23Rd July 2017 the Liturgical Celebration Involves Signs and Symbols Relating to Crea- You Raise Us to the Branches of Your Tree
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WORD: GROWING IN FAITH & KNOWLEDGE OF FAITH The next Baptism Preparation Meeting is on Sunday July 23rd, 6pm, in St. Jo- seph’s Presbytery. Contact Fr. Paul or Fr. Alf before coming. RCIA/Journey in Faith continues on WEDNESDAY 19th JULY at 7pm. IF GOD IS CALLING YOU INTO THE CHURCH, or wish to deepen your understanding of the Faith, speak to Fr. Paul/Fr. Alf. CAFOD COLUMN; develop- NEXT SUNDAY’S (30/7/17) MINISTERS ment agency of the Catholic 6.30pm (St J) 9.30am (St. J) 11.00am OLSP) Church in England & Wales. Reader 1 P Sherry P Cunningham G Hennon Reader 2 : J Sherry A Nacca P Greenall E.M. 1 S Fitzsimons A Noonan D Tierney WELFARE; HELPING THOSE IN NEED NEAR & FAR Sw. Msza w sierpniu nie ma. Następna Sw. Msza w E.M. 2 M O’Neill K Kenny C Shore WELCOME: PARISH COMMUNITY There is a parish day trip to E.M. 3 J Matthews L Mather G Hennon nd niedzielę 3 września o York on the 2 August, costing c£25 per head with Mass at the Every Sunday there is Sunday lunch available in the Parish Centre for pen- E.M. 4 B Bennion B Doyle Bar Convent and lunch, at an extra cost in the Convent café. The sioners from 12noon. Diners can go in straight from the 9.30am Mass for a 16:00. E.M.5 S Robertson L Armstrong afternoon will be at leisure to explore the sights of this historical cuppa and stay for lunch, at just £3 a head. Just turn up and speak to Marie. E.M. 6 E McGarry city including York minster or even the chocolate tour amongst other attractions. If interested please put your name and contact Can any Parishioner help ? The SVP needs the use of an estate car/van to help to transport large quanti- Thank you once again for your details on the list in the porch. ties of foodstuffs for the Food Bank on Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday mornings. We still need some generous support of your parish: help with this. For details Gift Aid:£611.40 , Loose:£334.23, Developing World Fund:£63.17. Next WITNESSING TO CHRIST AND TO HIS GOSPEL contact the Presbytery Sunday there is a retiring collection This week’s Feasts: Mon: St Sharbel Makhlif, born in Lebanon, son of a mule driver, was raised by an uncle who opposed his youthful piety. Aged 23 he joined a for the buildings fund. monastery where he took the name Sharbel in memory of a 2nd century martyr. He was ordained in 1859; after which he lived as a model monk, but became a hermit in The Developing World 1875, until he died in 1898. He gained a reputation for holiness, and was much sought for Group meets Tuesday 8th Together, with time, talent, counsel and blessing. He had a great personal devotion to the Bl. Sacrament. August, 7.30pm, Presbytery. treasure; Body of Christ in Hey- Bll Nicholas Garlick, Robert Ludlam and Richard Simpson worked in Derbyshire before wood & beyond their arrest; they were held in Derby before execution under Elizabeth I in 1588. Bl Joseph The next meeting of the St. Our newly appointed parish Architect, Lambton, student of the Colleges in Rheims and Rome, was ordained aged 23 but was arrested Vincent de Paul Society is Dominic Roberts, will be making an on landing at Newcastle-on-Tyne; he was hanged, drawn and quartered in 1592. St John Boste, on Wednesday 26th July at inspection of St. Joseph’s Church, of Westmorland, worked in the North East, before being executed at Durham in 1594. 6.30pm in the Presbytery. Presbytery and Parish Centre this Tue: ST. JAMES, born Bethsaida, son of Zebedee, brother of John, was killed by Herod in Wednesday. Jerusalem in 42, and is especially venerated at Compostella. Wed: SS. Joachim and Anne: an old tradition going back to the second century gives these as Recognise anyone? Our parish story: From the Advertiser the names of the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Bl. John Ingram, ordained at the Lateran thanks to Darn Hill Library in Rome, worked first in Scotland. He was arrested after entering England, and, tried with Fr John Boste (24 July) was executed at Gateshead in 1594. Bl. George Swallowell, an Anglican priest reconciled to the Church was subsequently arrested and executed under Elizabeth I at Darlington in 1594. Bll Edward Thwing, OP, Robert Nutter, priests and martyrs were captured on arrival in England, but escaped and laboured for three years; arrested again in 1600, they were executed at Lancaster. Bl William Webster, priest and martyr, after ordination in his forties, worked in Lon- don, especially in London’s gaols, until priests were once more banished by Parliament in 1641; he was arrested, tried at the Old Bailey, and executed at Tyburn. Thu: Bl. Robert Sutton, of Burton-on-Trent, was martyred at Stafford in 1587 under Elizabeth I for being a priest. Bl. William Davies, born in North Wales, ordained in France, returned to minis- ter as a priest in Wales. In a secret printing press in a cave in the Little Orme in Llandudno he pro- duced the first book to be printed in Wales. He was arrested in Holyhead in 1592 while waiting for the ferry to Ireland and executed the same year at Beaumaris. Sat: St. Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus. She received the Lord into her house and provided for his needs with great care. At her request the Lord raised her brother from the dead. St. Laza- rus, the brother of Martha and Mary is also commemorated on this day. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church: (CCC1186-92) A Sonnet on this Sunday’s Gospel OUR LADY & ST. JOSEPH, HEYWOOD A church must be a space that invites us to the recollection and silent Least of all seeds; a singularity, partner with St. Joseph’s, Numan, Nigeria prayer that extend and internalize the great prayer of the Eucharist. Finally, Compete compression of the infinite, the church has an eschatological significance. To enter into the house of Parish Priest: Fr. Paul Daly, Still point containing all polarity, God, we cross a threshold, symbolizing passing from the world wounded by [email protected] sin to the world of the new Life to which all are called. The visible church is Sown in the field of being by your love. Simplicity begets the intricate; Assistant Priest: Fr. Alfred Rebello, a symbol of the Father's house toward which the People of God is journeying Fr. Raymond Danbonna (in residence) and where the Father "will wipe every tear from their eyes." Also for this A coming cosmos, waiting to explode, Flings out this whirling world in which we move, Fr. Tomasz Huzarek (in residence) reason, the Church is the house of all God's children, open and welcoming.. St. Joseph’s Presbytery, Mary St, OL10 1EG Tel: 369777 The liturgy is the work of the whole Christ, head and body. Our high Brings us to birth within our own abode. Chaplain - Fairfield Hospital: Fr. Andrew Starkie priest celebrates it unceasingly in the heavenly liturgy, with the Mary, apos- (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) tles, saints, and the multitude who’ve already entered the kingdom. So too your kingdom comes: a single seed Our Lady & St. Paul’s Presbytery, Argyle St, Heywood In a liturgical celebration, the whole assembly is leitourgos, each Too tiny to be seen, sown in the womb, PARISH WEBSITE www.catholicheywood.com member according to his own function. The baptismal priesthood is that of And then sown deeper still, to meet our need, the whole Body of Christ. But some of the faithful are ordained through the A second sowing in the stone cold tomb. sacrament of Holy Orders to represent Christ as head of the Body. Till in your spring and growth, alive and free, 23rd July 2017 The liturgical celebration involves signs and symbols relating to crea- You raise us to the branches of your tree. Date Mass, other Services and Parish Events Time Church From Parable and Paradox by Malcolm Guite tion (candles, water, fire), life (washing, anointing, breaking bread) and the Mass 9.30am St J history of salvation (the rites of the Passover). Integrated into the world of faith and taken up by the power of the Spirit, these cosmic SIXTEENTH SUNDAY Mass 11am OLSP elements, rituals, and gestures of remembrance of God become bearers of the saving and sanctifying action of Christ. Sung Eucharist 11am St J IN ORDINARY TIME The Liturgy of the Word is an integral part of the celebration. The meaning of the celebration is expressed by the Word of God Baptism of Georgia Grace Quinlan 1pm St J which is proclaimed and by the response of faith to it. Baptism of Cassia Enado 2pm St J Song and music are closely connected with the liturgical action. The criteria for their proper use are the beauty expressive of Baptism Preparation Meeting 6pm St J Presbytery prayer, the unanimous participation of the assembly, and the sacred character of the celebration. Monday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am Sacred images in our churches and homes awaken and nourish our faith in the mystery of Christ. Through the icon of Christ All at St J St. Sharbal Makhluf Mass 9.30am and his works of salvation, it is he whom we adore. Through images of the holy Mother of God, of the angels and saints, we venerate Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am the persons represented.