Herbert Hurst's Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow To

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Herbert Hurst's Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow To Herbert Hurst’s Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow to Buscot (College estates) Please note that this calendar was compiled 1898-1907, and therefore only makes reference to records dating 19th century or earlier. Volume 4 Burrow to Buscot Vol. 4 Burrow Deeds and papers relating to College estates at Burrow, Leicestershire Burrow 1 Lease undated c.1260 Grantor: Mathews, Prior of Kirkebi Grantee: John the son of Valfrid, the son of aylton? Grant by the unanimous will and consent of his monks &c. he has conceded and granted to J. (as above) for his homage and services a bovate of land in the fields of herberg, which Ingram of herberg sometimes held, with all its appertenances - paying to the monastery of St nicholas of Kirkeby, for all services and demands except seurage, 4s. of silver per annum, 2 at the nativity of St John Baptist and 2 at the feast of All Saints. For this grant and concession, John gave to the Priory 2 1/2 mark. Warranty. Sealing Clause. (Given at...omitted) Witnesses: Lord William of Erburg. Robert de Stoctun, William the son of nicholas the clerk, Robert de la kernal, Robert the son of nicholas, Richard the son of Galfrid, Robert Rave, William Wankelin, Thomas son of Galfrid and many others. Seal: Seal blue-black, diamond-shape, width about 1 1/4 in a Virgin and Child SANCTxxxxx ES VNICA Pt. 7 1/2" x 3 3/4" Tied to other documents Burrow 2 Grant of land undated c.1260 Grantor: Robert de la Kerneyl of Burgh, son of Galfrid de la Kerneyl of Burgh Grantee: Robert son of Galfrid fitz aylmer of Burgh Grant of half an acre of land in the territory of Burgh upon miccilberuhill beyond the road, viz. that between the land of Ralph of Ringisdon and the land of Symon of Chevenchurch(?) paying annually to the house of the Hospitallers of St John of nawby 6 pennies, 3 at Easter and 3 at St nicholas. Warranty. Sealing clause. Witnesses: Roger de Ling of Burgh, Robert son of nicholas, Simon of Chevenchurch, John of Newbolth, Galfrid of Somerdeby, Robert son of Hugo of Mardefed <for-feld?> Robert the son of William and others. Seal: Seal, red, haces only Herbert Hurst’s Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow to Buscot (College estates) Pt. 7 3/4" x 2 3/4" Tied to 52.104 (see press mark) Burrow 3 Grant of land undated c.1280 Grantor: Robert le Kernel son of Galfrid de Burgh Grantee: Robert the son of Galfrid of the same village Grant for his homage and service, one acre of land in the territory of burgh with two holms at the end of the acre & 1 holm upon Haliwellebach, with all appurtenances, viz: the acre lying between the land which Galfrid the son of Robert held on one side and hodeclive on the other. Rent 1 penny of silver at michaelmas for all services. For this grant R. gave him as earnest money 19s. of silver. Warranty. Witnesses: William of Mardefeld, John de Newbold, Robert the son of William de Burgh, Galfrid the son of Galfrid of Somerdeby, Robert his son, Robert the son of nicholas de Burgh and others. Seal: large, white wuth fleur de lis xxxx xKARN Pt. 6" x 3 3/4" Tied to other documents Burrow 4 Quitclaim rent undated c.1290 Grantor: Galfrid de la Ryninyl of Erdburgh Grantee: Galfrid the son of Robert of Erdburgh To all his right in 1 1/2d annual rent which 1 penny and which halfpenny G used to pay to him for 5 roods of land in the fields of Erburow. Sealing clause. Witnesses: John le Stocton of Erburgh, Robert de Stocton of same, Roger Cok of same, William de Ideston of same, Robert the son of Walter of the same and others. Seal: gone Pt. 8" x 2 1/2" Burrow 4x Grant 1293 John de Stocton of Erdeburgh grants to William de Burgh, clerk Seal gone Burrow 5 Quitclaim tenement 10 Apr 1300 Grantor: John de Stocton in Erdeburgh Grantee: Peter the son of Galfrid in Erdeburg To all right and title he has &c. in a tenement which Peter holds of the Priory house of Munkes kirkeby for services of all kinds which he (J de S) claims against the said house, so that he will never proceed against him for the services. Sealing clause. Given on Easter day in the 28th year of the reign of Edward the son of King Henry. Herbert Hurst’s Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow to Buscot (College estates) Witnesses: Robert de Stocton in Erdeburgh, William de aylston of same, John Ede of Mardefeld, William Hacheman of Somerdeby, John le noble of the same and many others. (Has slip and tying slip