteers Rejuvenate Sutherland Station (lodged on 02 September 2015) Claire Baker

S4M-14110 Reviewing Arrangements for Managing Sex Offenders (lodged on 01 September 2015) Elaine Murray

S4M-14081 Taking Action to Protect Asylum Seekers and Refugees Across Europe (lodged on 28 August 2015) Malcolm Chisholm


S4M-14057 Smoking Rates Fall in Scotland (lodged on 26 August 2015) Alison Johnstone

S4M-14037 BBC Scotland Funding (lodged on 25 August 2015) Alison Johnstone*, Patrick Harvie*

S4M-13873 70th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (lodged on 03 August 2015) Jean Urquhart


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section G – Bills

New amendments to Bills lodged on 25 September 2015

Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act – Stage 3

Section 4

Jenny Marra

12 In section 4, page 4, line 8, at end insert

Section 8

Jenny Marra

13 In section 8, page 6, line 33, after insert

Jenny Marra

14 In section 8, page 7, leave out lines 1 to 7 and insert— <(c) begins on the date a reference is made to a competent authority to determine if the adult is a victim of an offence of human trafficking, and (d) ends— (i) on the date on which there is a determination that there are not reasonable grounds to believe that the adult is a victim of an offence of human trafficking, (ii) on the date on which there is a conclusive determination that the adult is not a victim of an offence of human trafficking, or (iii) on the latest of the following— (A) 45 days after the date on which it is determined that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the adult is a victim of an offence of human trafficking, (B) at the end of the period specified in regulations made by the Scottish Ministers, or (C) on the date on which there is a conclusive determination that the adult is a victim of an offence of human trafficking.>


Jenny Marra

15 In section 8, page 7, leave out lines 10 to 15

Jenny Marra

16 In section 8, page 7, line 16, at end insert— <(3A) The Scottish Ministers must publish guidance on the provision of support and assistance under subsection (3). (3B) Guidance published under subsection (3A) may in particular cover— (a) the relevant authority that may determine whether an adult is to receive support under that subsection, (b) the relevant circumstances to be considered in determining whether such support is to be provided, (c) the relevant circumstances to be considered in determining when such support should end.>

Section 8B

Jenny Marra

17 In section 8B, page 8, leave out lines 33 and 34 and insert— <(b) a person with parental rights or responsibilities in relation to the child— (i) is not in regular contact with the child or is outside the United Kingdom, (ii) is suspected of having committed an offence under this Act in relation to the child, or (iii) for other reasons has interests that conflicts with those of the child.>

Jenny Marra

18 In section 8B, page 9, line 10, at end insert— <(5A) The functions of an independent child trafficking guardian include (where appropriate)— (a) ascertaining and communicating the views of the child in relation to matters affecting the child, (b) making representations to, and liaising with, bodies or persons responsible for— (i) providing care, accommodation, health services, education or translation and interpretation services to or in respect of the child, or (ii) otherwise taking decisions in relation to the child, (c) assisting the child to obtain legal or other advice, assistance and representation, including (where necessary) the appointment and instruction of legal representatives to act on behalf of the child, (d) consulting regularly with the child and keeping the child informed of legal and other proceedings affecting the child and any other matters affecting the child, (e) contributing to any plan to safeguard and promote the future welfare of the child based on an individual assessment of that child’s best interests,


(f) providing a link between the child and any body or person who may provide services to the child, (g) assisting in establishing contact with members of the child’s family, where the child so wishes and it is in the child’s best interests, (h) accompanying the child to meetings or on other occasions.>

Jenny Marra

19 In section 8B, page 9, line 24, leave out and insert

Section 37

Jenny Marra

20 In section 37, page 30, line 17, at end insert— <( ) section 8B(7) which contain provision of a kind mentioned in paragraph (e) of that subsection,>

Section 41

Rhoda Grant

21 In section 41, page 31, line 7, after insert <(Criminalisation of the purchase of sexual services),>

Margaret Mitchell

22 In section 41, page 31, line 11, at end insert— <( ) Subsections (1) to (6) of section (Defence for victims of offences) may not come into force before the day on which regulations made under subsection (7) of that section come into force.>


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section H – New Documents

Subordinate Legislation

Laid only instruments

The following instrument was laid before the Parliament on 25 September 2015 and is not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (Commencement No. 1) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/344 (C.42)) laid under section 30(2) of the Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010

Committee Reports

The following report was published on 28 September 2015—

Public Audit Committee, 3rd Report, 2015 (Session 4): Report on Scotland’s colleges 2015 (SP Paper 796)

For further information on accessing committee reports, please contact the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)


Business Bulletin: Monday 28 September 2015 Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress A list of all Bills in progress can be accessed via the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics. As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. a Government, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2. Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(G) = Government Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Alcohol (Licensing, Public Health and Criminal Justice) (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Health and Sport)) 1 September 2015


Apologies (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Justice)) 8 September 2015

British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill (M) Passed 17 September 2015

Carers (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Health and Sport)) 15 September 2015 Stage 1 (Finance Committee) 30 September 2015

Community Justice (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Justice)) 22 September 2015 Stage 1 (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee) 29 September 2015 Stage 1 (Finance Committee) 30 September 2015

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 (Day 3) (Justice Committee) 29 September 2015

Criminal Verdicts (Scotland) Bill (M) Introduced 27 November 2013 Lead committee – Justice

Education (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Education and Culture)) 8 September 2015

Footway Parking and Double Parking (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Local Government and Regeneration)) 2 September 2015

Harbours (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 completed 16 September 2015 Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Health and Sport)) 22 September 2015 Stage 1 (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee) 29 September 2015 Stage 1 (Finance Committee) 30 September 2015

Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Education and Culture)) 23 June 2015 Stage 1 (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee) 29 September 2015

Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill (G) After Stage 2 (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee) 29 September 2015 Stage 3 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 1 October 2015

Inquiries into Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths etc. (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament)) 24 September 2015


Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament (Amendment) Bill (C) Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament)) 24 September 2015

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)) 30 September 2015 Stage 1 (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee) 29 September 2015

National Galleries of Scotland Bill (P) Stage 1 (lead committee (National Galleries of Scotland Bill)) 24 September 2015

Pentland Hills Regional Park Boundary Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Pentland Hills Regional Park Boundary Bill Committee)) 25 June 2015

Smoking Prohibition (Children in Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Health and Sport)) 15 September 2015

Succession (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Delegated Powers and Law Reform)) 29 September 2015

Transplantation (Authorisation of Removal of Organs etc.) (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Health and Sport)) 1 September 2015

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead committee to report by 9 October 2015

Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedules 4 and 5) Order 2015 [draft] (29 June 2015) (Devolution (Further Powers))

Qualifying Civil Partnership Modification (Scotland) Order 2015 [draft] (31 August 2015) (Equal Opportunities) (withdrawn and re-laid on 9 September 2015)

Mental Health (Detention in Conditions of Excessive Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 [draft] (31 August 2015) (Health and Sport)


Lead committee to report by 2 November 2015

International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 [draft] (8 September 2015) (Justice) (withdrawn and re-laid on 15 September 2015)

Lead committee to report by 11 November 2015

Renewables Obligation (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 [draft] (17 September 2015) (Economy, Energy and Tourism)

Environmental Regulation (Enforcement Measures) (Scotland) Order 2015 [draft] (17 September 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Lead committee to report by 12 November 2015

Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Supplementary Provision) Order 2015 [draft] (18 September 2015) (Justice)

Lead committee to report by 16 November 2015

Private Rented Housing Panel (Landlord Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 [draft] (22 September 2015) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Lead committee to report by 24 November 2015

Police Act 1997 and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 Remedial Order 2015 (SSI 2015/330) (10 September 2015)

Negative instruments

Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee.

Subject to annulment by 29 September 2015 Lead committee to report by 28 September 2015

Adults with Incapacity (Public Guardian’s Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/260) (17 June 2015) (Justice)

Court of Session etc. Fees Order 2015 (SSI 2015/261) (17 June 2015) (Justice)

High Court of Justiciary Fees Order 2015 (SSI 2015/262) (17 June 2015) (Justice)


Justice of the Peace Court Fees (Scotland) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/263) (17 June 2015) (Justice)

Sheriff Court Fees Order 2015 (SSI 2015/264) (17 June 2015) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 1 October 2015 Lead committee to report by 28 September 2015

Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Integration Joint Board Establishment) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/266) (19 June 2015) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 9 October 2015 Lead Committee to report by 5 October 2015

Wester Ross Marine Conservation Order 2015 (SSI 2015/302) (17 August 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

South Arran Marine Conservation Order 2014 (Urgent Continuation) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/303) (17 August 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh (Scotland) Amendment Order of Council 2015 (SSI 2015/305) (21 August 2015) (Education and Culture)

Subject to annulment by 27 October 2015 Lead Committee to report by 26 October 2015

Reservoirs (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/315) (2 September 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 28 October 2015 Lead Committee to report by 26 October 2015

Education (Assisted Places) (Scotland) Revocation Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/318) (3 September 2015) (Education and Culture)

Self-directed Support (Direct Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/319) (3 September 2015) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 29 October 2015 Lead Committee to report by 26 October 2015

Sea Fishing (EU Control Measures) (Scotland) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/320) (4 September 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Integration Joint Board Establishment) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/321) (4 September 2015) (Health and Sport)


Subject to annulment by 1 November 2015 Lead Committee to report by 26 October 2015

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Open-ended Investment Companies) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/322) (7 September 2015) (Finance)

Subject to annulment by 3 November 2015 Lead Committee to report by 2 November 2015

Water Environment (Relevant Enactments and Designation of Responsible Authorities and Functions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 (SSI 2015/323) (9 September 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Discontinuance of Legalised Police Cells (Scotland) Rules 2015 (SSI 2015/324) (9 September 2015) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 4 November 2015 Lead Committee to report by 2 November 2015

Police Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/325) (10 September 2015) (Justice)

Tuberculosis in Specified Animals (Scotland) Order 2015 (SSI 2015/327) (10 September 2015) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 5 November 2015 Lead Committee to report by 2 November 2015

Scheduled Monuments and Listed Buildings (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/328) (11 September 2015) (Education and Culture)

Subject to annulment by 11 November 2015 Lead Committee to report by 9 November 2015

National Health Service (Payments and Remission of Charges) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/333) (17 September 2015) (Health and Sport)

Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (Practice and Procedure) (No. 2) Amendment Rules 2015 (SSI 2015/334) (17 September 2015) (Health and Sport)

Legal Aid (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/337) (17 September 2015) (Justice)


Contacts for Further Information All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124

Committee web sites at: Delegated Powers and Law Reform 5175 Contact Devolution (Further Powers) 5931 Contact Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact Education and Culture 5222 Contact Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact European and External Relations 5226 Contact Finance 5451 Contact Health and Sport 5410 Contact Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact Justice 5047 Contact Justice Sub-Committee on Policing 5220 Contact Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact National Galleries of Scotland Bill 6234 Contact Public Audit 5236 Contact Public Petitions 5254 Contact Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact Welfare Reform 5320 Contact

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Published in Scotland by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

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