Declaration Amendment of National Road N12 Section 7
STAATSKOERANT, 15 MEl 2009 No.32177 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT No. 460 15 May 2009 THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LIMITED Registration No: 98109584100 DECLARATION AMENDMENT OF NATIONAL ROAD N12 SECTION 7 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION No. 631 OF 2005 By virtue of section 40(1 )(b) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and the National Roads Act, 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998), I hereby amend Declaration No. 631 of 2005, by substituting the descriptive section of the route from Britstown up to Strydenburg, with the subjoined sheets 1 to 23 of Plan No. P703/08. (National Road N12 Section 7: Brltstown - Strydenburg) MIISTER OF TRANSPORT + .,r:P + ':J. .." ':J. ... (i) ~' ~'tr -t,o G x BRITSTOWN r:n ;.;~ 424 r:n BRITSTOWN o "m N1216 $! OECLARA TI ON z .:-! PLAN No. P121/08 x+ 01 ':J. s: ar:P ~cP6' !!! , ..'b REM ERr 424 III ... o " !5 stel die podreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel von Suid-Afrikoonse Podrood Die figuur getoon 0 Sheet of 23 z ". ~ .. " '* .. o. ........................ represents the rood reserve of portion von Nosionole Roete Seksie !' South African Roods Boord ::::: :::::: :::: ::::::: The figure shown ......... "' ......... " ...... N12 7 P c.J am of Notional Route Section P703/08 III..... D.D.9.A ::j C7I (1) z ~ ® c.l o N..... -.,j BRITSTOWN ERF 1545 -.,j ERF 1550 REM ERF 424 1 1ft! 4<:1 r:.@ '" f.u '( ~ L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 ...., '" . .. .. ~ .. '.'.•.•.•.••.••••.••..•.••.••.••••.•.••.•••••.•••• ' .•••..••.•••. -;--;-;' ..••..•.•.••...••.••••• '.'•••.••.•••••••••• ' .••.•.• '~.'.'.'.'. '.' .~;';'.'.'.'. 0;':-;':'" ••.••••••' 4·~· .......·.·.·.·......:~~:. ~ .~...............................,.~.~ ...,.". " ~ "' " .. .. .. "-- ... 'iI; ....................... ~...... IV;; ..............•.... '~3' .;,.' .......................R~' ... :.:. ............. 'R'5t:::fRS' ........: ........ ~ ~ ~ . REM .,;, REM ERF 424 ERF 424 .. '( ~4<:1 ?OO x x / G) L11 t.
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