joined) Seal: Small, dark green, a squirrel S xIURARENOIx(?) legend not clear Pt. 7 3/4" x 2 3/4" Tied to other documents Burrow 6 Grant 1315/6 Grantor: Robert Pynsonn of Esthburgh Grantee: William Ayer son of John Ayer of Corph near Langtone Grant: for W. as life and for a certain sum of money paid by him into his hands 4a of meadow in the fields of Endeburgh i.e. 2a. at Sleytinburgh and 2a in Sleynigham and all the tenement which John Radolph held of him (R.P) in the same village and fields i.e. the entire messuage, one bovate(?) of land with 4a of arable land and 2 3/4 roods of meadow, of the which 4a two are in Langelondis, 2a upon Winebrigge 1/2a upon Strondindis. rent a rose on feast of St John B. Warranty. Bond of 50s silver. Given at Edinburgh on the day of S. Madre (?) apostle (as above) Witnesses: Robert de Stokton of Erdeburgh, John de Stokton of Erdeburgh, John Ayer of Josph (Thorp) Lord Robert de ly Mer, alan the son of Ralph of Erdeburgh and others. Remarks: Seal a remnant, dark colours, hid to its ship. Burrow 7 Quitclaim to Rent 1320 Grantor: John de Newland of Burgh Grantee: Philip Cusin of Burgh to 1d farm, and homage and all service owing him annually on the parish of burgh from the toft which Robert le Waleys once held. Sealing clause. no date. Witnesses: Gilbert blainchard, John Plant, simon batentae John de Heglintory, Gilbert de Scheggenet, WIlliam his brother Remarks: Horn coloured tough, large, poor impression (drawing). Pt. 8 1/2 x 1 1/2" Burrow 8 Grant of Land 1320 Grantor: John son of alan de neuland of Burgh Grantee: Philip son of Richard Ruskin of Burgh Grant: for his homage and service, a certain piece of land with its appurtenances lying in the parish of ST Peter of Burgh position described, Rent a silver penny Herbert Hurst’s Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow to Buscot (College estates) per annum on St James' day <25 July> warranty. Ph: gave him 11s of silver for this concession. Witnesses: Robert de Pereresm William son of William de Croft, WIlliam son of Thomas, William de Burgh, Philip the son of John de Burgh, John Blanchard, William the clerk Remarks: pendant slips alone left. Pt. 7 3/4 x 2 1/4 Burrow 9 Quitclaim 03 May 1321 Grantor: Robert Sabyn of Ertheburgh Grantee: William of Tayford Grant: R.S quitclaims and gives wh, for himself and heirs, and assigns to William son of Thomas of Tayford his heirs, all right, title and claim which he has has in a Bovate of Land and in one acre of meadow and in the half of an acre of meadow with belongings in Ertheburgh also in a Rent of three-halfpence to Warranty. Guven at Erthebury, Wednesday next to the Invention of the Cross (year as above). Witnesses: Dns Henry Prior of the Church pf Sedburgh, John of Stocton, Robert Pynson, William of Adeston, William od Stocton the clerk, and many others. Remarks: Seal gone, has typing strap. Pt. 10" x 2 1/2" Burrow 10 Quitclaim 20 Jul 1322 Grantor: William the son of Thomas of Twyford Grantee: John Cole To all right and title which he has....in one bovate of land with all ways (chenettis) meadows, pastures, pasturage, conveniences, the land which Galfrid Cole held for his lifetime by the grant of Robert Gabyn. Witnesses: John de Streton of Erdeburgh, Robert Pingon of the same, William de Lyleston, Galfrid ate Kyrkstyle, WIlliam de Stocton clerk and many others Remarks: of white wax - paces - gone. Pt. 11 x 3 1/2 Burrow 11 Grant 16 Nov 1330 Grantor: Robert (Prinsown) Grantee: John Wright and Maria his wife Grant: For their lives of 3a 1 1/2 roods of arable land with all their appurtenances in Etheburgh lying in the fields of Ertheburgh viz in benochstone 1 1/2 roods, upon Wytlondes 1 1/2; upon Wellech it 2 1/2 eoods; and 5 noods butting into portegate and into Hestropscke. for ever, paying to Robert Pingon a now flower at the feast of the nativity of St John the Baptist for all secular service. Warranty sealing clease. Given at Entheburgh on the feast of St Edmund archbishop (as above). Herbert Hurst’s Calendar of Muniments Volume 4 Burrow to Buscot (College estates) Witnesses: Robert de Stocton of Rstheburgh, Galfrid atlestele, John Cote, William de STocton and many others. Remarks: Seal lost. Pt. 8" x 3 3/4" Burrow 12 Bequest 01 Aug 1331 Grantor: William Ayer, Chaplain Grantee: Richard Ayer his broter, & Johanna his wife Grant: at the end of his life, the lands meadows and tenements which he had of the gift and feoffment of Robert Pinsown pf Erdeborow in the town and fields of Erdeborow, viz a bovate of land with meadow & 4a of land and 2 1/2 n.
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