Developing Safer and New Cycle, and Walking Paths around .

Meeting: 27th September 10.30 Liskeard Town Council.


Cllr C. Whitty, Liskeard Town Council

Cllr D. Ambler, Liskeard Town Council and Liskeard Town Forum.

Yvette Hayward, deputy Town Clerk

Megan Evans, Liskeard Velo

Lorna Shurbshole, and Peter Murnaghan, Liskeard Walkers are Welcome. Apologies Ann Kinahan – Liskeard Velo

Sue Jewell – SECTA

Cllr I Barlow and Cllr S Cassidy.

Review of current walks

Walk 4 was discussed and the requirement to update the walking map to avoid walkers entering a Liskeard residents’ property. This issue had been resolved through LTC C&E with an update to the walk.

Action: Liskeard TIC are collating comments on all the guided walks, with the intention to review them early in 2020 before any new print runs. New print runs are not being considered before next year.

Action: D.Ambler to liaise with Sue Pike to understand the status of the path under the viaduct from Coombe. It is believed this is a permissive way, and its protection is sought. Evidence is required that this walk has been used for over twenty years.

A dog bin has been suggested for this path.

Action: D. Ambler to chase up the status of the styles and fences that were awaiting repair.

Suggestion of new walk following water fountains and rivers in the area.

A resident has suggested a new walk based around the water wells and rivers feeding Liskeard. The resident is encouraged to develop this idea.

Liskeard Town Council.

Action: D.Ambler to contact the resident and encourage the development of this walk.

Cycle paths - update on work to improve connection between Old Road and New Road at Moorswater. Update on cycle locks.

Cllr I Barlow had investigated the provision of cycle locking points around Liskeard. This work was substantial and his report was provided to the meeting.

YH stated that Council had agreed to replace the lost cycle locking points, (Sheffield Stands) on The Parade. A conversation over the most appropriate location for these locks is ongoing.

Action: Megan Evans to liaise with Liskeard Cyclists over suggested locations for improving the number of cycle locking points in Liskeard. Baytree hill was noted as a difficult area to improve? Cllr I. Barlow report to be circulated.

The steps between Old Road and New Road at Moorswater were discussed.

Action: Megan Evans to provide a letter from Liskeard Velo in support of an improvement to this path.

Review of Walkers are Welcome Survey David reported that he had asked Liskeard TIC whether anyone had completed the Walkers are Welcome survey. This information was not available at the time of the meeting.

Action: D.Ambler to liaise with Liskeard TIC and discuss how to promote the survey.

A.O.B Lorna raised the Liskeard to Cycle way and requested an update.

Action: D.Ambler and YH to investigate an update.

Lorna also raised the issue of paths within the town between various estates.

It was suggested that these path improvements were driven on a case by case basis, with community engagement. It was noted that Facilities were progressing the footpath between Springfield road and Eastern Avenue.

Liskeard Town Council.